370 resultados para Kriging


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Para el estudio de la interpolación multidimensional es recomendable tener conocimientos previos sobre la interpolación en una dimensión para poder comprender con mayor facilidad la interpolación en más dimensiones. La interpolación multivariable o la interpolación espacial es la interpolación sobre funciones de más de una variable, nuestro estudio está enfocado en la interpolación en dos dimensiones, por lo cual se estudiara el método del vecino más cercano, el método bilineal, y el método bicúbico. Además se abordará de manera superficial el estudio de otros métodos como lo son: Las funciones bivariadas, el método de la distancia inversa, el método de Barnes, método de Kriging, entre otros. También se realiza la comparación entre algunos de los métodos mencionados anteriormente, utilizando los programas octave/matlab, para así determinar que método es mejor para interpolar.


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The land suitability evaluation is used to establish land zonings for agriculture activities. Geographic information systems (GIS) are useful for integrating different attributes necessaries to define apt and not apt lands. The present study had as main objective to describe procedures to define land suitability using GIS tools, soils maps and data soils profiles data, emphasizing procedures to define soil atributes. The area studied was the watershed of Córrego Espraiado, Ribeirão Preto-SP, located on the recharging area of the Guarani Aquifer, with approximately 4,130 ha and predominance of sugar cane culture. The database project was developed using the GIS Idrisi 32. The land suitability evaluation was done considering the intensive agricultural production system predominant in the watershed, adjusted for the vulnerability of the areas of recharge and for the methodology of GIS tools. Numerical terrain models (NTM) had been constructed for cation exchange capacity, basis saturation, clay content and silt+clay content using kriging (geostatistical interpolator), and for aluminum saturation using the inverse-square-distance. Boolean operations for handling geographic fields (thematic maps and NTM) to produce information plans are described and a land suitability map obtained by GIS tools is presented, indicating that 85% of watershed lands are apt to annual cultures.


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The study of Quality of Life (Qol) has been conducted on various scales throughout the years with focus on assessing overall quality of living amongst citizens. The main focus in these studies have been on economic factors, with the purpose of creating a Quality of Life Index (QLI).When it comes down to narrowing the focus to the environment and factors like Urban Green Spaces (UGS) and air quality the topic gets more focused on pointing out how each alternative meets this certain criteria. With the benefits of UGS and a healthy environment in focus a new Environmental Quality of Life Index (EQLI) will be proposed by incorporating Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Working with MCA on complex environmental problems and incorporating it with GIS is a challenging but rewarding task, and has proven to be an efficient approach among environmental scientists. Background information on three MCA methods will be shown: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Regime Analysis and PROMETHEE. A survey based on a previous study conducted on the status of UGS within European cities was sent to 18 municipalities in the study area. The survey consists of evaluating the current status of UGS as well as planning and management of UGS with in municipalities for the purpose of getting criteria material for the selected MCA method. The current situation of UGS is assessed with use of GIS software and change detection is done on a 10 year period using NDVI index for comparison purposes to one of the criteria in the MCA. To add to the criteria, interpolation of nitrogen dioxide levels was performed with ordinary kriging and the results transformed into indicator values. The final outcome is an EQLI map with indicators of environmentally attractive municipalities with ranking based on predefinedMCA criteria using PROMETHEE I pairwise comparison and PROMETHEE II complete ranking of alternatives. The proposed methodology is applied to Lisbon’s Metropolitan Area, Portugal.


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La presente tesis tiene por objeto generar estrategias para la distribución de usos y asignación de características de ocupación de suelo, este proceso se apoya en análisis geo estadísticos para obtener resultados más ajustados a la realidad y de esta manera comprender la dinámica de los espacios urbanos, las formas de ocupación del espacio por parte de la población, así también las dinámicas que generan ciertos elementos y el impacto en su contexto inmediato. Este estudio inicia con el desarrollo del marco teórico que aborda definiciones e investigaciones referentes a las dinámicas que los usos presentan en una ciudad.Posteriormente se analizan los elementos urbanos relevantes del área de estudio, iniciando con la delimitación y sectorización, los equipamientos, la vialidad, el transporte, las características de ocupación y la normativa vigente; mediante estos diagnósticos se llega a identificar como está conformada el área de estudio.Partiendo de estos diagnósticos se procede a realizar el estudio y análisis sistemático de los usos y la ocupación de suelo urbano, mediante la aplicación de herramientas geo estadísticas como el Kriging y MORAN-LISA. Los resultados obtenidos se representan en un corema, con la finalidad de crear un modelo espacial de análisis, apoyado también de un análisis de diversidad.Finalmente estos resultados generan estrategias apoyadas en datos estadísticos.


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Summary: Climate change has a potential to impact rainfall, temperature and air humidity, which have relation to plant evapotranspiration and crop water requirement. The purpose of this research is to assess climate change impacts on irrigation water demand, based on future scenarios derived from the PRECIS (Providing Regional Climates for Impacts Studies), using boundary conditions of the HadCM3 submitted to a dynamic downscaling nested to the Hadley Centre regional circulation model HadRM3P. Monthly time series for average temperature and rainfall were generated for 1961-90 (baseline) and the future (2040). The reference evapotranspiration was estimated using monthly average temperature. Projected climate change impact on irrigation water demand demonstrated to be a result of evapotranspiration and rainfall trend. Impacts were mapped over the target region by using geostatistical methods. An increase of the average crop water needs was estimated to be 18.7% and 22.2% higher for 2040 A2 and B2 scenarios, respectively. Objective ? To analyze the climate change impacts on irrigation water requirements, using downscaling techniques of a climate change model, at the river basin scale. Method: The study area was delimited between 4º39?30? and 5º40?00? South and 37º35?30? and 38º27?00? West. The crop pattern in the target area was characterized, regarding type of irrigated crops, respective areas and cropping schedules, as well as the area and type of irrigation systems adopted. The PRECIS (Providing Regional Climates for Impacts Studies) system (Jones et al., 2004) was used for generating climate predictions for the target area, using the boundary conditions of the Hadley Centre model HadCM3 (Johns et al., 2003). The considered time scale of interest for climate change impacts evaluation was the year of 2040, representing the period of 2025 to 2055. The output data from the climate model was interpolated, considering latitude/longitude, by applying ordinary kriging tools available at a Geographic Information System, in order to produce thematic maps.


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Spatio-temporal modelling is an area of increasing importance in which models and methods have often been developed to deal with specific applications. In this study, a spatio-temporal model was used to estimate daily rainfall data. Rainfall records from several weather stations, obtained from the Agritempo system for two climatic homogeneous zones, were used. Rainfall values obtained for two fixed dates (January 1 and May 1, 2012) using the spatio-temporal model were compared with the geostatisticals techniques of ordinary kriging and ordinary cokriging with altitude as auxiliary variable. The spatio-temporal model was more than 17% better at producing estimates of daily precipitation compared to kriging and cokriging in the first zone and more than 18% in the second zone. The spatio-temporal model proved to be a versatile technique, adapting to different seasons and dates.


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Wireless sensor networks are often deployed in large numbers, over a large geographical region, in order to monitor the phenomena of interest. Sensors used in the sensor networks often suffer from random or systematic errors such as drift and bias. Even if they are calibrated at the time of deployment, they tend to drift as time progresses. Consequently, the progressive manual calibration of such a large-scale sensor network becomes impossible in practice. In this article, we address this challenge by proposing a collaborative framework to automatically detect and correct the drift in order to keep the data collected from these networks reliable. We propose a novel scheme that uses geospatial estimation-based interpolation techniques on measurements from neighboring sensors to collaboratively predict the value of phenomenon being observed. The predicted values are then used iteratively to correct the sensor drift by means of a Kalman filter. Our scheme can be implemented in a centralized as well as distributed manner to detect and correct the drift generated in the sensors. For centralized implementation of our scheme, we compare several krigingand nonkriging-based geospatial estimation techniques in combination with the Kalman filter, and show the superiority of the kriging-based methods in detecting and correcting the drift. To demonstrate the applicability of our distributed approach on a real world application scenario, we implement our algorithm on a network consisting of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) hardware. We further evaluate single as well as multiple drifting sensor scenarios to show the effectiveness of our algorithm for detecting and correcting drift. Further, we address the issue of high power usage for data transmission among neighboring nodes leading to low network lifetime for the distributed approach by proposing two power saving schemes. Moreover, we compare our algorithm with a blind calibration scheme in the literature and demonstrate its superiority in detecting both linear and nonlinear drifts.


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The objective of this study is to identify the optimal designs of converging-diverging supersonic and hypersonic nozzles that perform at maximum uniformity of thermodynamic and flow-field properties with respect to their average values at the nozzle exit. Since this is a multi-objective design optimization problem, the design variables used are parameters defining the shape of the nozzle. This work presents how variation of such parameters can influence the nozzle exit flow non-uniformities. A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software package, ANSYS FLUENT, was used to simulate the compressible, viscous gas flow-field in forty nozzle shapes, including the heat transfer analysis. The results of two turbulence models, k-e and k-ω, were computed and compared. With the analysis results obtained, the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was applied for the purpose of performing a multi-objective optimization. The optimization was performed with ModeFrontier software package using Kriging and Radial Basis Functions (RBF) response surfaces. Final Pareto optimal nozzle shapes were then analyzed with ANSYS FLUENT to confirm the accuracy of the optimization process.


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Continuous and reliable monitoring of contaminants in drinking water, which adversely affect human health, is the main goal of the Broward County Well Field Protection Program. In this study the individual monitoring station locations were used in a yearly and quarterly spatiotemporal Ordinary Kriging interpolation to create a raster network of contaminant detections. In the final analysis, the raster spatiotemporal nitrate concentration trends were overlaid with a pollution vulnerability index to determine if the concentrations are influenced by a set of independent variables. The pollution vulnerability factors are depth to water, recharge, aquifer media, soil, impact to vadose zone, and conductivity. The creation of the nitrate raster dataset had an average RMS Standardized error close to 1 at 0.98. The greatest frequency of detections and the highest concentrations are found in the months of April, May, June, July, August, and September. An average of 76.4% of the nitrate intersected with cells of the pollution vulnerability index over 100.


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Increased levels of particulate matter (PM) in the atmosphere have contributed to an increase in mortality and morbidity in communities and are the main contributing factor for respiratory health problems in the population. Currently, PM concentrations are sparsely monitored; for instance, a region of over 2200 square kilometers surrounding Melbourne in Victoria, Australia, is monitored using ten sensor stations. This paper proposes to improve the estimation of PM concentration by complementing the existing high-precision but expensive PM devices with low-cost lower precision PM sensor nodes. Our evaluation reveals that local PM estimation accuracies improve with higher densities of low-precision sensor nodes. Our analysis examines the impact of the precision of the lost-cost sensors on the overall estimation accuracy.