380 resultados para Invitation


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Like its title, Pyramus and Thisbe 4 You, Alexandru Dabija’s production at the Odeon Theatre, Bucharest, was a tongue-in-cheek invitation to the audience that at once aimed to tease past and recent Romanian endeavours and to tease out the stage potential a Shakespeare play holds today. My examination of the production re-constructs the local cultural contexts the production plays with and against, referring to the Romanian ways of making Shakespeare this production enters into dialogue with. Take 1, an all-female version casting the mature stars of the Odeon, I read against both Elizabethan all-male stage practice and Andrei Serban’s all-female Lear at the Bulandra (2008). Take 2, “an old device” (V.1.50): a teacher-student “devising” session at the Academy of Theatre and Cinema, I read against critics’ “more strange than true” (V.1.2) parlance on “theories of perception and reception” and against hi-tech Shakespeare dominating the Romanian stages in the first decade of the third millennium. Take 3, local political banter on ethnic discrimination, I read as “satire keen and critical” (V.1.54) on both communist censorship and the recent rise of nationalism in Romania. Take 4, a “cold” reading-cum-improvisation performed by the technical crew – this production’s mechanicals – I read as “palpable-gross play” (V.1.376) on both acting and spectating practices. What I argue in this article is that Dabija’s production goes beyond its local context and mores, and proposes a re-assessment of Shakespeare’s cultural currency in (European) Romania and Europe at large by exposing current tyrannies in Shakespeare studies: from translation and adaptation, through directing and acting, to viewing and reviewing.


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Catalogue and invitation card for Exhibition at Eagle Gallery, London. 16 June – 16 July 2016 “My paintings are like ghost schema, assemblages of images and surfaces that generate spectral encounters.” James Fisher’s paintings are carefully calibrated. They explore dualities and employ complex visual palimpsests to construct images that are rich with association. Abstract and figurative motifs are laid on different layers of their surfaces, covered over, and re-discovered through sanding back the paint. As a former British School at Rome Scholar, Fisher’s early work was influenced by the study of fresco painting and he retains an approach that allows for time and chance to enter the process of painting. Fabrication – in the sense both of making things and making things up – produces enigmatic and mysterious results. Many of Fisher’s recent paintings are titled after notable, now forgotten women, or after characters from folklore and comic books. The range of subject matter allows him to conflate biography with fiction, and to borrow from a wide range of visual sources for patterned elements that formally hold in place the more fugitive suggestions of the images. Fisher’s fourth solo exhibition at the Eagle Gallery coincides with the selection of two works in this year’s Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, and his inclusion in Towards Night – a forthcoming exhibition at the Towner, Eastbourne.


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The aim of this paper is to introduce the less known part of the Río de la Plata: Uruguay. The main question is whether a country relatively young and of tiny dimensions has its own identity. For that, after giving some theoretical information, we present a brief history of this country and the results of two surveys. The first done a couple of years ago for the Spanish newspaper El País and the other conducted recently among a group of Argentines. It is not a professional survey, rather an invitation to reflect on the process of the creation of the Uruguayan identity, its principal points and relations between two apparently very close countries, separated by the same river.


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Chaque geste porte son origine et cette enquête n'y échappe pas. À l'automne de 1988, la Corporation professionnelle des conseillers et conseillères d'orientation du Québec, par le biais de son Comité de la recherche, invitait un ou plusieurs étudiants-es en orientation professionnelle à produire dans le cadre de leur essai, un travail sur les attitudes et les besoins en matière de recherche, de ses membres. Nous avons alors accepté cette invitation. Un survol de la littérature sur l'usage des revues et rapports de recherche dans la pratique de la profession nous apprend qu'ils sont peu lus et qu'en général, la recherche occupe une place négligeable dans le quotidien des conseillers et conseillères d'orientation du Québec. Ces constatations nous renvoient à la question de l'attitude à l'égard de la recherche chez les conseillers et conseillères d'orientation. Afin de rendre compte de la situation spécifique de la recherche en orientation professionnelle au Québec, nous avons entrepris de questionner tous les membres de cette corporation afin de connaître la recherche qu'ils-elles font, la quantité, la qualité et l'utilité de ses résultats; leurs attitudes à l'égard de la recherche ainsi que leurs besoins de perfectionnement à cet égard. Les résultats de notre enquête confirment qu'il serait urgent que la Corporation se dote d'un plan d'action pour créer une culture de la mise à jour chez ses membres. De même, les résultats de notre enquête indiquent clairement la nécessité pour la Corporation de favoriser le maintien et le développement des aptitudes à faire de la recherche chez ses membres. Un effort particulier doit porter sur la publication et la publicisation des résultats de recherche. Notre enquête enfin nous amène à formuler un certain nombre de recommandations visant à pallier au plus urgent. La question de la recherche, de son utilité et de sa connaissance par les membres de la Corporation nous invitent à prendre position non plus sur qui fait quoi mais plutôt sur quoi fait-on et comment fait-on.


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Le 23 octobre 1950, M. Paul Villeneuve fondait la Caisse d'établissement de Vaudreuil-Soulanges, coopérative d'épargne et crédit, première institution du genre au Canada. Cette formule séduisante allait entraîner dans son orbite l'ensemble des régions de la belle province et donnerait naissance à la Fédération des Caisses d'établissement du Québec. Jusqu'ici, personne n'avait entrepris de retracer la vie de M. Paul Villeneuve. D'ailleurs, sa vie active fut courte puisqu'une grave maladie, survenue au tout début de la cinquantaine, freinait la course de ce bâtisseur. La rareté des documents dépeignant celui-ci frappe dès l'abord. Son maniement habile des précautions oratoires transparaît dans l'unique copie qui nous soit restée de l'un de ses nombreux discours (Il s'agit de l'allocution présentée lors du 50e anniversaire de la Caisse populaire de Lévis). On repère d'autres traces de son passage dans quelques périodiques comme La Terre de chez nous et dans des procès-verbaux de l'Union catholique des cultivateurs, de la Caisse populaire de Vaudreuil et des trois Caisses d'établissement qu'il a fondées. M. Paul-Émile Doré mentionne sa contribution dans son essai de maîtrise en coopération intitulé: Les Caisses d'établissement et le crédit agricole (1986). Malheureusement, aucune correspondance ou article de journal n'émanait de cet homme au charisme remarquable; aussi, les personnes l'ayant connu s'avéraient des plus susceptibles de nous renseigner de manière pertinente sur ce captivant personnage. Quelques-unes se sont rendues à l'invitation: c'est le cas de ses enfants Marguerite, Jeanne, François et de son gendre, M. Edgar Marcoux. De précieux collaborateurs de M. Villeneuve, MM. Joseph-Edouard Carrière et Lazare Rozon, nous ont gracieusement accordé de leur temps, tout comme M. Paul-Emile Doré, membre fondateur de la Caisse d'établissement du Saguenay-Lac St-Jean (la plus vieille Caisse d'établissement à l'heure actuelle, celle de Vaudreuil-Soulanges s'étant fusionnée à la Caisse populaire de Vaudreuil).


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É na busca por compreender a inserção e participação de mulheres na política partidária na contemporaneidade que esta dissertação, situada na linha de pesquisa Culturas, Linguagens e Utopias, tem como objetivo analisar as narrativas de vereadoras de municípios que estão localizados na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul no período de 2009-2012. O corpus de análise constitui-se de entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas com as onze vereadoras participantes a partir da metodologia de investigação narrativa. Partindo das contribuições dos Estudos Culturais e de Gênero em suas vertentes pós-estruturalistas procurou-se problematizar alguns discursos e práticas que emergiram nas narrativas com base nas contribuições da análise do discurso de Michel Foucault. Assim, verificou-se que a representação cultural das mulheres neste campo político está fundamentada em concepções essencialistas do gênero feminino como a sensibilidade. Isso vem provocando discussões na ciência política e nos estudos de gênero a partir de termos como política de ideias, política de desvelo que discutem a presença das mulheres em decorrência ou não desses atributos. O fato é que esses discursos vêm instituindo diferenças na participação de homens e mulheres na política e constituindo formas de ser mulher na política partidária e de fazer política diferenciada das dos homens de forma menos “dura”, “rígida”. Ao debruçar-se na inserção das mulheres nessa esfera pública constatou-se uma trajetória marcada pelas noções de público e privado que impediu ao longo de nossa história a participação das mulheres no campo político e o desenvolvimento de sua cidadania. Além disso, nas narrativas das vereadoras fica evidente que as mulheres não foram constituídas para participarem do que hoje é um direito seu: a esfera pública de decisão da política. Isso foi constatado a partir do convite que foi feito para a candidatura pelos partidos que a partir das cotas partidárias procuraram mais significativamente por mulheres para concorrer. Também se observou neste estudo o capital político de ingresso das mulheres nessa esfera: o capital familiar, capital dos movimentos sociais e capital de ocupação em cargos públicos. Quanto a participação das mulheres no cotidiano de seus mandatos identificamos a dificuldade de ser mulher e política na atualidade. As negociações com os partidos e os colegas, a conciliação entre a família e a vida pública; os focos de atuação dedicados as áreas sociais e nesse destacamos mais significativamente a educação. Por fim, o que pretendemos foi desconfiar da máxima “lugar de mulher não é na política” e conhecer as trajetórias e histórias de mulheres que cotidianamente entre conflitos e disputas lutam pelo seu lugar na esfera pública, pelo exercício de sua cidadania.


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O presente projeto de intervenção artística com o nome “Era Uma Vez” tem como objetivo transformar Contos Tradicionais numa Performance interativa, recorrendo à tecnologia multimédia, no sentido de proporcionar ao público visitante uma viagem pelo mundo da fantasia, num ambiente multissensorial. Neste sentido, pretendeu-se implementar um espaço de lazer, de relaxamento e um convite ao mundo da fantasia, fazendo sonhar e maravilhando todos os públicos envolvidos. O local de realização da Performance foi um espaço não convencional, um prédio antigo, atualmente desabituado, na cidade de Viseu. Quanto à Performance pretendeu-se que os intérpretes e todo o espaço envolvente provocasse no público múltiplas sensações. Estas provocações poderiam libertar memórias, não fossem as histórias ou os contos muitas vezes responsáveis por incutir determinados sentimentos, valores morais e princípios ideológicos. O uso das tecnologias multimédia nas artes tem tido um crescimento exponencial. Atualmente são muitas as formas de arte que adotam a multimédia no seu processo criativo, este fator provém da necessidade de criar novas ideias, procurar ser original, tornar o produto mais atrativo. A afirmação de espaços multissensoriais ou MSE (Multi Sensory Environment - ambiente multissensorial) tem sido notável. A exploração desta metodologia de trabalho destina-se para além do desenvolvimento e aprendizagem, o querer proporcionar, bem-estar, prazer, exploração, relaxamento e encontrar equilíbrio. A metodologia aplicada para a criação deste projeto é a Metodologia Projetual de Bruno Munari. Tratando-se de um projeto artístico tem uma organização simples e minimalista que resulta de um esquema cujo a ordem é definida pelo autor do projeto mediante as suas necessidades. A Estreia teve como resultado um balanço muito positivo por parte dos participantes, a adesão e a participação do público interagindo com todo o ambiente criado superou as expectativas.


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The paradigm shift from traditional print literacy to the postmodern fragmentation, nonlinearity, and multimodality of writing for the Internet is realized in Gregory L. Ulmer’s electracy theory. Ulmer’s open invitation to continually invent the theory has resulted in the proliferation of relays, or weak models, by electracy advocates for understanding and applying the theory. Most relays, however, remain theoretical rather than practical for the writing classroom, and electracy instruction remains rare, potentially hindering the theory’s development. In this dissertation, I address the gap in electracy praxis by adapting, developing, and remixing relays for a functional electracy curriculum with first-year writing students in the Virginia Community College System as the target audience. I review existing electracy relays, pedagogical applications, and assessment practices – Ulmer’s and those of electracy advocates – before introducing my own relays, which take the form of modules. My proposed relay modules are designed for adaptability with the goals of introducing digital natives to the logic of new media and guiding instructors to possible implementations of electracy. Each module contains a justification, core competencies and learning outcomes, optional readings, an assignment with supplemental exercises, and assessment criteria. My Playlist, Transduction, and (Sim)ulation relays follow sound backward curricular design principles and emphasize core hallmarks of electracy as juxtaposed alongside literacy. This dissertation encourages the instruction of new media in Ulmer’s postmodern apparatus in which student invention via the articulation of fragments from various semiotic modes stems from and results in new methodologies for and understandings of digital communication.


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Background and objective: Participation in colorectal cancer (CRC) screening varies widely among different countries and different socio-demographic groups. Our objective was to assess the effectiveness of three primary-care interventions to increase CRC screening participation among persons over the age of 50 years and to identify the health and socio-demographic-related factors that determine greater participation. Methods: We conducted a randomized experimental study with only one post-test control group. A total of 1,690 subjects were randomly distributed into four groups: written briefing; telephone briefing; an invitation to attend a group meeting; and no briefing. Subjects were evaluated 2 years post-intervention, with the outcome variable being participation in CRC screening. Results: A total of 1,129 subjects were interviewed. Within the groups, homogeneity was tested in terms of socio-demographic characteristics and health-related variables. The proportion of subjects who participated in screening was: 15.4% in the written information group (95% confidence interval [CI]: 11.2-19.7); 28.8% in the telephone information group (95% CI: 23.6-33.9); 8.1% in the face-to-face information group (95% CI: 4.5-11.7); and 5.9% in the control group (95% CI: 2.9-9.0), with this difference proving statistically significant (p < 0.001). Logistic regression showed that only interventions based on written or telephone briefing were effective. Apart from type of intervention, number of reported health problems and place of residence remained in the regression model. Conclusions: Both written and telephone information can serve to improve participation in CRC screening. This preventive activity could be optimized by means of simple interventions coming within the scope of primary health-care professionals.


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The idea of sending a soccer team into a major war zone might be regarded as the height of lunacy, but in mid-1967 the Australian government approved an invitation to the Australian Soccer Federation to take part in the National Day football tournament in Saigon in the midst of the Vietnam War. While this story is fairly widely known among the football community, it has little resonance beyond it and the young players who took part have received no formal recognition. Six of the team that won the competition, the first international trophy won by Australia, were part of the Socceroos squad that qualified for the World Cup in West Germany in 1974. Australian teams returned to Vietnam in 1970 and 1972 as part of the preparation for the successful qualification campaign and the team spirit forged in very difficult circumstances helped carry Rale Rasic's squad to the World Cup. This book retells the story and explains its absence from the national narrative about sport and relations with Asia.


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This article explores how two elementary school students responded to their teacher’s invitation in a civic classroom to make a difference to the world. We consider how the teacher framed the construct of civic efficacy and how the students refracted these ideas in their navigation of a civic education project. Closely analyzing these students’ experiences and responses, we question what differences are made when students are encouraged to think of themselves as citizens who can make a difference. Noting dissonances and ambivalences in the students’ responses, the conceptual resources of “figured worlds” enable an analysis of the interplay of discourses, interactions, sensory experiences, and material artifacts as civic identities are constituted. The two students’ differing responses are analyzed in relation to other figured worlds that students and teachers daily negotiate: of compliant citizenship, productive citizenship, and consumer citizenship. The overlaps, dissonances, and/or divergences in discourses and artifacts from various figured worlds of citizenship render some students more recognizable as civically “engaged” and “efficacious” than others.


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A version of the Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) has been included in the Graduate Careers Council of Australia national survey of university graduates from 1993 onward. In addition to the quantitative response items noted above, the CEQ also includes an invitation to respondents to write open-ended comments on the best aspects (BA) of their university course experience and those aspects most needing improvement (NI).


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As it is known (Haverkate 1994, Bravo 1996; 1998, Hernández 2002) in Spanish, interlocutors prefer to choose a more direct and assertive way of saying things, while in English the opposite, i.e. less direct and less assertive seems to be the norm. Therefore, from a cross-cultural perspective, there are direct speech acts that may be considered polite in peninsular Spanish while being considered impolite by members of another cultural group. This thesis presents some answers that might help learners of E/LE, within a British educational context, to avoid misunderstandings in communicative exchange. More specifically, this work studies learners’ perceptions of politeness in relation to the use of direct speech acts. An analysis is developed of the degree to which learners of E/LE, level A2-B1 according to Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR), perceive linguistic politeness when interlocutors choose a specific type of linguistic expression in conversations: the imperative mood. The term ‘imperative’ is defined semantically. Nevertheless, the imperative does not always suggest an imposition upon the desires of others. In the majority of occasions the pragmatic perception of the imperative could be inferred as an invitation, permission, warning and suggestion. Teaching pragmatic knowledge through direct speech acts offers learners the inevitable perception of bringing into the classroom linguistic politeness that influences the process of making-meaning and interpretation of the ilocutive act of request in the target language...


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Our remit for producing this chapter suggested a confluence between critical education theory and social constructionist approaches. Quite an invitation given the prospective trajectories involved! As both of us share backgrounds as practitioners (educational/school psychologists), we decided to draw the parameter for discussion around an aspect of education surprisingly seen in some circles as contentious or controversial in present day practice: the idea of being well in education. International education policy and practice is replete with political and community action geared to the promotion of wellbeing (in the UK e.g., Every Child Matters [DES, 2004]). This circumstance is not peculiar to the sociopolitical arena of education as the notion of supporting and maintaining a healthy and productive populace is today central to activities taking place across government sectors (e.g. social/community services, employment, housing, sport and recreation, etc.; Wellbeing in Four Policy Areas [New Economics Foundation, 2014]). And yet, concerns over the ways in which such activity have been delivered are mounting. Common amongst these protests are collective apprehensions around potential deleterious effects of one-size-fits-all methodologies and clinical models of personhood.


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Hoy se hace imperioso que la ética periodística se complemente con el tratamiento jurídico de la libertad de expresión. La precaución jurídica es la invitación a una visión integral de la ética profesional basada en la autorregulación y en el conocimiento de la teleología del periodismo