431 resultados para Coincidence


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En una intersección todos los cruces de trayectorias, tanto de los vehículos como de los peatones que la utilizan, se realizan a nivel, produciéndose, por lo tanto, una coincidencia de movimientos en el tiempo y en el espacio. La geometría de la intersección condiciona las trayectorias que describen los vehículos y peatones. El análisis de estas trayectorias es el que permitirá la determinación de los puntos de conflicto y su clasificación en primarios, secundarios o terciarios. Este análisis es imprescindible para la toma de decisiones sobre las posibles mejoras de la intersección, tanto en lo concerniente a su geometría como al tipo de regulación necesaria.


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This work presents a forensic analysis of buildings affected by mining subsidence, which is based on deformation data obtained by Differential Interferometry (DInSAR). The proposed test site is La Union village (Murcia, SE Spain) where subsidence was triggered in an industrial area due to the collapse of abandoned underground mining labours occurred in 1998. In the first part of this work the study area was introduced, describing the spatial and temporal evolution of ground subsidence, through the elaboration of a cracks map on the buildings located within the affected area. In the second part, the evolution of the most significant cracks found in the most damaged buildings was monitored using biaxial extensometric units and inclinometers. This article describes the work performed in the third part, where DInSAR processing of satellite radar data, available between 1998 and 2008, has permitted to determine the spatial and temporal evolution of the deformation of all the buildings of the study area in a period when no continuous in situ instrumental data is available. Additionally, the comparison of these results with the forensic data gathered in the 2005–2008 period, reveal that there is a coincidence between damaged buildings, buildings where extensometers register significant movements of cracks, and buildings deformation estimated from radar data. As a result, it has been demonstrated that the integration of DInSAR data into forensic analysis methodologies contributes to improve significantly the assessment of the damages of buildings affected by mining subsidence.


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In the composite section of San Miguel de Salinas the following synthems are represented: MI (preevaporitic Messinan), MII (syn-evaporitic Messinian) and P (post-evaporitic Pliocene). The foraminiferal assemblages of these synthems have been studied in order to reveal the palaeoenvironmental changes related to the Mediterranean Salinity Crisis. The change between MI and MII synthems is characterized by the reduction of the foraminiferal biodiversity. Synthem MII records palaeoenvironmental stress related to the evaporitic deposition during the Salinity Crisis. Synthem P marks an abrupt increase of the foraminiferal biodiversity in coincidence with the Pliocene reflooding of the Mediterranean Sea.


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The planktonic foraminifers biostratigraphy is crucial in order to precise the timing of the main tectonosedimentary and palaeogeographic events through the evolution of the Bajo Segura Basin. Our results indicates that the marine stratigraphic record of the basin spans from the earliest late Miocene to the early Pliocene. For this temporal interval, all the recent, astronomically calibrated, planktonic foraminifers biozones had been documented. The oldest depositional stage in the basin is marked by a regional-scale transgression in coincidence with the MMi9 biozone (early Tortonian). The youngest basin-wide marine episode occurs at the MPl4a biozone (Zanclean). The Messinian Salinity Crisis, as a specially noticeable event in the Mediterranean domain, is bracketed between the last Messinian biozone (MMi13c) and the first Pliocene biozone (MPl1).


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Esta investigación estudia la influencia de la comprensión de la aproximación a un número y de los modos de representación en la construcción de la concepción dinámica del límite en estudiantes de Bachillerato. El análisis de realizó usando el análisis implicativo (Gras, Suzuki, Guillet y Spagnolo, 2008). Los resultados indican que la construcción paulatina de la concepción dinámica del límite se realiza mediante procesos diferenciados de aproximación en el dominio y en el rango, y, dentro de estos últimos, aquellos en los que las aproximaciones laterales coinciden de las que no coinciden. Además, nuestros resultados indican que el modo numérico o el modo algebraico-numérico desempeñan un papel relevante en el desarrollo de la comprensión de la concepción dinámica de límite.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to determine the similarities and differences between the benefits derived from implementing the ISO 9001 and the ISO 14001 standards. Methodology/Approach: The paper reviews the literature using an electronic search in the ScienceDirect, ABI/Inform, Emerald databases to identify papers focusing on the adoption of the ISO 9001 and 14001 standards and the benefits derived from implementing them. Findings: The paper identifies 82 articles about ISO 9001 and 29 about ISO 14001. Although some differences can be observed between the benefits considered by ISO 9001 and 14001, there is a great degree of coincidence in the benefits studied. The review suggests 13 benefits as the most usually analyzed (including environmental performance for the case of the ISO 14001 standard) by scholars. It is suggested that both standards have clear benefits on operational, people and customer results and that the effects on financial performance are inconclusive. Limitations/implications: One limitation of this paper is that the works identified are conditioned by the search strategy used. In addition, other key words could be included in future studies such as operational, market, quality, financial performance, and customer satisfaction in order to expand this search. Originality/Value: The main contribution is that the paper identifies the literature gap and future research proposals with regard to the benefits of the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards.


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The English language and the Internet, both separately and taken together, are nowadays well-acknowledged as powerful forces which influence and affect the lexico-grammatical characteristics of other languages world-wide. In fact, many authors like Crystal (2004) have pointed out the emergence of the so-called Netspeak, that is, the language used in the Net or World Wide Web; as Crystal himself (2004: 19) puts it, ‘a type of language displaying features that are unique to the Internet […] arising out of its character as a medium which is electronic, global and interactive’. This ‘language’, however, may be differently understood: either as an adaptation of the English language proper to internet requirements and purposes, or as a new and rapidly-changing and developing language as a result of a rapid evolution or adaptation to Internet requirements of almost all world languages, for whom English is a trendsetter. If the second and probably most plausible interpretation is adopted, there are three salient features of ‘Netspeak’: (a) the rapid expansion of all its new linguistic developments thanks to the Internet itself, which may lead to the generalization and widespread acceptance of new words, coinages, or meanings, hundreds of times faster than was the case with the printed media. As said above, (b) the visible influence of English, the most prevalent language on the Internet. Consequently, (c) this new language tends to reduce the ‘distance’ between English and other languages as well as the ignorance of the former by speakers of other languages, since the ‘Netspeak’ version of the latter adopts grammatical, syntactic and lexical features of English. Thus, linguistic differences may even disappear when code-switching and/or borrowing occurs, as whole fragments of English appear in other language contexts. As a consequence of the new situation, an ideal context appears for interlanguage or multilingual word formation to thrive: puns, blends, compounds and word creativity in general find in the web the ideal place to gain rapid acceptance world-wide, as a result of fashion, coincidence, or sheer merit of the new linguistic proposals.


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A set of ten RADARSAT-2 images acquired in fully polarimetric mode over a test site with rice fields in Seville, Spain, has been analyzed to extract the main features of the C-band radar backscatter as a function of rice phenology. After observing the evolutions versus phenology of different polarimetric observables and explaining their behavior in terms of scattering mechanisms present in the scene, a simple retrieval approach has been proposed. This algorithm is based on three polarimetric observables and provides estimates from a set of four relevant intervals of phenological stages. The validation against ground data, carried out at parcel level for a set of six stands and up to nine dates per stand, provides a 96% rate of coincidence. Moreover, an equivalent compact-pol retrieval algorithm has been also proposed and validated, providing the same performance at parcel level. In all cases, the inversion is carried out by exploiting a single satellite acquisition, without any other auxiliary information.


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Este proyecto de investigación financiado por la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea —UPV/EHU-PES 11/31—, a través de su programa de investigación estratégica, tiene como objetivo la creación de la tipografía de identidad visual corporativa de la Universidad del País Vasco —UPV/EHU—, cuyo inicio conceptual para dotar de unas características de identidad visual corporativa a la UPV/EHU, ha sido planteado desde las especulaciones estéticas sobre la forma, materializadas por Eduardo Chillida. En la producción gráfica de este artista encontramos una sutil coincidencia con principios vitales para la creación tipográfica, en cuanto al planteamiento de formas dinámicas y constructivas, en las que el rigor geométrico es vencido por una suerte de organicidad que parte del núcleo mismo de la estructura —«cursus»—, por: la fuerza vital que imprime la acción modulada del gesto —«ductus»—; por la dialéctica entre lo lleno y lo vacío —forma/contraforma—, por el impulso y la espontaneidad — carácter—, o por la afirmación de un lenguaje plástico en la cultura diferenciada del medio en el que se vive —identidad—.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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No estudo da economia, há diversas situações em que a propensão de um indivíduo a tomar determinada ação é crescente na quantidade de outras pessoas que este indivíduo acredita que tomarão a mesma ação. Esse tipo de complementaridade estratégica geralmente leva à existência de múltiplos equilíbrios. Além disso, o resultado atingido pelas decisões decentralizadas dos agentes pode ser ineficiente, deixando espaço para intervenções de política econômica. Esta tese estuda diferentes ambientes em que a coordenação entre indivíduos é importante. O primeiro capítulo analisa como a manipulação de informação e a divulgação de informação afetam a coordenação entre investidores e o bem-estar em um modelo de corridas bancárias. No modelo, há uma autoridade reguladora que não pode se comprometer a revelar a verdadeira situação do setor bancário. O regulador observa informações idiossincráticas dos bancos (através de um stress test, por exemplo) e escolhe se revela essa informação para o público ou se divulga somente um relatório agregado sobre a saúde do sistema financeiro como um todo. O relatório agregado pode ser distorcido a um custo – um custo mais elevado significa maior credibilidade do regulador. Os investidores estão cientes dos incentivos do regulador a esconder más notícias do mercado, mas a manipulação de informação pode, ainda assim, ser efetiva. Se a credibilidade do regulador não for muito baixa, a política de divulgação de informação é estado-contingente, e existe sempre um conjunto de estados em que há manipulação de informação em equilíbrio. Se a credibilidade for suficientemente baixa, porém, o regulador opta por transparência total dos resultados banco-específicos, caso em que somente os bancos mais sólidos sobrevivem. Uma política de opacidade levaria a uma crise bancária sistêmica, independentemente do estado. O nível de credibilidade que maximiza o bem-estar agregado do ponto de vista ex ante é interior. O segundo e o terceiro capítulos estudam problemas de coordenação dinâmicos. O segundo capítulo analisa o bem-estar em um ambiente em que agentes recebem oportunidades aleatórias para migrar entre duas redes. Os resultados mostram que sempre que a rede de pior qualidade (intrínseca) prevalece, isto é eficiente. Na verdade, um planejador central estaria ainda mais inclinado a escolher a rede de pior qualidade. Em equilíbrio, pode haver mudanças ineficientes que ampliem a rede de qualidade superior. Quando indivíduos escolhem entre dois padrões ou redes com níveis de qualidade diferentes, se todos os indivíduos fizessem escolhas simultâneas, a solução eficiente seria que todos adotassem a rede de melhor qualidade. No entanto, quando há fricções e os agentes tomam decisões escalonadas, a solução eficiente difere ix do senso comum. O terceiro capítulo analisa um problema de coordenação dinâmico com decisões escalonadas em que os agentes são heterogêneos ex ante. No modelo, existe um único equilíbrio, caracterizado por thresholds que determinam as escolhas para cada tipo de agente. Apesar da heterogeneidade nos payoffs, há bastante conformidade nas ações individuais em equilíbrio. Os thresholds de diferentes tipos de agentes coincidem parcialmente contanto que exista um conjunto de crenças arbitrário que justifique esta conformidade. No entanto, as estratégias de equilíbrio de diferentes tipos nunca coincidem totalmente. Além disso, a conformidade não é ineficiente. A solução eficiente apresentaria estratégias ainda mais similares para tipos distintos em comparação com o equilíbrio decentralizado.


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Within the framework of the Baikal Drilling Project (BDP), a 192 m long sediment core (BDP-96-1) was recovered from the Academician Ridge, a submerged topographic high between the North and Central Basins of Lake Baikal. Sedimentological, clay mineralogical and geochemical investigations were carried out on the core interval between 90 and 124 m depth, corresponding to ca. 2.4-3.4 Ma. The aim was to reconstruct the climatic and tectonic history of the continental region during the intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation in Late Pliocene time. A major climate change occurred in the Lake Baikal area at about 2.65 Ma. Enhanced physical weathering in the catchment, mirrored in the illite to smectite ratio, and temporarily reduced bioproduction in the lake, reflected by the diatom abundance, evidence a change towards a colder and more arid climate, probably associated with an intensification of the Siberian High. In addition, the coincident onset of distinct fluctuations in these parameters and in the Zr/Al ratio suggests the beginning of the Late Cenozoic high amplitude climate cycles at about 2.65 Ma. Fluctuations in the Zr/Al ratio are traced back to changes in the aeolian input, with high values in warmer, more humid phases due to a weaker Siberian High. Assuming that the sand content in the sediment reflects tectonic pulses, the Lake Baikal area was tectonically active during the entire investigated period, but in particular around 2.65 Ma. Tectonic movements have likely led to a gradual catchment change since about 3.15 Ma from the western towards the eastern lake surroundings, as indicated in the geochemistry and clay mineralogy of the sediments. The strong coincidence between tectonic and climatic changes in the Baikal area hints at the Himalayan uplift being one of the triggers for the Northern Hemisphere Glaciation.


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The spatial data set delineates areas with similar environmental properties regarding soil, terrain morphology, climate and affiliation to the same administrative unit (NUTS3 or comparable units in size) at a minimum pixel size of 1km2. The scope of developing this data set is to provide a link between spatial environmental information (e.g. soil properties) and statistical data (e.g. crop distribution) available at administrative level. Impact assessment of agricultural management on emissions of pollutants or radiative active gases, or analysis regarding the influence of agricultural management on the supply of ecosystem services, require the proper spatial coincidence of the driving factors. The HSU data set provides e.g. the link between the agro-economic model CAPRI and biophysical assessment of environmental impacts (updating previously spatial units, Leip et al. 2008), for the analysis of policy scenarios. Recently, a statistical model to disaggregate crop information available from regional statistics to the HSU has been developed (Lamboni et al. 2016). The HSU data set consists of the spatial layers provided in vector and raster format as well as attribute tables with information on the properties of the HSU. All input data for the delineation the HSU is publicly available. For some parameters the attribute tables provide the link between the HSU data set and e.g. the soil map(s) rather than the data itself. The HSU data set is closely linked the USCIE data set.


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Shipboard studies during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 187 (Australian Antarctic Discordance, AAD) suggested that there was no discernible coincidence between the interpreted age of rocks recovered and the intensity of alteration observed. Samples from the oldest sites occupied appeared to exhibit the least overall effects of alteration, and the intensity of alteration varied from site to site. Previous investigations of low-temperature alteration in oceanic basement samples have been restricted by the myopic perspective provided by single drill holes or dredge collections. Combining core samples from Leg 187 and dredge samples from the AAD collection at Oregon State University (USA) offers the unique opportunity to investigate mineral and bulk chemical changes attending alteration of basalt over a range of ages from 0 to 28 Ma. Results of this research indicate that there is a general increase in the intensity of alteration as the basalts age and mosve off axis, but that this relationship is somewhat veiled by the dominating control on alteration intensity dictated by variations in permeability.


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Oxygen isotope data are compared with relative abundances of selected planktic foraminifera through a ca. 15 m interval at DSDP Site 593 (Tasman Sea, southwest Pacific, 40°S) in which there are prominent changes in population sizes, as well as several evolutionary events. We focus on the relation between faunal and climatic histories. The base of early Miocene oxygen isotope Zone Mi1b (uppermost planktic foraminiferal Zone N.6) is identified from closesampled (c. 14 kyr) isotope records of Globigerina woodi and Cibicides kullenbergi. Chronostratigraphic interpolations, using the first occurrences of Globorotalia praescitula, G. mimea and Praeorbulina curva give an age estimate of ca. 18.4 Ma (cf. 18.1 -18.3 Ma for the base of the zone at DSDP Site 608 (type level, north Atlantic, 43°N) ). Another significant benthic delta18O enrichment event, informally designated as the base of zone "Mi1c", is identified 10 m higher in the sequence at ca. 17.8 Ma. Populations of Globoquadriau dehiscens and Globigerinoides trilobus (inferred to be near the southern margin of their distributions) either reduced considerably or withdrew, particularly in the vicinity of zone "Mi1c". A bioseries linking Globorotalia incognita with G. zealandica developed following the benthic delta18O enrichment spike at the base of Zone Mi1b; the latter species became extinct (at least regionally) just above the base of zone "Mi1c". In contrast, the apparently opportunistic Globorotlia praescitula increased dramatically in abundance at this time; there were also transformations in its architecture, leading to the evolutionary appearance of G. miozea. While planktic foraminifera abundances often do not closely covary with the detailed isotope records and tend to be more stable through time, the near coincidence of evolutionary and biogeographic events with isotopic events suggests at least indirect adaptive responses to climatic changes. Early Miocene middle-latitude planktic foraminiferal evolution, biogeography, and biostratigraphy, may be intimately connected with climatic history.