388 resultados para Gem-dizinc carbenoid


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Tourmaline from a gem-quality deposit in the Grenville province has been studied with X-ray diffraction, visible-near infrared spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe and optical measurements. The tourmaline is found within tremolite-rich calc-silicate pods hosted in marble of the Central Metasedimentary Belt. The crystals are greenish-greyish-brown and have yielded facetable material up to 2.09 carats in size. Using the classification of Henry et al. 2011 the tourmaline is classified as a dravite, with a representative formula shown to be (Na0.73Ca0.2380.032)(Mg2+2.913Fe2+0.057Ti4+0.030) (Al3+5.787Fe3+0.017Mg2+0.14)(Si6.013O18)(BO3)3(OH)3((OH,O)0.907F0.093). Rietveld analysis of powder diffraction data gives a = 15.9436(8) Å, c = 7.2126(7) Å and a unit cell volume of 1587.8 Å3. A polished thin section was cut perpendicular to the c-axis of one tourmaline crystal, which showed zoning from a dark brown core into a lighter rim into a thin darker rim and back into lighter zonation. Through the geochemical data, three key stages of crystal growth can be seen within this thin section. The first is the core stage which occurs from the dark core to the first colourless zone; the second is from this colourless zone increasing in brown colour to the outer limit before a sudden absence of colour is noted; the third is a sharp change from the end of the second and is entirely colourless. These events are the result of metamorphism and hydrothermal fluids resulting from nearby felsic intrusive plutons. Scanning electron microscope, and electron microprobe traverses across this cross-section revealed that the green colour is the result of iron present throughout the system while the brown colour is correlated with titanium content. Crystal inclusions in the tourmaline of chlorapatite, and zircon were identified by petrographic analysis and confirmed using scanning electron microscope data and occur within the third stage of formation.


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The Cutri Formation’s, type location, exposed in the NW of Mallorca, Spain has previously been described by Álvaro et al., (1989) and further interpreted by Abbots (1989) unpublished PhD thesis as a base-of-slope carbonate apron. Incorporating new field and laboratory analysis this paper enhances this interpretation. From this analysis, it can be shown without reasonable doubt that the Cutri Formation was deposited in a carbonate base-of-slope environment on the palaeowindward side of a Mid-Jurassic Tethyan platform. Key evidence such as laterally extensive exposures, abundant deposits of calciturbidtes and debris flows amongst hemipelagic deposits strongly support this interpretation.


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Care has come to dominate much feminist research on globalized migrations and the transfer of labor from the South to the North, while the older concept of reproduction had been pushed into the background but is now becoming the subject of debates on the commodification of care in the household and changes in welfare state policies. This article argues that we could achieve a better understanding of the different modalities and trajectories of care in the reproduction of individuals, families, and communities, both of migrant and nonmigrant populations by articulating the diverse circuits of migration, in particular that of labor and the family. In doing this, I go back to the earlier North American writing on racialized minorities and migrants and stratified social reproduction. I also explore insights from current Asian studies of gendered circuits of migration connecting labor and marriage migrations as well as the notion of global householding that highlights the gender politics of social reproduction operating within and beyond households in institutional and welfare architectures. In contrast to Asia, there has relatively been little exploration in European studies of the articulation of labor and family migrations through the lens of social reproduction. However, connecting the different types of migration enables us to achieve a more complex understanding of care trajectories and their contribution to social reproduction.


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This paper reports the progress achieved in an anthropological investigation based on which there is now a more in depth understanding of some dimensions of the “kinship work” carried out by families in Chile. The main objective is to analyze the work of maintaining family links performed primarily by women within families and show how this work reproduces gender inequalities within them. On the basis of a longitudinal methodology based on semi-structured interviews, it is concluded that the work of maintaining family links performed by women is crucial but goes unnoticed because kinship obligations are seen as a naturally being part of women’s role in the family.


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Highlights • We study diel behavioural differences in activity patterns in bigeye tuna. • Daytime activity patterns showed scale free movements consistent with searching. • Night-time activity showed simpler movements indicative of rich patch exploitation. • The results confirm predictions of the Lévy foraging hypothesis.


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Highlights • We study diel behavioural differences in activity patterns in bigeye tuna. • Daytime activity patterns showed scale free movements consistent with searching. • Night-time activity showed simpler movements indicative of rich patch exploitation. • The results confirm predictions of the Lévy foraging hypothesis.


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MENDES, Jean Joubert Freitas. Renovando os sentidos: percepção e escrita etnográfica na etnomusicologia. In: ANPPOM, 17. Rio de Janeiro, 2005. Anais... Rio de Janeiro: UFRN/ANPPOM, 2005.


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„Auf dem Weg zu einem inklusiven Bildungssystem gemäß der UN-­BRK sind oftmalsdie Barrieren im Kopf das größte Hindernis.“ Bezugnehmend auf diese Aussage derAktion Mensch aus dem Jahr 2014 sind die folgenden Ausführungen an diejenigenadressiert, die nicht das OB fokussieren, sondern die wissen wollen, was sich hinterdem Wie verbirgt. Thematisiert werden grundlegende Begrifflichkeiten sowie aktuelleEntwicklungsstände des inklusiven Schulsystems im Primärbereich. Zudem zielt dieArbeit darauf ab darzulegen, welche Maßnahmen ergriffen werden können undwelche Ressourcen unser Bildungssystem noch bietet, um Schülern mitBeeinträchtigungen ein gleichberechtigtes und erfolgversprechendes Lernsetting zugewährleisten.


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Im zweiten Band der Germania Sacra zum Erzbistum Salzburg behandelt Johannes Lang das 1136 gegründete Augustiner-Chorherrenstift St. Zeno in Reichenhall bis zu seiner Aufhebung 1803. Als einzige eigenständige Gründung des Salzburger Erzbischofs Konrad von Abenberg besaß das Kloster zunächst eine wichtige politische Funktion als Brückenkopf der Salzburger Kirche in der wirtschaftlich wichtigen Salinenstadt Reichenhall. Ab dem Spätmittelalter erlangte das Stift, der Ausrichtung des Ordens gemäß, nicht nur für die unmittelbare Bevölkerung, sondern auch für weiter entfernte Gebiete eine starke seelsorgliche Bedeutung. Gleichzeitig entwickelte sich St. Zeno zum geistlichen, geistigen und kulturellen Zentrum der gesamten Region. Analog zu den inkorporierten Pfarreien erstreckte sich der Grundbesitz des Chorherrenstifts auf bayerisches, salzburgisches, tirolisches und österreichisches Gebiet. Gleichwohl schöpfte das Kloster seinen größten Reichtum aus der eigenen Salzproduktion, die bis zum Jahre 1616 aufrechterhalten wurde. Der abschließende Katalog behandelt die Pröpste und die zeitweilig große Zahl von Konventualen, die auch in den auswärtigen Pfarreien eingesetzt waren.


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In the vein of the "Education for All" campaign to promote access to education, a wave of curriculum revision along the competency-based approach has swept francophone countries in sub-Sahara Africa, thus Benin. The current study documents local actors' various interactions with the curricular reform in the course of its implementation. Secondary data supplemented with qualitative research techniques such as semi-structured interviews with teachers, and focus group discussions with parents enable to relate the patterns of change, the challenges and resistance to change. The actors spectrum generated illustrates advocacy on one hand and resistance on the other. Advocacy of local actors reflects the global optimistic discourse on education and resistance is favoured by disappointing policy outcomes as well as contextual constraints. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Die Europäische Union ist ein Zusammenschluss souveräner Staaten. Aus dieser politischen und rechtlichen Konzeption resultiert ein Spannungsfeld, welches versucht, den Gedanken der unionsweiten Harmonisierung sowie die unionsrechtlichen Zielvorstellungen mit der nationalen Souveränität aller Mitgliedstaaten in Einklang zu bringen. Dieses Prinzip findet sich in den unterschiedlichen Rechtsakten der Europäischen Union, insbesondere den Richtlinien, wieder. Um dieses Prinzip zu erkennen, spielen die authentischen Sprachfassungen der einzelnen Rechtsakte eine entscheidende Rolle. Seit dem 01. Juli 2013 besteht die Europäische Union aus 28 Mitgliedstaaten. Dies bedeutet eine umfassende sprachliche und kulturelle Vielfalt. Aktuell erkennt die Europäische Union 24 Amts- und Arbeitssprachen an. Hinzu kommt, dass gem. Art. 342 AEUV i.V.m. Art. 4 VO (EG) Nr.1/1958 alle EU-Rechtsakte in allen Amtssprachen abgefasst werden müssen. Es ist insbesondere für EU-Richtlinien aufgrund ihrer Umsetzungspflicht entscheidend, dass die Sprachfassungen identisch sind. Der Auftragscharakter der Richtlinie muss in allen Sprachfassungen so ausgedrückt werden, dass die Mitgliedstaaten als Adressaten der Richtlinie die von der Europäischen Union auferlegte Aufforderung bereits auf sprachlicher Ebene erkennen und in der außersprachlichen Wirklichkeit umsetzen können. Dabei sind ebenso sprachspezifische wie auch nationalrechtliche Konventionen zu berücksichtigen.


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MENDES, Jean Joubert Freitas. Renovando os sentidos: percepção e escrita etnográfica na etnomusicologia. In: ANPPOM, 17. Rio de Janeiro, 2005. Anais... Rio de Janeiro: UFRN/ANPPOM, 2005.


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Methods to measure enteric methane (CH4) emissions from individual ruminants in their production environment are required to validate emission inventories and verify mitigation claims. Estimates of daily methane production (DMP) based on consolidated short-term emission measurements are developing, but method verification is required. Two cattle experiments were undertaken to test the hypothesis that DMP estimated by averaging multiple short-term breath measures of methane emission rate did not differ from DMP measured in respiration chambers (RC). Short-term emission rates were obtained from a GreenFeed Emissions Monitoring (GEM) unit, which measured emission rate while cattle consumed a dispensed supplement. In experiment 1 (Expt. 1), four non-lactating cattle (LW=518 kg) were adapted for 18 days then measured for six consecutive periods. Each period consisted of 2 days of ad libitum intake and GEM emission measurement followed by 1 day in the RC. A prototype GEM unit releasing water as an attractant (GEM water) was also evaluated in Expt. 1. Experiment 2 (Expt. 2) was a larger study based on similar design with 10 cattle (LW=365 kg), adapted for 21 days and GEM measurement was extended to 3 days in each of the six periods. In Expt. 1, there was no difference in DMP estimated by the GEM unit relative to the RC (209.7 v. 215.1 g CH4/day) and no difference between these methods in methane yield (MY, 22.7 v. 23.7 g CH4/kg of dry matter intake, DMI). In Expt. 2, the correlation between GEM and RC measures of DMP and MY were assessed using 95% confidence intervals, with no difference in DMP or MY between methods and high correlations between GEM and RC measures for DMP (r=0.85; 215 v. 198 g CH4/day SEM=3.0) and for MY (r=0.60; 23.8 v. 22.1 g CH4/kg DMI SEM=0.42). When data from both experiments was combined neither DMP nor MY differed between GEM- and RC-based measures (P>0.05). GEM water-based estimates of DMP and MY were lower than RC and GEM (P<0.05). Cattle accessed the GEM water unit with similar frequency to the GEM unit (2.8 v. 3.5 times/day, respectively) but eructation frequency was reduced from 1.31 times/min (GEM) to once every 2.6 min (GEM water). These studies confirm the hypothesis that DMP estimated by averaging multiple short-term breath measures of methane emission rate using GEM does not differ from measures of DMP obtained from RCs. Further, combining many short-term measures of methane production rate during supplement consumption provides an estimate of DMP, which can be usefully applied in estimating MY.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the electrochemical and acid-base disorders in high performance athletes during the World Karate Championship hosted by the WKO (World Karate Organization) in 2014. In this study 19 male athletes were analyzed (age 34 ± 8), black belts and with over 5 years of experience in the sport. Capillary blood samples from the digital pulp of the finger were collected in three stages: rest, 5 minutes after and 10 minutes after fighting (kumite). The sample was analyzed using blood gas analyzer GEM Premier 3000, using the parameters pH, Na+, K+, Ca2+, lactate e HCO3−. The values related to acid-base disturbance presented statistical differences (p <0.05) in most of the collected moments. The lactate levels found were 2.77 ± 0.97mmol / L in rest, 6.57 ± 2.1 for 5 minutes after and 4.06 ± 1.55 for 10 minutes after combat. The samples collected for the electrolytic markers showed no statistical differences in their values (p <0.05). Through the data collected, we conjecture that the sport can be characterized as a high-intensity exercise and with a predominance of the glycolytic system. The analysis of acid-base disturbance is an efficient method to assist in the control of training loads.


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Die 13. Arbeitstagung des AMPF – im 10. Jahr seines Bestehens – widmete sich einem Thema, das sich zwar allgemeiner Wertschätzung erfreut, aber in der Vergangenheit kaum intensiv behandelt wurde, der Rolle von Gefühl und Ausdruck in der Musik. Zwar ist der Begriff der affektiven Lernziele zur gängigen Floskel geworden, aber den wenigsten ist bewußt, dass mit diesem Begriff im erziehungswissenschaftlichen Sinne (s. Bloom et al.) die positive Einstellung zu einem Gegenstand, also z. B. die Wertschätzung von Musik gemeint ist, nicht aber die Affekte, die Musik z. B. gemäß barocker Affektenlehre vermitteln kann. Daß auf dieser Tagung fast alle Beiträge dem Tagungsthema galten, zeigt die Aktualität der gewählten Problematik. Die Formulierung „Gefühl als Erlebnis – Ausdruck als Sinn" mag der Leser als Programm, als zweifelnde Frage oder auch nur als Anregung zum Nachdenken verstehen, keineswegs aber als Aufforderung zur Gefühlsduselei. (DIPF/Orig.)