930 resultados para Brazilian capital markets


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House prices in the Australian capital cities have been increasing over the last two decades. An over 10% average annual increase arises in the capital cities. In Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth, the house prices increased by more than 15% annually, while the house prices in Darwin increased by even higher at about 21%. It is surprising that, after a decrease in 2008, the house prices in the Australian capital cities show a strong recovery in their last financial year’s increase. How to read the house prices in cities across a country has been an issue of public interest since the late 1980s. Various models were developed to investigate the behaviours of house prices over time or space. A spatio-temporal model, introduced in recent literature, appears advantages in accounting for the spatial effects on house prices. However, the decay of temporal effects and temporal dynamics of the spatial effects cannot be addressed by the spatio-temporal model. This research will suggest a three-part decomposition framework in reading urban house price behaviours. Based on the spatio-temporal model, a time weighted spatio-temporal model is developed. This new model assumes that an urban house price movement should be decomposed by urban characterised factors, time correlated factors and space correlated factors. A time weighted is constructed to capture the temporal decay of the time correlated effects, while a spatio-temporal weight is constructed to account for the timevaried space correlated effects. The house prices of the Australian capital cities are investigated by using the time weighted spatio-temporal model. The empirical findings suggest that the housing markets should be clustered by their geographic locations. The rest parts of this paper are organised as follows. The following section will present a principle for reading urban house prices. The next section will outline the methodologies modelling the time weighted spatio-temporal model. The subsequent section will report the relative data and empirical results, while the final section will generate the conclusions.


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This study examines the value of political capital in the Chinese IPO market. We find a positive relationship between a politically connected executive and the probability of IPO approval of entrepreneurial firms. We further identify that shareholders value those connections and give a market premium to connected firms after the firms go public. We provide evidence that other types of political capital gained through external sources, such as politically connected sponsors and PE investors, also bring benefits to the firms in their IPO approval, and these connections substitute for the effect of the executive's political connections on IPO approval. We argue that in emerging markets where government intervention is still prevalent, political capital does create value and entrepreneurial firms usually build political capital to facilitate their access to the IPO market, although other types of political capital do not bring further benefits into the post-IPO market.


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Collective bargaining, it is widely claimed, has been on the increase in Brazil since the late 1970s. This is seen as part of a broader change in Brazilian industrial relations towards a hybrid system of interest representation, in which elements of both the old state corporatism and pluralism now coexist. However, there is little or no systematic empirical evidence available to support this conclusion. This thesis addresses the question of the strengthening of collective bargaining as a method of job regulation in Brazil by providing a detailed empirical study. The questions of this study are: (a) how important has collective bargaining become in establishing provisions on the terms and conditions of the employment relationship which are not simply reproducing rules established via state regulation?; and (b) what factors accounted for changes in the content of these provisions? An analysis of 10,734 provisions in 287 collective agreements in manufacturing industries in the Metropolitan Area of Porto Alegre, the capital of the southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul, was carried out for the period of 1978-95. This analysis offers support for the thesis that the significance of collective bargaining has increased. It shows that: (a) most substantive provisions created rules that were not established in other forms of regulation; (b) provisions that replicate the contents of regulatory legislation accounted for one out of seven substantive provisions, but in spite of being a copy of the law, these provisions are not entirely neutral for job regulation; (c) collective agreements also laid down substantive provisions benefiting employers, and not simply employees; and (d) the pace of change in bargaining outcomes oscillated with changes in the economic, legal and judicial contexts. This pace of change was mostly affected by (i) the rate of unemployment, (ii) the degree of openness of the economy to foreign competition, (iii) the capacity of employers to pass on costs to costumers, (iv) stabilisation policies aimed at curbing inflation, (v) the Federal Constitution made in 1988, (vi) the official rate of minimum wages, and (vii) the conduct of the labour judicial system in settling collective disputes.


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Nos últimos tempos, mensurar o Risco Operacional (RO) tornou-se o grande desafio para instituições financeiras no mundo todo, principalmente com a implementação das regras de alocação de capital regulatório do Novo Acordo de Capital da Basiléia (NACB). No Brasil, ao final de 2004, o Banco Central (BACEN) estabeleceu um cronograma de metas e disponibilizou uma equipe responsável pela adaptação e implementação dessas regras no sistema financeiro nacional. A Federação de Bancos Brasileiros (FEBRABAN) também divulgou recente pesquisa de gestão de RO envolvendo vários bancos. Todo esse processo trouxe uma vasta e crescente pesquisa e atividades voltadas para a modelagem de RO no Brasil. Em nosso trabalho, medimos o impacto geral nos banco brasileiros, motivado pelas novas regras de alocação de capital de RO envolvendo os modelos mais básicos do NACB. Também introduzimos um modelo avançado de mensuração de risco, chamado Loss Data Distribution (LDA), que alguns especialistas, provenientes do Risco de Mercado, convencionaram chamar de Value-at-Risk Operacional (VaR Operacional.). Ao final desse trabalho apresentamos um caso prático baseado na implementação do LDA ou VaR


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Este trabalho busca explorar, através de testes empíricos, qual das duas principais teorias de escolha de estrutura ótima de capital das empresas, a Static Trade-off Theory (STT) ou a Pecking Order Theory(POT) melhor explica as decisões de financiamento das companhias brasileiras. Adicionalmente, foi estudado o efeito da assimetria de informações, desempenho e liquidez do mercado acionário nessas decisões. Utilizou-se no presente trabalho métodos econométricos com dados de empresas brasileiras de capital aberto no período abrangendo 1995 a 2005, testando dois modelos representativos da Static Trade-off Theory (STT) e da Pecking Order Theory(POT). Inicialmente, foi testado o grupo amplo de empresas e, posteriormente, realizou-se o teste em subgrupos, controlando os efeitos de desempenho e liquidez do mercado acionário, liquidez das ações das empresas tomadoras e assimetria de informações. Desta forma, os resultados obtidos são indicativos de que a Pecking Order Theory, na sua forma semi-forte, se constitui na melhor teoria explicativa quanto à escolha da estrutura de capital das empresas brasileiras, na qual a geração interna de caixa e o endividamento oneroso e operacional é a fonte prioritária de recursos da companhia, havendo algum nível, embora baixo, da utilização de emissão de ações. Os estudos empíricos para os subgrupos de controle sugerem que a liquidez do mercado e liquidez das ações das empresas são fatores de influência na propensão das empresas emitirem ações, assim como a assimetria de informação. O desempenho do mercado acionário, com base nos dados analisados, aparenta ter pouca influência na captação de recursos via emissões de ações das empresas, não sendo feito no presente estudo distinções entre emissões públicas ou privadas


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In this paper, we test a version of the conditional CAPM with respect to a local market portfolio, proxied by the Brazilian stock index during the period 1976-1992. We also test a conditional APT modeI by using the difference between the 3-day rate (Cdb) and the overnight rate as a second factor in addition to the market portfolio in order to capture the large inflation risk present during this period. The conditional CAPM and APT models are estimated by the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) and tested on a set of size portfolios created from individual securities exchanged on the Brazilian markets. The inclusion of this second factor proves to be important for the appropriate pricing of the portfolios.


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This paper attempts to explain why the Brazilian inter-bank interest rate is so high compared with rates practiced by other emerging economies. The interplay between the markets for bank reserves and government securities feeds into the inter-bank rate the risk premium of the Brazilian public debt.


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This paper studies the Bankruptcy Law in Latin America, focusing on the Brazilian reform. We start with a review of the international literature and its evolution on this subject. Next, we examine the economic incentives associated with several aspects of bankruptcy laws and insolvency procedures in general, as well as the trade-offs involved. After this theoretical discussion, we evaluate empirically the current stage of the quality of insolvency procedures in Latin America using data from Doing Business and World Development Indicators, both from World Bank and International Financial Statistics from IMF. We find that the region is governed by an inefficient law, even when compared with regions of lower per capita income. As theoretical and econometric models predict, this inefficiency has severe consequences for credit markets and the cost of capital. Next, we focus on the recent Brazilian bankruptcy reform, analyzing its main changes and possible effects over the economic environment. The appendix describes difficulties of this process of reform in Brazil, and what other Latin American countries can possibly learn from it.


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Is the capital structure choice of a foreign subsidiary different from the choice of a comparable company controlled by nationals? If so, what are the differences? In this paper we shed some light on these questions by looking at a sample of foreign subsidiaries in Brazil over the period 1985 to 1994. We find that the foreign subsidiaries in our sample are more levered than their Brazilian counterparts. This difference, however, has declined over time. The evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that foreign subsidiaries increase leverage as a hedge against an expropriation of assets in a nationalization process.


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Com a implementação do Acordo de Basiléia II no Brasil, os grandes conglomerados bancários poderão utilizar o chamado modelo IRB (Internal Ratings Based) para cômputo da parcela de risco de crédito da exigência de capital. O objetivo deste trabalho é mensurar a diferença entre o capital mínimo exigido (e, conseqüentemente, do Índice de Basiléia) calculado pela abordagem IRB em relação à regulamentação atual. Para isso, foram estimadas probabilidades de inadimplência (PD) utilizando matrizes de transição construídas a partir dos dados da Central de Risco de Crédito (SCR) do Banco Central do Brasil. Os resultados indicam aumento da exigência de capital, ao contrário do ocorrido nos países do G-10


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Diversos estudos de Finanças Corporativas consideram os custos associados aos ajustes da estrutura de capital das empresas irrelevantes tanto na forma quanto em magnitude. Este estudo analisou empiricamente a influência dos custos de ajustamento na dinâmica dos ajustes da estrutura de capital de empresas brasileiras de capital aberto no período de 1999 a 2007. A alavancagem foi abordada sob três diferentes cenários, considerando a presença de custos fixos, custos proporcionais e por uma composição de custos fixos e proporcionais através de simulações utilizando um modelo reduzido da estrutura de capital. Em seguida a análise não paramétrica da amostra revelou que as empresas apresentam um comportamento dinâmico em suas decisões de financiamento para o ajuste da estruturas de capital, mas que não se revelou contínuo. A utilização de um modelo de duration mostrou-se adequado para mensurar o intervalo de tempo entre os ajustes da estrutura de capital das empresas. Os resultados são extremamente relevantes e suportam a teoria de um comportamento de rebalanceamento dinâmico pelas empresas de suas estruturas de capital em torno de um intervalo ótimo. Entretanto os ajustes não ocorrem de forma imediata e a persistência de choques à estrutura de capital deve-se em sua maior parte aos custos associados aos ajustes do que a uma possível indiferença à estrutura de capital. . Este trabalho constitui-se como pioneiro no mercado brasileiro acerca dos custos de ajustamento da estrutura de capital e abre espaço para a discussão do comportamento ótimo em torno da estrutura de capital de empresas nacionais.


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Neste trabalho, analisamos a metodologia de cálculo do capital exigido aos bancos brasileiros pelo Banco Central do Brasil, segundo as regras de Basiléia II. O objetivo foi comparar capital regulamentar com capital econômico, medido por modelos de Value at Risk (VaR). Apresentamos exemplos de aplicação destes conceitos em carteiras normalmente negociadas por bancos brasileiros, mostrando a relação entre capital regulamentar e econômico para diversos mercados e estratégias. Tendo em vista as análises realizadas, realçamos os pontos de maior divergência entre os dois tipos de capital. Concluímos enfatizando a importância da revisão de alguns aspectos das regras de Basiléia II no sentido de promover maior convergência entre capital econômico e regulamentar.


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O trabalho teve como objetivo pesquisar o comportamento das empresas instaladas no Brasil no tocante a custo e estrutura de capital. Dentro deste objetivo buscou-se identificar quais os instrumentos teóricos que melhor descrevem este comportamento, mostrando as possíveis conexões entre o que é ensinado nas escolas e a prática empresarial. Dentre diversos resultados interessantes, um que se destaca é o referente a idéia de oportunismo na captação de recursos pelas empresas, tópico não desenvolvido na teoria financeira.


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This research argues that Brazil should create conditions for long run financing of development. The end of the inflationary process is just a first step. A second step is the development of an institutional framework to offer good alternatives to investors that have long run targets, such as pension funds etc. Particularly, in the Brazilian market predominates the trade of preferred shares instead of common shares that give more prerrogatives for investors that plan to hold these shares on long term basis. This attitude turns the market more volatile and in this way corporations lose the chance of financing their projects with large amounts of capital and have to rely instead on more debt which weakens their financial strenght.