992 resultados para Biometrics informations
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais
The mangrove crab (Ucides cordatus) is a valuable fishery resource, overfished along the Brazilian coast. This study aimed to obtain bioecological data on this crab along the coast of the State of Amapá. Six bimonthly samplings were conducted between December 2008 and January 2010. Transects were used to estimate the density (burrows m-2) and population abundance (individuals m-2). All the animals were subjected to biometrics, with females being classified according to their stage of gonadal maturation. The mean density (1.09 burrows m-2) and abundance (0.31 individuals m-2) were influenced by the climate with the highest values in summer (1.17 burrows m-2 and 0.34 individuals m-2). The male to female ratio was 1.38:1 showing significant difference in the proportion of sexes. The individuals showed sexual dimorphism, with linear measurements significantly higher in males. The sampled animals also had larger carapace length and width (CL and CW) compared to crabs studied in other Brazilian states. There was a positive relationship between CW and CL and individual weight (IW) and CW for males (R² = 0.83 and 0.90) and females (R² = 0.79 and 0.84). The growth was negative allometric (CL increases to a lesser extent than CW) for both sexes. The highest frequency of ovigerous females (78%) and in maturation stage IV (38%) occurred in the CW size class between 59.8 and 67.5 mm. The peak of mature females occurred in May and August, showing a reproductive period different from those in other Brazilian states.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências - Especialidade em Física
O texto fundamenta-se na análise dos títulos de todas as acções de formação contínua de professores acreditadas entre 1993 e 2000, e na consulta dos dossiers de acreditação de todas as acções enquadradas na temática da administração educacional e referentes aos anos de 1999 e 2000, e em outras informações complementares obtidas junto do Conselho Científico-Pedagógico da Formação Contínua; para apresentar um estudo sobre a distribuição temática das acções formação. A análise de conteúdo é apoiada por um conjunto de informações de contexto, como elementos para uma análise das motivações que justificam a opção por determinadas temáticas.
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Informação e Jornalismo)
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Informação e Jornalismo)
As digital imaging processing techniques become increasingly used in a broad range of consumer applications, the critical need to evaluate algorithm performance has become recognised by developers as an area of vital importance. With digital image processing algorithms now playing a greater role in security and protection applications, it is of crucial importance that we are able to empirically study their performance. Apart from the field of biometrics little emphasis has been put on algorithm performance evaluation until now and where evaluation has taken place, it has been carried out in a somewhat cumbersome and unsystematic fashion, without any standardised approach. This paper presents a comprehensive testing methodology and framework aimed towards automating the evaluation of image processing algorithms. Ultimately, the test framework aims to shorten the algorithm development life cycle by helping to identify algorithm performance problems quickly and more efficiently.
The Brazilian entomological literature mentions some species of Sphingidae living on Vitis vinijera leaves, one of which is Pholus vitis (Linnaeus, 1758), of the subfamily Macroglos-sinae. The last instar caterpillar as well as the pupa are described in this note, some biological informations being also given.
This paper deals with some Millipedes (Diplopoda), which have been verified associated with or attacking on cultivated plants. The following forms are reported: 1) Orthomorpha (Orthomorpha) coarctata (Saussure, 1860) - Enormous numbers of individuals belonging to this species, whose synanthropic habits are frequentely emphasized, were collected around coffee-plants kept in a nursery. Young plants (with 10 cm) are mentioned as damaged by the species, which gnaws the stem, just above the roots. The dusting with benzene hexachloride (BHC) was successfully employed to prevent the invasions. Other occurrences of O. coarctata are reported, ecological and biological informations being also added. 2) Orthomorpha (Kalorthomorpha) gracilis (C. L. Koch, 1847) - Observed frequentely associated with the former species, being however less numerous. Both forms are very active, seemming to be widely distributed throughout the State of S. Paulo. 3) Cylindroiulus (Aneuloboiulus) britannicus (Verhoeff, 1891) - This species represents the first european Millipede verified in Brazil, by O. SCHUBART (1942a). The Author obtained a few specimens associated with O. gracilis, from the roots of lettuce plants. The lesions shown by the stem just above the roots seem to be due to both species. 4) Alloporus setiger Broelemann, 1902; Gymnostreptus olivaceus Schubart, 1944 and Pseudonannolene tricolor Broelemann, 1902 - Total damages determined by these species (mainly G. olivaceus) were observed in cultures of sugar-beet and melon. Actually, the Millipedes destroyed entirely the roots of the former plant and the fruits of the latter, representing a serious pest, here reported by the first time. Ecological and bionomical data are also included. 5) Pseudonannolene sp. (possibly P. paulista Broelemann, 1902) - Verified gnawing sweet-potatoes, about the crackings exhibited by the tubers. The crackings in sweet-potatoes appear to result in certain instances from a root-knot nematodes infection (Meloidogyne sp). P. paulista was recentely observed attacking potatoes, destroying from 6 to 30% of the tubers, according to the variety (BOOCK & LORDELLO, 1952).
WATER-CULTURE EXPERIMENTS. Two water-culture experiments were carried out to study the absorption and the translocation of radiozinc in young coffee plants as influenced by two factors, namely, concentration of heavy metals (iron, man ganese, copper and molybdenum) and method of application. Inert zinc was supplied at an uniform rate of 0. 05 p. p. m.; the levels of iron supply were 0, 1.0, and 10.0 p. p.m.; manganese was supplied in three doses 0, 0.5, and 5.0 p. p.m.; copper- 0, 0. 02, and 0. 2 p. p. m.; molybdenum- 0, 0. 01, and 0. 1 p. p. m. When applied to the nutrient solution the activity os the radiozinc (as zinc chloride) was 0. 15 microcuries per plant. In the study of the leaf absorption, Zn65 was supplied at the level of 0. 10 microcuries per plant; in this case the radioative material was brushed either on the lower or on the upper surface or both two pairs of mature leaves. The absorption period was 8 weeks. The radioactivity assay showed the following results: 1 - Among the heavy metals herein investigated the iron concentration did not affect the uptake of the radiozinc; by raising the level of Mn, Cu and Mo ten times, the absorption dropped to 50 per cent and even more when compared with the control plants; when, however, these micronutrients were omitted from the nutrient solution, an increase in the uptake of zinc was registered in the minus Cu treatment only. The effects of high levels of Mn, Cu and Mo probably indicate an interionic competition for a same site on a common binding substance in the cell surface. 2 - The absorption of the radiozinc directly applied to the leaf surface reached levels as high as 8 times that registered when the root uptake took place. Among the three methods of application which have been tried, brushing the lower surface of the leaves proved to be the most effective; this result is easily understood since the stomatal openings of the coffee leaves an preferentially located in the lower surface - in this treatment, about 40 per cent of the activity was absorved and around 12 per cent were translocated either to the old or to the newer organs. Chemical analyses for heavy metals, were carried out only in the plants received Zn65Cl2 in the nutrient solution; the results were as follows; 1 - Control plants had, per 1,000 gm, of dry weight the following amounts in mg.: Zn- 48 in the roots and 29 in the tops; Fe- 165 in the roots and 9 in the tops; Mn- 58 in the roots and 15 in the tops, Cu- 15 in the roots and 1. 2 in the tops; Mo- 2. 8 in the roots and 0. 45 in the tops. 2 - The effect of different levels of micronutrients in the composition of the plants can be summarized as follows: Fe and Zn- when omitted from the nutrient solution, the iron and zinc contents in the roots decreased, no variation being noted in the tops; the higher dosis caused an accumulation in the roots but no apparent effect in the tops; Mn- by omitting this micronutrient a decrease in its content in the roots was noted, where as the concentration in the tops was the same; Mo- no variation in roots and tops contents when molybdenum was omitted; higher dosis of manganese and molybdenum increased the amounts formed both in the roots and in the tops. 3 - The influence of the different concentrations of micronutrients heavy metals on the zinc content of the coffee plants can be described by saying that: Fe and Mo- no marked variation; Mn- no effect when omitted, reduced amount when the high dosis was supplied; Mn- when the plants did not receive manganese the zinc content in roots and tops was the same as in the control plants; a decrease in the zinc content of the total plant occurred when the high dosis was employed; Cu -the situation is similar to that described for manganese. Hence, results showed by the chemical analyses roughly correspond to those of the radioactivity assay; the use of the tracer technique, however, gave best informations along this line. SOIL-POTS EXPERIMENTS. The two types of soils which when selected support the most extensive coffee plantations in the State of São Paulo, Brazil: "arenito de Bauru", a light sandy soil and "terra roxa legitima", a red soil derived from basalt. Besides NPK containing salts, the coffee plants were given two doses of inert zinc (65 and 130 mg ZnCl2 per pot) and radiozinc at a total activity of 10(6) counts/minute. The results of the countings can be summarized as follows: 1 - When plants were grown in "arenito de Bauru" the activity absorbed as per cent of the total activity supplied was not affected by the dosis of inert zinc. The highest value found was around 0. 1 per cent. 2 - For the "terra roxa" plants, the situation is almost the same; there was, however, a slight increase in the absorption of the radiozinc when 130 mgm of ZnClg2 was given: a little above 0. 2 per cent of the activity supplied was absorbed. The results clearly show that the young coffee plants practically did not absorb none of the zinc supplied; two reasons at least could be pointed out to explain such a fact: 1 - Zinc fixation by an exchange with magnesium or by filling holes in the octahedral layer of aluminosilicates, probably kaolinite; 2 - No need for fertilizer zinc in the particular stage of life cycle under which the experiment was set up. The data from chemical analysis are roughly parallel to the above mentioned. When one attempts to compare - by taking data herein reported zinc uptake from nutrient solution, leaf brushing or from fertilizers in the soil, a practical conclusion can be drawn: the control of zinc deficiency in coffee plants should not be done by adding the zinc salts to the soil; in other words: the soil applications used so extensively in other countries seem not to be suitable for our conditions; hence zinc sprays should be used wherever necessary.
Sand culture experiments, using a sub-irrigation technique, were installed in order to find out the effects of the macronutrients N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S on growth, aspect, mineral composition, length of fibers, thickness of cell wall and cellulose concentration in slash pine. The aim was to obtain, under controlled conditions, basic information which could eventually lead to practical means designed to increase the rate of growth and to make of slash pine a richer source of cellulose. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium Experiment A 3 x 3 x 3 factorial design with two replicates was used. Nitrogen was supplied initially at the levels of 25, 50 and 100 ppm; phosphorus was given at the rates of 5, 10 and 20 ppm; potassium was supplied at the rates of 25, 50 and 100 ppm; six months after the experiment was started the first level for each element was dropped to zero. Others macro and all micronutrients were supplied at uniform rates. Fifteen hours of illumination per day were provided. The experimental technique for growing the slash pine seedlings proved quite satisfactory. Symptoms of deficiency of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were observed, described and recorded in photographs and water colors. These informations will help to identify abnormalities which may appear under field conditions. Chemical analysis of the several plant parts, on the other hand, give a valuable means to assess the nutritional status of slash pine, thus confirming when needed, the visual diagnosis. The correctness of manurial pratices, on the other hand, can be judged with the help of the analytical data tabulated. Under the experimental conditions nitrogen caused the highest increases on growth, as measured by increments in height and dry weights, whereas the effects of phosphorus and potassium were less marked. Cellulose concentration was not significantly affected by the treatments used. Higher levels of N seemed to decrease both length of fiber elements and the thickness of cell wall. The effects of P and K were not well defined. Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur Experiment A 3 x 3 x 3 factorial design with two replicates was used. Calcium was supplied initially at the levels of 12.5, 25 and 50 ppm; magnesium and sulfur were given at the rates of 6, 12.5 and 25 ppm. Other macro and micronutrients were supplied at uniform rates, common to all treatments. Three months after starting the experiment the first level for each element was dropped to zero. Symptoms of deficiency of calcium, magnesium and sulfur were observed, described and recorded as in the case of the previous experiment. Chemical analysis were made, both for mineral content and cellulose concentration. Length of fibers and thickness of cell wall were measured. Both calcium and magnesium increase height, sulfur failing to give significant response. Dry weight was beneficially affected by calcium and sulfur. The levels of calcium, magnesium and sulfur in the needles associated with deficiency and maximum growth are comparable with those found in the literature. Cellulose concentration increased when the level of sulfur in the substrate was raised. The thickness of cell wall was negatively affected by the treatments; no effect was observed with regards to length of fibers.
Introduction: It is a big challenge that devolopes in a family with the birth ofdisabled or handycapped child. The siblings of the disabled or handicapped child aredealt with issues like sufferings, sickness, weakness and even death. Furthermorethey have to take part in assisting and care of the disabled or challenged child. Theexperience they make as they grow up with a disabled or handycapped sibling is aburden more than a challenge lies on the support service options they are entitled.The choices are from the representatives of social organisations to professional help.Aim of this work is to analyse the necessity of support services for the siblings of thedisabled or handycapped child. To achieve this, a retrospective analysis of the peoplewho were affected by such a situation is necessary.Material and Methods: Structured, guidelined, problem centered personnalinterviews with affected siblings. The method was chosen against the background ofadequate affected siblings with necessary informations, knowledge and experience.Nine interviewees were selected and requested for cooperation per e-mail. FourInterviews were done personnally and five through telephone.Result: All the interviewees had disabled or handicapped or diseased siblings. Someof the interviewees knew there was something not in order with thier sibling beforethier preschool age. Some of them noticed thier siblings as "different" through theinteractions with other schoolmates. All the interviewees except the ones who werementally challenged siblings were well informed by their parents about the situation.The limitations of the siblings were very complex. The interviewees had a lot oflimitations and obligations for themselves because of the disability of their siblings.All but one of the interviewees could atleast think of one nice experience with thiermentally or physically challenged sibling. There was also negative experiences withanxiety, anger and rag
In order to obtain the following informations: a) dry matter production and extraction of nutrients by the fruits at different ages; b) dry matter production and extraction of nutrient by the leaves and "trunk + branches" collected at the flowering stage; c) dry matter production and export of nutrients by pruning (leaves and branches) at the begining dormant stage; A trial was conducted on Latossolo Vermelho Escuro Orto group (Orthox) at Buri, São Paulo State, Brazil. The material was collected from 'Ohio Beauty' and 'Brazil' apples grafted on 'Doucin' 1-2; 3-4; 4-5 and 6-7 years old. The main conclusions were as follows: a) differences were observed on dry matter production by two varieties at the different stages of growth; b) differences were also observed between the two varieties on the matter production in the leaves and "trunk + branches" at the flowering stage, as well as by the leaves and branches pruned at the begining of dormant stages; c) differences were observed betwen the two varieties concerning to nutrient concentration (on dry matter basis) on the fruits collected at different stages of growth. Same results were observed on leaves and "trunk + branches" collected at flowering period; d) differences were observed on the exportation of the nutrients referring to growth period of fruit; e) at the flowering and dormant period, differences were observed on the contents of nutrients in the leaves, 'trunk + branches', on the two varieties; f) the nutrient exportation by the fruits obyed the following order: K>N>P>S>Ca>Mg>Fe>B > Cu > Mn > Zn > Mo; g) the nutrient extration by the aerial part the apple trees obyed the following order: N > K > Ca > Mg > P > S > Fe > B > Cu = Mn = Zn.
In order to obtain informations concerning the dry matter production and extraction of nutrients by the fruits of the varieties 'Ohio Beauty' and 'Brasil', a trial was conducted on a Latossol Vermelho Escuro-Orto (USTOX) at Buri , State of São Paulo, Brazil. The fruits were collected from trees grafted on 'Doucin' being 1-2; 3-4; 4-5, and 6-7 years old. Chemical analysis were run on the fruits for: N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Mo; as well for the dry mat ter production. The main conclusions are as follows: a) differences were observed on dry matter production of fruits by the two varieties at the different stages of growth; b) differences were observed on exportation of nutrients between the two varieties concerning the fruit growth period- the nutrient exportation by the fruits obeyed following order: K>N>P>S>Ca>Mg>Fe>B > Cu > Mn > Zn > Mo.
Boiruna maculata Boulenger, 1896 and Clelia rustica (Cope, 1878) were observed in captivity feeding snakes and rodents, respectively. Both species have shown a similar procedure in relation to the prey. Major behavior differences among the two species were: rodents killed before being swallowed, and snakes were mostly swallowed alive; both species are able to find the rodents head faster than the snake one; the coils formed during constriction were also used to hold the prey, specially the last coil, while swallowing rodents. Informations on stomach contents was gathered by dissection of preserved specimens of Clelia clelia (Daudin, 1803) and C. plumbea (Wied, 1820) were also included in the dietary study. The majority of preys consisted on snakes and lizards. Other prey items were mammals and birds. Adult snakes prey relatively smaller animals than the juvenile snakes do.