985 resultados para Clerks of court--New Hampshire--Early works to 1800
Popular history that starts with stories of the prophets (ff. 5r-17v) the offers anecdotes from the life of Prophet Muḥammad (ff. 17v-20v) and the four rightly guided caliphs and narrates history of Islamic dynasties (ff. 20v-35v). History of Ottoman family starts with Ertuġrıl and ends with at Süleymān Qānūnī (ff. 35v-60v). Enumerates sultan's campaigns, charitable foundations they established, and noteworthy contemporary scholars and religious personalities.
A Turkish commentary on "Mas̲navī maʻnavī" of Jalāladdīn Rūmī commissioned by Sultan Murad III (982-1003 AH /1574-95 AD).
Book of predictions organized on monthly basis. Some months omitted in this copy.
A work on subtleties of Persian vocabulary. Discusses nuances of and differences in meaning between homographs or near-homographs and words derived from similar stems. Pronunciations, etymologies, differences in usage discussed. Poems used as examples.
Concise encyclopedia on twelve sciences: 1. history; 2. philosophy; 3. astronomy; 4. theology; 5. principles of law; 6. controverted points; 7. exegesis; 8. mysticism; 9. interpretation of dreams; 10. magic, charm, and medecine; 11. agriculture; 12. astrology and divination.
Fabulous accounts of the marvels of various real and imaginary countries.
A collection of fetvās by various muftis.
A work in two parts on legendary accounts of holy persons and stories with moral significance.
Introductory treatise on logic in form of commentary on Porphyry's "Isagoge" (d. 305).
Collection of Nâbî's letters, petitions, and other correspondence to various dignitaries. It was compiled after Nâbî's death by Abdürrahim Çelebi by order of Şehid Ali Paşa.
According to colophon (f. 64v), copy completed in the hand of Fatḥ Muḥammad walad Shaykh ʻAbd Allāh Sahrandī (?) on Muḥarram 25 (the year is not given).
Title from f. 1r.
min taʼlīf Khwajah Nasīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī = Euclidis Elementorum geometricorum libri tredecim / extraditione doctissimi Nasiridini Tusini nunc primum Arabicè impressi.
cum triplici versione Latina, & scholijs Thomae Erpenii, cujus & alphabetum Arabicum praemittitur.
Title from colophon (f. 233r).