965 resultados para Gender stereotypes


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Background. Substantial evidence exists for HLA and other host genetic factors being determinants of susceptibility or resistance to infectious diseases. However, very little information is available on the role of host genetic factors in HIV-TB coinfection. Hence, a longitudinal study was undertaken to investigate HLA associations in a cohort of HIV seropositive individuals with and without TB in Bangalore, South India. Methods. A cohort of 238 HIV seropositive subjects were typed for HLA-A, B, and DR by PCR-SSP and followed up for 5 years or till manifestation of Tuberculosis. HLA data of 682 HIV Negative healthy renal donors was used as control. Results. The ratio of males and females in HIV cohort was comparable (50.4% and 49.6%). But the incidence of TB was markedly lower in females (12.6%,) than males (25.6%). Further, HLA-B* 57 frequency in HIV cohort was significantly higher among females without TB (21.6%, 19/88) than males (1.7%, 1/59); P = 0.0046; OR = 38. CD4 counts also were higher among females in this cohort. Conclusion. This study suggests that HIV positive women with HLA-B* 57 have less occurrence of TB as compared to males.


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Revised: 2006-11.-- Published as an article in: Journal of Population Economics, 2007, vol. 21 issue 3, pp. 751-776.


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Revised: 2006-05.-- Published as an article in: Journal of Population Economics, 2007, vol. 18, issue 1, pp. 165-179.


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This paper presents new evidence on the role of gender segregation and pay structure in explaining gender wage differentials of full-time salaried workers in Spain. Data from the 1995 and 2002 Wage Structure Surveys reveal that raw gender wage gaps decreased from 0.24 to 0.14 over the seven-year period. Average differences in the base wage and wage complements decreased from 0.09 to 0.05 and from 0.59 to 0.40, respectively. However, the gender wage gap is still large after accounting for workers’ human capital, job and pay structure characteristics, and female segregation into low-paying industries, occupations, establishments, and occupations within establishments.


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This paper presents new evidence on the role of segregation into firms, occupations within a firm and stratification into professional categories within firm-occupations in explaining the gender wage gap. I use a generalized earnings model that allows observed and unobserved group characteristics to have different impact on wages of men and women within the same group. The database is a large sample of individual wage data from the 1995 Spanish Wage Structure Survey. Results indicate that firm segregation in our sample accounts for around one-fifth of the raw gender wage gap. Occupational segregation within firms accounts for about one-third of the raw wage gap, and stratification into different professional categories within firms and occupations explains another one-third of it. The remaining one-fifth of the overall gap arises from better outcomes of men relative to women within professional categories. It is also found that rewards to both observable and unobservable skills, particularly those related to education, are higher for males than for females within the same group. Finally, mean wages in occupations or job categories with a higher fraction of female co-workers are lower, but the negative impact of femaleness in higher for women.


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The plots of the five Greek novels of "love and Adventures" are set in two differentent spaces. First, a macrospace, a gigantic stage which mainly includes Eastern cities of the Roman Empire, where the protagonists live the so-called adventures. And second, the microspaces, depicted in Longus' novel and occasionally in the other novels. The love ideology is clearly conservative, and it has a specific practical purpose among the Hellenized higher classes in the Eastern Empire.


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[ES]La tesis doctoral analiza las experiencias amorosas de pareja de mujeres encarceladas, con el doble objetivo de visibilizar a las mujeres presas en el ámbito de las ciencias sociales y de introducir las especificidades de las mujeres encarceladas en los debates sociológicos y feministas acerca del amor. Las escasas aproximaciones al amor entre las mujeres presas han tendido a explicar sus relaciones de pareja desde el concepto de “dependencia emocional”, que, como se muestra en la tesis, presenta dos debilidades básicas, de un lado la tendencia a la psicologización y patologización de cuestiones de claro sustrato social; de otro la homogeneización de experiencias que presentan gran diversidad. Otra debilidad de ciertos análisis sobre las mujeres presas y aquellas excluidas socialmente, es que se han basado en concepciones sexistas acerca de las mujeres transgresoras como “malas mujeres”, por considerar que no cumplen con las expectativas culturales y sociales asociadas a los supuestos atributos de género. Esta tesis doctoral adopta una epistemología basada en la crítica feminista que busca modelos analíticos alejados de los estereotipos y la estigmatización de las mujeres transgresoras. Desde una perspectiva metodológica cualitativa, el trabajo de campo fue desarrollado en la cárcel de Nanclares de Oca (País Vasco) durante el 2008. Desarrollé un trabajo etnográfico de observación participante y entrevistas en profundidad semiestructuradas que elaboraban información sobre aspectos relativos a sus trayectorias de vida (familia de origen, vivienda, empleo, nivel educativo, situación penal y penitenciaria, estado de salud, etc.) y sus experiencias amorosas de pareja. En mi análisis, he rastreado la diversidad y variabilidad de las experiencias amorosas de las mujeres presas, el impacto del encarcelamiento en sus trayectorias amorosas y en la configuración de su intimidad, los elementos que hacen para estas mujeres del amor un “cautiverio”, y al mismo tiempo, las estrategias “liberadoras” que despliegan en sus desarrollos afectivos. El amor puede constituir un cautiverio para las mujeres ya que favorece la acomodación a unos roles de género que definen a las mujeres como dependientes y carentes de libertad. Al mismo tiempo, el amor se puede entender como una “estrategia emocional”, una forma de superar las consecuencias del encierro y de lograr ciertos estándares de “normalización” social, en un contexto en que se encuentran excluidas socialmente y fuertemente estigmatizadas.


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Lan honekin bilatu nahi izan dugun helburu nagusia Lehen Hezkuntzako umeek gizarteak transmititzen dituen genero rol eta estereotipoak zenbateraino barneratuta dituzten aztertzea izan da. Horretarako, hainbat adituren hitzak kontuan hartuz, gizartean genero rol eta estereotipoak transmititzen dituzten esparru ezberdinak behatu eta errealitatearen diagnostiko txiki bat egin dugu Lehen Hezkuntzako ikasgela batean ikerketa parte-hartzailea metodotzat hartuta. Ikasgelako esku-hartzean lorturako emaitzetan oinarrituta eta hasieran planteatutako galderei erantzuna emanez ondorioak atera ditugu; lan hau, aurrera begira, oinarri gisa, lagungarria izango delakoan hezkuntza hezkidetzailea eta parekidetasuna lortzera bidean. EUSKARA.


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Thirty-nine participants from 18 countries, including women fishworkers, representatives of fishworker organizations and NGOs, activists and researchers, met at Mahabalipuram, India, during 7-10 July 2010, to discuss the theme “Recasting the Net: Defining a Gender Agenda for Sustaining Life and Livelihoods in Fishing Communities”. The workshop was meant to reflect on what needs to be done to develop a ‘gender agenda’ for sustaining life and livelihoods in fisheries. It was also organized against the backdrop of the growing international recognition of small-scale fisheries and efforts to enhance their contribution to food security and poverty alleviation, as evidenced in the deliberations of the the Committee on Fisheries (COFI) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). This publication—the proceedings of the Mahabalipuram workshop—will be useful for fishworker organizations, gender activists, researchers, policymakers, fish farmers, members of civil society and anyone interested in gender, fisheries and livelihoods. (PDF contains 89 pages)


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The aim of this study is to analyze the gender segregation in undergraduate studies in the University from Basque Country (UPV/EHU). We use data from UPV/EHU for the period 2003-2013. We focus on the period from 2003 to 2013 to analyze the changes in the segregation over ten years. We analyze the tendencies of the men and the women inside undergraduate studies. Undergraduate studies are decomposed into five fields: Legal and social sciences, experimental sciences, engineering, arts and humanities, and health sciences. We draw segregation curves and compute the Gini segregation index within the Lorenz approach. Our results show that the gender segregation in undergraduate studies in the UPV/EHU has decreased from 2003 to 2013.


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In this work we study the gender segregation in technological undergraduate studies in the University of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU). For this study we use the data of new admissions at the UPV/EHU. They are from the time period of the years 2003-2013. We focus on the first and last year to check if the segregation has changed over these ten years. We build segregation curves within the Lorenz approach. Our results show that the gender segregation in technological undergraduate studies in the University of the Basque Country has increased over the last ten years. We also show that the distribution between men and women has changed.  


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Este estudo aborda a temática das relações existentes entre a formação universitária e a imagem social de mulheres negras universitárias da área da saúde e suas possíveis transformações pessoais e sociais. Considerando que a formação universitária produz uma valorização social e os seus desdobramentos influenciam nos papéis sociais vividos por este grupo. Buscamos assim, descrever a imagem social de mulheres negras na perspectiva de mulheres negras universitárias e sua autoimagem social; e analisar a influencia da formação universitária na autoimagem social das mesmas. Metodologia: Pesquisa descritivo-exploratória com abordagem qualitativa, realizada com roteiro de entrevista semi estruturada com dez entrevistadas que se autodeclararam pretas ou pardas matriculadas em Programa de Pós-graduação (Mestrado) de uma universidade pública estadual no município do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). Os dados produzidos foram analisados e interpretados à luz da análise de conteúdo de Bardin. Deste processo emergiram três categorias. A primeira categoria A imagem social da mulher negra na perspectiva de mulheres negras universitárias descreve a condição desigual da mulher negra na sociedade a partir da desvalorização do gênero feminino e da raça (sexismo e o racismo) e o corpo da mulher negra como objeto de sensualidade. A segunda categoria - A formação universitária na vida de mulheres negras desdobrou-se em duas categorias intermediárias: Situações positivas vivenciadas durante a formação (formação universitária como veículo para as transformações sociais e pessoais a partir da ampliação do conhecimento científico e a melhora na inserção social); Situações negativas (desigualdades de classes, sentimentos de indecisão, frustração frente à escolha do curso e limitações na aprendizagem e adaptação). A terceira categoria A autoimagem social de mulheres universitárias negras desenvolve a percepção das entrevistadas acerca da sua autoimagem a partir do processo de formação universitária, e desdobra-se em visões positivas e negativas sobre sua autoimagem. A visão positiva destaca o empoderamento diante da sua condição étnica caracterizado por atitudes perseverantes e demonstração de competência no cotidiano, favorecendo o fortalecimento de posições sociais; algumas inclusive não identificam vivenciar diferenças sociais pela etnia. A visão negativa foi descrita a partir dos sentimentos de baixa estima, insegurança no posicionamento nos espaços sociais e a dificuldade de falar sobre a sua autoimagem. Para as depoentes a autoimagem se traduz não no estereótipo, mas, nas conquistas sociais que elas alcançam decorrente da formação universitária. A formação universitária se torna condição fundamental para transpor os estigmas sociais que interferem na imagem social deste grupo populacional na sociedade.


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[EN]This project is going to study the implications of the gender of an individual in the rate-setting process of life insurance. In order to do so there is a review of the continuous changes that have taken place in the national and European legislation following the enactment of the Directive 2004/113/EC, as well as its consequences from the prohibition to differentiate the premiums and benefits on the grounds of gender. In this area, the evolution of the Spanish insurance sector and the influence of the new legislation are examined. Furthermore, there is an analysis of the differences between men and women, which to some extent have a direct impact in the management and development of the life insurance companies. Finally, methods to calculate the premium and the benefits are proposed with the purpose of preventing the restrictions imposed by the Directive 2004/113/EC. In order to check the repercussions of the use of unisex tables a comparison is made between the premiums obtained for a whole life insurance by allocating the same weighing to the actuarial male and female mortality tables and those that would result if the distinction by gender were allowed.