938 resultados para Democritus, ca. 460-ca. 370 B.C.
预计到本世纪末,大气CO2浓度将会增加到540~970ppm,大气CO2浓度升高所引起的全球气候变化已经受到广泛的关注。植物生长依赖CO2,并且对大气CO2浓度升高在结构和生理上产生响应。目前已有大量报道,从生态系统、群落、种群、个体、器官、组织、生理以及生化等水平上研究高浓度CO2所对植物产生的影响。但是有关高浓度CO2对植物有性生殖影响的报道却很少,同时多数实验均建立在短期的生殖响应,忽视了植物在长期高CO2浓度下具有的反馈作用和CO2浓度变化对植物的驯化作用。植物有性生殖与其生态适应性和农作物籽粒产量的关系极为密切;同时,植物有性生殖特性的变化,也可作为预测植物对全球气候变化响应的重要指标之一。为此,利用高浓度CO2对植物进行长期选择实验将很有必要。研究结果将为预测未来大气CO2浓度增加的条件下陆地生态系统的演变趋势、全球变化对植物有性生殖响应的方式和机制提供新的思路和有效方法。 在本研究中,我们以模式植物拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)作为实验材料,利用370和700ppm CO2对其进行连续8个世代处理,首先研究高浓度CO2对每一个世代的拟南芥有性生殖特性的影响,然后比较各个世代中各种生殖特性指标变化的规律,从细胞、组织和个体尺度上揭示拟南芥有性生殖对全球变化的响应模式。此外,在700ppm CO2处理下,我们对拟南芥叶片生理、生化以及结构的变化进行了相关研究。两部分研究结果及主要结论如下: 首先,在每一个世代中,与370ppm CO2相比较,700ppm CO2处理显著促进了拟南芥开花,缩短生长周期,增加花、角果及种子等生殖的产量,降低种子N含量,提高种子C/N比、种子千粒重以及生殖生物量所占总生物量的比例等,而对种子萌发率、角果所含种子数目以及角果长度则无显著影响。但是, 通过对相同CO2浓度处理条件下,不同世代之间的研究结果比较发现,不同世代之间相关的生殖生物学指标并无显著差异。 其次,高浓度CO2显著降低叶片气孔密度、气孔指数、气孔导度以及蒸腾速率。在高浓度CO2处理下,叶肉细胞中叶绿体数目、叶绿体宽度和表观面积、淀粉粒大小和数量、叶片和细胞壁厚度等都显著增加,但是基粒内囊体膜的数量却显著下降。叶片中碳水化合物如可溶性总糖、淀粉以及纤维素含量在高浓度CO2下分别显著增加71.9%、78.7% 和 22.3%。此外,在高浓度CO2处理下,叶片中多数激素如如吲哚乙酸(indole-3-acetic acid, IAA)、赤霉素(gibberellin, GA)、玉米素核苷(zeatin riboside, ZR)、二氢玉米素核苷(dihydrozeatin riboside, DHZR)和异戊烯基腺苷(isopentenyl adenosine, iPA)均都显著地增加,而脱落酸(abscisic acid, ABA)含量却有所下降。最后,叶片中各种矿物质元素含量如N、P、K、CaMg等含量在高浓度CO2处理下也都显著下降,而C/N比增加24.8%。 以上结果表明: (1) 在每一个世代中,700ppm CO2处理对拟南芥各种有性生殖特性具有显著的影响,但是高浓度CO2处理对植物所引起的效应在多个世代以内并不能够传递给后代,所以在多个有性生殖世代内,高浓度CO2处理对植物生长、生殖没有驯化作用。 (2) 在高浓度CO2处理下,拟南芥叶片中叶绿体超微结构的变化,可能主要是由于叶绿体中淀粉粒数量和体积大小显著增加而引起。 (3) 在高浓度CO2处理下,由于拟南芥叶片内与促进细胞分裂与伸长的激素含量显著增加,从而对拟南芥植株生长发育速率的提高起了重要的作用。 (4) 拟南芥生长在高浓度CO2条件下,其叶片中各种矿质元素含量(如N、P、K、CaMg)均显著降低,究其原因可能是,第一由于叶片中碳水化合物含量的显著增加而对矿物质元素具有稀释作用;第二由于蒸腾速率下降,引起矿质元素从根部随着蒸腾流运输到地上部分的含量相应减少。
Investigation of the redox thermodynamics of horse heart cytochrome c at bare glassy carbon electrodes has been performed using cyclic voltammetry with a nonisothermal electrochemical cell. The thermodynamic parameters of the electron-transfer reaction of cytochrome c have been estimated in different component buffer solutions. The change DELTAS(re)-degrees in reaction center entropy and the formal potential E-degrees' (at 25-degrees-C, vs. standard hydrogen electrode (SHE)) for cytochrome c are found to be -64.1 J K-1 mol-1 and 0.251 V in phosphate buffer, -64.8 J K-1 mol-1 and 0.257 V in Tris + HCl buffer, -65.6 J K-1 mol-1 and 0.261 V in Tris+CH3COOH buffer (pH 7.0, ionic strength 100 mM). The temperature dependence of the formal potential obtained in phosphate buffer with or without NaCl in the range 5-55-degrees-C shows biphase characteristics in an alkaline solution with an intersection point at ca. 44-degrees-C or 42-degrees-C, which should be due to a structural change in the protein moiety of cytochrome c. However, in acidic and neutral solutions only a monotonic relationship between E-degrees' and temperature is observed. The effect of the buffer component on E-degrees' for cytochrome c is also discussed.
文章对采自贵州从低海拔的东部到高海拔的西部且大致平行的石灰岩和砂岩两地带均生长的3种C4草本植物,即巴茅(Miscanthus floridulus)、白茅(Imperata cylindrica)和类芦(Neyraudia reynaudiana),以及相对应的土壤表层样品,进行了营养元素和C同位素组成分析;研究营养元素含量随着海拔的不同而出现的变化趋势,以及这些元素之间的相互协变作用,尤其是CaN之间的相互协变作用对植物的N含量、C/N比值和δ^13C值的影响,以了解植物的C/N比值(指示植物残留物质量的一种标志)与土壤有机C积累的关系。研究结果表明,植物的N含量和δ^13C值具有随海拔的上升而显著增大趋势,而植物的C/N比值在砂岩地区虽有减小的趋势,在石灰岩地带则没有。对所研究的C4草本植物来说,在土壤pH值为5.8的中性条件下显示出Ca最大吸收,因此,Ca其他营养元素之间的协变模式在两种土壤类型中表现出相反的倾向,并存在土壤交换性Ca边界浓度:当土壤可交换性Ca含量为2.24mg/g,相应土壤的pH值在5.8以下时,随着土壤可交换性Ca度的增大,植物的N含量上升,而植物的C/N比值会显著降低;当Ca边界浓度以上时,随着土壤可交换性Ca度的增大,植物的N含量下降,而植物的C/N比值有增加的趋势。由此可见,植物残留物的N含量和C/N比值受Ca素含量的相互协变作用的影响。在砂岩地区,随着植物C/N比值的增高,土壤有机质的含量却随之下降,而在石灰岩地区则没有这种倾向。因此得出结论:植物的C/N比值的增大对土壤有机碳积累的影响主要取决于土壤的性质,尤其是取决于土壤可交换性Ca含量。
在地球的环境界面上,发生着重要的物理、化学和生物学反应,进行着频繁的物质交换和输送,研究和认识环境界面的地球化学过程对揭示环境演化,评价环境质量,认识成矿机理具有重要意义[万国江,1988]化学风化是元素表生地球化学循环的重要环节,是地表碉石(浮土)-水界面间的物质交换过程,其中大气成份和植物微生物代谢产物作为活化剂。化学风化的研究历史大致分为三个阶段:定性描述阶段、化学风化速度定量测定阶段、化学风化的环境生态效应研究阶段。化学风化的动力学理论经过了扩散作用理论、表面反应理论、表面络合反应理论三个发展阶段。化学同化动力学理论及其生态效应方面的研究存在的主工问题是:矿物溶解速度是由表面反应控制的,土壤具有特殊的表面性质,但目前还没有土壤化学同化动力学的实验数据。溶解铝主要来自土壤活性铝,但土壤铝的溶解机理还不清楚;仅根据化学平衡计算就认为Al~(3+)浓度是由矿物溶解平衡控制的,这很不可靠;因为土壤孔隙水的酸度控制矿物的溶解平衡,而土壤中Al~(3+)的水解制约着土壤孔隙水的酸度。孤立地研究养分的释放和流失是不完深善的,需要建立养分循环的动力学模型。黄壤是贵州分布最广的一种土壤。贵州存在着环境酸化、土壤缺钾和“石山”化等一系列生态环境问题。黔中是一个较强的酸雨区,区内降水pH值位于3.5-4.2之间;黄壤酸度高,缓冲能力弱。黄壤中活性铝浓度高,但国内没有进行黄壤中铝的淋溶和毒性的研究。黄壤是中国最贫钾的土壤之一,但缺钾的原因和发展趋势还不清楚。本文的目的是完善土壤化学风化动力学理论、阐明环境中铝的转化机理、建立钾素循环的动力学模型。同时,预测环境酸化趋势、评价土壤钾素供给状况和铝的毒性,讨论关于贵州环境酸化、土壤缺钾和“石山”化等环境生态问题的对策。作者在红枫湖汇水区采集土壤、土壤孔隙水和河水样品。土壤孔隙水用经改进的离心法提取;用化学浸提法测定土壤中铝的形态;完成了河水、土壤孔隙水的水化学全分析、土壤化学性质的测定、土壤的化学全分析和X射线衍射分析,湖水水化学全分析数据由导师提供。作者完成了土壤淋溶实验的研究,测定了淋溶前土壤样品的化学质和化学组成,测定了淋溶液的pH、Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)、K~+、Na~+溶解硅和单体铝。通过土壤、土壤孔隙水、湖水的化学年组成,研究土壤的化学风化动力学;通过土壤、土壤孔隙水中铝的形态分布,研究环境中铝的迁移转化机理;根据河水中钾的含量,研究土壤钾素的地球化学循环;通过土壤淋溶实验研究土壤化学风化、土壤铝淋溶、钾素循环的动力学过程。综合现场取样和淋溶实验两方面的研究成果,获得以下几点认识:1、红枫湖汇水区黄壤的化学风化处于高岭石化阶段,酸沉降增大化学风化速度,土壤化学风化符合硅酸盐矿物溶解的表面反应理论。2、实验证实了Johnson (1981)提出的土壤缓冲机制,同时发现弱酸性和中性土壤在淋溶过程中吸附H~+。3、黄壤中铝的移动性与土壤酸度和有机质含量有关,溶解铝在土壤A-B、B-C面发生沉淀。4、实验证实铝的溶解由三水铝石溶解反应控制,同时发现溶解铝浓度由H~+供给量和盐基离子释放量控制。5、建立钾素循环的动力学模型:EXCH. K=Fw-Fd-Fa利用河水中K~+浓度计算土壤钾素的化学侵蚀速率,可以预测土壤缺钾的趋势。6、实验发现土壤钾素的化学侵蚀过程由离子交换反应控制,钾素侵蚀速率与径流强度、土壤酸度和酸沉降有关。7、酸沉降加剧黄壤酸化和缺钾的趋势,加重黄壤中铝的毒性,需要控制酸沉降通量,使雨水pH值大于4.5。
A structurally pure, near-infrared emissive Nd-(5,7-dichloro-8-hydroxyquinoline)4 tetrakis complex has been synthesized. When incorporated as a dopant in the blue emissive, hole conducting polymer poly(N-vinylcarbazole), PVK, sensitized neodymium ion emission was observed following photo-excitation of the polymer host. OLED devices were fabricated by spin-casting layers of the doped polymer onto glass/indium tin oxide (ITO)/3,4-polyethylene-dioxythiophene-polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT) substrates. An external quantum efficiency of 1 x 10(-3)% and a near-infrared irradiance of 2.0 nW/mm(2) at 25 mA/mm(2) and 20 V was achieved using glass/ITO/PEDOT/ PVK:Nd-(5,7-dichloro-8-hydroxyquinoline)(4)/Ca/Al devices. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The goal of this study is to identify cues for the cognitive process of attention in ancient Greek art, aiming to find confirmation of its possible use by ancient Greek audiences and artists. Evidence of cues that trigger attention’s psychological dispositions was searched through content analysis of image reproductions of ancient Greek sculpture and fine vase painting from the archaic to the Hellenistic period - ca. 7th -1st cent. BC. Through this analysis, it was possible to observe the presence of cues that trigger orientation to the work of art (i.e. amplification, contrast, emotional salience, simplification, symmetry), of a cue that triggers a disseminate attention to the parts of the work (i.e. distribution of elements) and of cues that activate selective attention to specific elements in the work of art (i.e. contrast of elements, salient color, central positioning of elements, composition regarding the flow of elements and significant objects). Results support the universality of those dispositions, probably connected with basic competencies that are hard-wired in the nervous system and in the cognitive processes.
Organic light emitting diode devices employing organometallic Nd(9-hydroxyphenalen-1-one)(3) complexes as near infrared emissive dopants dispersed within poly(N-vinylcarbazole) (PVK) host matrices have been fabricated by spin-casting layers of the doped polymer onto glass/indium tin oxide (ITO)/3,4-polyethylene-dioxythiophene-polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT) substrates. Room temperature electroluminescence, centered at similar to 1065 nm. was observed from devices top contacted by evaporated aluminum or calcium metal cathodes and was assigned to transitions between the F-4(3/2) -> I-4(11/2) levels of the Nd3+ ions. In particular, a near infrared irradiance of 8.5 nW/mm(2) and an external quantum efficiency of 0.007% was achieved using glass/ITO/PEDOT/PVK:Nd(9-hydroxyphenalen-1-one)(3)/Ca/Al devices. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The impact of rapid climate change on contemporary human populations is of global concern. To contextualize our understanding of human responses to rapid climate change it is necessary to examine the archeological record during past climate transitions. One episode of abrupt climate change has been correlated with societal collapse at the end of the northwestern European Bronze Age. We apply new methods to interrogate archeological and paleoclimate data for this transition in Ireland at a higher level of precision than has previously been possible. We analyze archeological 14C dates to demonstrate dramatic population collapse and present high-precision proxy climate data, analyzed through Bayesian methods, to provide evidence for a rapid climatic transition at ca. 750 calibrated years B.C. Our results demonstrate that this climatic downturn did not initiate population collapse and highlight the nondeterministic nature of human responses to past climate change.
Fermentation products can chaotropically disorder macromolecular systems and induce oxidative stress, thus inhibiting biofuel production. Recently, the chaotropic activities of ethanol, butanol and vanillin have been quantified (5.93, 37.4, 174kJkg(-1)m(-1) respectively). Use of low temperatures and/or stabilizing (kosmotropic) substances, and other approaches, can reduce, neutralize or circumvent product-chaotropicity. However, there may be limits to the alcohol concentrations that cells can tolerate; e.g. for ethanol tolerance in the most robust Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains, these are close to both the solubility limit (<25%, w/v ethanol) and the water-activity limit of the most xerotolerant strains (0.880). Nevertheless, knowledge-based strategies to mitigate or neutralize chaotropicity could lead to major improvements in rates of product formation and yields, and also therefore in the economics of biofuel production.
A presente tese tem por objetivo principal contribuir para o conhecimento da geoquímica sedimentar da zona oceânica da crista da Terceira e montanhas submarinas a sul (região entre 29-39ºN e 27-32ºW), integrando também a caraterização dos metais e nutrientes na coluna de água e propondo concentrações para servirem de referência nesta região do Atlântico Central. Para o efeito foram realizadas amostragens na coluna de água em sete locais e de sedimento em cinco locais, durante a campanha oceanográfica designada por EMEPC/AÇORES/G3/2007 a bordo do navio SV Kommandor Jack, no âmbito do projeto da Estrutura de Missão para a Extensão da Plataforma Continental (EMEPC). Os perfis de CTD da coluna de água na região estudada revelam a presença de massas de água distintas: a Western North Atlantic Central Water (WNACW), a Eastern North Atlantic Central Water tropical (ENACWt), a Eastern North Atlantic Central Water polar (ENACWp), a Mediterranean Overflow Water (MOW), a Deep Mediterranean Water (DMW) e a North Eastern Atlantic Deep Water (NEADW). Observou-se nos perfis de temperatura e salinidade, referentes aos primeiros 200 m da coluna de água, um gradiente meridional negativo entre as estações localizadas na crista da Terceira e as estações localizadas mais a sul. Observou-se nas águas superficiais valores de oxigénio dissolvido de 93% e de pH de 8,1, assim como que as concentrações dos nutrientes NOx, PO4 e SiO2 variam de acordo com a atividade biológica, tendo-se registado concentrações medianas mais baixas, respetivamente de 6,5, 0,23 e 1,3 mol L-1, que aumentam com a profundidade devido à ausência de produção primária (respetivamente 31, 1,4 e 22 mol L-1). As concentrações de NH4 e de SO4 não variam significativamente nas massas de água, sendo os valores medianos mínimos e máximos de 0,69 a 0,79 mol L-1 para o NH4 e de 30 a 32 mol L-1 para o SO4. São propostas concentrações de referência para as massas de água, para os elementos cobre, cádmio, chumbo e arsénio. Os perfis de sedimento analisados permitem distinguir os sedimentos na crista da Terceira (core A) dos restantes (cores B a E). A grande variabilidade textural encontrada no core A, que contrasta com os outros cores analisados, deve-se a importantes contribuições terrígenas, originadas pela erosão sub-aérea e pela atividade vulcânica das ilhas próximas. iv resumo (continuação) A análise mineralógica, efetuada à fração areia e à fração fina (< 63 μm), confirma que os sedimentos do core A derivam de rochas vulcânicas formadas maioritariamente por piroxenas, olivinas, anfíbolas, biotite, alterites e ainda calcite, plagióclase e magnetite, tendo-se identificado ao microscópio a glauconite e o vidro vulcânico. De acordo com a composição química destes minerais o core A apresenta valores mais elevados de Al, Fe, K, P, Mg, Si, Na, Zn, V, Cr e Mn relativamente aos cores B a E. Os cores B a E apresentam grandes quantidades de calcite (>80%) formada maioritariamente por foraminíferos e nanoplâncton calcário (cocolitóforos). A fração areia confirma a composição maioritariamente carbonatada com grande abundância de material biogénico formado por oozes de foraminíferos (planctónicos e bentónicos) com raras espículas de espongiários e restos de conchas. Os cores B a E apresentam valores muito mais elevados que o core A para os elementos Ca e Sr. Os resultados para o Al, Fe, K, P, Si, Na, As, Cu, Ni, Zn, V, Cr, Li, Pb, Cd e Co presentes nos locais B, C, D e E sugerem que estes cores são comparáveis aos sedimentos de fundo carbonatados. Propõe-se concentrações de referência para a região do Atlântico compreendida entre 29-39ºN e 27-32ºW considerando a primeira camada colhida em cada core. Para o core A as concentrações são normalizadas a 5% de Al e CaCO3, enquanto que para os cores B a E são normalizadas a 2% de Al e CaCO3. Assim as concentrações de referência para o core A são: As – 18 mg kg-1, Cr – 91 mg kg-1, Cu – 127 mg kg-1, Ni – 84 mg kg-1, Pb – 41 mg kg-1, Hg – 41 ng g-1 e Zn – 482 mg kg-1. Para os cores B a E as concentrações de referência são: As – 3 mg kg-1, Cr – 10 mg kg-1, Cu – 36 mg kg-1 Ni – 12 mg kg -1, Hg – 3 ng g-1 e Zn – 20 mg kg-1. Para os restantes metais as concentrações de referência para o core A são: Al – 9%, Si – 25%, Fe – 6%, Ca – 13%, K – 2%, Mg – 2%, Na – 3%, P – 0,4%, Sr – 900 mg kg-1, Li – 10 mg kg-1, Mn – 1200 mg kg-1, Ba – 700 mg kg-1 e V – 140 mg kg-1. Para os cores B a E as concentrações de referência são: Al – 0,9%, Si – 2%, Fe – 0,2%, Ca – 95%, K – 0,3%, Mg – 0,4%, Na – 0,3%, P – 0,04%, Sr – 2600 mg kg-1, Li – 5 mg kg-1, Mn – 240 mg kg-1, Ba – 345 mg kg-1, Co – 2 mg kg-1 e V – 6 mg kg-1. Os resultados da presente tese constituem um contributo para a caraterização geoquímica da região e podem servir de referência à monitorização futura do mar dos Açores e montes submarinos a sul.
Dissertação mest., Arqueologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2007