897 resultados para Employees -- Rating of


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Introducción: Fueron calificados en Colombia con pérdida de la capacidad laboral (PCL), de Incapacidad Permanente Parcial (5%-49%), 54.272 casos, de los cuales en el Departamento del Meta se calificaron 730 casos. Objetivo: Establecer los factores sociodemográficos y laborales asociados con la calificación de PCL de patologías de origen laboral y común por la Junta Regional de Calificación de Invalidez del Meta (JRCIM) (2012-2013). Metodología: Estudio de corte transversal, observacional, con una población muestra de 1.140 registros de personas calificadas con pérdida de la capacidad laboral entre 2012-2013, la información se recolectó mediante la base de datos de pacientes calificados en la JRCIM, en donde se indagó sobre los factores sociodemográficos, laborales y porcentaje de PCL. Resultados: 73.6 % de la población fueron de género masculino, la actividad económica que predominó fue la de servicios domésticos con el 76.5%, la mayoría desempeñaba el cargo de oficios varios con el 6%, el 53.7 % fueron calificados con PCL del 16 – 30 %. No se evidenció asociación estadísticamente significativa entre el porcentaje de PCL y factores laborales y socio-demográficos. Conclusiones: La calificación de PCL, en el Meta está marcada por factores tales como la edad y el género masculino, igualmente la actividad económica que predominó fue la de servicios domésticos, transporte y educación, estos sectores deben ser intervenidos en términos de vigilancia epidemiológica para prevenir estados de incapacidad permanente parcial e invalidez.


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Objetivos. El Objetivo general de este estudio es determinar si el Instrumento para evaluar las Fallas Cognitivas Ocupacionales (Occupational Cognitive Failures Questionnaire - OCFQ) desarrollado por Allahyari T. et al. (2011) , tiene validez transcultural y podría ser un Instrumento fiable y válido que se puede adaptar al contexto cultural Colombiano para la valoración de las Fallas Cognitivas en el ámbito laboral. Metodología. Se llevó a cabo la traducción, adaptación y validación del Cuestionario de Fallas Cognitivas Ocupacionales (OCFQ) al contexto cultural colombiano, siguiendo las recomendaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) para el proceso de traducción y adaptación de instrumentos y posteriormente la evaluación de fiabilidad y validez del instrumento adaptado, en cuatro etapas: Etapa 1. Traducción - retro traducción, Etapa 2. “Debriefing” y Análisis de legibilidad, Etapa 3. Validez de contenido, usando el Índice de Validez de Contenido (CVI) y Etapa 4. Evaluación de propiedades métricas. Para la evaluación de Validez de Constructo se aplicó el Análisis Factorial por el Método de Componentes Principales y Rotación Varimax; la consistencia interna y la estabilidad temporal fueron evaluados mediante el Alpha de Cronbach (α) y el test-retest, respectivamente. Resultados. El Cuestionario OCFQ fue adaptado al contexto cultural Colombiano; el análisis de Legibilidad determinó que de acuerdo con el Grado en la escala Inflesz, el Cuestionario es Bastante Fácil de leer. Partiendo de la versión original de 30 ítems se obtuvo una nueva versión de 25 ítems, ya que después de la evaluación de Validez de Contenido se rechazaron 5 ítems. El Índice de Validez de Contenido (CVI) para la versión final del OCFQ adaptado es aceptable (CVI=0,84). Los resultados de las pruebas métricas muestran que la versión final del OCFQ adaptado tiene una buena Consistencia Interna (α=0.90) y el Índice de Correlación Interclases (ICC) fue de 0.91 mostrando una muy buena Estabilidad Temporal. El Análisis Factorial estableció para el Cuestionario OCFQ 4 factores que explican el 47% de la varianza total. Conclusión. La evaluación de las Fallas Cognitivas en el ámbito laboral requiere que se disponga de una herramienta válida y fiable. De acuerdo con los resultados en este estudio se puede establecer que el OCFQ adaptado al Contexto Cultural Colombiano podría ser un instrumento adecuado para medir las Fallas Cognitivas en el ámbito laboral en plantas industriales.


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Durante cinco anos, foi intervencionada e estudada, a sinistralidade laboral numa transportadora ferroviária. O controlo de riscos nela experimentado explorou o potencial preventivo de medidas de controlo do comportamento dos colaboradores, tais como: Formação para promover comportamentos preventivos; Intensificação da prevenção, controlo e recuperação do abuso de álcool e drogas; Informação motivadora para as boas práticas. Consequentemente: Inverteu-se rapidamente a tendência crescente da sinistralidade, sem aumentar custos; Mantiveram-se, durante um período de continuada redução do efectivo laboral, níveis de sinistralidade laboral inferiores aos verificados no início da pesquisa; Demonstrou-se a sustentabilidade financeira do investimento em Segurança e Saúde do Trabalho. During five years, an intervention, over the occupational accidents of a railway company, was studied. The control of risks that has been tested, explored the preventive potential of control measures towards employees’ behaviour, such as: Training to promote preventive behaviours; Stepping up prevention, control and recovery of alcohol and drugs abuse; Motivating information to good practices. Consequently: It quickly reversed the trend of accidents, without increasing the costs; During a period of continued reduction of employees, levels of occupational accidents remained below those recorded at the beginning of research; Financial sustainability of investment in Occupational Health and Safety was demonstrated.


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Elaborar uma Economia Política da Corrupção, como falha do Estado, é reconhecer que o Estado serve elites e é necessária legislação concreta para limitar a actuação e os excessos da classe política e dos funcionários da Administração. A questão central para tese é a da verificação da existência de uma relação entre a pobreza e o nível de corrupção nos Estados Lusófonos, medida pela Transparency International. Depois de avaliado o estado da arte e feita a história do próprio estudo da corrupção, utilizando os métodos da análise económica e do estudo de opinião, concluímos que as críticas ao Índice de Percepção da Corrupção elaborado pela Transparency International não colhem. Com efeito, a tese prova que a corrupção diminui o potencial de uma economia. Usando métodos econométricos concluimos ainda pela existência de uma relação linear entre o Produto Interno Bruto per capita e o rating dos Estados Lusófonos no Índice de Percepção da Corrupção. Finalmente, um estudo de opinião sobre “a corrupção em Portugal”, elaborado em 2008, conclui que é nos Serviços de Saúde e no Fisco que há mais corrupção em Portugal, um país, contudo, que fez o upgrading legislativo nos últimos anos e onde a corrupção, apesar de tudo, não atinge os níveis de outros Países de Expressão Oficial Portuguesa.


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O presente artigo teve como base uma aula de mestrado, em laboratório de estatística, para posterior conceção de um artigo científico, em grupo, em 4 horas. Teve como objeto de estudo a variação dos acidentes de trabalho com o efetivo laboral, com as horas trabalhadas, com a duração média da jornada de trabalho. O objetivo científico foi pesquisar correlações entre variáveis. O objetivo didático foi demonstrar os passos do método científico e o objetivo pedagógico foi quebrar preconceitos sobre a dificuldade de produzir trabalho científico. Partindo de uma sumária revisão da literatura, colocaram-se hipóteses de investigação e prosseguiu-se para tratamento estatístico inferencial sobre os dados dos acidentes de trabalho com baixa médica, do efetivo médio laboral, das horas trabalhadas e da duração da jornada média de trabalho, de uma grande empresa, durante 20 anos consecutivos. Os resultados revelaram uma associação direta, estatisticamente significativa e forte, dos acidentes de trabalho às horas trabalhadas e ao efetivo. No caso da associação dos acidentes à duração média da jornada de trabalho, a associação é estatisticamente significativa, mas de intensidade moderada. Este ensaio permitiu também intrapolar e extrapolar, com reservas, os acidentes esperados em função de uma dada carga de trabalho. As competências desenvolvidas neste trabalho revelaram-se úteis para a produção de conhecimento científico, em geral, e para gestão da prevenção dos riscos laborais, em particular. / This article was based on a master class, in statistical laboratory, of 4 hours, for subsequent group production of a scientific paper. The object of study was the variation of occupational accidents with number of employees and with hours worked, as well as with the average duration of the workday. The scientific objective has been researching correlations between variables. The learning objective was to demonstrate the steps of the scientific method, and the educational objective was to break down prejudices about the difficulty of making scientific research. Starting from a brief literature review on the subject, research hypotheses were formulated. Then, it was done inferential statistics of data regarding occupational accidents with sick leave, average number of employees, hours worked per year, and average duration of the workday, of a large enterprise, during 20 years in a row. Results revealed that there is statistically significant and strong direct association between occupational accidents and hours worked, as well as between occupational accidents and number of employees. In the case of the association of accidents to the average duration of the workday, identical data analysis revealed this association is statistically significant, but of moderate intensity. This essay also enabled to interpolate and extrapolate, with proper caution, the accidents expected to occur in a given workload. The skills developed from this research proved to be useful to create scientific knowledge, as well as to manage labour risk prevention.


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The relationship between speed and crashes has been well established in the literature, with the consequence that speed reduction through enforced or other means should lead to a reduction in crashes. The extent to which the public regard speeding as a problem that requires enforcement is less clear. Analysis was conducted on public perceptions of antisocial behaviors including speeding traffic. The data was collected as part of the British Crime Survey, a face-to-face interview with UK residents on issues relating to crime. The antisocial behavior section required participants to state the degree to which they perceived 16 antisocial behaviors to be a problem in their area. Results revealed that speeding traffic was perceived as the greatest problem in local communities, regardless of whether respondents were male or female, young, middle aged, or old. The rating of speeding traffic as the greatest problem in the community was replicated in a second, smaller postal survey, where respondents also provided strong support for enforcement on residential roads, and indicated that traveling immediately above the speed limit on residential roads was unacceptable. Results are discussed in relation to practical implications for speed enforcement, and the prioritization of limited police resources. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper investigates whether energy performance ratings, as measured by mandatory Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs), are reflected in the sale prices of residential properties. This is the first large-scale empirical study of this topic in the UK involving approximately 400,000 dwellings in the period from 1995 to 2011. Applying hedonic regression and an augmented repeat sales regression, we find a positive relationship between the energy efficiency rating of a dwelling and the transaction price per square metre. The price effects of superior energy performance tend to be higher for terraced dwellings and flats compared to detached and semi-detached dwellings. The evidence is less clear-cut for house price growth rates but remains supportive of an overall positive association. Overall, the results of this study appear to support the hypothesis that energy efficiency levels are reflected in UK house prices, at least in recent years.


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Att medarbetare är av existentiell betydelse för en organisations överlevnad är sedan länge känt. Därmed är rekrytering en av de viktigaste funktionerna inom HR för att attrahera rätt kompetens till organisationen då en misslyckad rekrytering vanligen leder till bortkastad tid och dyra rekryteringsprocesser. Något som kommit att få allt större betydelse vid urvalet och bedömningen av nya medarbetare är kandidaters personlighet. Forskning visar att personlighetsdrag spelar en stor roll när det kommer till framtida arbetsprestationer och förmågan att göra rätt bedömningar av människor är därför central. Teorier om synen på personlighet, kompetens, kompetensbaserad rekrytering och urval samt bedömningsmetoder och personlighetsbedömning används för att analysera studiens resultat. Denna kvalitativa studies övergripande syfte var att öka förståelsen för hur rekryterare bedömer en kandidats personlighet vid en rekryteringsprocess inom bemanningsföretag. Bemanningsföretag är företag som ständigt arbetar med rekrytering och uthyrning av personal, varför ett proaktivt bemanningsarbete krävs för att skapa en konkurrensfördel på marknaden. Inför denna fallstudie kontaktades tre av den svenska bemanningsbranschens största aktörer varav två rekryterare på vardera företag deltog i semistrukturerade intervjuer. Personlighet ansågs generellt som något viktigt som samtliga rekryterare lade stor vikt vid under hela processens gång, från utformandet av kravprofilen till avslutande bedömning. Bedömningen skedde genom såväl test som intervju och referenstagning. Samtliga poängterade vikten av att alltid göra en helhetsbedömning av kandidaten och att det därmed var svårt att vikta exempelvis formella kompetenser mot personliga egenskaper. Resultatet visar att bemanningsbranschens arbete med personlighetsbedömning vid rekrytering utgår ifrån strukturerade bedömningsmetoder. Deras gedigna och proaktiva arbete med rekrytering lever upp till påståendet om att personalen är en organisations viktigaste resurs och vikten av att förstå innebörden av personlighetens betydelse i uttrycket ”rätt person på rätt plats”.


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Vicarious liability (respondeat superior) is a venerable common law doctrine which holds an employer liable for the torts of employees, regardless of the fault of the employer. An employer's liability for the torts of its employees can represent a significant financial obligation and can affect both hiring and operational decisions of businesses. Vicarious liability is a prominent theme in the background of much litigation and is often the reason for litigating the issue of whether or not a worker is an employee. Vicarious liability may also arise through other relationships, such as partnership and agency. Two recent decisions by the High Court of Australia have drawn attention to the issue of vicarious liability. These decisions illuminate the High Court's view of vicarious liability's two main streams: negligence (Hollis v Vabu Pty Ltd) n2 and intentional tort (NSW v Lepore). [*2] n3


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Unrealistic optimism is assessed using either a single question, the rating of own likelihood of experience an event compared to that of the average person, or two questions, separate rating of own likelihood and that of the average person. The effect of using valence on more unrealistic optimism was studied in a sample of 175 students using the two-question measure. Valence was manipulated to be positive, i.e., outcome was desirable, or negative, i.e., outcome was undesirable, by 'framing' the same event appropriately. Unrealistic optimism was greater for negative than positive valence. The effect was of the same direction and magnitude as that found by Gold and Martyn (2003) using the single-question measure. The relationship between valence and unrealistic optimism does not depend on whether unrealistic optimism is assessed with one or two questions.


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An innovative framework for early childhood students and professionals using an interactive program titled SAM: A Self-Assessment Manual.

This provides a strategic and guided approach to enable practitioners to respond critically to activities and questions such as: 'Where have I come from?', 'Where am I now?' and 'Where do I want to go next?' The book and an accompanying CD-ROM allow readers to practically apply the framework to everyday practice, individually or as part of a group.

Addresses an identified need within the early childhood profession for targeted career development and professional support.

Comments from those who have used the program include: 'After reflection and discussion SAM has allowed me to set myself new goals for my future career, both in the workplace now and further down the track' and 'SAM has me thinking about current practice, how this relates to different theories and where my philosophy fits in'.


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The rating of refereed journals has become important for academics and institutions as well as for sport management as a field of study. This paper argues that the dearth of a rating system in sport management works against the best interests of the development of the field. This paper presents a rating scheme for sport management journals, which replicates an earlier study of marketing journals, using weighted multi-dimensional perceptual ratings (Polonsky & Whitelaw, 2006). Forty-five senior sport management academics evaluated 13 journals on four criteria: journal prestige, contribution to theory, contribution to practice and contribution to teaching. Using the weighted scores of the four criteria for each journal and a supporting cluster analysis, four categories of journals were identified. The results of this study will assist academics as they argue the case for the quality of journals in which they publish. Further it facilitates evaluation of sport management journals in relation to one another on the basis of their overall ranking and their scores on the four individual criteria.


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The cognitive processing of sexual and non-sexual pictorial stimuli was examined to see whether picture rating and recognition tasks have potential utility as a means of assessing levels of sexual desire. Previous research has revealed slower responding to sexual compared to neutral semantic cues in persons with lower self-reported sexual desire. The present study investigated whether sexual pictorial cues evoked a similarly slower responding in people reporting low sexual desire compared to other individuals. A total of 136 participants completed two self-report measures of sexual desire (the Hurlbert Index of Sexual Desire and the Sexual Desire Inventory) before carrying out tasks involving affective ratings and recognition memory for pictorial stimuli. Participants were classified into relatively low, average, and higher groups on the basis of their scores on the desire measures. The stimuli were selected from the International Affective Picture System, and the tasks included (1) rating the valence, arousal, and sense of dominance or control for each picture, (2) recognition of previously seen images, and (3) a second rating of pictures viewed earlier. Level of sexual desire did not influence responding in the male participants. Female participants with lower sexual desire rated sexual images less pleasant and less arousing than the other participants, and completed picture recognition tasks more quickly. Sexual desire levels significantly influenced the interest ratings women gave to sexual pictures. We also found sexual content induced delays. These delays were not significantly different among desire groups. The variation in responding linked to levels of sexual desire in women suggests that more investigation of this methodology in a clinically diagnosed population might contribute to an understanding of low desire, and help design interventions addressing distress due to lack of sexual desire.