974 resultados para Bacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Tecnologia e Segurança Alimentar
AraL from Bacillus subtilis is a member of the ubiquitous haloalkanoate dehalogenase, HAD, superfamily. The araL gene has been cloned, over-expressed in Escherichia coli and its product purified to homogeneity. The enzyme displays phosphatase activity, which is optimal at neutral pH (7.0) and 65 °C. Substrate screening and kinetic analysis showed AraL to have low specificity and catalytic activity towards several sugar phosphates, which are metabolic intermediates of the glycolytic and pentose phosphate pathways. Based on substrate specificity and gene context within the arabinose metabolic operon, a putative physiological role of AraL in detoxification of accidental accumulation of phosphorylated metabolites has been proposed. The ability of AraL to catabolise several related secondary metabolites requires regulation at the genetic level. Here, by site- directed mutagenesis, we show that AraL production is regulated by a structure in the translation initiation region of the mRNA, which most probably blocks access to the ribosome-binding site, preventing protein synthesis. Members of HAD subfamily IIA and IIB are characterised by a broad-range and overlapping specificity that anticipated the need for regulation at the genetic level. In this study we provide evidence for the existence of a genetic regulatory mechanism controlling AraL production.
Mannans (linear mannan, glucomannan, galactomannan and galactoglucomannan) are the major constituents of the hemicellulose fraction in softwoods and show great importance as a renewable resource for fuel or feedstock applications. As complex polysaccharides, mannans can only be degraded through a synergistic action of different mannan-degrading enzymes, mannanases. Microbial mannanases are mainly extracellular enzymes that can act in wide range of pH and temperature, contributing to pulp and paper, pharmaceutical, food and feed, oil and textile successful industrial applications. Knowing and controlling these microbial mannan-degrading enzymes are essential to take advantage of their great biotechnological potential. The genome of the laboratory 168 strain of Bacillus subtilis carries genes gmuA-G dedicated to the degradation and utilization of glucomannan, including an extracellular -mannanase. Recently, the genome sequence of an undomesticated strain of B. subtilis, BSP1, was determined. In BSP1, the gmuA-G operon is maintained, interestingly, however, a second cluster of genes was found (gam cluster), which comprise a second putative extracellular β-mannanase, and most likely specify a system for the degradation and utilization of a different mannan polymer, galactoglucomannan. The genetic organization and function of the gam cluster, and whether its presence in BSP1 strain results in new hemicellulolytic capabilities, compared to those of the laboratory strain, was address in this work. In silico and in vivo mRNA analyses performed in this study revealed that the gam cluster, comprising nine genes, is organized and expressed in at least six different transcriptional units. Furthermore, cloning, expression, and production of Bbsp2923 in Escherichia coli was achieved and preliminary characterization shows that the enzyme is indeed a β-mannanase. Finally, the high hemicellulolytic capacity of the undomesticated B. subtilis BSP1, demonstrated in this work by qualitative analyses, suggests potential to be used in the food and feed industries.
A superfície dos esporos bacterianos é constituída por uma estrutura multi-proteica, denominada manto, com funções de proteção e de interação com o meio circundante. CotB é um componente abundante do manto do esporo de Bacillus subtilis. Durante a formação do manto, a proteína CotB, de 46 kDa (CotB-46), sofre uma modificação pós-traducional, que a converte numa espécie com uma mobilidade eletroforética de 66 kDa (CotB-66). Outras duas proteínas do manto, CotH e CotG, são necessárias para a formação de CotB-66. CotH é uma proteína morfogenética essencial para a montagem do manto, e um homólogo estrutural de cinases Ser/Thr de tipo eucariota. CotB, por seu lado, possui quatro repetições de uma sequência rica em serinas/lisinas/argininas na sua metade Cterminal, enquanto que a metade N-terminal contém dois domínios Sm-like, associados normalmente a interações RNA-RNA e RNA-proteína. A super-expressão de cotB em E. coli resulta numa proteína de 46 kDa, mas a co-expressão de cotB com cotG e cotH leva à produção de uma forma de CotB de 66kDa. Na ausência de CotG ou de CotH ou na presença de uma forma inativa de CotH, com a substituição D228Q no seu centro ativo putativo, não se verifica a formação de CotB-66. CotH sofre auto-fosforilação e é insensível ao inibidor de largo espectro staurosporina. Além disso, mostramos que CotB-46 é fosforilado diretamente por CotH in vitro. Descobrimos que a substituição D228Q resulta em alterações na composição, estrutura e propriedades do manto que se aproximam daquelas causadas por uma mutação de eliminação do gene. Mostramos que a modificação de CotB in vivo é dependente de CotG e da atividade de cinase de CotH. Sugerimos que durante a formação do manto de B. subtilis CotH fosforila CotB na sua metade C-terminal, usando CotG como co-fator.
INTRODUCTION: Salmonella sp infections have been reported over recent years in hospitals in Argentina and other countries due to multiresistant strains. The aim of this study was to characterize the extended-spectrum β-lactamases in third-generation cephalosporin-resistant strains of Salmonella enterica serovar Oranienburg. METHODS: We studied 60 strains isolated from children with gastroenteritis and/or extraintestinal complications. The antibiotic susceptibility patterns of the isolates were analyzed and the β-lactamases were characterized using phenotyping and genotyping methods. RESULTS: All the strains were resistant to ampicillin, cefotaxime, cefepime and aztreonam and partially susceptible to ceftazidime, thus corresponding well with the resistance phenotype conferred by CTX-M-type β-lactamases. An isoelectric point enzyme (pI = 7.9) was detected in all of the strains, and this was confirmed by PCR as a member of the CTX-M-2 group. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of Salmonella enterica serovar Oranienburg producing β-lactamases of the CTX-M-2 group in a pediatric hospital in Tucumán, Argentina.
INTRODUCTION: Use of a Bacillus sphaericus based mosquito larvicide was evaluated as an intervention for malaria vector control at a mining site in Amapá, Brazil. Impacts on larval and adult densities of the primary vector Anopheles darlingi were measured over the course of a 52 week study period.METHODS: In Calçoene, State of Amapá, gold mining activity occurs in 19 mining sites in gold-miners of Lourenço. Large pools are formed in mining sites and naturally colonized by Anopheles darlingi. During one year, the impact of applications of VectoLex(r) CG to these larval sources was evaluated. Applications of 20kg/ha were made as needed, based on 10 immature (3rd, 4th instars and pupae) surveillance of health and established thresholds. RESULTS: One hundred percent initial control was observed 48h after each treatment. The pools received from 2-10 (5.3±1.6) treatments during the year. The average re-treatment interval in productive pools was 9.4±4.3 weeks. During weeks 3-52 of the study, mean density of late stage larvae was 78% and pupae were 93% lower in the treated pools than in untreated pools (p< 0.0001, n=51) while reduction of adult mosquitoes was 53% in comparison to the untreated area during the last five months of the study, which were the rainy season (p<0.001).CONCLUSIONS:VectoLex(r) CG reduced immature Anopheles darlingi infestation levels during the entire study period, and reduced adult mosquito populations during the rainy season.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Despite multidrug therapy, leprosy remains a public health issue. The intradermal Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine, Mitsuda test (lepromin skin test), and anti-phenolic glycolipid I (PGL-I) serology are widely used in leprosy studies and have shown great epidemiological value. METHODS: This longitudinal study evaluated the relative risks and benefits of these three tools by comparing results observed in household contacts (HHCs) of leprosy patients who developed leprosy with those of HHCs who did not in a population of 2,992 individuals monitored during a 10-year period. RESULTS : Seventy-five (2.5%) new leprosy cases were diagnosed, including 28 (0.9%) co-prevalent cases. Therefore, for the risk-benefit assessment, 47 (1.6%) HHCs were considered as truly diagnosed during follow-up. The comparison between healthy and affected contacts demonstrated that not only did BCG vaccination increase protection, but boosters also increased to 95% relative risk (RR) reduction when results for having two or more scars were compared with having no scars [RR, 0.0459; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.006-0.338]. Similarly, Mitsuda reactions >7mm in induration presented 7-fold greater protection against disease development compared to reactions of 0-3mm (RR, 0.1446; 95% CI, 0.0566-0.3696). In contrast, anti-PGL-I ELISA seropositivity indicated a 5-fold RR increase for disease outcome (RR, 5.688; 95% CI, 3.2412-9.9824). The combined effect of no BCG scars, Mitsuda reaction of <7mm, and seropositivity to anti-PGL-I increased the risk for leprosy onset 8-fold (RR, 8.109; 95% CI, 5.1167-12.8511). CONCLUSIONS: The adoption of these combined assays may impose measures for leprosy control strategies.
A avaliação da eficiência relativa de formulações de Bacillus thuringiensise de deltametrina, em aplicações aéreas para o controle de Thyrirrteina arnobiaStoll, 1782 (Lepidoptera: Geometndae) em Eucalyptus urophyllaem Monte Dourado no Pará, foi feita no presente ensaio, onde faixas de 10 ha (100x1000 m) foram pulverizadas com formulações comercoais de B. thuringiensise/ou deltametrina. Foram tomados cinco pontos de amostragem para cada tratamento e as avaliações foram feitas 24, 48, 72, 96 e 120 horas após a aplicação dos inseticidas. Cerca de 144 horas após a aplicação, foi feita uma pulverização drástica de uma mistura de malation e deltametrina, para a verificação do número total de insetos presentes nos pontos amostrados. A deltametrina mostrou eficiência máxima nas doses de 200 e 400 ml/ha e grande efeito de impacto sobre a população de lagartas. A ação do B. thuringiensismostrou-se mais lenta, mas o uso de formulações de alta qualidade desta bactéria e promissor para o controle de lagartas em reflorestamentos no trópico úmido, podendo ser usadas isoladamente ou em mistura com a deltametrina para um maior efeito de impacto. Verificou-se, também, o\ue tanto B. thuringiensisquanto a deltametrina tiveram pouco efeito sobre a população de nemípteros predadores. Assim, a deltametrina pode ser usada no controle de lagartas de eucalipto, preservando-se esses inimigos naturais.
Endospores, or spores for simplicity, are a highly resistant cell type produced by some bacterial species under adverse conditions. Two main protective layers contribute to the resilience of spores: the cortex, composed of peptidoglycan, and the outermost proteinaceous coat. In Bacillus subtilis, the coat comprises up to 80 different proteins, organized into four sublayers: the basement layer, the inner coat, the outer coat and the crust. These proteins are synthesized at different times during sporulation and deposited at the spore surface in multiple coordinated waves. Central to coat formation is a group of morphogenetic proteins that guide the assembly of the coat components. Targeting of the coat proteins to the surface of the developing spore is mainly controlled by the SpoIVA morphogenetic ATPase. In a second stage, the coat proteins fully encircle the spore, a process termed encasement that requires the morphogenetic protein SpoVID. Assembly of the inner coat requires SafA, whereas formation of the outer coat and the crust requires CotE. SafA interacts directly with the N terminus of SpoVID. (...)
Bioassays under laboratory conditions aiming to determine the larvicidal activity of Bacillus sphaericus were carried out on Anopheles darlingi and Culex quinquefasciatus. In order to estimate the toxicity through median lethal concentration (LC50) and the relative potency of the strains to B. sphaericus standard strain 2362, probit analysis was performed utilizing the POLO-PC program. The findings of LC50 pointed out high effectiveness on strains IB15 (0.040 ppm), IB19 and S1116 (0.048 ppm), IB16 (0.052 ppm) and S265 (0.057 ppm). Strain IB15 presented nearly 50% more potency than strain 2362 in bioassays conducted on A. darlingi. It was observed that IB16 and S1116 strains were the most powerful against C. quinquefasciatus, showing to be about 300-400% stronger than 2362 strain. The results show that laboratory conditioned evaluation can be an important way to select promising bacteria with entomopathogenic action on biolarvicides production for use on mosquitoes breeding sites.
As proteases colagenolíticas são enzimas capazes de hidrolisar as ligações peptídicas de vários tipos de colágeno e têm grande importância na medicina e em aplicações terapêuticas. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a produção de proteases colagenolíticas por Bacillus stearothermophilus. Os tratamentos foram realizados por meio de um planejamento fatorial completo 2³, a fim de avaliar a significância dos efeitos e interações das variáveis - pH inicial, concentração de substrato e temperatura - sobre a produção de protease colagenolítica. O ponto central foi executado em quadruplicata para fornecer uma estimativa dos erros experimentais. Ensaios enzimáticos com colágeno e azocaseína como substratos foram realizados para determinação das atividades colagenolítica e proteolítica respectivamente. A maior atividade enzimática colagenolítica foi 79,38 U mL-1, correspondendo a atividade específica de 136,86 U mg-1, em condições iniciais de fermentação, na concentração de substrato a 1% (p/v), pH 7,2 e 25 °C. A atividade proteolítica da enzima foi mais ativa em pH 9,0 e 50 °C e foi estável nas faixas de pH (6,0 - 9,0) e temperatura (45 °C - 50 °C). Bacillus stearothermophilus apresenta viabilidade para a produção de proteases colagenolíticas e a obtenção dessas enzimas tem grande importância para aplicações biotecnológicas.
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fmicb. 2016.00275
De um caso anatomo-patologico curioso de inflamação primitiva das serosas, resolveram os Drs. Osvino Pena e Pena de Azevedo entregar-nos material para exame bacteriologico. Este revelou a presença de um germen com propriedades desconhecidas, o qual denominamos Bacillus serositidis, de acôrdo com a classificação norte-americana. O bacilo isolado tem os mesmos caracteres morfologicos do encontrado nas serosas, tanto nos esfregaços do pús como nos córtes, razão porque julgamos tratar-se do mesmo germen. Aventamos ainda a hipotese de ter sido ele com muita probabilidade o responsavel pela infecção de que veiu a falecer o doente de que se trata no presente, pelas seguintes razões: O doente morreu evidentemente da inflamação fibrino-purulenta das serosas. Esta só podia ter sido provocada pelo bacilo visivel dos esfregaços e nos córtes, sendo ausentes quaesquer outros elementos que expliquem o fáto. Este bacilo corresponde morfologicamente ao isolado por nós em cultura pura.