1000 resultados para Leite em pó - Indústria


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as modificações químicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais do leite caprino pasteurizado e congelado durante armazenamento por 90 dias. Foram realizadas análises para caracterização química da matéria prima utilizada nos experimentos (gordura, acidez Dornic, densidade, extrato seco total, pH e ácidos graxos livres-AGL) e caracterização microbiológica (contagem total, psicrotróficos, coliformes totais e fecais). Utilizou-se pasteurização lenta a 63°±1°C por 30 minutos para as amostras de leite seguido de armazenamento em freezer à temperatura de -18°C±1°C. Nos tempos 0, 30, 60 e 90 dias de congelamento foram efetuadas análises químicas (pH, acidez e AGL), microbiológicas (contagem total, psicrotróficos e coliformes) e sensoriais (sabor e aroma característico, sabor e odor estranho e aparência geral). Também, realizou-se análise sensorial do leite nos tempos zero e com 90 dias de armazenamento, as descongelamento e homogeneização em liquidificador por dois minutos. Foi observado que o congelamento prolongado do leite pasteurizado não alterou significativamente suas características químicas e microbiológicas. Apenas a acidez apresentou decréscimo significativo. No entanto, a qualidade do leite do ponto de vista sensorial apresentou modificações significativas, com perdas de sabor e aroma característicos e declínio acentuado da aparência geral durante o armazenamento. A homogeneização do leite em liquidificador, as o descongelamento melhorou a aparência geral e a aceitação do produto pela equipe de provadores.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Seis cabras Pardas Alpinas com produção média de leite de 2,5kg/dia, foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em dois grupos de três cada, submetidas a termoneutralidade ou estresse térmico. Usou-se um delineamento estatístico crossover. Um período de adaptação de 28 dias foi seguido por quatro intervalos de 14 dias cada, durante os quais os animais sob estresse foram expostos à temperatura média do ar de 33,84ºC das 8 às 17 horas, incluindo radiação solar simulada das 10 às 15 horas. Na segunda semana de cada intervalo experimental amostras de leite individuais foram coletadas diariamente pela manhã e à tarde, adicionando-se conservador. No final da semana as amostras de cada ordenha foram misturadas formando-se amostras compostas nas quais foram efetuadas determinações de pH, acidez titulável, densidade e ponto crioscópico. Os resultados indicaram que os valores obtidos para densidade e ponto crioscópico são compatíveis aos encontrados por diversos autores em diferentes países. Constatou-se valor maior para densidade no leite ordenhado pela manhã, em relação ao da tarde, sendo que o intervalo desigual entre as ordenhas deve ter influído neste resultado. Não se verificou diferença estatística significativa para esta propriedade no leite das cabras em condições de termoneutralidade e de estresse térmico. Para o ponto crioscópico não se observou diferença estatística entre o leite ordenhado pela manhã e à tarde. Houve diferença estatística significativa para esta propriedade física entre o leite das cabras em condições de termoneutralidade e estresse térmico, sendo o valor médio maior, para as condições de termoneutralidade.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Thermal insulation is used to protect the heated or cooled surfaces by the low thermal conductivity materials. The rigid ricin polyurethane foams (PURM) are used for thermal insulation and depend on the type and concentration of blowing agent. Obtaining PURM occurs by the use of polyol, silicone, catalyst and blowing agent are pre -mixed, reacting with the isocyanate. The glass is reusable, returnable and recyclable heat insulating material, whose time of heat dissipation determines the degree of relaxation of its structure; and viscosity determines the conditions for fusion, operating temperatures, annealing, etc. The production of PURM composites with waste glass powder (PV) represents economical and renewable actions of manufacturing of thermal insulating materials. Based on these aspects, the study aimed to produce and characterize the PURM composites with PV, whose the mass percentages were 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 wt%. PURM was obtained commercially, while the PV was recycled from the tailings of the stoning process of a glassmaking; when the refining process was applied to obtain micrometer particles. The PURM + PV composites were studied taking into account the standard sample of pure PURM and the influence of the percentage of PV in this PURM matrix. The results of the chemical, physical and morphological characterization were discussed taking into account the difference in the microstructural morphology of the PURM+PV composites and the pure PURM, as well the results of the physicochemical, mechanical e thermophysical tests by values obtained of density, hardness, compressive strength, specific heat, thermal conductivity and diffusivity. In general, the structure of pure PURM showed large, elongated and regular pores, while PURM+PV composites showed irregular, small and rounded pores with shapeless cells. This may have contributed to reducing their mechanical strength, especially for PURM - PV50. The hardness and density were found to have a proportional relationship with the PV content on PURM matrix. The specific heat, thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity showed proportional relationship to each other. So, this has been realized that the increasing the PV content on PURM matrix resulted in the rise of diffusivity and thermal conductivity and the decrease of the specific heat. However, the values obtained by the PURM composites were similar the values of pure PURM, mainly the PURM-PV5 and PURM-PV10. Therefore, these composites can be applied like thermal insulator; furthermore, their use could reduce the production costs and to preserve the environment


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Extended storage of refrigerated milk can lead to reduced quality of raw and processed milk, which is a consequence of the growth and metabolic activities of psychrotrophic bacteria, able to grow under 7oC or lower temperatures. Although most of these microorganisms are destroyed by heat treatment, some have the potential to produce termoresistant proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes that can survive even UHT processing and reduce the processed products quality. Recently, the IN 51 determineds that milk should be refrigerated and stored at the farm what increased the importance of this group of microorganisms. In this work, psychrotrophic bacteria were isolated from 20 communitarian bulk tanks and 23 individual bulk tanks from dairy farms located at Zona da Mata region of Minas Gerais State and from southeastern Rio de Janeiro. Selected milk dilutions were plated on standard agar and after incubation for 10 days at 7oC, five colonies were isolated, firstly using nutrient agar and after using McConkey agar for 24 hours at 21oC. The isolates were identified by morphology, Gram stain method, catalase production, fermentative/oxidative metabolism and by API 20E, API 20NE, API Staph, API Coryne or API 50 CH (BioMerieux). In order to ensure reproductibility, API was repeated for 50% of the isolates. Species identification was considered when APILAB indexes reached 75% or higher. 309 strains were isolated, 250 Gram negative and 59 Gram positive. 250 Gram negative isolates were identified as: Acinetobacter spp. (39), Aeromonas spp. (07), A. Hydrophila (16), A. sobria (1), A. caviae (1), Alcaligenes feacalis (1), Burkholderia cepacia (12), Chryseomonas luteola (3), Enterobacter sp. (1), Ewingella americana(6), Hafnia alvei (7), Klebsiella sp. (1), Klebsiella oxytoca (10), Yersinia spp. (2), Methylobacterium mesophilicum (1), Moraxella spp. (4), Pantoea spp. (16), Pasteurella sp. (1), Pseudomonas spp. (10), P. fluorescens (94), P. putida (3), Serratia spp. (3), Sphigomonas paucomobilis (1). Five isolates kept unidentified. Pseudomonas was the predominant bacteria found (43%) and P. fluorescens the predominant species (37.6%), in accordance with previous reports. Qualitative analysis of proteolytic and lipolytic activity was based on halo formation using caseinate agar and tributirina agar during 72 hours at 21oC and during 10 days at 4°C, 10oC and 7°C. Among 250 Gram negative bacteria found, 104 were identified as Pseudomonas spp. and 60,57% of this group showed proteolytic and lipolytic acitivities over all four studied temperatures. 20% of Acinetobacter, Aeromonas, Alcaligenes, Burkholderia, Chryseomonas, Methylobacterium, Moraxella presented only lipolytic activity. Some isolates presented enzymatic activity in one or more studied temperatures. Among Gram positive bacteria, 30.51% were proteolytic and lipolytic at 10oC, 8.47% were proteolytic at 7oC, 10oC, and 21oC, 8.47% were proteolytic at all studied temperatures (4oC, 7oC, 10oC and 21oC) and 3.38% were proteolytic only at 21oC. At 4oC, only one isolate showed proteolytic activity and six isolates were lipolytic. In relation to Gram negative microorganisms, 4% were proteolytic and lipolytic at 7oC, 10oC and 21oC, 10% were proteolytic at 10oC and 4.4% were lipolytic at 4oC, 7oC, 10oC and 21oC, while 6.4% of all isolates were proteolytic and lipolytic at 10oC and 21oC as well as lipolytic at 4oC and 7oC. These findings are in accordance with previous researches that pointed out Pseudomonas as the predominant psycrotrophic flora in stored refrigerated raw milk


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Drying of fruit pulps in spouted beds of inert particles has been indicated as a viable technique to produce fruit powders. Most of the processes employed to produce dried fruit pulps and juices, such as Foam Mat, encapsulation by co-crystallization and spray drying utilize adjuvant and additives (such as thickeners, coating materials, emulsifiers, acidulants, flavors and dyes), which is not always desirable. The fruit pulp composition exerts an important effect on the fruit powder production using a spouted bed. In the study by Medeiros (2001) it was concluded that lipids, starch and pectin contents play an important role on the process performance, enhancing the powder production; however, the drying of fruit pulps containing high content of reducing sugars (glucose and fructose) is practically unviable. This work has the objective of expanding the studies on drying of fruit pulps in spouted bed with aid of adjuvant (lipids, starch and pectin) aiming to enhance the dryer performance without jeopardizing the sensorial quality of the product. The optimum composition obtained by Medeiros (2001) was the basis for preparing the mixtures of pulps. The mixture formulations included pulps of mango (Mangifera indica), umbu (Spondias tuberosa) and red mombin (Spondia purpurea) with addition of cornstarch, pectin and lipids. Different products were used as lipids source: olive and Brazil nut oils, coconut milk, heavy milk, powder of palm fat and palm olein. First of all, experiments were conducted to define the best formulation of the fruit pulps mixture. This definition was based on the drying performance obtained for each mixture and on the sensorial characteristics of the dry powder. The mixture formulations were submitted to drying at fixed operating conditions of drying and atomizing air flow rate, load of inert particles, temperature and flow rate of the mixture. The best results were obtained with the compositions having powder of palm fat and palm olein in terms of the drying performance and sensorial analysis. Physical and physicochemical characteristics were determined for the dry powders obtained from the mixtures formulations. Solubility and reconstitution time as well as the properties of the product after reconstitution were also evaluated. According to these analyses, the powder from the mixtures formulations presented similar characteristics and compatible quality to those produced in other types of dryers. Considering that the palm olein is produced in Brazil and that it has been used in the food industry substituting the palm fat powder, further studies on drying performance were conducted with the composition that included the palm olein. A complete factorial design of experiments 23, with three repetitions at the central point was conducted to evaluate the effects of the air temperature, feeding flow rate and intermittence time on the responses related to the process performance (powder collection efficiency, material retained in the bed and angle of repose of the inert particles after the process) and to the product quality (mean moisture content, loss of vitamin C and solubility). Powder production was uniform for the majority of the experiments and the higher efficiency with lower retention in the bed (59.2% and 1.8g, respectively) were obtained for the air temperature of 80°C, mixture feed rate of 5ml/min in intervals of 10 min. The statistical analysis of the results showed that the process variables had individual or combined significant influences on the powder collection efficiency, material retention in the bed, powder moisture content and loss of vitamin C. At the experimental ranges of this work, the angle of repose and solubility were not influenced by the operating variables. From the results of the experimental design, statistical models were obtained for the powder moisture content and loss of vitamin C


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This work targetet the caprine ice cream production added with probiotic bacteria Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis. It is divided into two parts. In the first one, four caprine ice cream formulations were evaluated, in which it was used hydrogenated fat (F1 and F3) or fat substitute (F2 and F4) in two different flavors (F1 and F2, passion fruit, F3 and F4, guava). Statistical differences (p<0.05) were detected for their physical-chemical properties, mainly for total solids and fat, but no differences were observed for melting test results. When it went to sensory acceptance, all four ice cream formulations reached high acceptance indexes, mostly formulation F4, which was selected for further studies. In the second part, F4 formulation was prepared with the addition of probiotic bacteria Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis. The growth kinetics was studied and it was observed that the cellular concentration peak was reached after four fermentation hours (10.14 log UFC/g). This time was selected for pre-fermentation procedure and posterior addition at ice cream syrup. In this part of the study, two experimental groups were evaluated: group G1, in which the probiotic addition occurred before the maturation step and group G2, which included a pre-fermentation step and probiotic addition after ice cream maturation. The physical-chemical properties of these two ice cream groups were similar, except for pH, which was higher for group G2 (p<0.05). G1 samples had superior melting rate (3.566 mL/min) and both groups presented microbiological and sanitary results in accordance to current Brazilian legislation. Also, G1 and G2 were considered sensory accepted due to their acceptance indexes higher than 70%. G1 and G2 sensory profiles were similar (p>0.05), and both ice cream samples exhibited high creaminess (6.76 to 6.91) and mouth melting sensation (6.53 to 6.67) scores, while low sandiness scores (0.85 to 0.86) were observed, positive characteristics for this kind of food product. During the first 24 hours after ice cream production, the population of B. animalis subsp. lactis decreased, reaching 7.15 e 6.92 log CFU/g for G1 and G2, respectively. Probiotic bacteria counts fluctuated in ice cream samples during the first 108 days at frozen storage, especially for G2 group. Decreased probiotic viability was observed for G1 samples during the first 35 days of frozen storage, mild variation between 35 and 63 days and stabilized counts were observed after this time. After 21 days at frozen storage, ice cream samples of G1 and G2 groups reached 1.2 x 109 and 1.3 x 109 CFU/portion, respectively. After 108 days under these storage conditions, the survival rate of B. animalis subsp. lactis was 94.26% and 81.10% for G1 and G2 samples, respectively. After simulation of gastroenteric conditions, G2 group reached 9.72 x 105 CFU/portion. Considering the current requirements of Brazilian legislation, which stipulates that functional foods must have minimum probiotic count between 108 and 109 CFU/portion and detectable probiotic bacteria after being submitted to gastroenteric conditions, it is concluded that the ice cream with the addition of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis made as shown in this work, can be considered as a dairy functional food


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A necessidade, cada vez mais crescente, da busca de felicidade tem feito com que as pessoas se deixem influenciar pelo consumo desmedido dos produtos ofertados pela Indústria Cultural, fazendo da arte, de modo especial, da música, um meio de tornar-se igual sem perceber que estão se colocando à margem de sua própria cultura. Neste sentido, é necessário repensar quais são as contribuições da educação no intuito de formar para a emancipação e para a resistência, segundo as concepções adornianas.


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Este artigo avalia os resultados do processo de reestruturação da indústria brasileira de máquinas têxteis, originado pelas reformas econômicas liberalizantes iniciadas no final dos anos 1980 e início dos 1990 e pelas medidas macroeconômicas que deram sustentação ao Plano Real, a partir de julho de 1994. Inicialmente, fazemos uma avaliação teórica das fontes do conhecimento e das formas de capacitação tecnológica nessa indústria. A seguir, expomos brevemente as principais características da indústria de máquinas têxteis em âmbito global. Posteriormente, direcionando a discussão para o caso brasileiro, apresentamos as especificidades da indústria têxtil, usuária daqueles bens, e do próprio setor de máquinas nacional. Através dos fluxos de comércio exterior do Brasil entre 1990 e 2004 e da variação do valor médio (US$ FOB/KG) desses fluxos, o artigo examina as mudanças estruturais, tecnológicas e, por conseguinte, na competitividade, que culminaram na transformação da indústria brasileira de máquinas têxteis, em termos de dimensão (escala) e escopo, e em uma nova inserção internacional, agora mais especializada e subordinada.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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The main goal of this work is analyze the way which the Natal City Prefecture was constructed as a place of subversion by those we call defenders of the order, in the period right after the outbreak of military coup in 1964. To reach it, the main resource of search was the Relatório Subversão no Rio Grande do Norte , document produced from the investigations realized in Natal City Prefecture as a result of the Commission of Inquiry s work, established by the governor Aluízio Alves to determine the subversion in Rio Grande do Norte s society. Based on the anti-comunist speech. That document introduces other image of the Prefecture, which activities developed by de second Djalma Maranhão administration (1961-1964), specially those developed in the educational area, as the campaign De Pé no Chão Também se Aprende a Ler , were considered subversive , communist , dangerous , threatening , names that served as backing to embed Natal City Prefecture in the general view about subversion existing in Rio Grande do Norte, according to the repression speech in this initial period of military regime. Key-words: 1964 Military Coup Natal City Prefecture