378 resultados para Burned


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Os recursos renováveis têm sido um forte alvo de investigação científica nos últimos anos, onde o aproveitamento de biomassa e seus resíduos para a obtenção de compostos de valor acrescentado, combustíveis e energia têm sido abordados no conceito de biorrefinaria integrada. As indústrias de papel geram quantidades significativas de resíduos, nomeadamente a casca de eucalipto que é atualmente queimada para a geração de energia. De forma a valorizar este resíduo, a presente dissertação teve como objetivo extrair compostos triterpénicos, a partir casca externa de Eucalyptus globulus, utilizando solventes de extração alternativos - soluções aquosas de líquidos iónicos (LIs) – para substituir os solventes orgânicos actualmente utilizados. Os ácidos triterpénicos apresentam um elevado interesse na indústria cosmética, farmacêutica e alimentar graças às suas propriedades antiinflamatórias, antitumurais, entre outras. Primeiramente, caracterizou-se a casca externa de Eucalyptus globulus, e posteriormente procedeu-se ao estudo de solubilidade de ácido ursólico (AU, utilizado como molécula modelo) a 25 ºC em soluções aquosas de LIs e surfactantes de modo a selecionar os solventes mais eficientes para a extração. Deste trabalho conclui-se que a capacidade surfactante das soluções aquosas de LIs, particularmente [C4C1im][C8H17SO4], [C16C1im]Cl e [C14C1im]Cl, desempenham um papel fundamental para a solubilização de AU em água, podendo aumentar quase 16000 vezes a sua solubilidade, e permitiu recuperar cerca de 89% deste composto com simples adição de água como anti-solvente. Por fim, compararam-se as quantidades de ácidos triterpénicos extraídas a partir da casca de eucalipto com soluções aquosas de [C14C1im]Cl, metanol e com extração em soxhlet com diclorometano.


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The importance of the gastronomic heritage of any people is unquestionable and Portugal is particularly rich when it comes to sweets. Hence, the objective of this work was to give a contribution colour and texture, due to their importance for consumer acceptance. The samples were bought from a pastry in Viseu and produced according to the traditional recipe. Colour evaluation was made by a colorimeter and textural analysis by a texturometer. The results obtained allowed concluding that there were differences between the top burned area and the non-burned areas, as well as when comparing the ruffled with unruffled samples either regarding colour and also texture. The burned area was darker, with a more intense red and less yellow. As to texture, the ruffles samples were harder than the unruffled samples.


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The Hotel Victory opened on South Bass Island in 1892. It was an enormous structure that accommodated 625 guests and had a capacity for 800 dinner guests. The owners believed the hotel, located on a bluff on the west side of the island, could compete with the prestigious summer retreats on the East Coast. Promotional materials boasted that the Hotel Victory was the largest seasonal hotel in the country. The hotel burned to the ground in a massive fire in 1919. Today the grounds are part of the South Bass Island State Park.


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The Put-in-Bay House was built in 1836 and opened as a rooming house in 1861. It featured a gymnasium, dance hall, and a 500-foot verandah. In 1878, the hotel burned. its successor, built in 1890, also was destroyed by fire in 1907.


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As florestas exercem grande influência nos meios físico, biótico e socioeconômico, evitando a degradação do solo pela erosão, controlando a qualidade da água, fornecendo matérias-primas e alimentos, abrigando a maior parte da fauna e flora terrestre. As áreas florestais estão todavia sujeitas a significativo risco de incêndio. Como consequência dos incêndios, e entre outros impactos, o solo fica exposto à ação erosiva da chuva determinando perdas de solo muito significativas e a degradação deste recurso. Deste modo, o controle da erosão após o incêndio é essencial para a mais rápida recuperação das áreas ardidas suportada em medidas de conservação do solo eficazes. O trabalho propõe-se fazer uma avaliação quantificada da eficácia de técnicas de conservação do solo no controle da erosão em áreas ardidas, centrada em medidas de baixo custo e aplicável ao NE de Portugal, em especial o Distrito de Bragança. A metodologia de avaliação seguida inclui a construção de cenários regionais de aplicação simulada de uma seleção de medidas, mediante exploração de um modelo de erosão (Equação Universal de Perda de Solo – USLE). Através das simulações realizadas fazendo variar a distribuição de barreiras ao longo da encosta e o seu grau de retenção, foi possível avaliar a eficácia desta técnica para a redução da erosão nas condições definidas como cenários de base. Observou-se que o grau de retenção tem maior influência na redução de perda do solo do que a distância entre barreiras. Isto evidencia a necessidade de uma implementação adequada desta medida, com a instalação de barreiras de elevado grau de retenção. Aplicada apenas no primeiro ano pós-fogo, e de forma isolada, a técnica da sementeira não se mostrou suficientemente eficaz. Porém, se após um ano se realizar uma nova sementeira na área afetada, mostrou-se que pode ocorrer uma diminuição dos valores de perda de solo relativamente grande, pelo que será aconselhável a realização de uma ressementeira no ano seguinte à primeira aquando de intervenções pós-fogo com esta técnica. Uma possível combinação entre os métodos anteriores iria proporcionar uma situação ótima, como observado nos resultados das simulações efetuadas, onde a maioria dos cenários apresentou valores estimados de perda de solo menores ou iguais a 2 ton/ha.ano, limiar que separa condições de risco de erosão baixo e moderado e corresponde à tolerância de perda de solo para solos delgados e de substrato não renovável.


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O fogo é um processo frequente nas paisagens do norte de Portugal. Estudos anteriores mostraram que os bosques de azinheira (Quercus rotundifolia) persistem após a passagem do fogo e ajudam a diminuir a sua intensidade e taxa de propagação. Os principais objetivos deste estudo foram compreender e modelar o efeito dos bosques de azinheira no comportamento do fogo ao nível da paisagem da bacia superior do rio Sabor, localizado no nordeste de Portugal. O impacto dos bosques de azinheira no comportamento do fogo foi testado em termos de área e configuração de acordo com cenários que simulam a possível distribuição destas unidades de vegetação na paisagem, considerando uma percentagem de ocupação da azinheira de 2.2% (Low), 18.1% (Moderate), 26.0% (High), e 39.8% (Rivers). Estes cenários tiveram como principal objetivo testar 1) o papel dos bosques de azinheira no comportamento do fogo e 2) de que forma a configuração das manchas de azinheira podem ajudar a diminuir a intensidade da linha de fogo e área ardida. Na modelação do comportamento do fogo foi usado o modelo FlamMap para simular a intensidade de linha do fogo e taxa de propagação do fogo com base em modelos de combustível associados a cada ocupação e uso do solo presente na área de estudo, e também com base em fatores topográficos (altitude, declive e orientação da encosta) e climáticos (humidade e velocidade do vento). Foram ainda usados dois modelos de combustível para a ocupação de azinheira (áreas interiores e de bordadura), desenvolvidos com base em dados reais obtidos na região. Usou-se o software FRAGSATS para a análise dos padrões espaciais das classes de intensidade de linha do fogo, usando-se as métricas Class Area (CA), Number of Patches (NP) e Large Patches Index (LPI). Os resultados obtidos indicaram que a intensidade da linha de fogo e a taxa de propagação do fogo variou entre cenários e entre modelos de combustível para o azinhal. A intensidade média da linha de fogo e a taxa média de propagação do fogo decresceu à medida que a percentagem de área de bosques de azinheira aumentou na paisagem. Também foi observado que as métricas CA, NP e LPI variaram entre cenários e modelos de combustível para o azinhal, decrescendo quando a percentagem de área de bosques de azinheira aumentou. Este estudo permitiu concluir que a variação da percentagem de ocupação e configuração espacial dos bosques de azinheira influenciam o comportamento do fogo, reduzindo, em termos médios, a intensidade da linha de fogo e a taxa de propagação, sugerindo que os bosques de azinhal podem ser usados como medidas silvícolas preventivas para diminuir o risco de incêndio nesta região.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia, 2015.


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This research presents an outlook of the industries of red ceramic in the region next to the city of Teresina and an analysis of the ceramic products producted in this pole. The microregion investigated possesses 13 boroughs where were identified 32 ceramic in operation, being that 24 are located in Teresina, the ceramic region more important of Piauí, 1 is located in the city of Miguel Leão and 7 is located in Timon city that belongs to the state of Maranhão. The majority of ceramics are pulverized in these two cities, Teresina and Timon , responsible by a largely production independent of distance between fabric and consumer market. Furthermore, there is an artisanal production realized in other boroughs, mainly manual conformation bricks, where are producted diverse types of handicraft and ceramics utilitarian. The objective of this research is to evalue the conformity of ceramic blocks for brick of obstruction made by red ceramic industry of microregion at studying, verifying their pontentialities and adequacy in terms of production. In this research universe made a search of ceramic industries related to the Foundation CEPRO (Foundation Center of Research Social and Economic of Piauí). For the analysis of the ceramic products , were colected 60 crude bricks sample in three industries for their characterization, and 39 burned bricks sample for the Evaluation of Conformity. The results of the characterization made reached a accetptable standard in all formulations and temperature studied. The burned samples were applied to the geometric, physical and mechanical assays according to the ABNT standards (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards). The results of the physical assays showed that all the samples are at the same band recommended by standard. However, through the geometric assays just two industries did not present results according to the standard, due to lack of control in their process such as in their equipments. Taking into account the mechanical properties, only one industry investigated was not according to the standard


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The WTP produce many kinds of residue on your treatment stages, but the sludge is the more problematic from the final disposition point view. The actual rate of residue production deriving from technological evolution and the crescent population needs prevents the subtle equilibrium generation between consumption and recycling/reuse, creating problems of pollution resulting from inappropriate management of residues. Thus, is necessary achieve a new equilibrium between the grow from raw materials and energy and the residue generation. This equilibrium should be achieved by technical and economic feasibility of environmental supported models through recycling and reuse. The red ceramic industry stand out in residue absorption question as raw material due their clay mass heterogeneity, constituted by clay minerals and non-clay minerals with wide mineralogical variation, allowing residue inclusion which act like plastic or non-plastic materials, contributing to retain heavy metals contained in residues in the vitreous mass formed during the burning of the ceramic bodies. This work propose the study of the influence of incorporation of 25 wt.% sludge from wastewater treatment plant, according preliminary results, in the mass to produce ceramic bodies. The raw materials was characterized through chemical composition analyses by XRF, mineralogical analyses by XRD, thermal analyses by TG and DTA, Atterberg limits and thermodilatometry. Subsequently was composed the mass with 75 wt.% of clay and 25 wt.% of dried wastewater sludge from UFRN WWTP. Samples with 6,0 x 2,0 x 0,5 cm was produced with unidirectional compacting under pressure of 20MPa and burned in temperatures between 950 and 1,200ºC. After fired, the ceramic bodies have been submitted to physical and mechanical analyses through the measure of firing shrinkage, water absorption, density, apparent porosity and flexural strength; crystallographic analyses through XRD and microstructure analyses by SEM. The technological properties obtained was satisfactory to production of roof tiles with 25 wt.% at 1,200 ºC, but the production of others products at lower temperatures was not feasible


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The red ceramic industry is recognized as of major importance in Piauí State. The State capital, Teresina, is the greatest producer of this material ( production about 18 million peaces), which is used mainly for masonry sealing blocks. One of the most frequent problems in this kind of products is the efflorescence. This work has the main objective of studying the influence of gypsum addition on non-glazed tiles, by using the local industry production standards. The raw materials were characterized by FRX, DRX, TGA, DTA and AD. Extruded test specimens were made with the addition of 1, 3 and 5% of gypsum in the ceramic paste, burned at 850oC, 950oC and 1050oC and submitted to further technological tests and microestrutural analysis by the scanning electron microscope. In order to accelerate the aging of bodies of evidence, they were immersed in successive water baths and posterior drying. The reference ceramic paste showed tendency to efflorescence formation after drying and consolidated efflorescence after burning, but no affecting the technological results


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This research presents an overview of the addition steelwork dust of ceramic shingles in order to contribute to the utilization use of such residue. The ceramic industry perspective in the Brazilian State of Piauí is quite promising. Unlike other productive sectors, the ceramic industry uses basically natural raw materials. Its final products are, in short, the result of transforming clay compounds. These raw materials are composed primarily of aluminum oxide, silicon, iron, sodium, magnesium, end calcium, among others. It was verified that steelwork dust is composed primarily of these same oxides, so that its incorporation in to structural ceramics is a very reasonable idea. Both clay and steelwork powder were characterized by AG, XRF, XRD, TGA and DTA. In addition, steelwork dust samples containing (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%) were extruded and burned at 800°C, 850°C, 900°C and 950°C. Then t echnological tests of linear shrinkage, water uptake, apparent porosity, apparent density and flexural strengthwere carried at. The results showed the possibility of using steelwork powder in ceramic shingles until 15% significant improvement in physical and mechanical properties. This behavior shows the possibility of burning at temperatures lower than 850ºC, thus promoting a product final cost reduction


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Doutoramento em Engenharia Florestal e dos Recursos Naturais - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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Mestrado Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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To produce porcelain tiles fluxing agents are used in order to obtain a liquid phase during firing. This liquid phase fills the pores decreasing porosity, water absorption and contributes to material densification. In the porcelain tiles industry, feldspar is the main flux material used, with quantities ranging between 35 and 50%. Studies focus on the discovery of materials with flux characteristics that can reduce the consumption of feldspar by porcelain tiles industry. In this context, the coffee husk ashes, a residue obtained when coffee husks are burned to produce heat for the dryers during the processing of the green fruit, have as main chemical constituents potassium, calcium and magnesium, giving them characteristics of fluxing material. Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the world and is responsible for over 30% of the world s production. In this work a physical treatment of coffee husk ash was carried out in order to eliminate the organic matter and, after this, two by-products were obtained: residual wastes R1 and R2. Both residues were added separately as single fluxes and also in association with feldspar in mixtures with raw materials collected in a porcelain industry located in Dias d Ávila-Ba. The addition of these residues aimed to contribute to the reduction of the consumption of feldspar in the production of porcelain tiles. Specimens were produced with dimensions of 60 mm x 20 mm x 6 mm in an uniaxial die with compacting pressure of 45 MPa. The samples were heated to a temperature of 1200 °C, for 8 minutes. Tests were performed to characterize the raw materials by XRF, XRD, particle size analysis, DTA and TGA and, additionally, the results of the physical properties of water absorption, apparent porosity, linear shrinkage, density, dilatometry, flexural strength and SEM of sintered body were analyzed. Additions of less than 8% of the residue R1 contributed to the decrease of porosity, but the mechanical strength of the samples was not satisfactory. Additions of 5% the R2 residue contributed significantly to decrease the water absorption and apparent porosity, and also to increase the mechanical strength. Samples with addition of feldspar associated with the R2 residue, in proportions of 6.7% of R2 and 6.7% of feldspar, led to results of water absorption of 0.12% and mechanical strength of 46 MPa, having parameters normalized to the manufacture of porcelain stoneware tiles