373 resultados para Hydrogel*


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Biológica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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This dissertation is related to the studies of functionalized nanoparticles for self-assembly and as controlled drug delivery system. The whole topic is composed of two parts. In the first part, the research was conducted to design and synthesize a new type of ionic peptide-functionalized copolymer conjugates for self-assembly into nanoparticle fibers and 3D scaffolds with the ability of multi-drug loading and governing the release rate of each drug for tissue engineering. The self-assembly study confirmed that such peptide-functionalized amphiphilic copolymers underwent different self-assembly behavior. The bigger nanoparticles were more easily assembled into nanoparticle fibers and 3D scaffolds with larger pore size, while the smaller nanoparticle underwent faster self-assembly to form more compact 3D scaffolds with smaller porosity but more stable structure. Controlled release studies confirmed the ability of governing simultaneous release of different model drugs with independent release rate from a same scaffold. Cytotoxicity tests showed that all synthesized peptides, copolymers and peptide-copolymer conjugates were biocompatible with SW-620 cell lines and NIH3T3 cell lines. This new type of self-assembled scaffolds combined the advantages of peptide nanofibers and versatile controlled release of polymeric nanoparticles to achieve simultaneous multi-drug loading and controlled release of each drug, uniform distribution and flexibility of hydrogel scaffolds. The investigations in second part were first to design and synthesize organic biocide-loaded nanoparticles for low-leaching wood preservation using a cost-effective one-pot method to synthesize amphiphilic chitosan-g-PMMA nanoparticles loading with ~25-28 wt.% of the fungicide tebuconazole with particle size of ~100 nm diameter by FESEM. FESEM analysis confirmed efficient penetration of nanoparticles throughout the treated wooden stake with dimension of 19 × 19 × 455 mm^3. Leaching studies showed that biocide introduced into sapwood via nanoparticles leached only ~9% compared with the amount leached from tebuconazole solution-treated control, while soil jar tests showed that the nanoparticle-treated wood blocks were effectively protected from biological decay tested against G. trabeum, a brown rot fungus. Copper oxide nanoparticles with and without polymer stabilizers were also investigated to use as inorganic wood preservatives to clarify the factor affecting copper leaching from treated wood. Copper oxide nanoparticles with uniform diameters of ~10 nm and ~50 nm were prepared, and the leachates from southern pine sapwood treated with these nanoparticles were analyzed. It was found by TEM and EDS analysis that significant numbers of nanoparticles leached from the treated wood. The 50 nm nanoparticles leached slightly less than a soluble copper salt control, but 10 nm nanoparticles leached substantially more than the control. The effect of polymer stabilizers on nanoparticle leaching was also investigated. Results showed that polymer stabilizers increased leaching. The trends showed that nanoparticle size was a major factor in copper leaching.


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A new approach is described herein, where neutron reflectivity measurements that probe changes in the density profile of thin films as they absorb material from the gas phase have been combined with a Love wave based gravimetric assay that measures the mass of absorbed material. This combination of techniques not only determines the spatial distribution of absorbed molecules, but also reveals the amount of void space within the thin film (a quantity that can be difficult to assess using neutron reflectivity measurements alone). The uptake of organic solvent vapours into spun cast films of polystyrene has been used as a model system with a view to this method having the potential for extension to the study of other systems. These could include, for example, humidity sensors, hydrogel swelling, biomolecule adsorption or transformations of electroactive and chemically reactive thin films. This is the first ever demonstration of combined neutron reflectivity and Love wave-based gravimetry and the experimental caveats, limitations and scope of the method are explored and discussed in detail.


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Comunicação oral selecionada


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L’objectif du vaste projet de recherche dans lequel s’inscrit ce mémoire est de guérir le diabète de type 1 en fabriquant un pancréas bioartificiel vascularisé contenant des cellules bêta (i.e. les cellules sécrétant l’insuline). Ce dispositif permettrait de rendre aux personnes atteintes par le diabète de type 1 la capacité de sécréter par elles-mêmes de l’insuline et de réguler leur glycémie. La vascularisation est actuellement un enjeu de taille dans le domaine du génie tissulaire. La plupart des tissus incorporant des cellules générées par le génie tissulaire sont actuellement fortement limités en épaisseur faute d’être vascularisés adéquatement. Pour les tissus dont l’épaisseur dépasse 400 μm, la vascularisation est nécessaire à la survie de la plupart des cellules qui autrement souffriraient d’hypoxie, les empêchant ainsi d’accomplir leurs fonctions [1]. Ce mémoire présente le développement et la mise en service d’un dispositif d’extrusion tridimensionnelle de sucre vitrifié pour la vascularisation d’un pancréas bioartificiel. Ce dispositif a été développé au laboratoire de recherche sur les procédés d’impression 3D ainsi qu’au bureau de design du département de génie mécanique de l’Université Laval. Grâce à cette technique d’impression 3D novatrice et à la caractérisation du procédé, il est maintenant possible de produire rapidement et avec précision des structures temporaires en sucre vitrifié pour la fabrication de réseaux vasculaires tridimensionnels complexes. Les structures temporaires peuvent, après leur production, être utilisées pour réaliser le moulage rapide de constructions vascularisées avec des matériaux tels que du polydiméthylsiloxane (PDMS) ou des hydrogels chargés de cellules biologiques. De par la nature du matériel utilisé, les moules temporaires peuvent être facilement et rapidement dissous dans une solution aqueuse et laisser place à un réseau de canaux creux sans créer de rejets toxiques, ce qui représente un avantage majeur dans un contexte de bio-ingénierie.


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Low molecular weight gelators (LMWGs) based on pseudo-peptides are here studied for the preparation of supramolecular materials. These compounds can self-assemble through non-covalent interactions such as hydrogen bonds and π-π stacking, forming fibres and gels. A wide variety of materials can be prepared starting from these building blocks, which can be tuned and functionalised depending on the application. In this work, derivatives of the three aromatic amino acids L-Phenylalanine, L-Tyrosine and L-DOPA (3,4-dihydroxiphenylalanine) were synthesised and tested as gelators for water or organic solvents. First, the optimal gelating conditions were studied for each compound, varying concentration, solvent and trigger. Then the materials were characterised in terms of mechanical properties and morphology. Water remediation from dye pollution was the first focus of this work. Organogels were studied as absorbent of dyes from contaminated water. Hydrogels functionalised with TiO2 nanoparticles and graphene platelets were proposed as efficient materials for the photo-degradation of dyes. An efficient method for the incorporation of graphene inside hydrogels using the gelator itself as dispersant was proposed. In these materials a high storage modulus coexists with good self-healing and biocompatibility. The incorporation of a mineral phase inside the gel matrix was then investigated, leading to the preparation of composite organic/inorganic materials. In a first study, the growth of calcium carbonate crystals was achieved inside the hydrogel, which preserved its structure after crystal formation. Then the self-assembled fibres made of LMWGs were used for the first time instead of the polymeric ones as reinforcement inside calcium phosphate cements (CPCs) for bone regeneration. Gel-to-crystal transitions occurring with time in a metastable gel were also examined. The formation of organic crystals in gels can be achieved in multicomponent systems, in which a second gelator constitutes the independent gel network. Finally, some compounds unable to gelate were tested as underwater adhesives.


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Nowadays the leukodepletion is one of the most important processes done on the blood in order to reduce the risk of transfusion diseases. It can be performed through different techniques but the most popular one is the filtration due to its simplicity and efficiency. This work aims at improving a current commercial product, by developing a new filter based on Fenton-type reaction to cross-link a hydrogel on to the base material. The filters for leukodepletion are preferably made through the melt flow technique resulting in a non-woven tissue; the functionalization should increase the stability of the filter restricting the extraction of substances to minimum amount when in contact with blood. Through the modification the filters can acquire new properties including wettability, surface charge and good resistance to the extractions. The most important for leukodepletion is the surface charge due to the nature of the filtration process. All the modified samples results have been compared to the commercial product. Three different polymers (A, B and C) have been studied for the filter modifications and every modified filter has been tested in order to determine its properties.


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Boron is an element essential for various biological processes, nevertheless at high concentration it can cause health issues in both plants and animals, thus making boron a pollutant element. Low cost and effective polymeric adsorbents capable of removing boron in aqueous solution at neutral pH were prepared for this purpose. The adsorbent selectivity towards boron was conferred taking advantage of the interaction between boric acid and the alcoholic groups of N-methyl-D-Glucamine, which are able to form specific complexes. Two different kinds of devices were produced and tested: cross-linked chitosan hydrogel beads (CCBMG) and PVA/chitosan membranes, the latter taking advantage of scCO2-assisted phase inversion technique. The capability of the adsorbents to be regenerated and to allow recovery of boric acid from a solution emulating the concentration of boric acid in seawater were evaluated.


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L'osteoartrite (OA) è una patologia infiammatorio/degenerativa ossea per la quale non sono disponibili terapie causali efficaci ma solo approcci palliativi per la riduzione del dolore cronico. E’ quindi giustificato un investimento per individuare nuove strategie di trattamento. In quest’ottica, lo scopo di questa tesi è stato quello di indagare l’efficacia di polyplexi a base di chitosano o di PEI-g-PEG in un modello cellulare 3D in vitro basato su un hydrogel di Gellan Gum Metacrilato (GGMA) con a bordo condrociti in condizioni simulate di OA. Inizialmente sono state studiate la dimensione e il potenziale-Z di un pool di formulazioni di poliplexi. Quindi se ne è valutata la citocompatibilità utilizzando cellule staminali mesenchimali immortalizzate Y201. Infine, una miscela di GGMA, cellule e polyplexi è stata utilizzata per la stampa 3D di campioni che sono stati coltivati fino a 14 giorni. La condizione OA è stata simulata trattando le cellule con una miscela di citochine implicate nello sviluppo della malattia. Tutte le formulazioni a base di chitosano e due basate su PEI-g-PEG si sono dimostrate citocompatibili e sono hanno veicolato i miRNA nelle cellule (come mostrato dai risultati di analisi in fluorescenza). I risultati delle colorazioni H&E e AlcianBlue hanno confermato che il terreno condizionato ha ben ricreato le condizioni di OA. I polyplexi a base di chitosano e PEI-g-PEG hanno controbilanciato gli effetti delle citochine. Risultati incoraggianti, anche se da approfondire ulteriormente, provengono anche dall’analisi di espressione (RT-PCR) di cinque geni specifici della cartilagine. Concludendo, questo modello ha ben riprodotto le condizioni di OA in vitro; il chitosano ha mostrato di essere un adeguato veicolo per un trattamento a base di miRNA; il PEI-g-PEG si propone come un'alternativa più economica e ragionevolmente affidabile, sebbene il rischio di citotossicità alle concentrazioni più elevate richieda una più esteva validazione sperimentale.


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At the intersection of biology, chemistry, and engineering, biosensors are a multidisciplinary innovation that provide a cost-effective alternative to traditional laboratory techniques. Due to their advantages, biosensors are used in medical diagnostics, environmental monitoring, food safety and many other fields. The first part of the thesis is concerned with learning the state of the art of paper-based immunosensors with bioluminescent (BL) and chemiluminescent (CL) detection. The use of biospecific assays combined with CL detection and paper-based technology offers an optimal approach to creating analytical tools for on-site applications and we have focused on the specific areas that need to be considered more in order to ensure a future practical implementation of these methods in routine analyses. The subsequent part of the thesis addresses the development of an autonomous lab-on-chip platform for performing chemiluminescent-based bioassays in space environment, exploiting a CubeSat platform for astrobiological investigations. An origami-inspired microfluidic paper-based analytical device has been developed with the purpose of assesses its performance in space and to evaluate its functionality and the resilience of the (bio)molecules when exposed to a radiation-rich environment. Subsequently, we designed a paper-based assay to detect traces of ovalbumin in food samples, creating a user-friendly immunosensing platform. To this purpose, we developed an origami device that exploits a competitive immunoassay coupled with chemiluminescence detection and magnetic microbeads used to immobilize ovalbumin on paper. Finally, with the aim of exploring the use of biomimetic materials, an hydrogel-based chemiluminescence biosensor for the detection of H2O2 and glucose was developed. A guanosine hydrogel was prepared and loaded with luminol and hemin, miming a DNAzyme activity. Subsequently, the hydrogel was modified by incorporating glucose oxidase enzyme to enable glucose biosensing. The emitted photons were detected using a portable device equipped with a smartphone's CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) camera for CL emission detection.


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I generatori compatti di neutroni possono rappresentare un grande progresso nell'ambito della Medicina Nucleare. Sono una valida alternativa rispetto ai metodi tradizionali per la produzione dei radioisotopi necessari per la sintesi dei radiofarmaci, e permettono di esplorare e sviluppare nuove metodologie radioterapeutiche innovative, complementari e potenzialmente più efficaci rispetto a quelle già esistenti. Enea sta portando avanti due progetti in questo ambito. Il primo, SORGENTINA-RF, è volto allo sviluppo di una macchina in grado di produrre un fascio di neutroni a 14MeV, con la quale irradiare un target di molibdeno metallico, in modo da ottenere tecnezio-99 metastabile (99mTc), il radioisotopo più usato al mondo nelle procedure di imaging biomedico. Il secondo progetto, LINC-ER, ha lo scopo di progettare le infrastrutture necessarie ad accogliere un generatore compatto di neutroni, il cui scopo sarà quello di eliminare le residue cellule tumorali dopo un intervento chirurgico, a ferita aperta, in modo simile alle attuali tecniche di radioterapia intraoperatoria, che però sfruttano elettroni o raggi X. Questo lavoro di tesi trova posto in questi progetti perché ha contributo a portare avanti le ricerche in due aspetti specifici. Nel caso di SORGENTINA-RF, sono stati studiati tutti gli aspetti radiochimici per ottenere dal molibdeno metallico la soluzione liquida di molibdato sodico da cui si estrae il 99mTc. In questo caso si è deciso di puntare su processo “green” e innovativo basato sull’uso di perossido di idrogeno. Durante la tesi si sono studiati i più importanti fattori che governano questo processo e si è definito un meccanismo chimico che lo spiega. Nel caso di LINC-ER, invece, il lavoro sperimentale è stato quello di studiare metodi e rotte sintetiche nuove per ottenere nanoparticelle di composti di boro e bario, dispersi in hydrogels in grado di amplificare gli effetti del fascio neutronico sui tessuti cancerogeni e ridurli su quelli sani.


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The main research topic of the present master thesis consisted in the modification and electrochemical testing of inkjet printed graphene electrodes with a thin polymeric hydrogel layer made of cross-linked poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAM) acting as a functional layer to fabricate selective sensors. The first experimental activities dealt with the synthesis of the polymeric hydrogel and the modification of the active surface of graphene sensors through photopolymerization. Simultaneous inkjet printing and photopolymerization of the hydrogel precursor inks onto graphene demonstrated to be the most effective and reproducible technique for the modification of the electrode with PNIPAAM. The electrochemical performance of the modified electrodes was tested through cyclic voltammetry. Voltammograms with standard redox couples with either positive, neutral or negative charges, suggested an electrostatic filtering effect by the hydrogel blocking negatively charged redox species in near neutral pH electrolyte solutions from reaching the electrode surface. PNIPAAM is a known thermo-responsive polymer, but the variation of temperature did not influence the filtering properties of the hydrogels for the redox couples studied. However, a variation of the filter capacity of the material was observed at pH 2 in which the PNIPAAM hydrogel, most likely in protonated form, became impermeable to positively charged redox species and permeable to negatively charged species. Finally, the filtering capacity of the electrodes modified with PNIPAAM was evaluated for the electrochemical determination of analytes in presence of negatively charge potential interferents, such as antioxidants like ascorbic acid. The outcome of the final experiments suggested the possibility to use the inkjet-printed PNIPAAM thin layer for electroanalytical applications as an electrostatic filter against interferents of opposite charges, typically present in complex matrices, such as food and beverages.


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Three-dimensional (3D) multicellular spheroids are exceptional in vitro cell models for their ability to accurately mimic real cell-cell interaction processes. However, the challenges in producing well-defined spheroids with controlled size together with the deficiency of techniques to monitor them significantly restrict their use. Herein, a novel device to study spheroid formation in real time is presented. By exploiting electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, a multi-electrode array (MEA) attached to a calcium alginate scaffold is able to monitor the behaviour of 36 different hydrogel wells. The scaffold contains inverted shape pyramidal microwells, which guide the aggregation of cells into spheroids with controlled dimensions. Preliminar studies on calcium alginate, optimisation of fabrication strategy are shown, together with testing of the device in the presence and the absence of the hydrogel. Lastly, the device was tested for its intended aim, i.e. to monitor the formation of a spheroid, proving its potential as an impedance biosensor.