965 resultados para Error in substance


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Short term load forecasting is one of the key inputs to optimize the management of power system. Almost 60-65% of revenue expenditure of a distribution company is against power purchase. Cost of power depends on source of power. Hence any optimization strategy involves optimization in scheduling power from various sources. As the scheduling involves many technical and commercial considerations and constraints, the efficiency in scheduling depends on the accuracy of load forecast. Load forecasting is a topic much visited in research world and a number of papers using different techniques are already presented. The accuracy of forecast for the purpose of merit order dispatch decisions depends on the extent of the permissible variation in generation limits. For a system with low load factor, the peak and the off peak trough are prominent and the forecast should be able to identify these points to more accuracy rather than minimizing the error in the energy content. In this paper an attempt is made to apply Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with supervised learning based approach to make short term load forecasting for a power system with comparatively low load factor. Such power systems are usual in tropical areas with concentrated rainy season for a considerable period of the year


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We present a technique for the rapid and reliable evaluation of linear-functional output of elliptic partial differential equations with affine parameter dependence. The essential components are (i) rapidly uniformly convergent reduced-basis approximations — Galerkin projection onto a space WN spanned by solutions of the governing partial differential equation at N (optimally) selected points in parameter space; (ii) a posteriori error estimation — relaxations of the residual equation that provide inexpensive yet sharp and rigorous bounds for the error in the outputs; and (iii) offline/online computational procedures — stratagems that exploit affine parameter dependence to de-couple the generation and projection stages of the approximation process. The operation count for the online stage — in which, given a new parameter value, we calculate the output and associated error bound — depends only on N (typically small) and the parametric complexity of the problem. The method is thus ideally suited to the many-query and real-time contexts. In this paper, based on the technique we develop a robust inverse computational method for very fast solution of inverse problems characterized by parametrized partial differential equations. The essential ideas are in three-fold: first, we apply the technique to the forward problem for the rapid certified evaluation of PDE input-output relations and associated rigorous error bounds; second, we incorporate the reduced-basis approximation and error bounds into the inverse problem formulation; and third, rather than regularize the goodness-of-fit objective, we may instead identify all (or almost all, in the probabilistic sense) system configurations consistent with the available experimental data — well-posedness is reflected in a bounded "possibility region" that furthermore shrinks as the experimental error is decreased.


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La cirugía de cataratas por Facoemulsificación es tal vez uno de los procedimientos más realizados en la práctica de oftalmología general, sin embargo el resultado refractivo de esta cirugía no siempre llena las expectativas del oftalmólogo y del paciente, es por esto que es de gran importancia observar los resultados post quirúrgicos obtenidos y las distintas variables que pudieron influir en dicho resultado. Objetivo: determinar la capacidad predictiva de la formula biométrica empleada en el preoperatorio con el resultado refractivo post operatorio expresada en porcentajes. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio de correlación basándose en la refracción prevista por la biometría y la refracción encontrada en el post operatorio. Se analizó los diferentes grupos de pacientes miopes, hipermétropes y emétropes en de los rangos de 0,50D, 0,75 D y 1,00D. Resultados: el porcentaje de pacientes que presento 0,50D de diferencia con el previsto fue de 57,7% para el total, 100% para hipermétropes, 53,1% para emétropes, 56,3% para miopes. En el rango de 0,75D 71,2% para el total, 62,5% para emétropes y 81,3% para miopes. En el rango de 1,00D 82,7% para el total, 75% para emétropes y 93,8% para miopes. Conclusiones: la formula SRK/T presento un buen desempeño en todos los grupos encontrándose resultados concordantes con los descritos en la literatura.


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La complejidad que supone abarcar el estudio de la responsabilidad patrimonial del Estado en el ámbito médico sanitario, hace preciso prestar atención a ciertos temas que resultan especialmente relevantes y que han sido decantados jurisprudencialmente por el Honorable Consejo de Estado. De esta manera el presente trabajo desarrolla temas descollantes y novedosos en materia de imputabilidad como viene a ser la prueba de la falla médica mediante la teoría "res ipsa loquitur"; la prueba del nexo causal a través de la prueba indiciaria y la teoría de la probabilidad preponderante. Así mismo se estudian los diversos tipos de daños antijurídicos que pueden darse dentro de la prestación médica a cargo del Estado, destacando especialmente la lesión al derecho a recibir una atención oportuna y eficaz, la pérdida de una oportunidad debida a la no obtención del consentimiento informado del paciente, lo que supone, a su vez, el cercenamiento del derecho de este a elegir someterse o no a determinado tratamiento, previo valoración de pros y contras de la terapia sugerida por el galeno (principio de no agravación). Así mismo se analizanlas hipótesis de daños antijurídicos derivados del error en el diagnóstico, la falla por la omisión de las entidades de control y vigilancia, falla en gineco-obstetricia, así como las hipótesis de responsabilidad objetiva del Estado por óblito quirúrgico, para finalmente tratar el tema novedoso del alea terapéutica con sus particulares características y eventual aplicabilidad en el sistema jurídico colombiano.


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El presente trabajo de grado es una revisión de la literatura que permite hacer un recorrido desde el psicoanálisis acerca de la compleja problemática de las adicciones. Para ello, se revisaron las bases de datos PepWeb, Ebsco, y Jstor, revisando las posiciones del psicoanálisis freudiano, lacaniano y otras corrientes psicoanalíticas respondiendo a las siguientes preguntas de investigación: (a) ¿Cómo se comprenden las adicciones desde un marco de referencia psicoanalítico? (b) ¿Cómo –desde la teoría freudiana y la teoría lacaniana - se aborda la comprensión de la adicción? (c) ¿Qué dice el psicoanálisis contemporáneo sobre ésta problemática? Se abordan temas como la concepción de una adicción desde la perspectiva de Freud y Lacan hasta psicoanalistas contemporáneos, el rol que juega el goce en la adicción y, finalmente, el complejo debate incipiente sobre la legalidad del tóxico. Se encontró que es un campo de constante publicación y es necesario que los clínicos y los psicoanalistas aborden este campo de estudio clínico permanentemente y sigan produciendo investigaciones sobre el fenómeno.


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The aim of this research is to know the training of health professionals in health promotion and disease prevention, and to examine its manifestation among the actions and interventions for prevention of tobacco, alcohol or cannabis consumption. The sample includes 225 professionals. The study used a self-made design of quantitative methodology (survey study). The most important results are: the formative limitations in health education and prevention of substance use and the fact that professionals who have received specific training in substance use tap more health education as a prevention tool in their daily activities. It is also noted that 80% of professionals believe they should improve quality training, and 67% quantity, always in relation to the tobacco, alcohol and cannabis use. Generally, the overload care and the lack of time are cited as factors preventing the health education activities. Finally, the study also shows that secondary prevention activities are the most used, while community interventions are underutilized by professionals.


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El tema central y alcance de la presente tesis de maestría está circunscrito al actual recurso de casación penal, contenido en los artículos 656 y 657 del Código Orgánico Integral Penal. La perspectiva teórico-metodológica utilizada ha sido de tipo documental y dogmática, recurriendo primariamente a textos legales, doctrina y jurisprudencia actualizada. El concepto principal que sigue esta tesis es que actualmente se ha disuelto la pretensión original del fin político de la casación, pues no se puede seguir pensando en términos de una teórica justicia absoluta abstracta, sino más bien en ir hacia una justicia razonable del caso concreto. Por tanto la idea que debe guiarnos es que la protección del sistema jurídico se ha ampliado a la efectiva protección de los derechos y garantías fundamentales, lo cual termina contorneando la casación penal de una manera muy diferente a la originalmente diseñada para su funcionamiento. En el capítulo primero se realiza un análisis histórico de la casación, con su "fin político o Ius constitutionis", esto es las funciones nomofiláctica y la uniformadora, y la creciente importancia del "fin procesal o Ius litigatoris" esto es la función dikelógica. Se analiza las características y principios de la casación penal. Y la llegada y desenvolvimiento de dicha institución procesal penal en nuestro país. En el capítulo segundo, se realiza un análisis de la correcta conceptualización de los conceptos de error in procedendo y error in iudicando, y dentro de éste último el error de derecho (in jure) y el error de hecho (in facto). Se resalta el tema del error de juicio in iudicando in factum, esto es la problemática del segundo inciso del Art. 656 del COIP, que bien puede ser la parte más importante de esta tesis. En el capítulo tercero se analiza la técnica de casación penal; y se hace un análisis de los titulares del recurso, de su admisión, de la audiencia pública de fundamentación; así como de la sentencia de casación.


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A new method for assessing forecast skill and predictability that involves the identification and tracking of extratropical cyclones has been developed and implemented to obtain detailed information about the prediction of cyclones that cannot be obtained from more conventional analysis methodologies. The cyclones were identified and tracked along the forecast trajectories, and statistics were generated to determine the rate at which the position and intensity of the forecasted storms diverge from the analyzed tracks as a function of forecast lead time. The results show a higher level of skill in predicting the position of extratropical cyclones than the intensity. They also show that there is potential to improve the skill in predicting the position by 1 - 1.5 days and the intensity by 2 - 3 days, via improvements to the forecast model. Further analysis shows that forecasted storms move at a slower speed than analyzed storms on average and that there is a larger error in the predicted amplitudes of intense storms than the weaker storms. The results also show that some storms can be predicted up to 3 days before they are identified as an 850-hPa vorticity center in the analyses. In general, the results show a higher level of skill in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) than the Southern Hemisphere (SH); however, the rapid growth of NH winter storms is not very well predicted. The impact that observations of different types have on the prediction of the extratropical cyclones has also been explored, using forecasts integrated from analyses that were constructed from reduced observing systems. A terrestrial, satellite, and surface-based system were investigated and the results showed that the predictive skill of the terrestrial system was superior to the satellite system in the NH. Further analysis showed that the satellite system was not very good at predicting the growth of the storms. In the SH the terrestrial system has significantly less skill than the satellite system, highlighting the dominance of satellite observations in this hemisphere. The surface system has very poor predictive skill in both hemispheres.


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The water vapour continuum absorption is an important component of molecular absorption of radiation in atmosphere. However, uncertainty in knowledge of the value of the continuum absorption at present can achieve 100% in different spectral regions leading to an error in flux calculation up to 3-5 W/m2 global mean. This work uses line-by-line calculations to reveal the best spectral intervals for experimental verification of the CKD water vapour continuum models in the currently least studied near-infrared spectral region. Possible sources of errors in continuum retrieval taken into account in the simulation include the sensitivity of laboratory spectrometers and uncertainties in the spectral line parameters in HITRAN-2004 and Schwenke-Partridge database. It is shown that a number of micro-windows in near-IR can be used at present for laboratory detection of the water vapour continuum with estimated accuracy from 30 to 5%.


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The sources of ordinate error in FTIR spectrometers are reviewed with reference to measuring small out-of-band features in the spectra of bandpass filters. Procedures for identifying instrumental artefacts are described. It is shown that features well below 0.01%T can be measured reliably.


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Identifying the signature of global warming in the world's oceans is challenging because low frequency circulation changes can dominate local temperature changes. The IPCC fourth assessment reported an average ocean heating rate of 0.21 ± 0.04 Wm−2 over the period 1961–2003, with considerable spatial, interannual and inter-decadal variability. We present a new analysis of millions of ocean temperature profiles designed to filter out local dynamical changes to give a more consistent view of the underlying warming. Time series of temperature anomaly for all waters warmer than 14°C show large reductions in interannual to inter-decadal variability and a more spatially uniform upper ocean warming trend (0.12 Wm−2 on average) than previous results. This new measure of ocean warming is also more robust to some sources of error in the ocean observing system. Our new analysis provides a useful addition for evaluation of coupled climate models, to the traditional fixed depth analyses.


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The performance of a 2D numerical model of flood hydraulics is tested for a major event in Carlisle, UK, in 2005. This event is associated with a unique data set, with GPS surveyed wrack lines and flood extent surveyed 3 weeks after the flood. The Simple Finite Volume (SFV) model is used to solve the 2D Saint-Venant equations over an unstructured mesh of 30000 elements representing channel and floodplain, and allowing detailed hydraulics of flow around bridge piers and other influential features to be represented. The SFV model is also used to corroborate flows recorded for the event at two gauging stations. Calibration of Manning's n is performed with a two stage strategy, with channel values determined by calibration of the gauging station models, and floodplain values determined by optimising the fit between model results and observed water levels and flood extent for the 2005 event. RMS error for the calibrated model compared with surveyed water levels is ~±0.4m, the same order of magnitude as the estimated error in the survey data. The study demonstrates the ability of unstructured mesh hydraulic models to represent important hydraulic processes across a range of scales, with potential applications to flood risk management.


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Measurements of the top‐of‐the‐atmosphere outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) for July 2003 from Meteosat‐7 are used to assess the performance of the numerical weather prediction version of the Met Office Unified Model. A significant difference is found over desert regions of northern Africa where the model emits too much OLR by up to 35 Wm−2 in the monthly mean. By cloud‐screening the data we find an error of up to 50 Wm−2 associated with cloud‐free areas, which suggests an error in the model surface temperature, surface emissivity, or atmospheric transmission. By building up a physical model of the radiative properties of mineral dust based on in situ, and surface‐based and satellite remote sensing observations we show that the most plausible explanation for the discrepancy in OLR is due to the neglect of mineral dust in the model. The calculations suggest that mineral dust can exert a longwave radiative forcing by as much as 50 Wm−2 in the monthly mean for 1200 UTC in cloud‐free regions, which accounts for the discrepancy between the model and the Meteosat‐7 observations. This suggests that inclusion of the radiative effects of mineral dust will lead to a significant improvement in the radiation balance of numerical weather prediction models with subsequent improvements in performance.


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In the Eady model, where the meridional potential vorticity (PV) gradient is zero, perturbation energy growth can be partitioned cleanly into three mechanisms: (i) shear instability, (ii) resonance, and (iii) the Orr mechanism. Shear instability involves two-way interaction between Rossby edge waves on the ground and lid, resonance occurs as interior PV anomalies excite the edge waves, and the Orr mechanism involves only interior PV anomalies. These mechanisms have distinct implications for the structural and temporal linear evolution of perturbations. Here, a new framework is developed in which the same mechanisms can be distinguished for growth on basic states with nonzero interior PV gradients. It is further shown that the evolution from quite general initial conditions can be accurately described (peak error in perturbation total energy typically less than 10%) by a reduced system that involves only three Rossby wave components. Two of these are counterpropagating Rossby waves—that is, generalizations of the Rossby edge waves when the interior PV gradient is nonzero—whereas the other component depends on the structure of the initial condition and its PV is advected passively with the shear flow. In the cases considered, the three-component model outperforms approximate solutions based on truncating a modal or singular vector basis.


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In this paper we consider the impedance boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation in a half-plane with piecewise constant boundary data, a problem which models, for example, outdoor sound propagation over inhomogeneous. at terrain. To achieve good approximation at high frequencies with a relatively low number of degrees of freedom, we propose a novel Galerkin boundary element method, using a graded mesh with smaller elements adjacent to discontinuities in impedance and a special set of basis functions so that, on each element, the approximation space contains polynomials ( of degree.) multiplied by traces of plane waves on the boundary. We prove stability and convergence and show that the error in computing the total acoustic field is O( N-(v+1) log(1/2) N), where the number of degrees of freedom is proportional to N logN. This error estimate is independent of the wavenumber, and thus the number of degrees of freedom required to achieve a prescribed level of accuracy does not increase as the wavenumber tends to infinity.