988 resultados para Differential geometry


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Sparking potentials in a coaxial cylinder geometry in oxygen and dry air were measured in crossed electric and magnetic fields. From the data effective collision frequencies were calculated using the equivalent pressure concept. It is shown that the equivalent pressure concept holds good for deriving the effective collision frequencies in non-uniform electric fields.


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A common point of reference is needed to describe the three-dimensional arrangements of bases and base-pairs in nucleic acid structures. The different standards used in computer programs created for this purpose give rise to con¯icting interpretations of the same structure.1 For example, parts of a structure that appear ``normal'' according to one computational scheme may be highly unusual according to another and vice versa. It is thus dif®cult to carry out comprehensive comparisons of nucleic acid structures and to pinpoint unique conformational features in individual structures


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A detailed analysis of structural and position dependent characteristic features of helices will give a better understanding of the secondary structure formation in globular proteins. Here we describe an algorithm that quantifies the geometry of helices in proteins on the basis of their C-alpha atoms alone. The Fortran program HELANAL can extract the helices from the PDB files and then characterises the overall geometry of each helix as being linear, curved or kinked, in terms of its local structural features, viz. local helical twist and rise, virtual torsion angle, local helix origins and bending angles between successive local helix axes. Even helices with large radius of curvature are unambiguously identified as being linear or curved. The program can also be used to differentiate a kinked helix and other motifs, such as helix-loop-helix or a helix-turn-helix (with a single residue linker) with the help of local bending angles. In addition to these, the program can also be used to characterise the helix start and end as well as other types of secondary structures.


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Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) can be used for obtaining various non-isothermal properties of glassy materials. The thermal properties of the Si-As-Te glass system are discussed in relation to the interesting information obtained on the local ordering in these glasses.


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The effect of the addition of p-aminophenol and aniline-based epoxy diluents on the curing behavior of highly viscous tetraglycidyl diamino diphenyl methane resin with diamino diphenyl sulfone hardener have been investigated kinetically by differential scanning calorimetry. Dynamic scans were carried out over a temperature range 30–300°C for different resin formulations. Isothermal scans at four differnt temperatures have also been carried out for the evaluation of kinetic parameters. Heat flow measurements at different heating rates have indicated the evidence of autocatalytic behavior of curing reaction following a simple nth-order kinetics.


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The experimental charge density distribution in three compounds, 2-chloro-3-quinolinyl methanol, 2-chloro-3-hydroxypyridine, and 2-chloro-3-chloromethyl-8-methylquinoline, has been obtained using high-resolution X-ray diffraction data collected at 100 K based on the aspherical multipole modeling of electron density. These compounds represent type I (cis), type I (trans), and type II geometries, respectively, as defined for short Cl center dot center dot center dot Cl interactions. The experimental results are compared with the theoretical charge densities using theoretical structure factors obtained from a periodic quantum calculation at the B3LYP/6-31G** level. The topological features derived from the Bader's theory of atoms in molecules (AIM) approach unequivocally suggest that both cis and trans type I geometries show decreased repulsion, whereas type II geometry is attractive based on the nature of polar flattening of the electron density around the Cl atom.


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Differences in flower success patterns in two habitat types that differed drastically with respect to rainfall, tree density and species composition were studied at Mudumalai wildlife sanctuary, India. Observations on phenological patterns of two species, Cassia fistula and Gmelina arborea, were made from April 1988 through June 1990. Quantitative data on flower-fruit ratio, insect visitation rates, pollen grain per stigma and the number of fruits per tree were recorded. Data were also collected on the number of pollen deposited on the stigma after different types of bees visited the flower. The data suggested that only carpenter bees (Xylocopa spp) effect pollination in C. fistula. The differences in fruit-flower ratios were attributed to the differences in insect visitation rates to inflorescences between sites. The low pollen number per stigma and the resultant reduction in reproductive success in C. fistula are attributed to the competing species G. arborea receiving more visitations from pollinators in the wetter site. These results suggest that pollinator limitation is another constraint in reproductive success of plants.


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Beta-Lactamase, which catalyzes beta-lactam antibiotics, is prototypical of large alpha/beta proteins with a scaffolding formed by strong noncovalent interactions. Experimentally, the enzyme is well characterized, and intermediates that are slightly less compact and having nearly the same content of secondary structure have been identified in the folding pathway. In the present study, high temperature molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out on the native enzyme in solution. Analysis of these results in terms of root mean square fluctuations in cartesian and [phi, psi] space, backbone dihedral angles and secondary structural hydrogen bonds forms the basis for an investigation of the topology of partially unfolded states of beta-lactamase. A differential stability has been observed for alpha-helices and beta-sheets upon thermal denaturation to putative unfolding intermediates. These observations contribute to an understanding of the folding/unfolding processes of beta-lactamases in particular, and other alpha/beta proteins in general.


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Ten different tRNAGly1 genes from the silk worm, Bombyx mori, have been cloned and characterized. These genes were transcribed in vitro in homologous nuclear extracts from the posterior silk gland (PSG) or nuclear extracts derived from the middle silk gland or ovarian tissues. Although the transcription levels were much higher in the PSG nuclear extracts, the transcriptional efficiency of the individual genes followed a similar pattern in all the extracts. Based on the levels of in vitro transcription, the ten tRNAGly1 genes could be divided into three groups, viz., those which were transcribed at very high levels (e.g., clone pR8), high to medium levels (e.g., pBmil, pBmpl, pBmhl, pBmtl) and low to barely detectable levels (e.g., pBmsl, pBmjl and pBmkl). The coding sequences of all these tRNA genes being identical, the differential transcription suggested that the flanking sequences modulate their transcriptional efficiency. The presence of positive and negative regulatory elements in the 5' flanking regions of these genes was confirmed by transcription competition experiments. A positive element was present in the immediate upstream A + T-rich sequences in all the genes, but no consensus sequences correlating to the transcriptional status could be generated. The presence of negative elements on the other hand was indicated only in some of the genes and therefore may have a role in the differential transcription of these tRNAGly genes in vivo.


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Context. Turbulent fluxes of angular momentum and heat due to rotationally affected convection play a key role in determining differential rotation of stars. Aims. We compute turbulent angular momentum and heat transport as functions of the rotation rate from stratified convection. We compare results from spherical and Cartesian models in the same parameter regime in order to study whether restricted geometry introduces artefacts into the results. Methods. We employ direct numerical simulations of turbulent convection in spherical and Cartesian geometries. In order to alleviate the computational cost in the spherical runs and to reach as high spatial resolution as possible, we model only parts of the latitude and longitude. The rotational influence, measured by the Coriolis number or inverse Rossby number, is varied from zero to roughly seven, which is the regime that is likely to be realised in the solar convection zone. Cartesian simulations are performed in overlapping parameter regimes. Results. For slow rotation we find that the radial and latitudinal turbulent angular momentum fluxes are directed inward and equatorward, respectively. In the rapid rotation regime the radial flux changes sign in accordance with earlier numerical results, but in contradiction with theory. The latitudinal flux remains mostly equatorward and develops a maximum close to the equator. In Cartesian simulations this peak can be explained by the strong 'banana cells'. Their effect in the spherical case does not appear to be as large. The latitudinal heat flux is mostly equatorward for slow rotation but changes sign for rapid rotation. Longitudinal heat flux is always in the retrograde direction. The rotation profiles vary from anti-solar (slow equator) for slow and intermediate rotation to solar-like (fast equator) for rapid rotation. The solar-like profiles are dominated by the Taylor-Proudman balance.


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The supramolecular structures of eight aryl protected ethyl-6-methyl-4-phenyl-2-oxo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidine- 5-carboxylates have been analyzed to determine the role of different functional groups on the molecular geometry, conformational characteristics and the packing of these molecules in the crystal lattice. Out of these the para fluoro substituted compound on the aryl ring exhibits conformational polymorphism, due to the different conformation of the ester moiety. This behaviour has been characterized using both powder and single-crystal X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry performed on both these polymorphs. The compounds pack via the cooperative interplay of strong N-H center dot center dot center dot O=C intermolecular dimers and chains forming a sheet like structure. In addition, weak C-H center dot center dot center dot O=C and C-H center dot center dot center dot pi interactions impart additional stability to the crystal packing.


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Negative differential capacitance (NDC) has been observed in n-GaN/p-Si heterojunctions grown by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE). The NDC is observed at low frequencies 1 and 10 kilohertz (kHz) and disappeared at a higher testing frequency of 100 kHz. The NDC is also studied with temperature and found that it has disappeared above 323 degrees C. Current-Voltage (I-V) characteristics of n-GaN /p-Si heterojunction were measured at different temperatures and are attributed to the space-charge-limited current (SCLC). A simple model involving two quantum states is proposed to explain the observed NDC behavior. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two-band extended Hubbard model studies show that the shift in optical gap of the metal-halogen (MX) chain upon embedding in a crystalline environment depends upon alternation in the site-diagonal electron-lattice interaction parameter (epsilon(M)) and the strength of electron-electron interactions at the metal site (U(M)). The equilibrium geometry studies on isolated chains show that the MX chains tend to distort for alternating epsilon(M) and small U(M) values.