969 resultados para Linear function
We present a detailed analysis of the application of a multi-scale Hierarchical Reconstruction method for solving a family of ill-posed linear inverse problems. When the observations on the unknown quantity of interest and the observation operators are known, these inverse problems are concerned with the recovery of the unknown from its observations. Although the observation operators we consider are linear, they are inevitably ill-posed in various ways. We recall in this context the classical Tikhonov regularization method with a stabilizing function which targets the specific ill-posedness from the observation operators and preserves desired features of the unknown. Having studied the mechanism of the Tikhonov regularization, we propose a multi-scale generalization to the Tikhonov regularization method, so-called the Hierarchical Reconstruction (HR) method. First introduction of the HR method can be traced back to the Hierarchical Decomposition method in Image Processing. The HR method successively extracts information from the previous hierarchical residual to the current hierarchical term at a finer hierarchical scale. As the sum of all the hierarchical terms, the hierarchical sum from the HR method provides an reasonable approximate solution to the unknown, when the observation matrix satisfies certain conditions with specific stabilizing functions. When compared to the Tikhonov regularization method on solving the same inverse problems, the HR method is shown to be able to decrease the total number of iterations, reduce the approximation error, and offer self control of the approximation distance between the hierarchical sum and the unknown, thanks to using a ladder of finitely many hierarchical scales. We report numerical experiments supporting our claims on these advantages the HR method has over the Tikhonov regularization method.
The municipal management in any country of the globe requires planning and allocation of resources evenly. In Brazil, the Law of Budgetary Guidelines (LDO) guides municipal managers toward that balance. This research develops a model that seeks to find the balance of the allocation of public resources in Brazilian municipalities, considering the LDO as a parameter. For this using statistical techniques and multicriteria analysis as a first step in order to define allocation strategies, based on the technical aspects arising from the municipal manager. In a second step, presented in linear programming based optimization where the objective function is derived from the preference of the results of the manager and his staff. The statistical representation is presented to support multicriteria development in the definition of replacement rates through time series. The multicriteria analysis was structured by defining the criteria, alternatives and the application of UTASTAR methods to calculate replacement rates. After these initial settings, an application of linear programming was developed to find the optimal allocation of enforcement resources of the municipal budget. Data from the budget of a municipality in southwestern Paraná were studied in the application of the model and analysis of results.
BACKGROUND: Regional differences in physician supply can be found in many health care systems, regardless of their organizational and financial structure. A theoretical model is developed for the physicians' decision on office allocation, covering demand-side factors and a consumption time function. METHODS: To test the propositions following the theoretical model, generalized linear models were estimated to explain differences in 412 German districts. Various factors found in the literature were included to control for physicians' regional preferences. RESULTS: Evidence in favor of the first three propositions of the theoretical model could be found. Specialists show a stronger association to higher populated districts than GPs. Although indicators for regional preferences are significantly correlated with physician density, their coefficients are not as high as population density. CONCLUSIONS: If regional disparities should be addressed by political actions, the focus should be to counteract those parameters representing physicians' preferences in over- and undersupplied regions.
The presence of gap junction coupling among neurons of the central nervous systems has been appreciated for some time now. In recent years there has been an upsurge of interest from the mathematical community in understanding the contribution of these direct electrical connections between cells to large-scale brain rhythms. Here we analyze a class of exactly soluble single neuron models, capable of producing realistic action potential shapes, that can be used as the basis for understanding dynamics at the network level. This work focuses on planar piece-wise linear models that can mimic the firing response of several different cell types. Under constant current injection the periodic response and phase response curve (PRC) is calculated in closed form. A simple formula for the stability of a periodic orbit is found using Floquet theory. From the calculated PRC and the periodic orbit a phase interaction function is constructed that allows the investigation of phase-locked network states using the theory of weakly coupled oscillators. For large networks with global gap junction connectivity we develop a theory of strong coupling instabilities of the homogeneous, synchronous and splay state. For a piece-wise linear caricature of the Morris-Lecar model, with oscillations arising from a homoclinic bifurcation, we show that large amplitude oscillations in the mean membrane potential are organized around such unstable orbits.
International audience
Estudou-se atraves de um experimento em blocos ao acaso, os efeitos de quatro niveis de nitrogenio, em diferentes condicoes de umidade, sobre os estagios de crescimento, embonecamento, formacao de graos e prdutividade do milho (Zea mays L.) e as relacoes entre a produtividade e os tres primeiros estagios. Os fatores da resposta de producaobaseados na equacao de Doorenbos e Kassam variaram acentuadamente, nao so com os diferentes estatios de crescimento, mas tambem com diferentes niveis de nitrogenio e os diferentes niveis de agua. Assim, esta equacao nao pareceu ser valida para explicar a resposta de produtividade a niveis de agua. Sugeriu-se um equacao linear modificada. Nesta equacao, a intercessao K1 e inclinacao K2 sao os fatores da resposta de producao. Estes fatores para a cultura do milho foram desenvolvidos para todos os quatro estagios de crescimento e nveis de nitrogenio. Pode-se obter uma eficiencia media do uso de agua, em termos de produtividade, de, aproximadamente, 57,5 kg/ha-cm de agua, sendo, contudo, pequeno o incremento, em face dos niveis crescentes de nitrogenio aplicado ate 120 kg/ha. Os coeficientes de cutura (Kc) calculados estao muito abaixo da estimativa da FAO, para todos os niveis de nitrogenio. Por essa razao, deve haver consideravel economica de agua se estes coeficientes forem usados em lugar da estimativa da FAO. A informacao mostradapode imediatamente ser utilizada para turno de irrigacao e para projetos de irrigacao suplementar planejado para as condicoes doe Nordeste do Brasil.
Development of new scenario decomposition techniques for linear and nonlinear stochastic programming
Une approche classique pour traiter les problèmes d’optimisation avec incertitude à deux- et multi-étapes est d’utiliser l’analyse par scénario. Pour ce faire, l’incertitude de certaines données du problème est modélisée par vecteurs aléatoires avec des supports finis spécifiques aux étapes. Chacune de ces réalisations représente un scénario. En utilisant des scénarios, il est possible d’étudier des versions plus simples (sous-problèmes) du problème original. Comme technique de décomposition par scénario, l’algorithme de recouvrement progressif est une des méthodes les plus populaires pour résoudre les problèmes de programmation stochastique multi-étapes. Malgré la décomposition complète par scénario, l’efficacité de la méthode du recouvrement progressif est très sensible à certains aspects pratiques, tels que le choix du paramètre de pénalisation et la manipulation du terme quadratique dans la fonction objectif du lagrangien augmenté. Pour le choix du paramètre de pénalisation, nous examinons quelques-unes des méthodes populaires, et nous proposons une nouvelle stratégie adaptive qui vise à mieux suivre le processus de l’algorithme. Des expériences numériques sur des exemples de problèmes stochastiques linéaires multi-étapes suggèrent que la plupart des techniques existantes peuvent présenter une convergence prématurée à une solution sous-optimale ou converger vers la solution optimale, mais avec un taux très lent. En revanche, la nouvelle stratégie paraît robuste et efficace. Elle a convergé vers l’optimalité dans toutes nos expériences et a été la plus rapide dans la plupart des cas. Pour la question de la manipulation du terme quadratique, nous faisons une revue des techniques existantes et nous proposons l’idée de remplacer le terme quadratique par un terme linéaire. Bien que qu’il nous reste encore à tester notre méthode, nous avons l’intuition qu’elle réduira certaines difficultés numériques et théoriques de la méthode de recouvrement progressif.
Development of new scenario decomposition techniques for linear and nonlinear stochastic programming
Une approche classique pour traiter les problèmes d’optimisation avec incertitude à deux- et multi-étapes est d’utiliser l’analyse par scénario. Pour ce faire, l’incertitude de certaines données du problème est modélisée par vecteurs aléatoires avec des supports finis spécifiques aux étapes. Chacune de ces réalisations représente un scénario. En utilisant des scénarios, il est possible d’étudier des versions plus simples (sous-problèmes) du problème original. Comme technique de décomposition par scénario, l’algorithme de recouvrement progressif est une des méthodes les plus populaires pour résoudre les problèmes de programmation stochastique multi-étapes. Malgré la décomposition complète par scénario, l’efficacité de la méthode du recouvrement progressif est très sensible à certains aspects pratiques, tels que le choix du paramètre de pénalisation et la manipulation du terme quadratique dans la fonction objectif du lagrangien augmenté. Pour le choix du paramètre de pénalisation, nous examinons quelques-unes des méthodes populaires, et nous proposons une nouvelle stratégie adaptive qui vise à mieux suivre le processus de l’algorithme. Des expériences numériques sur des exemples de problèmes stochastiques linéaires multi-étapes suggèrent que la plupart des techniques existantes peuvent présenter une convergence prématurée à une solution sous-optimale ou converger vers la solution optimale, mais avec un taux très lent. En revanche, la nouvelle stratégie paraît robuste et efficace. Elle a convergé vers l’optimalité dans toutes nos expériences et a été la plus rapide dans la plupart des cas. Pour la question de la manipulation du terme quadratique, nous faisons une revue des techniques existantes et nous proposons l’idée de remplacer le terme quadratique par un terme linéaire. Bien que qu’il nous reste encore à tester notre méthode, nous avons l’intuition qu’elle réduira certaines difficultés numériques et théoriques de la méthode de recouvrement progressif.
We treat the problem of existence of a location-then-price equilibrium in the circle model with a linear quadratic type of transportation cost function which can be either convex or concave. We show the existence of a unique perfect equilibrium for the concave case when the linear and quadratic terms are equal and of a unique perfect equilibrium for the convex case when the linear term is equal to zero. Aside from these two cases, there are feasible locations by the firms for which no equilibrium in the price subgame exists. Finally, we provide a full taxonomy of the price equilibrium regions in terms of weights of the linear and quadratic terms in the cost function.
In this paper, a real-time optimal control technique for non-linear plants is proposed. The control system makes use of the cell-mapping (CM) techniques, widely used for the global analysis of highly non-linear systems. The CM framework is employed for designing approximate optimal controllers via a control variable discretization. Furthermore, CM-based designs can be improved by the use of supervised feedforward artificial neural networks (ANNs), which have proved to be universal and efficient tools for function approximation, providing also very fast responses. The quantitative nature of the approximate CM solutions fits very well with ANNs characteristics. Here, we propose several control architectures which combine, in a different manner, supervised neural networks and CM control algorithms. On the one hand, different CM control laws computed for various target objectives can be employed for training a neural network, explicitly including the target information in the input vectors. This way, tracking problems, in addition to regulation ones, can be addressed in a fast and unified manner, obtaining smooth, averaged and global feedback control laws. On the other hand, adjoining CM and ANNs are also combined into a hybrid architecture to address problems where accuracy and real-time response are critical. Finally, some optimal control problems are solved with the proposed CM, neural and hybrid techniques, illustrating their good performance.
Résumé : Les ions hydronium (H3O + ) sont formés, à temps courts, dans les grappes ou le long des trajectoires de la radiolyse de l'eau par des rayonnements ionisants à faible transfert d’énergie linéaire (TEL) ou à TEL élevé. Cette formation in situ de H3O + rend la région des grappes/trajectoires du rayonnement temporairement plus acide que le milieu environnant. Bien que des preuves expérimentales de l’acidité d’une grappe aient déjà été signalées, il n'y a que des informations fragmentaires quant à son ampleur et sa dépendance en temps. Dans ce travail, nous déterminons les concentrations en H3O + et les valeurs de pH correspondantes en fonction du temps à partir des rendements de H3O + calculés à l’aide de simulations Monte Carlo de la chimie intervenant dans les trajectoires. Quatre ions incidents de différents TEL ont été sélectionnés et deux modèles de grappe/trajectoire ont été utilisés : 1) un modèle de grappe isolée "sphérique" (faible TEL) et 2) un modèle de trajectoire "cylindrique" (TEL élevé). Dans tous les cas étudiés, un effet de pH acide brusque transitoire, que nous appelons un effet de "pic acide", est observé immédiatement après l’irradiation. Cet effet ne semble pas avoir été exploré dans l'eau ou un milieu cellulaire soumis à un rayonnement ionisant, en particulier à haut TEL. À cet égard, ce travail soulève des questions sur les implications possibles de cet effet en radiobiologie, dont certaines sont évoquées brièvement. Nos calculs ont ensuite été étendus à l’étude de l'influence de la température, de 25 à 350 °C, sur la formation in situ d’ions H3O + et l’effet de pic acide qui intervient à temps courts lors de la radiolyse de l’eau à faible TEL. Les résultats montrent une augmentation marquée de la réponse de pic acide à hautes températures. Comme de nombreux processus intervenant dans le cœur d’un réacteur nucléaire refroidi à l'eau dépendent de façon critique du pH, la question ici est de savoir si ces fortes variations d’acidité, même si elles sont hautement localisées et transitoires, contribuent à la corrosion et l’endommagement des matériaux.
We generalize the Liapunov convexity theorem's version for vectorial control systems driven by linear ODEs of first-order p = 1 , in any dimension d ∈ N , by including a pointwise state-constraint. More precisely, given a x ‾ ( ⋅ ) ∈ W p , 1 ( [ a , b ] , R d ) solving the convexified p-th order differential inclusion L p x ‾ ( t ) ∈ co { u 0 ( t ) , u 1 ( t ) , … , u m ( t ) } a.e., consider the general problem consisting in finding bang-bang solutions (i.e. L p x ˆ ( t ) ∈ { u 0 ( t ) , u 1 ( t ) , … , u m ( t ) } a.e.) under the same boundary-data, x ˆ ( k ) ( a ) = x ‾ ( k ) ( a ) & x ˆ ( k ) ( b ) = x ‾ ( k ) ( b ) ( k = 0 , 1 , … , p − 1 ); but restricted, moreover, by a pointwise state constraint of the type 〈 x ˆ ( t ) , ω 〉 ≤ 〈 x ‾ ( t ) , ω 〉 ∀ t ∈ [ a , b ] (e.g. ω = ( 1 , 0 , … , 0 ) yielding x ˆ 1 ( t ) ≤ x ‾ 1 ( t ) ). Previous results in the scalar d = 1 case were the pioneering Amar & Cellina paper (dealing with L p x ( ⋅ ) = x ′ ( ⋅ ) ), followed by Cerf & Mariconda results, who solved the general case of linear differential operators L p of order p ≥ 2 with C 0 ( [ a , b ] ) -coefficients. This paper is dedicated to: focus on the missing case p = 1 , i.e. using L p x ( ⋅ ) = x ′ ( ⋅ ) + A ( ⋅ ) x ( ⋅ ) ; generalize the dimension of x ( ⋅ ) , from the scalar case d = 1 to the vectorial d ∈ N case; weaken the coefficients, from continuous to integrable, so that A ( ⋅ ) now becomes a d × d -integrable matrix; and allow the directional vector ω to become a moving AC function ω ( ⋅ ) . Previous vectorial results had constant ω, no matrix (i.e. A ( ⋅ ) ≡ 0 ) and considered: constant control-vertices (Amar & Mariconda) and, more recently, integrable control-vertices (ourselves).
In this thesis, a tube-based Distributed Economic Predictive Control (DEPC) scheme is presented for a group of dynamically coupled linear subsystems. These subsystems are components of a large scale system and control inputs are computed based on optimizing a local economic objective. Each subsystem is interacting with its neighbors by sending its future reference trajectory, at each sampling time. It solves a local optimization problem in parallel, based on the received future reference trajectories of the other subsystems. To ensure recursive feasibility and a performance bound, each subsystem is constrained to not deviate too much from its communicated reference trajectory. This difference between the plan trajectory and the communicated one is interpreted as a disturbance on the local level. Then, to ensure the satisfaction of both state and input constraints, they are tightened by considering explicitly the effect of these local disturbances. The proposed approach averages over all possible disturbances, handles tightened state and input constraints, while satisfies the compatibility constraints to guarantee that the actual trajectory lies within a certain bound in the neighborhood of the reference one. Each subsystem is optimizing a local arbitrary economic objective function in parallel while considering a local terminal constraint to guarantee recursive feasibility. In this framework, economic performance guarantees for a tube-based distributed predictive control (DPC) scheme are developed rigorously. It is presented that the closed-loop nominal subsystem has a robust average performance bound locally which is no worse than that of a local robust steady state. Since a robust algorithm is applying on the states of the real (with disturbances) subsystems, this bound can be interpreted as an average performance result for the real closed-loop system. To this end, we present our outcomes on local and global performance, illustrated by a numerical example.
The main topic of this thesis is confounding in linear regression models. It arises when a relationship between an observed process, the covariate, and an outcome process, the response, is influenced by an unmeasured process, the confounder, associated with both. Consequently, the estimators for the regression coefficients of the measured covariates might be severely biased, less efficient and characterized by misleading interpretations. Confounding is an issue when the primary target of the work is the estimation of the regression parameters. The central point of the dissertation is the evaluation of the sampling properties of parameter estimators. This work aims to extend the spatial confounding framework to general structured settings and to understand the behaviour of confounding as a function of the data generating process structure parameters in several scenarios focusing on the joint covariate-confounder structure. In line with the spatial statistics literature, our purpose is to quantify the sampling properties of the regression coefficient estimators and, in turn, to identify the most prominent quantities depending on the generative mechanism impacting confounding. Once the sampling properties of the estimator conditionally on the covariate process are derived as ratios of dependent quadratic forms in Gaussian random variables, we provide an analytic expression of the marginal sampling properties of the estimator using Carlson’s R function. Additionally, we propose a representative quantity for the magnitude of confounding as a proxy of the bias, its first-order Laplace approximation. To conclude, we work under several frameworks considering spatial and temporal data with specific assumptions regarding the covariance and cross-covariance functions used to generate the processes involved. This study allows us to claim that the variability of the confounder-covariate interaction and of the covariate plays the most relevant role in determining the principal marker of the magnitude of confounding.
In this study, we investigated the effect of low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLr) deficiency on gap junctional connexin 36 (Cx36) islet content and on the functional and growth response of pancreatic beta-cells in C57BL/6 mice fed a high-fat (HF) diet. After 60 days on regular or HF diet, the metabolic state and morphometric islet parameters of wild-type (WT) and LDLr-/- mice were assessed. HF diet-fed WT animals became obese and hypercholesterolaemic as well as hyperglycaemic, hyperinsulinaemic, glucose intolerant and insulin resistant, characterizing them as prediabetic. Also they showed a significant decrease in beta-cell secretory response to glucose. Overall, LDLr-/- mice displayed greater susceptibility to HF diet as judged by their marked cholesterolaemia, intolerance to glucose and pronounced decrease in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. HF diet induced similarly in WT and LDLr-/- mice, a significant decrease in Cx36 beta-cell content as revealed by immunoblotting. Prediabetic WT mice displayed marked increase in beta-cell mass mainly due to beta-cell hypertrophy/replication. Nevertheless, HF diet-fed LDLr-/- mice showed no significant changes in beta-cell mass, but lower islet-duct association (neogenesis) and higher beta-cell apoptosis index were seen as compared to controls. The higher metabolic susceptibility to HF diet of LDLr-/- mice may be explained by a deficiency in insulin secretory response to glucose associated with lack of compensatory beta-cell expansion.