969 resultados para Chest asymmetry


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OBJECTIVE The aim of the present study was to evaluate a dose reduction in contrast-enhanced chest computed tomography (CT) by comparing the three latest generations of Siemens CT scanners used in clinical practice. We analyzed the amount of radiation used with filtered back projection (FBP) and an iterative reconstruction (IR) algorithm to yield the same image quality. Furthermore, the influence on the radiation dose of the most recent integrated circuit detector (ICD; Stellar detector, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) was investigated. MATERIALS AND METHODS 136 Patients were included. Scan parameters were set to a thorax routine: SOMATOM Sensation 64 (FBP), SOMATOM Definition Flash (IR), and SOMATOM Definition Edge (ICD and IR). Tube current was set constantly to the reference level of 100 mA automated tube current modulation using reference milliamperes. Care kV was used on the Flash and Edge scanner, while tube potential was individually selected between 100 and 140 kVp by the medical technologists at the SOMATOM Sensation. Quality assessment was performed on soft-tissue kernel reconstruction. Dose was represented by the dose length product. RESULTS Dose-length product (DLP) with FBP for the average chest CT was 308 mGy*cm ± 99.6. In contrast, the DLP for the chest CT with IR algorithm was 196.8 mGy*cm ± 68.8 (P = 0.0001). Further decline in dose can be noted with IR and the ICD: DLP: 166.4 mGy*cm ± 54.5 (P = 0.033). The dose reduction compared to FBP was 36.1% with IR and 45.6% with IR/ICD. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was favorable in the aorta, bone, and soft tissue for IR/ICD in combination compared to FBP (the P values ranged from 0.003 to 0.048). Overall contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) improved with declining DLP. CONCLUSION The most recent technical developments, namely IR in combination with integrated circuit detectors, can significantly lower radiation dose in chest CT examinations.


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We present a rare case of pulmonary intimal sarcoma mimicking pulmonary embolism in a 40-year-old woman. Although extremely rare, these tumors must be considered in patients who present inappropriate imaging findings that suggest embolism. Chest computed tomography is the modality of choice to determine the extent of the tumor. We present a female patient with suspected embolism that was in fact found to be an endothelial sarcoma of the pulmonary arteries.


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OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of microdose CT using a comparable dose as for conventional chest radiographs in two planes including dual-energy subtraction for lung nodule assessment. MATERIALS AND METHODS We investigated 65 chest phantoms with 141 lung nodules, using an anthropomorphic chest phantom with artificial lung nodules. Microdose CT parameters were 80 kV and 6 mAs, with pitch of 2.2. Iterative reconstruction algorithms and an integrated circuit detector system (Stellar, Siemens Healthcare) were applied for maximum dose reduction. Maximum intensity projections (MIPs) were reconstructed. Chest radiographs were acquired in two projections with bone suppression. Four blinded radiologists interpreted the images in random order. RESULTS A soft-tissue CT kernel (I30f) delivered better sensitivities in a pilot study than a hard kernel (I70f), with respective mean (SD) sensitivities of 91.1% ± 2.2% versus 85.6% ± 5.6% (p = 0.041). Nodule size was measured accurately for all kernels. Mean clustered nodule sensitivity with chest radiography was 45.7% ± 8.1% (with bone suppression, 46.1% ± 8%; p = 0.94); for microdose CT, nodule sensitivity was 83.6% ± 9% without MIP (with additional MIP, 92.5% ± 6%; p < 10(-3)). Individual sensitivities of microdose CT for readers 1, 2, 3, and 4 were 84.3%, 90.7%, 68.6%, and 45.0%, respectively. Sensitivities with chest radiography for readers 1, 2, 3, and 4 were 42.9%, 58.6%, 36.4%, and 90.7%, respectively. In the per-phantom analysis, respective sensitivities of microdose CT versus chest radiography were 96.2% and 75% (p < 10(-6)). The effective dose for chest radiography including dual-energy subtraction was 0.242 mSv; for microdose CT, the applied dose was 0.1323 mSv. CONCLUSION Microdose CT is better than the combination of chest radiography and dual-energy subtraction for the detection of solid nodules between 5 and 12 mm at a lower dose level of 0.13 mSv. Soft-tissue kernels allow better sensitivities. These preliminary results indicate that microdose CT has the potential to replace conventional chest radiography for lung nodule detection.


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A measurement of the parity-violating decay asymmetry parameter, αb , and the helicity amplitudes for the decay Λ 0 b →J/ψ(μ + μ − )Λ 0 (pπ − ) is reported. The analysis is based on 1400 Λ 0 b and Λ ¯ 0 b baryons selected in 4.6  fb −1 of proton–proton collision data with a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. By combining the Λ 0 b and Λ ¯ 0 b samples under the assumption of CP conservation, the value of α b is measured to be 0.30±0.16(stat)±0.06(syst) . This measurement provides a test of theoretical models based on perturbative QCD or heavy-quark effective theory.


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BACKGROUND Psychomotor disturbances are a main clinical feature of major depressive disorder (MDD) but little is known about their EEG signature. One of the most replicated EEG findings in MDD is resting frontal asymmetry in the alpha band (FAA), which is thought to be a correlate of withdrawal behavior and reduced approach motivation. The purpose of this study was to assess psychomotor alterations, alpha band power, FAA and investigate the association between them. METHODS 20 MDD patients and 19 healthy subjects were enrolled. Alpha power and FAA scores were calculated from a resting state EEG. Wrist actigraphy was recorded from the non-dominant arm for 24 h and activity level scores (AL) were extrapolated from the wakeful periods. RESULTS MDD patients had a left-lateralized frontal alpha activity and lower AL scores when compared to healthy subjects. A significant correlation was found between mean FAA and AL scores. A negative covariance between power in the lower alpha range and AL scores over the motor cortex bilaterally was detected. LIMITATIONS Relatively small sample size. Patients were pharmacologically treated with antidepressants. CONCLUSIONS This study replicates the finding of left-lateralized FAA and lower AL scores in MDD patients, and establishes the first evidence of significant correlations between alpha power, FAA scores and measures of motor activity, which may be interpreted as an expression of impaired motivational drive in MDD.


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Visual exploration of natural scenes imposes demands that differ between the upper and the lower visual hemifield. Yet little is known about how ocular motor performance is affected by the location of visual stimuli or the direction of a behavioural response. We compared saccadic latencies between upper and lower hemifield in a variety of conditions, including short-latency prosaccades, long-latency prosaccades, antisaccades, memory-guided sac- cades and saccades with increased attentional and selection demand. All saccade types, except memory guided saccades, had shorter latencies when saccades were directed to- wards the upper field as compared to downward saccades (p<0.05). This upper field reaction time advantage probably arises in ocular motor rather than visual processing. It may originate in structures involved in motor preparation rather than execution.


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OBJECTIVE Abnormal ECG findings suggestive of cardiac disease are frequent in patients with funnel chest, although structural heart disease is rare. Electrocardiographic characteristics and changes following new surgical treatments in young adults are not described so far. The aim of the study was to analyze electrocardiographic characteristics of patients with funnel chest before and after minimally invasive funnel chest correction by the Nuss procedure. METHODS Twenty-six patients with surgical correction of funnel chest using pectus bar were included. Twelve-lead ECGs before and later than one year after surgery were analyzed. RESULTS In postoperative ECGs, amplitude of P wave in lead II and negative terminal amplitude of P wave in lead V1 decreased from 0.13 to 0.10mV (p=0.03), and from 0.10 to 0.04mV (p<0.001), respectively. Mean QRS duration decreased from 108ms to 98ms (p=0.003) after correction. A pathological left and right Sokolow-Lyon index was observed in 35% and 23% of patients before, versus 8% (p=0.04) and 0% (p=0.01) after correction, respectively. In contrast, the rate of patients with J wave pattern in precordial leads V4-V6 increased from 8% before to 42% after surgery (p=0.004). CONCLUSIONS ECG abnormalities in patients with funnel chest are frequent, and can normalize after surgical correction by the Nuss procedure. De novo J wave pattern in precordial leads V4-V6 is a frequent finding after surgical funnel chest correction using pectus bar.


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Surface nutrients and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the central (CEP) and eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) show much higher concentrations to the south than to the north of the equator. In this study, the physical and biological controls on this asymmetry are investigated using a coupled physical-biogeochemical model. Two numerical experiments are conducted to examine the effects of asymmetrical photosynthetic efficiency (a) due to asymmetrical iron supply about the equator. The experiment with asymmetrical photosynthesis produces improved results as compared with historical observations. A nitrate budget analysis suggests that in the EEP the divergence of upwelling waters controls the surface nitrate asymmetry with additional contribution from the South Equatorial Current (SEC) carrying nutrient-rich Peru upwelling water. The changes of a affect the surface nitrate distribution but not the overall asymmetry. The SEC further carries excess nitrate to the west and thus extends the asymmetry in the east to the CEP. In the CEP, however, stronger northward than southward transport tends to reduce the nitrate asymmetry, while the asymmetrical photosynthesis would help to maintain it. Similar processes also control the distributions of surface silicate and DIC in the equatorial Pacific, which is also affected by the air-sea CO(2) exchange. The asymmetrical photosynthesis influences the distribution of surface DIC, pCO(2), and the air-sea CO(2) flux, by redistributing about 20% CO(2) flux from the north to the south of the equator. Owing to the adjustment of air-sea CO(2) flux, however, the net surface DIC change is smaller than the direct change associated with primary production.


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This paper investigates whether stock market wealth affects real consumption asymmetrically through a threshold adjustment model. The empirical findings for the US show that wealth produces an asymmetric effect on real consumption, with negative 'news' affecting consumption less than positive 'news.' Thus, policy makers may want to focus more attention on preventing asset 'bubbles' than on responding to negative asset shocks.


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This paper examines whether U.S. stock-market wealth asymmetrically affects consumption. After identifying asymmetric behavior for consumption and stock market wealth, the results confirm that stock-market wealth asymmetrically affects real per capita consumption. Negative 'news' affects consumption more than positive 'news'.


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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Certificate in Orthodontics, Dept. of Orthodontics, University of Connecticut Health Center, 1992


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This paper investigates the presence of asymmetric effects of stock returns on real consumption in the US. After identifying the asymmetric behavior for consumption as well as the wealth effect, the results confirm that stock returns have an asymmetric effect on real consumption, with negative 'news' affecting consumption more than positive 'news'.


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Pitx2, a paired-related homeobox gene that is mutated in human Rieger Syndrome, plays a key role in transferring the early asymmetric signals to individual organs. Pitx2 encodes three isoforms, Pitx2a, Pitx2b and Pitx2c. I found that Pitx2c was the Pitx2 isoform for regulating left-right asymmetry in heart, lung and the predominant isoform in guts. Previous studies suggested that the generation of left-right asymmetry within individual organs is an all or none, random event. Phenotypic analysis of various Pitx2 allelic combinations, that encode graded levels of Pitx2c, reveals an organ-intrinsic mechanism for regulating left-right asymmetric morphogenesis based on differential response to Pitx2c levels. The heart needs low Pitx2c levels, while the lungs and duodenum require higher doses of Pitx2c. In addition, the duodenal rotation is under strict control of Pitx2c activity. Left-right asymmetry development for aortic arch arteries involves complex vascular remodeling. Left-sided expression of Pitx2c in these developing vessels implied its potential function in this process. In order to determine if Pitx2c also can regulate the left-right asymmetry of the aortic arch arteries, a Pitx2c-specific loss of function mutation is generated. Although in wild type mice, the direction of the aortic arch is always oriented toward the left side, the directions of the aortic arches in the mutants were randomized, showing that Pitx2c also determined the left-right asymmetry of these vessels. I have further showed that the cardiac neural crest wasn't involved in this vascular remodeling process. In addition, all mutant embryos had Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV), a common congenital heart disease. This study provided insight into the mechanism of Pitx2c-mediated late stages of left-right asymmetry development and identified the roles of Pitx2c in regulation of aortic arch remodeling and heart development. ^


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The surroundings of the Cortiou sewage are among the most polluted environments of the French Mediterranean Sea (Marseilles, France). So far, no studies have precisely quantified the impact of pollution on the development of organisms in this area.Methods: We used a fluctuating asymmetry (FA) measure of developmental instability (DI) to assess environmental stress in two species of radially symmetric sea urchins (Arbacia lixula and Paracentrotus lividus). For six sampling sites (Cortiou, Riou, Maire, East Maire, Mejean, and Niolon), levels of FA were calculated from continuous and discrete skeletal measures of ambulacral length, number of pore pairs and primary tubercles.Results: For both species, the most polluted sampling site, Cortiou, displayed the highest level of FA, while the Maire and East Maire sampling sites displayed the lowest levels. A. lixula revealed systematic differences in FA among sampling sites for all characters and P. lividus showed differences in FA for the number of primary tubercles.Conclusions: Statistical analyses of FA show a concordance between the spatial patterns of FA among sampling sites and the spatial distribution of sewage discharge pollutants in the Cortiou area. High developmental stress in these sampling sites is associated with exposure to high concentrations of heavy metals and many harmful organic substances contained in wastewater. FA estimated from structures with complex symmetry appears to be a fast and reliable tool to detect subtle differences in FA. Its use in biomonitoring programs for inferring anthropogenic and natural environmental stress is suggested.


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We studied how environmental conditions affect reproduction in sympatric skua species that differ in their reliance on marine resources: the exclusively marine foraging south polar skua Catharacta maccormicki, the terrestrially foraging brown skua C. antarctica lonnbergi and mixed species pairs with an intermediate diet. Egg size, clutch asymmetry and hatching dates varied between species and years without consistent patterns. In the south polar skuas, 12 to 38% of the variation in these parameters was explained by sea surface temperature, sea ice cover and local weather. In mixed species pairs and brown skuas, the influence of environmental factors on variation in clutch asymmetry and hatching date decreased to 10-29%, and no effect on egg size was found. Annual variation in offspring growth performance also differed between species with variable growth in chicks of south polar skuas and mixed species pairs, and almost uniform growth in brown skuas. Additionally, the dependency on oceanographic and climatic factors, especially local wind conditions, decreased from south polar skuas to brown skua chicks. Consistent in all species, offspring were more sensitive to environmental conditions during early stages; during the late chick stage (>33 d) chick growth was almost independent of environmental conditions. The net breeding success could not be predicted by any environmental factor in any skua species, suggesting it may not be a sensitive indicator of environmental conditions. Hence, the sensitivity of skuas to environmental conditions varied between species, with south polar skuas being more sensitive than brown skuas, and between breeding periods, with the egg parameters being more susceptible to oceanographic conditions. However, during offspring development, local climatic conditions became more important. We conclude that future climate change in the Maritime Antarctic will affect reproduction of skuas more strongly through changes in sea ice cover and sea surface temperature (and the resulting alterations to the marine food web) than through local weather conditions.