999 resultados para Holocene Transition
General information on the CASE (Career And Self Awareness) prototype.
Contact information for the CASE (Career And Self Awareness) prototype.
Basic Points about the CASE (Career And Self Awareness) prototype.
Promotional article recognizing a CASE (Career And Self Awareness) conference demonstration.
Promotional article on a presentation at the Parent Educator Connector conference.
General information on the Council Bluffs Youth Connections prototype under Improving Transition Outcomes with Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
General information on the Henry County Transition Partners community prototype under Improving Transition Outcomes with Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
Henry County's Transition Partners' youth focus group interview invitation.
Henry County's Transition Partners' focus group invitation specifically for teachers.
Interview questions used by Henry County Transition Partners during focus groups and individual interviews.
Information gleaned from the focus groups and individual interviews with educators, youth and parents.
Asymmetric fiscal decentralization, by which we mean different fiscal arrangements between the central government and different groups of, or individual, lower-level governments, may be justified from an economic efficiency perspective. As argued by Tiebout (1956), Oates (1972) and others, a decentralized system of regional and local governments is better able to accommodate differences in tastes for public goods and services. This efficiency argument calls for decentralization of fiscal authority to regional and local governments, but not necessarily asymmetric decentralization. However, when the differences in tastes for public goods and services arise out of differences in history, culture and language across regions of a country, asymmetric treatment may be justified. History, culture and language may influence how a group of people (a region) views autonomy, independence and fiscal authority. Some regions may have had experience with autonomous government in the past, they may have a culture that is strongly reliant upon (or leery of) the central government, or they may be fearful of losing their separate languages if they do not have special arrangements. To accommodate differences in taste for independence, autonomy, and fiscal authority, it may be necessary to have different fiscal arrangements between the central government and the different regions comprising the country.
The case of two transition tables is considered, that is two squareasymmetric matrices of frequencies where the rows and columns of thematrices are the same objects observed at three different timepoints. Different ways of visualizing the tables, either separatelyor jointly, are examined. We generalize an existing idea where asquare matrix is descomposed into symmetric and skew-symmetric partsto two matrices, leading to a decomposition into four components: (1)average symmetric, (2) average skew-symmetric, (3) symmetricdifference from average, and (4) skew-symmetric difference fromaverage. The method is illustrated with an artificial example and anexample using real data from a study of changing values over threegenerations.