990 resultados para Event Characteristics
Background: Workplace demographics are changing in many European countries with a higher proportion of older workers in employment. Research has shown that there is an association between job strain and cardiovascular disease, but this relationship is unclear for the older worker. Aims: To investigate the association between job strain and a coronary event comparing younger and older male workers. Methods: Cases with a first-time coronary event were recruited from four coronary/intensive care units (1999-2001). Matched controls were recruited from the case's general practitioner surgery. Physical measurements were taken and self-administered questionnaires completed with questions on job characteristics, job demands and control. Unconditional logistic regression was carried out adjusting for classical cardiovascular risk factors. Results: There were 227 cases and 277 matched controls. Age stratified analyses showed a clear difference between younger (= 50 years) workers with regard to the exposure of job strain (job demands and control) and the association between these factors and cardiovascular disease. Older workers who had a coronary event were four times as likely to have high job strain [OR = 4.09 (1.29-13.02)] and more likely to report low job control [ OR = 0.83 (0.72-0.95)]. Conclusions: Job control emerged as a potential protective factor for heart disease and this evidence was stronger in the older male worker. Nevertheless, they were significantly more likely to have job strain. These results suggest that older workers may be more susceptible to job strain.
The main focus of this thesis was to gain a better understanding about the dynamics of risk perception and its influence on people’s evacuation behavior. Another major focus was to improve our knowledge regarding geo-spatial and temporal variations of risk perception and hurricane evacuation behavior. A longitudinal dataset of more than eight hundred households were collected following two major hurricane events, Ivan and Katrina. The longitudinal survey data was geocoded and a geo-spatial database was integrated to it. The geospatial database was composed of distance, elevation and hazard parameters with respect to the respondent’s household location. A set of Bivariate Probit (BP) model suggests that geospatial variables have had significant influences in explaining hurricane risk perception and evacuation behavior during both hurricanes. The findings also indicated that people made their evacuation decision in coherence with their risk perception. In addition, people updated their hurricane evacuation decision in a subsequent similar event.
Computer networks produce tremendous amounts of event-based data that can be collected and managed to support an increasing number of new classes of pervasive applications. Examples of such applications are network monitoring and crisis management. Although the problem of distributed event-based management has been addressed in the non-pervasive settings such as the Internet, the domain of pervasive networks has its own characteristics that make these results non-applicable. Many of these applications are based on time-series data that possess the form of time-ordered series of events. Such applications also embody the need to handle large volumes of unexpected events, often modified on-the-fly, containing conflicting information, and dealing with rapidly changing contexts while producing results with low-latency. Correlating events across contextual dimensions holds the key to expanding the capabilities and improving the performance of these applications. This dissertation addresses this critical challenge. It establishes an effective scheme for complex-event semantic correlation. The scheme examines epistemic uncertainty in computer networks by fusing event synchronization concepts with belief theory. Because of the distributed nature of the event detection, time-delays are considered. Events are no longer instantaneous, but duration is associated with them. Existing algorithms for synchronizing time are split into two classes, one of which is asserted to provide a faster means for converging time and hence better suited for pervasive network management. Besides the temporal dimension, the scheme considers imprecision and uncertainty when an event is detected. A belief value is therefore associated with the semantics and the detection of composite events. This belief value is generated by a consensus among participating entities in a computer network. The scheme taps into in-network processing capabilities of pervasive computer networks and can withstand missing or conflicting information gathered from multiple participating entities. Thus, this dissertation advances knowledge in the field of network management by facilitating the full utilization of characteristics offered by pervasive, distributed and wireless technologies in contemporary and future computer networks.
Although soil algae are among the main primary producers in most terrestrial ecosystems of continental Antarctica, there are very few quantitative studies on their relative proportion in the main algal groups and on how their distribution is affected by biotic and abiotic factors. Such knowledge is essential for understanding the functioning of Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems. We therefore analyzed biological soil crusts from northern Victoria Land to determine their pH, electrical conductivity (EC), water content (W), total and organic C (TC and TOC) and total N (TN) contents, and the presence and abundance of photosynthetic pigments. In particular, the latter were tested as proxies for biomass and coarse-resolution community structure. Soil samples were collected from five sites with known soil algal communities and the distribution of pigments was shown to reflect differences in the relative proportions of Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta and Bacillariophyta in these sites. Multivariate and univariate models strongly indicated that almost all soil variables (EC, W, TOC and TN) were important environmental correlates of pigment distribution. However, a significant amount of variation is independent of these soil variables and may be ascribed to local variability such as changes in microclimate at varying spatial and temporal scales. There are at least five possible sources of local variation: pigment preservation, temporal variations in water availability, temporal and spatial interactions among environmental and biological components, the local-scale patchiness of organism distribution, and biotic interactions.
Samoylov Island is centrally located within the Lena River Delta at 72° N, 126° E and lies within the Siberian zone of continuous permafrost. The landscape on Samoylov Island consists mainly of late Holocene river terraces with polygonal tundra, ponds and lakes, and an active floodplain. The island has been the focus of numerous multidisciplinary studies since 1993, which have focused on climate, land cover, ecology, hydrology, permafrost and limnology. This paper aims to provide a framework for future studies by describing the characteristics of the island's meteorological parameters (temperature, radiation and snow cover), soil temperature, and soil moisture. The land surface characteristics have been described using high resolution aerial images in combination with data from ground-based observations. Of note is that deeper permafrost temperatures have increased between 0.3 to 1.3 °C over the last five years. However, no clear warming of air and active layer temperatures is detected since 1998, though winter air temperatures during recent years have not been as cold as in earlier years.
Nodule samples obtained were described and studied on board for 1) observation of occurrence and morphology in and outside samplers, size classification, measurement of weight and calculation of population density (kg/m2); 2) photographing whole nodules on the plate marked with the frames of unit areas of both 0cean-70 (0.50 m2) and freefall grab (0.13 m2), and that of typical samples on the plate with a 5 cm grid scale: 3) observation of internal structures of the nodules on cut section; and 4) determination of mineral composition by X-ray diffractometer. The relation between nodule types and geological environment or chemical composition was examined by referring to other data of related studies, such as sedimentology. acoustic survey, and chemical analysis.
Lower to middle Cretaceous sediments in the eastern Gulf of Mexico are richer in organic matter and have a more marine organic facies than their counterparts in the nearby western North Atlantic, suggesting that the Gulf was the more productive of the two areas. As in the western North Atlantic, the rate of supply of terrestrial organic matter was high when the rate of supply of noncarbonate clastic materials was high (at times of low sea level) and diminished as sea level rose. The rate of supply of marine organic matter was lower in the Early Cretaceous than in the Cenomanian, perhaps in response to the global rise in sea level over this period. Where they are thermally mature, the organic matterrich units drilled at Sites 535 and 540 should be excellent sources for liquid hydrocarbons. The Pleistocene sediments of the eastern Gulf are dominated by terrestrial organic matter representing Mississippi River effluent.
Polygonal tundra, thermokarst basins and pingos are common and characteristic periglacial features of arctic lowlands underlain by permafrost in Northeast Siberia. Modern polygonal mires are in the focus of biogeochemical, biological, pedological, and cryolithological research with special attention to their carbon stocks and greenhouse-gas fluxes, their biodiversity and their dynamics and functioning under past, present and future climate scenarios. Within the frame of the joint German-Russian DFG-RFBR project Polygons in tundra wetlands: state and dynamics under climate variability in Polar Regions (POLYGON) field studies of recent and of late Quaternary environmental dynamics were carried out in the Indigirka lowland and in the Kolyma River Delta in summer 2012 and summer 2013. Using a multidisciplinary approach, several types of polygons and thermokarst lakes were studied in different landscapes units in the Kolyma Delta in 2012 around the small fishing settlement Pokhodsk. The floral and faunal associations of polygonal tundra were described during the fieldwork. Ecological, hydrological, meteorological, limnological, pedological and cryological features were studied in order to evaluate modern and past environmental conditions and their essential controlling parameters. The ecological monitoring and collection program of polygonal ponds were undertaken as in 2011 in the Indigirka lowland by a former POLYGON expedition (Schirrmeister et al. [eds.] 2012). Exposures, pits and drill cores in the Kolyma Delta were studied to understand the cryolithological structures of frozen ground and to collect samples for detailed paleoenvironmental research of the late Quaternary past. Dendrochronological and ecological studies were carried out in the tree line zone south of the Kolyma Delta. Based on previous work in the Indigirka lowland in 2011 (Schirrmeister et al. [eds.] 2012), the environmental monitoring around the Kytalyk research station was continued until the end of August 2012. In addition, a classical exposure of the late Pleistocene permafrost at the Achchaygy Allaikha River near Chokurdakh was studied. The ecological studies near Pokhodsk were continued in 2013 (chapter 13). Other fieldwork took place at the Pokhodsk-Yedoma-Island in the northwestern part of the Kolyma Delta.
During Leg 168 a transect was drilled across the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge in an area where the volcanic basement is covered by sediments of variable thickness. Samples of basement volcanic rocks were recovered from nine locations along the transect, where the basement sediment interface is presently heated to temperatures varying from 15° to 64°C. Altered rocks with secondary calcium carbonate were common at four of the sites, where present-day temperatures range from 38° to 64°C. Fluid inclusions in aragonite suggest that the mineral precipitated from an aqueous fluid of seawater salinity at temperatures well below 100°C. The chemical compositions of secondary calcite and aragonite were determined with both an electron microprobe and a laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (LA-ICP-MS) microprobe. These two techniques yielded consistent analyses of the same minor elements (Mg and Sr) in the same specimens. The combined results show that secondary aragonites contain very little Mg, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, La, Ce, Pb, or U, yet they contain significant Sr. In contrast, secondary calcites contain significant Mg, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb, yet very little Co, Rb, Sr, La, Ce, or U. Secondary calcium carbonates provide subseafloor reservoirs for some minor and trace elements. Replacement of aragonite by calcite should result in a release of Sr, Rb, and Zn to solution, and it provides a sink for Mg, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb.
Sind in einem Sediment, das unter dem Einfluß einer Strömung abgelagert wurde, richtungsanzeigende Indikatoren vorhanden, so werden sie je nach den momentanen Bedingungen, die zur Zeit der Sedimentation herrschten, ein mehr oder weniger gutes Abbild der Strömungsverhältnisse liefern. Zahlreich sind Strömungsanzeiger organischen Ursprungs, wie z. B. Molluskenschalen u. a. Doch auch anorganische Partikel in Psephiten und Psammiten lassen häufig in ihrer Lagerung eine Abhängigkeit von der Strömungsrichtung erkennen: sie sind "geregelt". Die Autoren der verschiedenen Arbeiten, in denen Regelungen in klastischen Sedimenten untersucht wurden, gingen von der Tatsache aus, daß viele Sedimentpartikel statistisch gesehen keine Kugelform, sondern eine längliche Gestalt besitzen. Die langen Achsen dieser länglich geformten Sedimentkörner werden im folgenden als "Langachsen" bezeichnet. In Sanden sind es vor allem Quarzkörner von annähernd zylindrischer oder ellipsoidischer Form ("Langquarze"), die geeignet sind, durch die Lage ihrer Langachsen strömungsbedingte Regelungen anzuzeigen. Mit der Orientierung solcher Langquarze in marinen und fluviatilen Sanden haben sich bisher vorwiegend amerikanische Autoren befaßt. So untersuchten z. B. Dapples & Rominger (1945) die Sandsohle eines künstlichen Gerinnes. Sie stellten fest, daß die Hauptorientierungsrichtung der Langquarze mit der Strömungsrichtung des fließenden Wassers zusammenfiel. Dabei zeigte das spitze Ende tropfenförmiger ("polarer") Quarze stromab und das stumpfe Ende stromauf. Nanz (1955) maß die Langachsenrichtungen von Langquarzen in Sanden des nassen und trockenen Strandes von Texas und Florida und fand, daß sich diese Achsen vorwiegend parallel zur Auf- und Ablaufrichtung der Wellen und damit senkrecht zum Streichen der Strandlinie einregeln. Curray (1956 b) beobachtete die gleiche Regelung. Er wies ferner darauf hin, daß in Strandwällen und Strandhaken die bevorzugte Richtung der Langquarze senkrecht zum Streichen des Sedimentkörpers liegt. Zahlreiche weitere Autoren beschäftigten sich ebenfalls mit den Fragen der Langquarzregelung, so Schwarzacher (1951), Griffith & Rosenfeld (1953), Vollbrecht (1953), Rusnak (1956), Wendler (1956), Sriramadas (1957). Ganz allgemein war das Ergebnis aller dieser Untersuchungen, daß die aus einer Strömung abgelagerten Langquarze eine Regelung parallel zur Strömungsrichtung zeigen. Eigene Untersuchungen und Überlegungen ergaben, daß die bisher veröffentlichten Ergebnisse und die an sie angeschlossenen Vorstellungen z. T. bestätigt werden können, jedoch z. T. auch erheblich modifiziert werden müssen.
In the GH77-1 cruise, manganese nodules were obtained from 31 stations among 37 total ones. Here are reported the preliminary results of the observation mainly done on-board. Special attention was paid to confirming the applicability of the nodule type classification tentatively established in the previous GH76-1 cruise and to delineating the pattern of the nodule distribution and clarifying its relation to the geological factors, such as topography, surface sediment types, and substrate stratigraphy. In addition, a short description of the obtained rock samples from a few stations is included in this chapter.