807 resultados para Easter hymns
Woodruff coat of arms (rough sketch - labeled), including a letter to Margaret from “Uncle Tom” regarding the coat of arms. Also included are 4 small cards and one Easter card bearing the coat of arms. [The Woodruff/Woodroffe crest originated in England. Sit Dux Sapientia (Wisdom be our guide). The arm holding a plant is supposed to be a dexter [right] arm, bent, holding a branch of honeysuckle vertically. Some members of the family believe that the plant is actually woodruff], Jan. 18, 1926.
La vie et la mission de Sainte Faustyna Kowalska (1905-1938) ont donné naissance à une grande dévotion envers la Divine Miséricorde à Cracovie en Pologne. La nouveauté du message de la Miséricorde par rapport aux autres dévotions de l’Église Catholique se situe notamment sur le plan du visuel, du langage et des rituels. C’est dans le contexte de la Seconde Guerre mondiale qu’il faut situer sa propagation à travers le monde. Elle fut introduite au Canada en 1957 par deux dames de la noblesse polonaise immigrées. C’est dans la paroisse de Notre-Dame des Sept Douleurs à Verdun où se situe l’Œuvre de Jésus Miséricordieux que nous nous intéressons au développement de la vie spirituelle des dévots de la Divine Miséricorde; c’est-à-dire aux différentes croyances, rituels et pratiques religieuses qui mettent l’accent sur le corps, la pensée, les émotions et l’esprit. Les pratiques du corps, les postures, les mouvements, les manières de se concentrer, sont autant de moyens qui conduisent les dévots à des expériences spirituelles et des moyens qui y mènent à travers des rituels de prière qui mobilisent le corps qui est une dimension essentielle de l’expérience religieuse. On parle notamment de certains visuels, de prières et de gestes qui évoquent ces expériences spirituelles significatives. Ces expressions religieuses engagent les dévots dans leur quotidien et dans leur vécu. Pour ces croyants, cette dévotion représente un point de repère dans un monde qui leur apparaît souvent comme privé de sens.
Die Dissertation befasst sich mit der Geschichte des Arbeitserziehungslagers (AEL) Breitenau, das 1940 von der Gestapostelle Kassel auf dem Gelände der Landesarbeitsanstalt Breitenau in Guxhagen gegründet wurde und bis zum Kriegsende bestand. Darüber hinaus wird auch der Frage nachgegangen, wie nach der NS-Zeit mit der Geschichte des Lagers, den Opfern und den Tätern umgegangen wurde. Die Dissertation ist in drei Teile gegliedert. Der erste Teil gibt einen Überblick über die Geschichte der Geheimen Staatspolizeistelle Kassel, der das Lager unterstand und die als zentrale Verfolgungsbehörde für den Regierungsbezirk Kassel zuständig war. Dabei wird vor allem aufgezeigt, wie die Gestapostelle Kassel entstanden ist, wie sie aufgebaut war und wer die Leiter und Mitarbeiter während des Zweiten Weltkrieges waren, die die Verfolgungsmaßnahmen organisierten und durchführten. Der zweite Teil der Dissertation befasst sich mit der eigentlichen Lagergeschichte. Breitenau war eines der ersten Arbeitserziehungslager überhaupt. Die Hauptfunktion bestand darin, ausländische Zwangsarbeiter und Zwangsarbeiterinnen, die sich dem Arbeitseinsatz widersetzt hatten, durch harte Bestrafung gefügig zu machen. Gleichzeitig wurden in das AEL aber auch deutsche und ausländische Gefangene eingewiesen, die aus politischen, rassischen, religiösen oder weltanschaulichen Gründen verhaftet worden waren. Das Lager unterstand zwar der Geheimen Staatspolizei Kassel, wurde aber von den Bediensteten der Landesarbeitsanstalt mit geleitet. Im Verlaufe des Zweiten Weltkrieges waren im AEL Breitenau etwa 8.300 überwiegend ausländische Schutzhaftgefangene inhaftiert, unter denen sich ca. 1.900 Frauen und 6.400 Männer befanden. Bei den Einweisungen wirkten neben der Gestapostelle Kassel und der Gestapostelle Weimar zahlreiche Orts- und Kreispolizeibehörden mit, wodurch ein flächendeckender Verfolgungsapparat entstand. Insgesamt lassen sich über 1.000 letzte Wohnorte von Gefangenen ermitteln. Die Haft- und Lebensbedingungen im Lager waren vor allem für die ausländischen Gefangenen besonders unmenschlich, und es gab mehrere Todesfälle. Nachweislich wurden mehr als 750 Gefangene in Konzentrationslager deportiert, was für viele den Tod bedeutete. Außerdem wurden mindestens 18 polnische Gefangene von Angehörigen der Gestapo Kassel erhängt und noch unmittelbar vor Kriegsende ein Massenmord an 28 Gefangenen verübt. Erst mit dem Einmarsch der amerikanischen Soldaten am Ostersamstag 1945 wurde das Arbeitserziehungslager Breitenau endgültig aufgelöst. Im dritten Teil der Dissertation wird der Frage des Umgangs mit dem damaligen Geschehen nachgegangen. Dabei lässt sich feststellen, dass die Täter und Mittäter von deutschen Spruchkammern und Gerichten gar nicht oder kaum bestraft wurden. Gleichzeitig wurden ihnen verschiedene Möglichkeiten geboten, sich in die Gesellschaft zu integrieren. Die ehemaligen Gefangenen hatten dagegen keinen Anspruch auf Entschädigung, und auch eine gesellschaftliche Würdigung wurde ihnen versagt. Erst seit den 90er Jahren trat hier eine Veränderung ein, die allerdings für viele Verfolgte zu spät kam. Die Geschichte des Arbeitserziehungslagers Breitenau war viele Jahre verdrängt worden. Das Gelände diente bis 1949 als Landesarbeitsanstalt, dann als geschlossenes Erziehungsheim, und seit 1974 besteht dort eine psychiatrische Einrichtung. Erst 1979 wurde durch ein Forschungsprojekt an der Gesamthochschule Kassel die NS-Geschichte „wiederentdeckt“ und 1984 die Gedenkstätte Breitenau eingerichtet, die als Gedenk- und Bildungsort an das damalige Geschehen erinnert.
A video markscheme was created using a combination of Camtasia screen capture (on a Tablet PC) and 'live action' video taken with a camcorder. The resulting video supported students in the self-assessment of an organic chemistry exercise which had been set over the Easter vacation break. Feedback was collected from the students after the exercise and was overwhelmingly positive. The video won the 2010 award for 'Most Effective Use of Video in an Educational Context' from the Assocation for Learning Technology. DOWNLOAD THE ZIP FOLDER AND EXTRACT THE FILES TO ACCESS THEM.
Resumen tomado parcialmente del autor
El interés de esta monografía es analizar las distintas estrategias políticas, económicas y militares que han implementado Irán, Turquía y Arabia Saudita en busca de la hegemonía de Medio Oriente. A lo largo del trabajo de investigación se analiza por medio del realismo ofensivo de John Mearsheimer las distintas estrategias de los tres Estados antes mencionados, con el fin de establecer la voluntad y las capacidades de cada uno para alcanzar la hegemonía regional. Finalmente, por medio de la medición de percepción de poder establecida por David Jablonsky se examinan las capacidades y la proyección de poder que poseen Irán, Turquía y Arabia Saudita para obtener la hegemonía de Medio Oriente.
Esta monografía defenderá que la Rusia contemporánea cuenta con una ideología formada a partir de los elementos imperiales y religiosos previos a la Unión Soviética además de elementos políticos propios de la URSS como la colectividad y la oposición a occidente. La Rusia de Putin ha recobrado sus capacidades para defender sus intereses en el mundo frente a la injerencia de occidente, y en el caso de Serbia esto se hará evidente a través de la importancia de los lazos culturales e históricos reforzados por los vínculos económicos y estratégicos que representa la presencia de Rusia en Serbia. Los principales autores sobre los que se trabajará son Alexander Dugin y Alexander Panarin.
Estimates of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and changes under different land use systems can help determine vulnerability to land degradation. Such information is important for countries in and areas with high susceptibility to desertification. SOC stocks, and predicted changes between 2000 and 2030, were determined at the national scale for Jordan using The Global Environment Facility Soil Organic Carbon (GEFSOC) Modelling System. For the purpose of this study, Jordan was divided into three natural regions (The Jordan Valley, the Uplands and the Badia) and three developmental regions (North, Middle and South). Based on this division, Jordan was divided into five zones (based on the dominant land use): the Jordan Valley, the North Uplands, the Middle Uplands, the South Uplands and the Badia. This information was merged using GIS, along with a map of rainfall isohyets, to produce a map with 498 polygons. Each of these was given a unique ID, a land management unit identifier and was characterized in terms of its dominant soil type. Historical land use data, current land use and future land use change scenarios were also assembled, forming major inputs of the modelling system. The GEFSOC Modelling System was then run to produce C stocks in Jordan for the years 1990, 2000 and 2030. The results were compared with conventional methods of estimating carbon stocks, such as the mapping based SOTER method. The results of these comparisons showed that the model runs are acceptable, taking into consideration the limited availability of long-term experimental soil data that can be used to validate them. The main findings of this research show that between 2000 and 2030, SOC may increase in heavily used areas under irrigation and will likely decrease in grazed rangelands that cover most of Jordan giving an overall decrease in total SOC over time if the land is indeed used under the estimated forms of land use. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Modelled soil organic carbon stocks and changes in the Indo-Gangetic Plains, India from 1980 to 2030
The Global Environment Facility co-financed Soil Organic Carbon (GEFSOC) Project developed a comprehensive modelling system for predicting soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and changes over time. This research is an effort to predict SOC stocks and changes for the Indian, Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP), an area with a predominantly rice (Oryza sativa) - wheat (Triticum aestivum) cropping system, using the GEFSOC Modelling System and to compare output with stocks generated using mapping approaches based on soil survey data. The GEFSOC Modelling System predicts an estimated SOC stock for the IGP, India of 1.27, 1.32 and 1.27 Pg for 1990, 2000 and 2030, respectively, in the top 20 cm of soil. The SOC stock using a mapping approach based on soil survey data was 0.66 and 0.88 Pg for 1980 and 2000, respectively. The SOC stock estimated using the GEFSOC Modelling System is higher than the stock estimated using the mapping approach. This is due to the fact that while the GEFSOC System accounts for variation in crop input data (crop management), the soil mapping approach only considers regional variation in soil texture and wetness. The trend of overall change in the modelled SOC stock estimates shows that the IGP, India may have reached an equilibrium following 30-40 years of the Green Revolution. This can be seen in the SOC stock change rates. Various different estimation methods show SOC stocks of 0.57-1.44 Pg C for the study area. The trend of overall change in C stock assessed from the soil survey data indicates that the soils of the IGP, India may store a projected 1.1 Pg of C in 2030. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The GEFSOC Project developed a system for estimating soil carbon (C) stocks and changes at the national and sub-national scale. As part of the development of the system, the Century ecosystem model was evaluated for its ability to simulate soil organic C (SOC) changes in environmental conditions in the Indo-Gangetic Plains, India (IGP). Two long-term fertilizer trials (LTFT), with all necessary parameters needed to run Century, were used for this purpose: a jute (Corchorus capsularis L.), rice (Oryza sativa L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) trial at Barrackpore, West Bengal, and a rice-wheat trial at Ludhiana, Punjab. The trials represent two contrasting climates of the IGP, viz. semi-arid, dry with mean annual rainfall (MAR) of < 800 mm and humid with > 1600 turn. Both trials involved several different treatments with different organic and inorganic fertilizer inputs. In general, the model tended to overestimate treatment effects by approximately 15%. At the semi-arid site, modelled data simulated actual data reasonably well for all treatments, with the control and chemical N + farm yard manure showing the best agreement (RMSE = 7). At the humid site, Century performed less well. This could have been due to a range of factors including site history. During the study, Century was calibrated to simulate crop yields for the two sites considered using data from across the Indian IGP. However, further adjustments may improve model performance at these sites and others in the IGP. The availability of more longterm experimental data sets (especially those involving flooded lowland rice and triple cropping systems from the IGP) for testing and validation is critical to the application of the model's predictive capabilities for this area of the Indian sub-continent. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Land use and land cover changes in the Brazilian Amazon have major implications for regional and global carbon (C) cycling. Cattle pasture represents the largest single use (about 70%) of this once-forested land in most of the region. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of the RothC and Century models at estimating soil organic C (SOC) changes under forest-to-pasture conditions in the Brazilian Amazon. We used data from 11 site-specific 'forest to pasture' chronosequences with the Century Ecosystem Model (Century 4.0) and the Rothamsted C Model (RothC 26.3). The models predicted that forest clearance and conversion to well managed pasture would cause an initial decline in soil C stocks (0-20 cm depth), followed in the majority of cases by a slow rise to levels exceeding those under native forest. One exception to this pattern was a chronosequence in Suia-Missu, which is under degraded pasture. In three other chronosequences the recovery of soil C under pasture appeared to be only to about the same level as under the previous forest. Statistical tests were applied to determine levels of agreement between simulated SOC stocks and observed stocks for all the sites within the 11 chronosequences. The models also provided reasonable estimates (coefficient of correlation = 0.8) of the microbial biomass C in the 0-10 cm soil layer for three chronosequences, when compared with available measured data. The Century model adequately predicted the magnitude and the overall trend in delta C-13 for the six chronosequences where measured 813 C data were available. This study gave independent tests of model performance, as no adjustments were made to the models to generate outputs. Our results suggest that modelling techniques can be successfully used for monitoring soil C stocks and changes, allowing both the identification of current patterns in the soil and the projection of future conditions. Results were used and discussed not only to evaluate soil C dynamics but also to indicate soil C sequestration opportunities for the Brazilian Amazon region. Moreover, modelling studies in these 'forest to pasture' systems have important applications, for example, the calculation of CO, emissions from land use change in national greenhouse gas inventories. (0 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Currently we have little understanding of the impacts of land use change on soil C stocks in the Brazilian Amazon. Such information is needed to determine impacts'6n the global C cycle and the sustainability of agricultural systems that are replacing native forest. The aim of this study was to predict soil carbon stocks and changes in the Brazilian Amazon during the period between 2000 and 2030, using the GEFSOC soil carbon (C) modelling system. In order to do so, we devised current and future land use scenarios for the Brazilian Amazon, taking into account: (i) deforestation, rates from the past three decades, (ii) census data on land use from 1940 to 2000, including the expansion and intensification of agriculture in the region, (iii) available information on management practices, primarily related to well managed pasture versus degraded pasture and conventional systems versus no-tillage systems for soybean (Glycine max) and (iv) FAO predictions on agricultural land use and land use changes for the years 2015 and 2030. The land use scenarios were integrated with spatially explicit soils data (SOTER database), climate, potential natural vegetation and land management units using the recently developed GEFSOC soil C modelling system. Results are presented in map, table and graph form for the entire Brazilian Amazon for the current situation (1990 and 2000) and the future (2015 and 2030). Results include soil organic C (SOC) stocks and SOC stock change rates estimated by three methods: (i) the Century ecosystem model, (ii) the Rothamsted C model and (iii) the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) method for assessing soil C at regional scale. In addition, we show estimated values of above and belowground biomass for native vegetation, pasture and soybean. The results on regional SOC stocks compare reasonably well with those based on mapping approaches. The GEFSOC system provided a means of efficiently handling complex interactions among biotic-edapho-climatic conditions (> 363,000 combinations) in a very large area (similar to 500 Mha) such as the Brazilian Amazon. All of the methods used showed a decline in SOC stock for the period studied; Century and RothC simulated values for 2030 being about 7% lower than those in 1990. Values from Century and RothC (30,430 and 25,000 Tg for the 0-20 cm layer for the Brazilian Amazon region were higher than those obtained from the IPCC system (23,400 Tg in the 0-30 cm layer). Finally; our results can help understand the major biogeochemical cycles that influence soil fertility and help devise management strategies that enhance the sustainability of these areas and thus slow further deforestation. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Non-Annex 1 countries such as Kenya are obliged to report green house gas (GHG) emissions from all sources where possible, including those from soils as a result of changes in land use or land management. At present, the convention encourages countries to estimate emissions using the most advanced methods possible, given the country circumstances and resources. Estimates of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and changes were made for Kenya using the Global Environment Facility Soil Organic Carbon (GEFSOC) Modelling System. The tool conducts analysis using three methods: (1) the Century general ecosystem model; (2) the RothC soil C decomposition model; and (3) the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) method for assessing soil C at regional scales. The required datasets included: land use history, monthly mean precipitation, monthly mean minimum and maximum temperatures for all the agro-climatic zones of Kenya and historical vegetation cover. Soil C stocks of 1.4-2.0 Pg (0-20 cm), compared well with a Soil and Terrain (SOTER) based approach that estimated similar to .8-2.0 Pg (0-30 cm). In 1990 48% of the country had SOC stocks of < 18 t C ha(-1) and 20% of the country had SOC stocks of 18-30 t C ha(-1), whereas in 2000 56% of the country had SOC stocks of < 18 t C ha(-1) and 31% of the country had SOC stocks of 18-30 t C ha(-1). Conversion of natural vegetation to annual crops led to the greatest soil C losses. Simulations suggest that soil C losses remain substantial throughout the modelling period of 1990-2030. All three methods involved in the GEFSOC System estimated that there would be a net loss of soil C between 2000 and 2030 in Kenya. The decline was more marked with RothC than with Century or the IPCC method. In non-hydric soils the SOC change rates were more pronounced in high sandy soils compared to high clay soils in most land use systems. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
RothC and Century are two of the most widely used soil organic matter (SOM) models. However there are few examples of specific parameterisation of these models for environmental conditions in East Africa. The aim of this study was therefore, to evaluate the ability of RothC and the Century to estimate changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) resulting from varying land use/management practices for the climate and soil conditions found in Kenya. The study used climate, soils and crop data from a long term experiment (1976-2001) carried out at The Kabete site at The Kenya National Agricultural Research Laboratories (NARL, located in a semi-humid region) and data from a 13 year experiment carried out in Machang'a (Embu District, located in a semi-arid region). The NARL experiment included various fertiliser (0, 60 and 120 kg of N and P2O5 ha(-1)), farmyard manure (FYM - 5 and 10 t ha(-1)) and plant residue treatments, in a variety of combinations. The Machang'a experiment involved a fertiliser (51 kg N ha(-1)) and a FYM (0, 5 and 10 t ha(-1)) treatment with both monocropping and intercropping. At Kabete both models showed a fair to good fit to measured data, although Century simulations for treatments with high levels of FYM were better than those without. At the Machang'a site with monocrops, both models showed a fair to good fit to measured data for all treatments. However, the fit of both models (especially RothC) to measured data for intercropping treatments at Machang'a was much poorer. Further model development for intercrop systems is recommended. Both models can be useful tools in soil C Predictions, provided time series of measured soil C and crop production data are available for validating model performance against local or regional agricultural crops. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Soil organic carbon (SOC) plays a vital role in ecosystem function, determining soil fertility, water holding capacity and susceptibility to land degradation. In addition, SOC is related to atmospheric CO, levels with soils having the potential for C release or sequestration, depending on land use, land management and climate. The United Nations Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol, and other United Nations Conventions to Combat Desertification and on Biodiversity all recognize the importance of SOC and point to the need for quantification of SOC stocks and changes. An understanding of SOC stocks and changes at the national and regional scale is necessary to further our understanding of the global C cycle, to assess the responses of terrestrial ecosystems to climate change and to aid policy makers in making land use/management decisions. Several studies have considered SOC stocks at the plot scale, but these are site specific and of limited value in making inferences about larger areas. Some studies have used empirical methods to estimate SOC stocks and changes at the regional scale, but such studies are limited in their ability to project future changes, and most have been carried out using temperate data sets. The computational method outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been used to estimate SOC stock changes at the regional scale in several studies, including a recent study considering five contrasting eco regions. This 'one step' approach fails to account for the dynamic manner in which SOC changes are likely to occur following changes in land use and land management. A dynamic modelling approach allows estimates to be made in a manner that accounts for the underlying processes leading to SOC change. Ecosystem models, designed for site scale applications can be linked to spatial databases, giving spatially explicit results that allow geographic areas of change in SOC stocks to be identified. Some studies have used variations on this approach to estimate SOC stock changes at the sub-national and national scale for areas of the USA and Europe and at the watershed scale for areas of Mexico and Cuba. However, a need remained for a national and regional scale, spatially explicit system that is generically applicable and can be applied to as wide a range of soil types, climates and land uses as possible. The Global Environment Facility Soil Organic Carbon (GEFSOC) Modelling System was developed in response to this need. The GEFSOC system allows estimates of SOC stocks and changes to be made for diverse conditions, providing essential information for countries wishing to take part in an emerging C market, and bringing us closer to an understanding of the future role of soils in the global C cycle. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.