986 resultados para Independent Studies Programs -- Història
This paper discusses a study that examined acoustic measures and the relationship to speech intelligibility of children with cochlear implants.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the current use of the Central Institute for the Deaf’s Speech Skills Worksheet by teacher of the deaf and speech-language pathologists, review the current literature on speech development in hearing-impaired children, and apply the findings to develop a more comprehensive Speech Skills Worksheet.
This paper discusses cued speech.
This study discusses the importance of parental involvement in children’s language development, and the related project offers parents books and activities to assist them in developing their children’s linguistic skills.
This paper reviews speechreading and the effect of sentence length and linguistic complexity on deaf children.
This paper is a review of a study of word association tests for hearing impaired children.
This study aims to discover if a variety of factors related to a child's education and audiologic history predict a child's ability to lip-read.
This paper presents the narration for an educational video on cochlear implants and the implantation process aimed at parents and teachers of hearing-impaired children.
This paper discusses a project to compile a set of reading materials for parents of young children who are enrolled in speech or language therapy.
This paper discusses a study to determine whether reading level or age has an effect on understanding of closed-captioned television.
This paper reviews the results of a questionnaire sent out to parents of children attending Central Institute for the Deaf.
This paper describes an audio/visual project resulting in a public relations slide slow about Central Institute for the Deaf and its facilities and activities.
This paper studies the relationship between consonant duration and recognition of these consanants by listeners with high frequency hearing loss.
This paper reviews spontaneous otoacoustic emissions.
Adult CBA/CaJ mice were injected with large single dose of both kanamycin and furosemide in order to study hair cell lesion and macrophage recruitment within the cochlea.