819 resultados para Education -- Economic aspects.


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El proceso de unificación europea ha facilitado la aparición de nuevos flujos migratorios entre los distintos Estados. Uno muy significativo lo forman los noreuropeos (británicos y alemanes, principalmente) que se trasladan a los países mediterráneos. En este artículo se analizan los problemas que enfrentan los inmigrantes residenciales noreuropeos en el sur de España a la hora de establecer vínculos con la sociedad española. Con este fin, se lleva a cabo un estudio en el municipio de San Miguel de Salinas, ubicado en el sudeste del país. La perspectiva metodológica articula la investigación cuantitativa con la cualitativa. Los hallazgos obtenidos muestran cómo la barrera idiomática esconde en realidad un entramado de relaciones entre aspectos socioespaciales, políticos y económicos. Se configura así un sistema que dificulta el establecimiento de interacciones entre los residentes españoles y los noreuropeos, generando además procesos de fragmentación social.


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En medio de la actual crisis económica mundial, todas las instituciones de la sociedad están afectadas por la crisis moral, de manera que existe una evidente y preocupante contradicción entre ellas. Esta crisis moral implica la carencia de valores personales y ciudadanos, que afectan, significativamente, al desarrollo del individuo y a la convivencia social. Tratamos de verificar si hay indicios de ello en la realidad escolar con relación a la axiología curricular y su desarrollo. Para analizar la situación de la enseñanza-aprendizaje de los valores en la educación española, hemos aplicado una encuesta a 1320 profesores de educación secundaria, con el fin de averiguar los objetivos, los tipos de valores y las habilidades personales y sociales, que desarrollan en el aula. La situación nos indica que son necesarios nuevos enfoques de educación en valores, que se adapten a estos tiempos. La formación axiológica debe estar incorporada en todos los ámbitos del conocimiento y ha de ir a la par que la formación de la inteligencia. El binomio actividad intelectual-actividad moral ha de formar un todo insociable. En esta propuesta, reflexionamos en torno a la aplicación de un nuevo paradigma axiológico que se separe del racionalismo mecanicista, y que se oriente a una educación personal holística, sistemática, interdisciplinaria y transversal a todo el currículo educativo.


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Diversity, fertilize, motorize, specialize.--The truth about the price of meat.--Lest women realize.--Our diminishing herds.--Why the banker should help to increase livestock production.--Food shortage: an appeal to physicians.--Stabilizing business.--Enthusiam.--Thoroughness.


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Price section. Division of planning and statistics. War industries board. November,1918.


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Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia da Energia e do Ambiente, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2016


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Evidence shows that financial integration in the euro area is retrenching at a quicker pace than outside the union. Home bias persists: Governments compete on funding costs by supporting ‘their’ banks with massive state aids, which distorts the playing field and feeds the risk-aversion loop. This situation intensifies friction in credit markets, thus hampering the transmission of monetary policies and, potentially, economic growth. This paper discusses the theoretical foundations of a banking union in a common currency area and the legal and economic aspects of EU responses. As a result, two remedies are proposed to deal with moral hazard in a common currency area: a common (unlimited) financial backstop to a privately funded recapitalisation/resolution fund and a blanket prohibition on state aids.


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Reprinted in part from various periodicals.


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v. 1, pt. 1. Proceedings of Section I: Pathology and bacteriology. Proceedings of joint session of Sections I and II: Opsonic index. Conjunctival and cutaneous tuberculin reactions. Serum diagnosis.--v. 1, pt. 2 Proceedings of Section II: Clinical study and therapy of tuberculosis, sanatoria, hospitals, and dispensaries.--v. 2. Proceedings of Section III: Surgery and orthopedics. Proceedings of Section IV: Tuberculosis in infancy.--v. 3. Proceedings of Section V: Hygienic, social, industrial, and economic aspects of tuberculosis.--v. 4, pt. 1. Proceedings of Section VI: State and municipal control of tuberculosis.--v. 4, pt. 2. Proceedings of Section VII: Tuberculosis in animals and its relations to man.--v. 5. The opening and closing ceremonies. Report of the Secretary-General. Officers, committees, and members.--[v. 6] A series of public lectures Specially prepared for the sixth International congress on tuberculosis, by A. Calmette...Louis Landouzy...[and others] Ed. by the secretary-general, and printed as a supplement to the Transactions of the Congress.


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no. 1. St. Paul aircraft parts workers in wartime.--no. 2. 1. Labor U.S.-1914- 2. Wages-U.S. 3. World war, 1939-1945-Economic aspects-U.S. Mobile shipyard workers in war time.--no. 3. War and post-war experiences of skilled cotton textile workers in New England.--no. 4. Wartime shipbuilding workers of Wilmington, Delaware.--no. 5. Workers' experiences during the first phase of reconversion.--no. 6. Southern California aircraft workers in wartime.


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v.1.Summary and recommendations.--v.2.Automatic ship control and communications systems.--v.3.Appendices to 262 R 0012.--v.3.Appendices to 262 R 0012.--v.4.automatic control of engineering functions.--v.5.Appendices to 262 R 0014.--v.6.Powerplants and auxiliaries for automated ships.--v.7.Economic aspects of automation.--v.8.Legal implications of automation.


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Organ of the Verein Deutscher Bergleute and other mining organizations.


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A relevant subject in our globalized world concerns the relationship between language and identity, specifically amongst migrant youngsters’ experience of group belonging. This study therefore focused on how adolescents born to foreign parents in Sweden, perceived their multilingualism as part of their identity formation. I also aimed to include how socio-economic aspects could affect the process of identity construction. Thus, the investigation was performed with seventh grade students at a primary school located in the Stockholm suburb Bredäng. The methods consisted of a questionnaire, which was completed by the entire class and a group interview where six students participated. The results revealed that students adapted their language use based on the context, but Swedish was used most habitually. The informants viewed their multilingualism as beneficial but yet fully aware of the linguistic ideologies functioning in society. By combining their minority and majority language, the students were left with different ethnic identities and had diverse interpretations of what it meant to be Swedish. Even though all of them perceived themselves to have multiple ethnic identities, this was not solely seen positively. The issue of belonging was raised and the students claimed to be outcasts everywhere. However, the results differed depending on whether the students were born in Sweden or not. Also, most of them struggled with the process of assumed and ascribed identities, since they perceived themselves to be Swedish but experienced that society valued them as immigrants. Lastly, the study revealed that there were connections between their multilingualism and social mobility as the relationship towards the motherland was highly prioritized even with low levels of economic capital. 


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El principal objetivo de este estudio es analizar los efectos potenciales de diversas políticas climáticas sobre la distribución del ingreso en América Latina. Este análisis se realizó con base en un meta-análisis y su meta-regresión y el análisis de las encuestas de ingreso gasto de diversos países de América Latina. Los principales resultados obtenidos de este análisis muestran que en general existe una tendencia a identificar efectos regresivos derivados de la instrumentación de políticas públicas orientadas a la mitigación. Sin embargo, la revisión de la literatura y de las encuestas de ingreso gasto muestran que los resultados son heterogéneos por países y que dependen de factores tales como el instrumento aplicado, la inclusión de estrategias de reciclaje fiscal y del nivel de desarrollo.