942 resultados para Fold and flip bifurcation curves


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Black flies, a non-target species of the insecticides used in fruit production, represent a severe medical and veterinary problem. Large increases in the level of resistance to the pyrethroids fenvalerate (more than 355-fold) and deltamethrin (162-fold) and a small increase in resistance to the organophosphate azinphos methyl (2-fold) were observed between 1996-2008 in black fly larvae under insecticide pressure. Eventually, no change or a slight variation in insecticide resistance was followed by a subsequent increase in resistance. The evolution of pesticide resistance in a field population is a complex and stepwise process that is influenced by several factors, the most significant of which is the insecticide selection pressure, such as the dose and frequency of application. The variation in insecticide susceptibility within a black fly population in the productive area may be related to changes in fruit-pest control. The frequency of individuals with esterase activities higher than the maximum value determined in the susceptible population increased consistently over the sampling period. However, the insecticide resistance was not attributed to glutathione S-transferase activity. In conclusion, esterase activity in black flies from the productive area is one mechanism underlying the high levels of resistance to pyrethroids, which have been recently used infrequently. These enzymes may be reselected by currently used pesticides and enhance the resistance to these insecticides.


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Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (Bti) is increasingly used worldwide for mosquito control and is the only larvicide used in the French Rhône-Alpes region since decades. The artificial selection of mosquitoes with field-persistent Bti collected in breeding sites from this region led to a moderate level of resistance to Bti, but to relatively high levels of resistance to individual Bti Cry toxins. Based on this observation, we developed a bioassay procedure using each Bti Cry toxin separately to detect cryptic Bti-resistance evolving in field mosquito populations. Although no resistance to Bti was detected in none of the three mosquito species tested (Aedes rusticus, Aedes sticticus and Aedes vexans), an increased tolerance to Cry4Aa (3.5-fold) and Cry11Aa toxins (8-fold) was found in one Ae. sticticus population compared to other populations of the same species, suggesting that resistance to Bti may be arising in this population. This study confirms previous works showing a lack of Bti resistance in field mosquito populations treated for decades with this bioinsecticide. It also provides a first panorama of their susceptibility status to individual Bti Cry toxins. In combination with bioassays with Bti, bioassays with separate Cry toxins allow a more sensitive monitoring of Bti-resistance in the field.


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Purpose: Gene therapy of severe retinal dystrophies directly affecting photoreceptor is still a challenge in terms of clinical application. One of the main hurdles is to generate high transgene expression specifically in rods or cones. In the present study, we are investigating the possibility to drive hPDE6b expression in the Rd10 mouse retina using a specific sequence of the human PDE6b promoter. Methods: Two 5' flanking fragments of the human PDE6b gene: (-93 to +53 (146 bp) and -297 to +53 (350 bp, see Di Polo and Farber, 1995) were cloned in different plasmids in order to check their expression in vitro and in vivo. These elements drove the activity of either luciferase (pGL3 plasmids) or EGFP (AAV2/8 backbone). Then, an AAV2/8 vector carrying the PDE6b cDNA was tested with subretinal injections at P9 in the Rd10 eyes. Eye fundus, OCT, ERG recordings and histological investigations were performed to assess the efficacy of the gene transfer. Results: The short PDE6b promoter containing 146bp (-93 to +53) showed the highest activity in the Y-79 cells, as described previously (Di Polo and Farber, 1995). Subretinal administrations of AAV2/8-PDE6bpromoter-EGFP allowed a rapid expression specifically in rods and not in cones. The expression is faster than a vector containing the CMV promoter. The AAV2/8-PDE6bpromoter-PDE6b and the control vector were injected at P9 in the Rd10 mouse retina and investigated 5 weeks post-injection. Out of 14 eyes, 6 presented an increased rod sensitivity of about 300 fold, and increased a- and b-wave responses in ERG recordings. Flicker stimulations revealed that cones are also functional. OCT images and histological analyses revealed an increased ONL size in the injected area. The retina treated with the therapeutic vector presented 4-6 rows of photoreceptors with outersegments containing PDE6b. In the control eyes, only 2-4 rows of photoreceptors with almost no OS were observed . Conclusions: The 146 bp promoter sequence (-93 to + 53) is the shortest regulatory element described to date which allows to obtain efficient rod-specific expression in the context of somatic gene transfer. This first result is of great interest for AAV vector design in general allowing more space for the accommodation of transgenes of interest and good expression in rods. Moreover we showed the proof of principle of the efficacy of AAV2/8-PDE6bp-PDE6b vector in the Rd10 mouse model of severe photoreceptor degeneration without using neither AAV mutated capsids, nor self-complementary vectors.


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TEIXEIRA, José João Lopes. Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola, Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal do Ceará, Agosto de 2011. Hidrossedimentologia e disponibilidade hídrica da bacia hidrográfica da Barragem de Poilão, Cabo Verde. Orientador: José Carlos de Araújo. Examinadores: George Leite Mamede, Pedro Henrique Augusto Medeiros. O Arquipélago de Cabo Verde, situado na costa ocidental africana, sofre influência do deserto de Saara tornando o clima caraterizado por pluviometria muito baixa e distribuída irregularmente no espaço e no tempo. As chuvas são muito concentradas, gerando grandes escoamentos para o mar. O aumento da disponibilidade hídrica requer além da construção e manutenção de infraestrutura de captação e conservação de águas pluviais, uma gestão eficiente destes recursos. Atualmente, constitui um dos eixos estratégicos da política do estado de Cabo Verde, a captação, armazenamento e mobilização de águas superficiais através de construção de barragens. Estudos do comportamento hidrológico e sedimentológico do reservatório e da sua bacia de contribuição constituem premissas básicas para um ótimo dimensionamento, gestão e monitoramento da referida infraestrutura. É neste sentido que o presente estudo objetivou sistematizar informações hidrológicas e sedimentológicas da bacia hidrográfica da Barragem de Poilão (BP) e apresentar proposta operacional de longo prazo. A área de estudo ocupa 28 km² a montante da Bacia Hidrográfica da Ribeira Seca (BHRS) na Ilha de Santiago. A altitude da bacia varia de 99 m, situada na cota da barragem, até 1394 m. Para o estudo, foram utilizados e sistematizados, série pluviométrica de 1973 a 2010, registos de vazão instantânea do período 1984 a 2000 e registos agroclimáticos da área de estudo (1981 a 2004). Para o preenchimento das falhas tanto dos escoamentos como da descarga sólida em suspensão, foi utilizado o método de curva chave. Para estimativa de produção de sedimentos na bacia, aplicou-se a Equação Universal de Perda de Solo (USLE) e a razão de aporte de sedimentos (SDR). O índice de retenção de sedimentos no reservatório foi estimado pelo método de Brune e a distribuição de sedimento pelo método empírico de redução de área descrito por Borland e Miller e, revisado por Lara. Para gerar e simular curvas de vazão versus garantia foi utilizado código computacional VYELAS, desenvolvido por Araújo e baseado na abordagem de Campos. Também foi avaliada a redução da vazão de retirada do período 2006 a 2026, provocado pelo assoreamento do reservatório. Concluiu-se que em média a precipitação anual é de 323 mm, concentrando-se 73% nos meses de agosto e setembro; a bacia de contribuição apresenta como valor um número de curva (CN) de 76, com abstração inicial (Ia) de 26 mm, coeficiente de escoamento de 19% e uma vazão anual afluente de 1,7 hm³(cv= 0,73); a disponibilidade hídrica para uma garantia de 85% é avaliada em 0,548 hm³/ano e não 0,671 hm³/ano como indica o projeto original. Com uma descarga sólida estimada em 22.185 m³/ano conclui-se que até o ano de 2026, a capacidade do reservatório reduz a uma taxa de 1,8 % ao ano, devido ao assoreamento, provocando uma redução de 41% da disponibilidade hídrica inicial. Nessa altura, as perdas por evaporação e sangria serão da ordem de 81% da vazão afluente de entrada no reservatório. Na base desses resultados se apresentou proposta de operação da BP.


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The discovery of genes implicated in familial forms of Parkinson's disease (PD) has provided new insights into the molecular events leading to neurodegeneration. Clinically, patients with genetically determined PD can be difficult to distinguish from those with sporadic PD. Monogenic causes include autosomal dominantly (SNCA, LRRK2, VPS35, EIF4G1) as well as recessively (PARK2, PINK1, DJ-1) inherited mutations. Additional recessive forms of parkinsonism present with atypical signs, including very early disease onset, dystonia, dementia and pyramidal signs. New techniques in the search for phenotype-associated genes (next-generation sequencing, genome-wide association studies) have expanded the spectrum of both monogenic PD and variants that alter risk to develop PD. Examples of risk genes include the two lysosomal enzyme coding genes GBA and SMPD1, which are associated with a 5-fold and 9-fold increased risk of PD, respectively. It is hoped that further knowledge of the genetic makeup of PD will allow designing treatments that alter the course of the disease.


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OBJECTIVE: Although dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) is the preferred method to estimate adiposity, body mass index (BMI) is often used as a proxy. However, the ability of BMI to measure adiposity change among youth is poorly evidenced. This study explored which metrics of BMI change have the highest correlations with different metrics of DEXA change. METHODS: Data were from the Quebec Adipose and Lifestyle Investigation in Youth cohort, a prospective cohort of children (8-10 years at recruitment) from Québec, Canada (n=557). Height and weight were measured by trained nurses at baseline (2008) and follow-up (2010). Metrics of BMI change were raw (ΔBMIkg/m(2) ), adjusted for median BMI (ΔBMIpercentage) and age-sex-adjusted with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention growth curves expressed as centiles (ΔBMIcentile) or z-scores (ΔBMIz-score). Metrics of DEXA change were raw (total fat mass; ΔFMkg), per cent (ΔFMpercentage), height-adjusted (fat mass index; ΔFMI) and age-sex-adjusted z-scores (ΔFMz-score). Spearman's rank correlations were derived. RESULTS: Correlations ranged from modest (0.60) to strong (0.86). ΔFMkg correlated most highly with ΔBMIkg/m(2) (r = 0.86), ΔFMI with ΔBMIkg/m(2) and ΔBMIpercentage (r = 0.83-0.84), ΔFMz-score with ΔBMIz-score (r = 0.78), and ΔFMpercentage with ΔBMIpercentage (r = 0.68). Correlations with ΔBMIcentile were consistently among the lowest. CONCLUSIONS: In 8-10-year-old children, absolute or per cent change in BMI is a good proxy for change in fat mass or FMI, and BMI z-score change is a good proxy for FM z-score change. However change in BMI centile and change in per cent fat mass perform less well and are not recommended.


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Drug use is a preventable behavior; drug addiction is a treatable disease; and a balanced approach of proven and promising prevention, treatment and enforcement is required to protect Iowans from drugs now and in the future. Drug abuse itself is a two-faceted problem, affected by both the available supply of and the demand for illegal drugs and other substances of abuse. Any strategy dealing with both the supply of and demand for drugs of abuse must be three-fold and involve these coordinated components: 1) Prevention strategies to discourage the initial human demand for drugs, 2) Treatment for those who already abuse or are addicted to drugs, in order to halt their drug-seeking behavior, and 3) Law enforcement actions to decrease the supply of illegal drugs and bring to treatment those who otherwise would not seek help. It is with these three approaches in mind that the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy presents the 2012 Iowa Drug Control Strategy. Mark J. Schouten Director, Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy


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Polypeptide chains form open knots in many proteins. How these knotted proteins fold and finding the evolutionary advantage provided by these knots are among some of the key questions currently being studied in the protein folding field. The detection and identification of protein knots are substantial challenges. Different methods and many variations of them have been employed, but they can give different results for the same protein. In the present article, we review the various knot identification algorithms and compare their relative strengths when applied to the study of knots in proteins. We show that the statistical approach based on the uniform closure method is advantageous in comparison with other methods used to characterize protein knots.


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This report describes a statewide study conducted to develop main-channel slope (MCS) curves for 138 selected streams in Iowa with drainage areas greater than 100 square miles. MCS values determined from the curves can be used in regression equations for estimating flood frequency discharges. Multi-variable regression equations previously developed for two of the three hydrologic regions defined for Iowa require the measurement of MCS. Main-channel slope is a difficult measurement to obtain for large streams using 1:24,000-scale topographic maps. The curves developed in this report provide a simplified method for determining MCS values for sites located along large streams in Iowa within hydrologic Regions 2 and 3. The curves were developed using MCS values quantified for 2,058 selected sites along 138 selected streams in Iowa. A geographic information system (GIS) technique and 1:24,000-scale topographic data were used to quantify MCS values for the stream sites. The sites were selected at about 5-mile intervals along the streams. River miles were quantified for each stream site using a GIS program. Data points for river-mile and MCS values were plotted and a best-fit curve was developed for each stream. An adjustment was applied to all 138 curves to compensate for differences in MCS values between manual measurements and GIS quantification. The multi-variable equations for Regions 2 and 3 were developed using manual measurements of MCS. A comparison of manual measurements and GIS quantification of MCS indicates that manual measurements typically produce greater values of MCS compared to GIS quantification. Median differences between manual measurements and GIS quantification of MCS are 14.8 and 17.7 percent for Regions 2 and 3, respectively. Comparisons of percentage differences between flood-frequency discharges calculated using MCS values of manual measurements and GIS quantification indicate that use of GIS values of MCS for Region 3 substantially underestimate flood discharges. Mean and median percentage differences for 2- to 500-year recurrence-interval flood discharges ranged from 5.0 to 5.3 and 4.3 to 4.5 percent, respectively, for Region 2 and ranged from 18.3 to 27.1 and 12.3 to 17.3 percent for Region 3. The MCS curves developed from GIS quantification were adjusted by 14.8 percent for streams located in Region 2 and by 17.7 percent for streams located in Region 3. Comparisons of percentage differences between flood discharges calculated using MCS values of manual measurements and adjusted-GIS quantification for Regions 2 and 3 indicate that the flood-discharge estimates are comparable. For Region 2, mean percentage differences for 2- to 500-year recurrence-interval flood discharges ranged between 0.6 and 0.8 percent and median differences were 0.0 percent. For Region 3, mean and median differences ranged between 5.4 to 8.4 and 0.0 to 0.3 percent, respectively. A list of selected stream sites presented with each curve provides information about the sites including river miles, drainage areas, the location of U.S. Geological Survey stream flowgage stations, and the location of streams Abstract crossing hydro logic region boundaries or the Des Moines Lobe landforms region boundary. Two examples are presented for determining river-mile and MCS values, and two techniques are presented for computing flood-frequency discharges.


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BaFe10.4Co0.8Ti0.8O19 magnetic fine particles exhibit most of the features attributed to glassy behavior, e.g., irreversibility in the hysteresis loops and in the zero-field-cooling and field-cooling curves extends up to very high fields, and aging and magnetic training phenomena occur. However, the multivalley energy structure of the glassy state can be strongly modified by a field-cooling process at a moderate field. Slow relaxation experiments demonstrate that the intrinsic energy barriers of the individual particles dominate the behavior of the system at high cooling fields, while the energy states corresponding to collective glassy behavior play the dominant role at low cooling fields.


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Alpha-D-mannopyranosides are potent FimH antagonists, which inhibit the adhesion of Escherichia coli to highly mannosylated uroplakin Ia on the urothelium and therefore offer an efficient therapeutic opportunity for the treatment and prevention of urinary tract infection. For the evaluation of the therapeutic potential of FimH antagonists, their effect on the disaggregation of E. coli from Candida albicans and guinea pig erythrocytes (GPE) was studied. The mannose-specific binding of E. coli to yeast cells and erythrocytes is mediated by type 1 pili and can be monitored by aggregometry. Maximal aggregation of C. albicans or GPE to E. coli is reached after 600 s. Then the FimH antagonist was added and disaggregation determined by light transmission over a period of 1400 s. A FimH-deleted mutant of E. coli, which does not induce any aggregation, was used in a control experiment. The activities of FimH antagonists are expressed as IC(50)s, the half maximal inhibitory concentration of the disaggregation potential. n-Heptyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside (1) was used as a reference compound and exhibits an IC(50) of 77.14 microM , whereas methyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside (2) does not lead to any disaggregation at concentrations up to 800 microM. o-Chloro-p-[N-(2-ethoxy-3,4-dioxocyclobut-1-enyl)amino]phenyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside (3) shows a 90-fold and 2-chloro-4-nitrophenyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside (4) a 6-fold increased affinity compared to 1. Finally, 4-nitrophenyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside (5) exhibits an activity similar to 1. As negative control, D-galactose (6) was used. The standardized aggregation assay generates concentration-dependent, reproducible data allowing the evaluation of FimH antagonists according to their potency to inhibit E. coli adherence and can therefore be employed to select candidates for experimental and clinical studies for treatment and prevention of urinary tract infections.


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A fetal rat telencephalon organotypic cell culture system was found to reproduce the developmental pattern of Na-K-adenosinetriphosphatase (ATPase) gene expression observed in vivo [Am. J. Physiol. 258 (Cell Physiol. 27): C1062-C1069, 1990]. We have used this culture system to study the effects of triiodothyronine (T3; 0.003-30 nM) on mRNA abundance and basal transcription rates of Na-K-ATPase isoforms. Steady-state mRNA levels were low at culture day 6 (corresponding to the day of birth) but distinct for each isoform alpha 3 much greater than beta 1 = beta 2 greater than alpha 2 greater than alpha 1. At culture day 6, T3 did not modify mRNA abundance of any isoform. At culture day 12 (corresponding to day 7 postnatal), T3 increased the mRNA level of alpha 2 (4- to 7-fold), beta 2 (4- to 5-fold), alpha 1 (3- to 6-fold), and beta 1 (1.5-fold), whereas alpha 3 mRNA levels remained unchanged. Interestingly, the basal transcription rate for each isoform differed strikingly (alpha 2 greater than alpha 1 much greater than beta 1 = beta 2 greater than alpha 3) but remained stable throughout 12 days of culture and was not regulated by T3. Thus we observed an inverse relationship between rate of transcription and rate of mRNA accumulation for each alpha-isoform, suggesting that alpha 1- and alpha 2-mRNA are turning over rapidly whereas alpha 3-mRNA is turning over slowly. Our data indicate that one of the mechanisms by which T3 selectively controls Na-K-ATPase gene expression during brain development in vitro occurs at the posttranscriptional level.


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Objectives of this investigation were to measure the effects of moderate heat treatments (below the dehydroxylation temperature) on physical and chemical properties of a calcium-montmorillonite clay. Previous workers have noted the reduction in cation exchange capacity and swelling property after heating in the range 200 to 400°C, and have suggested several possible explanations, such as hysteresis effect, increased inter-layer attractions due to removal of inter-layer water, or changes in the disposition of inter-layer or layer surface ions. The liquid limits of Ca-montmorillonite were steadily decreased with increased temperature of treatment, levelling at about 450°C. The plastic limit decreased slightly up to 350°C, above which samples could no longer be rolled into threads. The gradual change is in contrast with sudden major changes noted for weight loss (maximum rates of change at l00°C and 500°C), glycol retention surface area (520°C), and d001 diffraction peak intensity (17.7 A spacing) and breadth after glycolation (530°C). Other properties showing more gradual reductions with heat treatment were amount of exchangeable calcium (without water soaking), cation exchange capacity by NH4AC method, and d001 intensity (21 A spacing) after storing at 100% r.h. one month and re-wetting with water. Previous water soaking allowed much greater release of fixed Ca++ up to 450°C. Similar results were obtained with cation exchange capacities when samples were treated with N CaCl2 solution. The 21.0 A peak intensity curve showed close similarity to the liquid limit and plastic index curves in the low temperature range, and an explanation is suggested.


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The main deformation structures due to the Tertiary continental collision in the Western Swiss Alps are ductile shear zones. Four main shear zones can be recognized on the structural map, each characterised by a different shear direction. The first D I shear zone with a X I, SE (transverse) stretching direction has been created during the under-thrusting towards the SE of the European plate under the Adriatic plate. This took place mainly by ductile deformation of the upper part of the European continental basement with the formation of the external massifs basement folds and the Penninic foldnappes. The second D II shear zone (Simplon ductile shear zone) is characterized by a XII stretching, dipping from 0 to 30-degrees to the SW (longitudinal stretching). It is approximately 10 km wide, and crosses the Alpine nappes in an oblique direction. It corresponds to a relative SW transport direction of the upper units together with the Adriatic plate. This dextral transpression zone is also responsible for the stretching parallel to the elongation of the Alpine belt. The third D III shear zone is made of mylonites with a steep stretching direction and corresponds to the hanging wall of the Canavese reverse fault. The D IV shear zones, dextral wrench zones combined with underthrusting movement, are characterised by a W and SW stretching direction. They were formed during and after the S facing backfolding which for instance made the Mischabel fold and the Boggioleto fold. Actually it occupies two narrow areas of more ductile rocks between the Mischabel backfold to the N and the Monte Rosa nappe to the S and allong the Canavese Line. These dextral shear zones represent probably the western continuation of the Tonale Line dextral wrench fault. The D I to IV ductile shear zone were formed under greenschist and amphibolite facies conditions during the Tertiary orogenic metamorphism. Their regional distribution is limited to the metamorphic ductile zone representing the deep part of the Alpine belt, between 10 and 30 km depth. The emplacement and orientation of the shear zones was also directed by the geometry of the boundaries of the European and Adriatic plates. The analysis of the superposed Central Alpine shear zones permits thus to propose a model of the history of the relative convergent and wrench movements which took place between the European and Adriatic plates during the Alpine Tertiary continental collision.


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OBJECTIVES: Antibiotic tolerance is a phenomenon allowing bacteria to withstand drug-induced killing. Here, we studied a penicillin-tolerant mutant of Streptococcus gordonii (Tol1), which was shown to be deregulated in the expression of the arginine deiminase operon (arc). arc was not directly responsible for tolerance, but is controlled by the global regulator CcpA. Therefore, we sought whether CcpA might be implicated in tolerance. METHODS: The ccpA gene was characterized and subsequently inactivated by PCR ligation mutagenesis in both the susceptible wild-type (WT) and Tol1. The minimal inhibitory concentration and time-kill curves for the strains were determined and the outcome of penicillin treatment in experimental endocarditis assessed. RESULTS: ccpA sequence and expression were similar between the WT and Tol1 strains. In killing assays, the WT lost 3.5 +/- 0.6 and 5.3 +/- 0.6 log(10) cfu/mL and Tol1 lost 0.4 +/- 0.2 and 1.4 +/- 0.9 log(10) cfu/mL after 24 and 48 h of penicillin exposure, respectively. Deletion of ccpA almost totally restored Tol1 kill susceptibility (loss of 2.5 +/- 0.7 and 4.9 +/- 0.7 log(10) cfu/mL at the same endpoints). In experimental endocarditis, penicillin treatment induced a significant reduction in vegetation bacterial densities between Tol1 (4.1 log(10) cfu/g) and Tol1DeltaccpA (2.4 log(10) cfu/g). Restitution of ccpA re-established the tolerant phenotype both in vitro and in vivo. CONCLUSIONS: CcpA, a global regulator of the carbon catabolite repression system, is implicated in penicillin tolerance both in vitro and in vivo. This links antibiotic survival to bacterial sugar metabolism. However, since ccpA sequence and expression were similar between the WT and Tol1 strains, other factors are probably involved in tolerance.