999 resultados para Dispersal stages


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The initial growth mechanism of epitaxial BaTiO3 films is studied by combined application of atomic force microscopy, cross sectional high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, and x-ray diffraction. Epitaxial BaTiO3 thin films were grown by pulsed laser deposition on vicinal Nb-doped SrTiO3 (SrTiO3:Nb) (001) substrates with well-defined terraces. X-ray diffraction and cross sectional high-resolution transmission electron microscopy investigations revealed well-defined epitaxial films and a sharp interface between BaTiO3 films and SrTiO3:Nb substrates. The layer-then-island (Stranski-Krastanov mode) growth mechanism observed by analyzing the morphology of a sequence of films with increasing amount of deposited material has been confirmed by microstructure investigations. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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The growth mechanism of epitaxial BaTiO3 films on vicinal Nb-doped SrTiO3 (srTiO(3):Nb) (001) substrate surfaces was studied in terms of surface morphology, crystalline orientation, microstructure, and film/substrate interface. Well-oriented BaTiO3 thin films were grown on SrTiO3 substrates with well-defined terraces by pulsed laser deposition. The regularly terraced TiO2-terminated surfaces of vicinal SrTiO3:Nb (001) substrates were prepared by a definite chemical and thermal treatment. Under our conditions, BaTiO3 seems to grow with a layer-then-island (Stranski-Krastanov) growth mechanism. In order to investigate the orientation and crystallinity of the BaTiO3 films, x-ray diffraction and high-resolution transmission election microscopy were performed. Ferroelectricity of the BaTiO3 films was proved by electrical measurements performed on Pt/BaTiO3/SrTiO3:Nb heterostructures.


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This book examines the first human colonization of Asia and particularly the tropical environments of Southeast Asia during the Upper Pleistocene. In studyexamining the unique character of the Asian archaeological record, it reassesses long-accepted propositions about the development of human ‘modernity.’ Ryan J. Rabett reveals an evolutionarily relationship between colonization, the challenges encountered during this process – especially in relation to climatic and environmental change – and the forms of behaviour that emerged. This book argues that human ‘modernity’ is not something achieved in the remote past in one part of the world, but rather is a diverse, flexible, responsive, and on-going process of adaptation, one that continues to this day.


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We examined a remnant host plant (Primula veris L.) habitat network that was last inhabited by the rare butterfly Hamearis lucina L. in north Wales in 1943, to assess the relative contribution of several spatial parameters to its regional extinction. We first examined relationships between P. veris characteristics and H. lucina eggs in surviving H. lucina populations, and used these to predict the suitability and potential carrying capacity of the habitat network in north Wales. This resulted in an estimate of roughly 4500 eggs (ca 227 adults). We developed a discrete space, discrete time metapopulation model to evaluate the relative contribution of dispersal distance, habitat and environmental stochasticity as possible causes of extinction. We simulated the potential persistence of the butterfly in the current network as well as in three artificial (historical and present) habitat networks that differed in the quantity (current and X3) and fragmentation of the habitat (current and aggregated). We identified that reduced habitat quantity and increased isolation would have increased the probability of regional extinction, in conjunction with environmental stochasticity and H. lucina's dispersal distance. This general trend did not change in a qualitative manner when we modified the ability of dispersing females to stay in, and find suitable habitats (by changing the size of the grid cells used in the model). Contrary to most metapopulation model predictions, system persistence declined with increasing migration rate, suggesting that the mortality of migrating individuals in fragmented landscapes may pose significant risks to system-wide persistence. Based on model predictions for the present landscape we argue that a major programme of habitat restoration would be required for a re-established metapopulation to persist for > 100 years.


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Genetic analysis on populations of European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) throughout Ireland was carried out to determine the levels and patterns of genetic diversity in naturally seeded trees in ash woodlands and hedgerows, with the aim of informing conservation and replanting strategies in the face of potential loss of trees as a result of ash dieback. Samples from 33 sites across Northern Ireland and three sites in the Republic of Ireland were genotyped for eight nuclear and ten chloroplast microsatellites. Levels of diversity were high (mean A R = 10.53; mean H O = 0.709; mean H E = 0.765) and were similar to those in Great Britain and continental Europe, whilst levels of population genetic differentiation based on nuclear microsatellites were extremely low (Φ ST = 0.0131). Levels of inbreeding (mean F IS = 0.067) were significantly lower than those reported for populations from Great Britain. Fine-scale analysis of seed dispersal indicated potential for dispersal over hundreds of metres. Our results suggest that ash woodlands across Ireland could be treated as a single management unit, and thus native material from anywhere in Ireland could be used as a source for replanting. In addition, high potential for dispersal has implications for recolonization processes post-ash dieback (Chalara fraxinea) infection, and could aid in our assessment of the capacity of ash to shift its range in response to global climate change.


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Carbon distribution within perennial ryegrass was determined at different stages of plant development, by pulse-labelling laboratory and field-grown plants with 14C-CO2. During the early stages of growth (23-51 days), C distribution of laboratory grown plants was not markedly affected by plant age, with 12.4-24% of net assimilated label lost into the soil as root-soil respiration. The percentage of net assimilate translocated below ground was 20-28% during this stage of growth. At 65 days, the percentage of the label translocated below ground decreased to 8.1% of the net assimilate, with a subsequent decrease in root-soil respiration to 3.9%. The ability of the plant to fix the label (expressed in MBq g-1 oven dry total plant weight) decreased steadily as the plants aged. When the 30 day old plants were subjected to water stress (soil water potential -1.5 MPa) for 2 days before pulse-labelling, root-soil respiration of the pulse-label decreased compared with plants grown at field capacity. The distribution of a 14C pulse-label within perennial ryegrass grown under field conditions was found to be dependent on the age of the plants. For 4 week old plants, 67% of net assimilated label was translocated below ground, with 64.8% of this respired by the roots and soil. Less label was translocated below ground at subsequent pulse-labels from weeks 8 to 24. The proportion of label translocated below ground respired by the roots and soil also decreased. The investment of label in the plant shoots was found to be greater in field grown plants as compared to plants of the same age grown in a controlled, laboratory environment. © 1990.


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Oyster populations around the world have seen catastrophic decline which has been largely attributed to overexploitation, disease and pollution. While considerable effort and resources have been implemented into restoring these important environmental engineers, the success of oyster populations is often limited by poor understanding of site-specific dispersal patterns of propagules. Water-borne transport is a key factor controlling or regulating the dispersal of the larval stage of benthic marine invertebrates which have limited mobility. The distribution of the native oyster Ostrea edulis in Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland, together with their densities and population structure at subtidal and intertidal sites has been documented at irregular intervals between 1997 and 2013. This paper revisits this historical data and considers whether different prevailing environmental conditions can be used to explain the distribution, densities and population structure of O. edulis in Strangford Lough. The approach adopted involved comparing predictive 2D hydrodynamic models coupled with particle tracking to simulate the dispersal of oyster larvae with historical and recent field records of the distribution of both subtidal and intertidal, populations since 1995. Results from the models support the hypothesis that commercial stocks of O. edulis introduced into Strangford Lough in the 1990s resulted in the re-establishment of wild populations of oysters in the Northern Basin which in turn provided a potential source of propagules for subtidal populations. These results highlight that strategic site selection (while inadvertent in the case of the introduced population in 1995) for the re-introduction of important shellfish species can significantly accelerate their recovery and restoration.


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The sweet cherry ‘Sunburst’ is highly appreciated by consumers due to its organoleptic traits. Regional producers tend to harvest cherries sooner in order to increase their profits. With the aim of understanding the consequences of this we have tested the effect of different ripeness stages at the moment of harvesting on fruit quality. Quality parameters tested included external colour (L*, a*, b*), fruit texture, total soluble solids (TSS), and titratable acidity (TA). To evaluate nutritional quality total antioxidant activity was measured too. Once again, and in agreement with results obtained in previous studies, we conclude that there is no advantage in picking less ripe cherries.


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Decifrar a complexa interacção entre os ciclos de vida de espécies marinhas e a oceanografia revela-se fundamental para a compreensão do fluxo genético e da conectividade no meio marinho. Nas espécies marinhas com desenvolvimento indirecto o fluxo de genes entre populações depende da distância que separa as populações, bem como da interacção entre a duração do desenvolvimento larvar, do comportamento das larvas e dos padrões de circulação oceânica. A conectividade larvar influencia uma variedade de processos como a dinâmica de stocks e de populações, a distribuição e limites geográficos das espécies, a estrutura genética das populações e a dispersão de espécies invasivas e reveste-se consequentemente de uma importância fundamental na identificação das unidades populacionais evolucionariamente relevantes e para a gestão e conservação marinhas. Os marcadores genéticos e os Modelos Individuais Acoplados a Modelos Físico-Biológicos (“ICPBMs”) são actualmente ferramentas fundamentais para o estudo dos padrões de dispersão larvar e para avaliar o nível de conectividade populacional. A presente tese respeita à avaliação das escalas espaciais de conectividade de populações de uma espécie costeira, o caranguejo Carcinus maenas, e utiliza conjuntamente informação de marcadores genéticos, análise de séries temporais de fornecimento de larvas e um modelo numérico de circulação oceânica. O primeiro capítulo introduz a temática da conectividade em espécies marinhas e inclui algumas referências aos métodos moleculares, analíticos e de modelação seguidos ao longo da tese. Através da utilização de múltiplas ferramentas – avaliação da estrutura genética geográfica de C. maenas na sua distribuição nativa com recurso a marcadores de DNA (microssatélites) (Capítulo 2), avaliação da estrutura genética temporal das larvas que formam os eventos de fornecimento larvar à Ria de Aveiro, NW Portugal (Capítulo 3), descrição da variabilidade inter-anual do fornecimento larvar à Ria de Aveiro, NW Portugal (Capítulo 4) e validação de um modelo ICPBM que descreve os padrões observados de fornecimento (Capítulo 5) – esta tese espera poder contribuir para uma melhor compreensão dos mecanismos que regulam o fluxo de genes e a conectividade entre populações de organismos marinhos. No Capítulo 6 são apresentadas as principais conclusões da investigação. A análise genética com recurso a microssatélites indicou que as populações de C. maenas são geneticamente homogéneas ao longo de várias centenas de km, dentro da distribuição nativa da espécie. Paralelamente, não foram encontrados indícios da existência de reprodução por “sweepstakes” em C. maenas de populações da costa oeste da Península Ibérica, visto que não se obtiveram diferenças genéticas significativas entre os eventos larvares. Também não se encontrou qualquer estrutura familiar entre as larvas que formam cada episódio de fornecimento, e não houve nenhuma redução significativa da variabilidade genética das larvas quando comparada com a de caranguejos adultos. A análise de séries temporais de suprimento de larvas na Ria de Aveiro em cinco anos estudados indica que este é um fenómeno episódico e variável, sendo os maiores episódios de fornecimento coincidentes com as marés vivas e acentuados por fortes ventos de sul. O modelo ICPBM foi validado com sucesso e parece fornecer uma estimativa realística das escalas espaciais e temporais de dispersão larvar, de acordo com as observações da estrutura genética e da ausência de reprodução por “sweepstake” em C. maenas da costa oeste da Península Ibérica


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Understanding the biology of offshore species is hardened by the difficulties of sampling in the deep-sea environment. Additionally, due to the vastness of the open ocean, knowledge of early life histories of pelagic larvae is still relatively scarce. In decapod species with bentho-pelagic lifestyle, the transition from life in the seafloor to the water column not only is associated with drastic morphological metamorphosis, but also with changes in behavior and feeding ecology. The purpose of the present thesis was to investigate physiological, biochemical and behavioral adaptation occurring during early development of such species. The Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus, and the crab Monodaeus couchi were used as a model as these two species are encountered off the NE Atlantic shelf at depth greater than 300 m. Chapter 1 introduces the challenges faced by both adult and larvae inhabiting such remote habitats, including the effect of food availability on development and oceanographic processes on dispersal and recruitment. The thesis follows early life histories, starting with within-brood variability in the fatty acid (FA) profile displayed by developing N. norvegicus embryos. There were no differences in the FA composition of embryos sampled from both sides of the brooding chamber in most females. However, all females exhibited significant differences in the FA profiles of embryos sampled from different pleopods. Potential causes for the variations recorded may be differential female investment during oocyte production or shifts in FA catabolism during the incubation period promoted by embryo’s location within the brooding chamber. Next, feeding rates and digestive enzymes activity of the early stage larvae was investigated in N. norvegicus. Both stages were able to maximize food intake when larvae were scarce and showed increased feeding rate following periods of starvation. Amylase activity indicated that carbohydrates are not the primary energy reserve and that feeding may be required soon after hatching to trigger amylase activity. Protease activity indicated that protein reserves are catabolized under starvation. These results indicate that larvae may maximize prey ingestion in the presence of plankton patches with higher food abundance and minimize the deleterious effects induced by previous periods of intermittent starvation or unsuitable prey densities/types. Additionally, changes in enzymatic activity may allow newly hatched N. norvegicus larvae to metabolize protein reserves to overcome short-term starvation. Vertical migration behavior and the influence of oceanographic properties were studied next. All zoeal stages of M. couchi displayed reverse diel vertical migration. Abundance of early stages was correlated with chlorophyll a levels. An ontogenic shift in vertical distribution explained the results; earlier zoeal stages remain in the food-rich upper water column while later stages migrate to the bottom for settlement. This vertical migration behavior is likely to affect horizontal distribution of larvae. Indeed, global current patterns will result in low inter-annual variations in decapod larvae recruitment, but short term variations such as upwelling events will cause deviation from the expected dispersal pattern. Throughout development, from the embryo to metamorphosis into benthic juvenile, offshore decapods face many challenges. For the developing individual survivorship will depend heavily on food availability but also on the reserves passed on by the mother. Even though vertical migration behavior can allow the larvae to take advantage of depth varying currents for transport, the effect of general circulation pattern will superimpose local current and influence feeding conditions and affect dispersal and recruitment.


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We have developed a procedure for staining cartilage and bone in fish larvae as small as 2 mm (notochord length), for which standard alcian blue/alizarin red procedures did not give positive and/or consistent results. Small calcified structures only 100-200 pm in length can be clearly visualized. The method is suitable for both ontogenic studies during early stages of skeletal development in most marine fishes (e.g., Sparus aurata L., Solea senegalensis Kaup), whose larvae at hatching are often only a few millimeters long and for detecting skeletal abnormalities in small larvae. This procedure can also be used for specimens that have been preserved in 1000/0 ethanol for up to two years.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015