942 resultados para Lesões por esforços repetitivos


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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Communication presented at the HPV 2015, 30th International Papillomavirus Conference, 17-21 September, Lisbon, Portugal.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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Road Traffic accidents are the leading cause of violent death and a major cause of death and sequelae in young and economically active population in developed and developing countries. Numbers that can only be compared to wars, which exemplifies the consequences of these lesions in economic and social terms. In 2002, about 1.2 million people died in traffic accidents, and in 2020, it is estimated that this number will double according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Only a small percentage of these are generated by vehicle faults or adverse conditions. The vast majority of accidents are caused by carelessness, negligence or malpractice of drivers or pedestrians, which makes the reconstruction of accidents a key step in the investigation and prevention of further accidents.


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Esta pesquisa é uma proposta de aproximação das diversas áreas de conhecimento e flexibilização de suas fronteiras, a fim de estabelecer interfaces entre os diversos campos conceituais engendrando novas práticas que ensejam formas mais abrangentes e holísticas de aproximação com a realidade. Através da avaliação da qualidade de vida, suporte social e sua relação com o absenteísmo por lesão ocupacional. Materiais e Métodos: Participaram desta pesquisa 47 trabalhadores, do sexo masculino, com idade variável entre 30 e 60 anos, que trabalham no setor de centrifugação dentro de uma fundição em uma indústria metalúrgica do ramo de autopeças em São Bernardo do Campo. Instrumentos: Foi analisado o prontuário médico de cada um desses trabalhadores, sendo analisadas como variáveis: se esses trabalhadores apresentaram lesões ocupacionais avaliadas e diagnosticadas pelos médicos. Avaliação de um questionário social, composto por quatro questões abertas: idade, nível de escolaridade, estado civil e número de dependentes. Instrumento de Avaliação da Qualidade de Vida WHOQOL Bref. e Instrumento de Avaliação de Suporte Social: Escala de percepção de suporte social (EPSS). Análise dos Resultados: Os dados coletados dos prontuários foram agrupados em quatro grupos chamados de: grupo de absenteísmo 1, grupo de absenteísmo 2, grupo de absenteísmo 3 e grupo de absenteísmo 4. Sendo o primeiro composto por 15 trabalhadores que não apresentaram lesões ocupacionais. O segundo grupo composto por 10 trabalhadores apresentou de uma hora até seiscentas horas de absenteísmo por lesão ocupacional. O terceiro grupo composto por 11 trabalhadores apresentou absenteísmo de seiscentas e uma horas até mil horas, e o quarto grupo constituído de 11 trabalhadores tiveram absenteísmo superior a mil horas. Resultados: Nas comparações entre os grupos de absenteísmo e as variáveis do questionário social não foram encontradas diferenças significantemente estatística, o mesmo tendo ocorrido na comparação entre grupos de absenteísmo e os escores do EPSS Analisando os grupos de absenteísmo e os domínios do WHOQOL Bref. Foi detectada diferença com significância estatística de P = 0,01 maior dentro do domínio físico no grupo de absenteísmo 1 que não apresentou absenteísmo em relação ao grupo de absenteísmo 4 com maior número de absenteísmo. Conclusão: Visto que as lesões ocupacionais interferem na qualidade de vida dos indivíduos, o que se pode constatar é que o modelo biomédico ainda é muito forte, principalmente dentro da saúde ocupacional que na busca de soluções ergonômicas defronta com os interesses econômicos imediatistas que não contemplam os investimentos indispensáveis à garantia da saúde do trabalhador. Sintetizando as análises conceituais e os resultados deste trabalho, mostrou-se que os problemas de saúde ocupacional são conhecidos há muito tempo. Apesar da crescente produção de trabalhos acerca da construção , conhecimento das características da saúde do trabalhador e a existência de uma tônica predominante que sugere a mudança das situações encontradas, há um escasso empenho em efetuar as transformações necessárias, num descompasso entre avanço do conhecimento e perpetuação de práticas insalubres. Para tanto é necessária uma compreensão das determinantes da saúde. Além do investimento material se faz necessário emergir um verdadeiro diálogo entre as ciências. Ressalta-se a necessidade de estudos longitudinais para elucidar a complexidade das relações entre qualidade de vida, suporte social e lesões ocupacionais. Os achados apontam para a relevância de estudos futuros acerca dessas associações.(AU)


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Neste trabalho pretende-se optimizar o funcionamento e a ergonomia de um sistema de monitorização de postura corporal, de fácil utilização, baixa manutenção e que permita total portabilidade de modo a ser usado “indoor” e “outdoor”. Pretende-se que o sistema monitorize movimentos de partes específicas do corpo, de acordo com as necessidades resultantes das patologias e lesões em estudo. Com base na recolha de dados deverá ser possível avaliar se o movimento está correcto, de acordo com os exercícios e sessões de fisioterapia prescritos. Pretende-se criar uma nova abordagem de portabilidade de sistemas de monitorização, criando um produto totalmente portátil e de utilização autónoma, diminuindo a necessidade de acompanhamento contínuo ou de especialização por parte de quem o adquira. Tendo em conta que a situação económica do país não é a mais favorável e muitas pessoas com lesões não têm as sessões de fisioterapia necessárias devido ao custo inerente, pretende-se contrariar esta tendência, criando a possibilidade de realização de sessões de fisioterapia em casa, tendo um acompanhamento menos regular mas igualmente eficaz por parte dos cuidadores de saúde. Deste modo, pretende-se melhorar a qualidade de vida das pessoas, de vários grupos etários, independentemente da sua localização, tornando a fisioterapia mais acessível. Assim, mediante a orientação de disciplinas como o Design, Ergonomia e Usabilidade, a resposta às exigências dos utilizadores revela-se extremamente pertinente. Para isso, um bom estudo ergonómico traduz-se numa boa relação entre o produto e a sua usabilidade, sendo o processo apoiado pelo Design, que pretende responder às necessidades presentes.


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Inside the Borborema Province the Northwestern Ceará (NC) is one of the most seismic active regions. There are reports of an earthquake occurred in 1810 in the Granja town. On January, 2008 the seismic activity in NC has increased and it was deployed a seismographic network with 11 digital stations. In 2009, another earthquake sequence began and it was deployed another seismographic network in the Santana do Acaraú town with 6 stations. This thesis presents the results obtained by analyzing the data recorded in these two networks. The epicentral areas are located near the northeastern part of the Transbrasiliano Lineament, a shear zone with NE-SW-trending that cuts the study area. The hypocenters are located between 1km and 8km. The strike-slip focal mechanisms were found, which is predominant in the Borborema Province. An integration of seismological, geological and geophysical data was performed and it show that the seismogenic faults found are oriented in the same direction to the local brittle structures observed in field and magnetic lineaments. The SHmax (maximum compressional stress) direction in NC was estimated using an inversion of seven focal mechanisms. The horizontal maximum compression stress (σ1 = 300°) with orientation NW-SE and extension (σ3 = 210°) with NE-SW and σ2 vertical. These results are consistent with results of previous studies. The seismic activity recorded in NC is not related to a possible reactivation of the Transbrasiliano Lineament, by now.


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The Rachycentron canadum species, commonly known as beijupirá or cobia is the only representative of Rachycentridae family which has been increasingly used in marine fish farming, in intensive cultivation. As advantageous features it has easy adaptation, prolific behavior, early growth in captivity and high commercial value. Additionally, specie of Lutjanidae family (Lutjanus synagris, Lutjanus jocu, Lutjanus analis, Lutjanus alexandrei and Ocyurus chrysurus) represents an important fisheries resource in all areas of its occurrence. In Brazil, the commercial exploitation of Lutjanidae which begun in the 60's and 80's, already has showed a decline in catch volumes. This fact suggests that the snappers must have a conservative management. Despite the economic potential, little is known about the genetic and cytogenetic characteristics of these species, especially with respect to repetitive DNA analysis, which represents the major part of the eukaryotes genome, playing important evolutionary roles in the fish genome. Cytogenetic data is increasingly being used in population studies and biotechnological purposes in fishes. The cytogenetical analyzes were performed using classical methods such as Giemsa staining, C-banding and Ag-NORs, fluorochromes base-specific staining (DAPI and MM) and physical mapping of repetitive sequences among which, telomeric sequences, transposons (Tol2), retrotransposons (Rex1 and Rex3), repetitive DNA (microsatellites and Cot-1) and transcriptionally active regions of the 18S and 5S ribosomal genes and histone (H3 and H2BA) by in situ hybridization with fluorescent probes (FISH). The chromosomal patterns obtained contributed to the organization of repetitive sequences in the genome of the species, as well as karyotypical differentiation. Unusual patterns of histone sequences expansion depict the first occurrence in marine fishes. The obtained data provided subsides to the genetic knowledge of the important fisheries resource represented by the species here analyzed, seeking the marine pisciculture improvement.


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This research aimed to analyze the main government efforts to promote economic development in the Northeast, from 1985 to 2010, under the view that growth is crucial for increasing industrialization process and allows for more significant growth patterns. The analysis was the context in which state governments react to the abandonment of developmental line the federal level, in the 1980s, incorporating features of the actions called endogenous regional development and providing local players with greater responsibility in the development process. Justifies the need to analyze the following scenario: state governments in northeastern Brazil using relevant part of its resources to finance the installation and expansion of companies through tax incentives, with a view to generating income and employment, whilst waiting for an increase in output and a positive change in economic dynamism. In addition, it puts in question the fact that these policies receive such importance of state administrations for the purpose of achieving regional development. It was left to consider, therefore, the contents of the shares elected by state governments to examine the scope of these policies both in the pattern of growth, the transformation of the industrial sector and the development of the region attention to changes in state production structures. Due to limitations on the availability of data and time to carry out research, we were elected three states for the study: Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará and Maranhão. The study found that, despite the contribution of policies analyzed to economic growth, sub-national states are unable to compensate for the lack of development agencies structured at the federal level.


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benign epithelial odontogenic lesions are great clinical importance entities that develop in the jaws from the tissues that form teeth. It has been shown that in benign and malignant tumors, are present in a large number of tumor stem cells, which has great implications in the development of these lesions. Oct-4 and CD44 have been demos as important markers for tumoral stem cells. The objective of this study was to identify epithelial cells expressing stem cell markers by immunohistochemical expression of Oct-4 and CD44 in a series of cases of benign epithelial odontogenic lesions. The sample was comprised of 20 cases of odontogenic keratocyst (OKC), 20 cases of solid/multicystic ameloblastoma and 20 cases of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT). The expression of Oct-4 and CD44 was evaluated in epithelial lesions using the percentage of positive cells (PP) and the intensity of expression (IE), being realized the sum of these scores, resulting in Total Immunostaining Score (TIS) ranging 0 to 7. The results were submitted to the appropriate statistical test (nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis and Spearman correlation coefficient). All cases were positive for both markers and most showed high expression of both markers. The analysis of Oct-4 expression revealed no statistically significant differences (p = 0.406) among the studied lesions. Regarding the CD44 expression, there was a statistically significant difference between the cases of ameloblastoma and TOA in relation to the CCO, with the latter show more cases in the score 7 (p = 0.034). In the correlation analysis of the immunoreactivity of both markers in the three lesions studied, there was no statistically significant correlation. The results of this study identified the presence of cells with stemness characteristics arranged at various sites in the epithelial component of the studied lesions suggesting their possible role in the histogenesis and differentiation in benign epithelial odontogenic lesions, thus contributing to the development of these lesions.


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benign epithelial odontogenic lesions are great clinical importance entities that develop in the jaws from the tissues that form teeth. It has been shown that in benign and malignant tumors, are present in a large number of tumor stem cells, which has great implications in the development of these lesions. Oct-4 and CD44 have been demos as important markers for tumoral stem cells. The objective of this study was to identify epithelial cells expressing stem cell markers by immunohistochemical expression of Oct-4 and CD44 in a series of cases of benign epithelial odontogenic lesions. The sample was comprised of 20 cases of odontogenic keratocyst (OKC), 20 cases of solid/multicystic ameloblastoma and 20 cases of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT). The expression of Oct-4 and CD44 was evaluated in epithelial lesions using the percentage of positive cells (PP) and the intensity of expression (IE), being realized the sum of these scores, resulting in Total Immunostaining Score (TIS) ranging 0 to 7. The results were submitted to the appropriate statistical test (nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis and Spearman correlation coefficient). All cases were positive for both markers and most showed high expression of both markers. The analysis of Oct-4 expression revealed no statistically significant differences (p = 0.406) among the studied lesions. Regarding the CD44 expression, there was a statistically significant difference between the cases of ameloblastoma and TOA in relation to the CCO, with the latter show more cases in the score 7 (p = 0.034). In the correlation analysis of the immunoreactivity of both markers in the three lesions studied, there was no statistically significant correlation. The results of this study identified the presence of cells with stemness characteristics arranged at various sites in the epithelial component of the studied lesions suggesting their possible role in the histogenesis and differentiation in benign epithelial odontogenic lesions, thus contributing to the development of these lesions.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the immunoexpression of calcitonin (CTR) and glucorticoid (GCR) receptors in aggressive and non-aggressive central giant cell lesions (CGCL). This is an immunohistochemistry study (immunoperoxidase technique) of 52 cases of CGCL of the jaws, in which 12 patients were treated with intralesional triamcinolone injections and one with calcitonin nasal spray. The mean of immunostaining was compared between the cell types and clinical subtype of the lesion. The correlations among means were analyzed by Mann-Whitney test. Of the 52 cases studied, 53.8% were females, with a mean of 25.69 years. Most lesions were located in the mandible. Thirty patients (57.7%) had aggressive lesions and 22 (42.3%) of the cases consisted of non-aggressive lesions. Surgery was the treatment of choice in 75% of the cases. In 56.7% of the aggressive CGCL surgery was performed, while 43.4% of patients were submitted to conservative treatment. Among cases submitted to conservative treatment, the majority (n = 8; 61.5%) responded well to treatment. CTR expression was observed in 67.3% and GCR in 96.15% of cases. There was no significant statistical difference between the expression of CTRs and GCRs in mononuclear and multinucleated CGCLscells, regarding aggressiveness, treatment performed for aggressive lesions and the response to conservative treatment (p>0.05). The results of our research suggest that the immunoreactivity of CTRs and GCRs did not influence the response to clinical treatment with calcitonin or triamcinolone in the sample studied and it exhibited a varied expression regardless of the aggressiveness of the lesion.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the immunoexpression of calcitonin (CTR) and glucorticoid (GCR) receptors in aggressive and non-aggressive central giant cell lesions (CGCL). This is an immunohistochemistry study (immunoperoxidase technique) of 52 cases of CGCL of the jaws, in which 12 patients were treated with intralesional triamcinolone injections and one with calcitonin nasal spray. The mean of immunostaining was compared between the cell types and clinical subtype of the lesion. The correlations among means were analyzed by Mann-Whitney test. Of the 52 cases studied, 53.8% were females, with a mean of 25.69 years. Most lesions were located in the mandible. Thirty patients (57.7%) had aggressive lesions and 22 (42.3%) of the cases consisted of non-aggressive lesions. Surgery was the treatment of choice in 75% of the cases. In 56.7% of the aggressive CGCL surgery was performed, while 43.4% of patients were submitted to conservative treatment. Among cases submitted to conservative treatment, the majority (n = 8; 61.5%) responded well to treatment. CTR expression was observed in 67.3% and GCR in 96.15% of cases. There was no significant statistical difference between the expression of CTRs and GCRs in mononuclear and multinucleated CGCLscells, regarding aggressiveness, treatment performed for aggressive lesions and the response to conservative treatment (p>0.05). The results of our research suggest that the immunoreactivity of CTRs and GCRs did not influence the response to clinical treatment with calcitonin or triamcinolone in the sample studied and it exhibited a varied expression regardless of the aggressiveness of the lesion.