507 resultados para Aroeira-do-sertão
This research aimed at evaluating the effect of the semiarid climatic conditions on the physiological behavior of F1 Saanen x Boer crossbred goats, created at an intensive system. The experiment was carried out in the Health and Rural Technology Center, in the Federal University of Campina Grande, in the town of Patos, Paraiba. Twenty-four animals were used, with ages varying between three and four months, being 12 females and 12 males, weaned and prevented against worms, receiving ad libitum water and controlled concentrate and roughage. The environmental variables were checked inside and outside the experiment place, as well as the physiological variables of all animals. Except for the humid bulb temperature, the variance analysis revealed shift effect (P<0.05) for all environmental variables. There was merely shift effect (P<0.05) for Cardiac Frequency and Rectal Temperature, and the averages of both, in the afternoon, overcame those observed in the morning. The obtained results based on the studied physiological and environmental variables conclude that crossbred goats, resulting of Boer (paternal) and Saanen (maternal), present a good resistance to heat, permitting their indication for the meat production in confinement on semiarid conditions.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the allelophatic potential ethanol extract of leaves of Anadenanthera macrocarpa (Benth.) Brenan (angico) and Astronium graveolens Jacq (aroeira) on the biomonitor germination of Brassica chinensis (Malaysia's cabbage) and Lactuca sativa (lettuce). For the test of allelopathy was the bioassay of germination of B. chinensis and L. sativa using solutions of ethanol extracts in different concentrations (5, 10 and 20 mg / mL) with continuous light for 11 days. The experimental and control groups were divided into the Petri dish containing 50 seeds of B. chinensis and L. sativa each. Were performed six replicates for each concentration of extract of leaves of A. macrocarpa and A. graveolens and the negative control (water). The rolling action of the treatments was performed by quantitative observation and monitoring of germination every six hours. The results show that the ethanol extract of A. macrocarpa and A. graveolens presents allelopathic potential, regardless of the concentration used, but with answers dose-dependent, and thus able to interfere directly in germination, average speed and time of germination biomonitor of B. chinensis and L. sativa.
The recuperation of areas used during the construction of the hydroelectric plant, especially in 'borrowed areas', is a difficult and long process since all vegetation and the fertile layer of soil were removed. Interventions in these degraded areas could accelerate the revegetation process. The objective of this research was to evaluate the association of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in tree species, microbial activity (basal respiration) and fertility of 'cerrado' degraded areas. Soil from two areas, pasture soil and exposed subsoil, were utilized. Organic and mineral fertilization, and liming, were added to the pit for better seedlings' initial growth, where 50 mL of preserved cerrado soil was applied as inoculum of microorganisms. Seedlings of 11 tree species were planted: Anadenanthera falcata (Benth.) Speg ('angico-preto'), Acacia polyphylla D. C. ('monjoleiro'), Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) Coville ('barbatimao'), Dimorphandra mollis Benth ('faveiro'), Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart. ex Hayne ('jatoba-de-cerrado'), Dipteryx alata Vog. ('baru'), Machaerium acutifolium Vogel ('jacaranda-do-campo'), Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi ('aroeirapimenteira'), Magonia pubescens St. Hil. ('tingui'), Lafoensia pacari St. Hil. ('dedaleira') and Tabebuia aurea (Manso) Benth. & Hook ('ipe-amarelo'). Twelve months later, root samples were colleted at the depth of 0-0.10 m and used for evaluations. The subsoil, as compared to pasture soil, was poor in organic matter and presented less microbial activity. The highest mycorrhizal colonization was seen in the species Acacia polyphylla D. C. (monjoleiro), Magonia pubescens St. Hil. (tingui), Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart. ex Hayne (jatoba-de-cerrado) and Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi (aroeira-pimenteira). These species could be indicated in revegetation projects in 'cerrado' degraded areas. Plants from both areas showed seedlings form high mycorrhizal colonization and low numbers of spores.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The objective of this work was to evaluate the herbage availability, nutritive value, dry matter intake and grass and legume percentage in diet of crossbred Holstein-Zebu cows, in pasture with Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk, Stylosanthes guianensis var. vulgaris cv. Mineirão and tree legumes. To estimate the fecal output, it was used 10 g cow -1 day -1 of chromium oxide during ten consecutive days. Extrusa samples were used to determine the chemical composition and in vitro dry matter digestibility. B. decumbens availability varied with climatic conditions, while S. guianensis availability decreased linearly along the experimental period. Dry matter intake was higher in May/2001 (1.9% body weight) and did not differ among other months (1.5% body weight). Low dry matter intake values were related to low in vitro dry matter digestibility coefficients (42.1 % to 48.0%) and high neutral detergent fiber content (70.2% to 79.4%). Dry matter intake was directly related to legume percentage in the pasture. This observation could indicate the potential of mixed pasture for improving nutritive value in dairy cattle diet.
Levels of genetic variability for in situ and ex situ genetic conservation were estimated in a population of Myracrodruon urundeuva using the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) technique with the AFLP (Amplified fragment-length polymorphism) genetic marker. Seeds for progeny tests were collected from 30 open-pollination trees (matrices) at Paulo de Faria Ecological Station - SP. From this genetic material, three progeny tests were installed on the Teaching and Research Farm of Ilha Solteira Faculty of Engineering - University of São Paulo State (UNESP), which is located in Selvlria - MS, Brazil. The analysis by genetic marker was conducted with three combinations of different starters EcoRl-Msel, resulting in a total number of 137 polymorphic bands, thus forming a table of binary data. These data were used for the analysis of genetic divergence and distance between progenies. High levels of genetic divergence were observed among families. Based on the Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA), it was shown that 16.2% of genetic diversity is found among progenies and 83.8% within progenies, which suggests deviances of random matings. The grouping of progenies, based on genetic distances, suggests that progenies deriving from trees which are close to each other tend to be more similar. This, in turn, indicates that the population originating the seeds may be genetically structured.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The 30, 45 and 60 day-old elephant grasses were evaluated by monitoring their nutritional profile and DM (DMI) and NDF (NDFI) intake by crossbred lactating cows in a 3 × 3 Latin square trial, where the split-plots were the rumen evacuation times: 0, 2, 4 and 6 h after meal. Chemical composition, in vitro dry matter digestibility and ruminal content ranged with grass age. Means (in kg/cow/day) of DMI and NDFI of 30 day-old grass (8.0 and 5.3) were lower than those of grasses with 45 days (10.0 and 6.6) and 60 days (11.0 and 7.3). The maximum of rumen fill was observed at 4:22, 3:55 and 3:49 hours after feeding for treatments with 30, 45 and 60 day-old elephant grass, respectively. Rumen fill did not limit the DMI and NDFI of elephant grass, but the dry matter intake of 30 day-old grass may be affected by the wet content.
The boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis Boheman, 1843) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is a pest that limits the production of cotton, especially in the North East of Brazil. The present study aimed to estimate the infestation index and natural mortality of boll weevil at Caraibas County, located in the semi-arid of the Southwest ofBahia. The experiment was performed using the cultivar BSR Aroeira, at Fazenda Lagoa Seca, in 2006. Weekly evaluations were performed, in five sampling areas 25m2, collecting blossoms fallen on the ground. The infestation was estimated by counting the oviposition punctures and /or the feeding on blossoms, and also by the presence of one of the phases of the boll weevil in the inside. Mortality factors were studied through the dissection of blossoms, estimating predation, parasitism, dissection and disease. The results obtained allowed to conclude that the boll weevil determines high infestation levels in the region. Parasitism, dissection and predation, following this order, determine high rates of real mortality of the pest. Catolaccus grandis Burks, 1954 (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) and Bracon sp.(Hymenoptera: Braconidae) are parasitoids of boll weevil reported in sothwestern Bahia, being the first one the predominant species. © 2009, Sociedad Venezolana de Entomología.
The aims of this study were to evaluate the variation and to estimate genetic parameters for silvicultural anatomic wood traits for genetic breeding of a Myracrodruon urundeuva (Engler) Fr. Allem, population from Selvíria-MS. For this, from samples of a progeny test established in the Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão da Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira/UNESP, macroscopic anatomic wood traits of M. urundeuva (tangential diameter and vases frequency per mm2) and growth traits were measured (height, DBH and stem form). Genetic parameters were estimated in 28 open-pollinated progenies, in three replications and 10 plants per plot, using a REML/BLUP approach. Between the analysed traits, the DBH is the most indicated for selection for timber production, because it presented the highest values of coefficient of genetic variation, heritabilities and selective accuracy. Between the anatomic traits, the vessels frequency in the pith showed the highest values for genetic parameters. For pulp yield, based on the multi-effect index, the strategy of selecting the best trees for vessels frequency in the pith, independent of the progeny, permitted to obtain substantial gains by mass selection, without progeny test.
The use and inadequate exploitation of natural resources is restricting the occurrence of aroeira (Myracrodruon urundeuva F.F. & M.F. Allemão), which now is on the FAO list of endangered species. This exploitation causes a decrease in the genetic base of M. urundeuva populations, which makes it difficult to find genotypes with stability and adaptability to different growing conditions. This study aimed at estimating the genetic variation and productivity, stability and adaptability of progenies of a M. urundeuva natural population, from the Ecological Station of Paulo de Faria-SP, under different planting systems. DBH (diameter at breast height) was evaluated in four progeny tests of M. urundeuva: i) planted with Anandenanthera falcata and Guazuma ulmifolia (TP-AMA); ii) single (TP-ASO); iii) planted with annual crops (TP-SAF) and iv) planted with Corymbia citriodora (TP-EUCA), installed in Selvíria-MS. The experimental design consisted of complete randomized blocks with three replications and a variable number of plants per plot in each of the four planting systems. From the joint analysis of the planting systems studied, it was found that: i) there were variations among planting systems particularly in TP-SAF; ii) only in TP-EUCA it was possible to detect variations among the progenies; iii) the effects of the genotype x environment interaction were not significant. Thereby, the harmonic mean of genotypic values (MHVG), the relative performance of genotypic values from the mean of each site (PRVG) and the harmonic mean of the relative performance of genotypic values (MHPRVG) for DBH showed, respectively: progenies with greater stability, adaptability, and stability and simultaneous adaptability within different planting systems. The use of these selection criteria provided a more refined selection of the best progenies of M. urundeuva under the different planting systems studied.
The design and production process of the workshop shed made of bamboo presented in this paper is the result of almost two years of cooperation between Viverde Farmers Association, Universidade Estadual Paulista and Unisol. The system consists of rounded aroeira pillars, a roof structure formed by in natura bamboo frames and metal connections. The development of the parts and connections detailing, through the technical drawing of each component, enabled the development of standardized precision fittings aiming at optimizing the execution and saving time, energy and raw material on the assembly line. In this process, the creation and improvement of templates was necessary in order to facilitate the assembly of parts. The component assembly phases were recorded at the Experimental Laboratory for Bamboo and Wood Processing - UNESP/FEB. The results showed the good performance of the pre-fabrication process of bamboo components.
The analyses of Guimarães Rosa's works often consider relevant facts connected to the author's personal life: his childwood in Sertão of Minas Gerais and his posterior wanderings through this region, his medical and diplomatic career, his deep knowledge of several languages, his misticism. His literary work would be a quite faithful reflection of his life. In this work, an analysis of Campo Geral (1956) [1977], considered by many critics as an autobiographical novel, is proposed, aiming to conciliate the inevitable influence of the author's biographical life without confounding or mixing enunciation scene with historical situation. Therefore, it was taken into account concepts of scenography, paratopia and of person-writer-inscriber, as proposed by Maingueneau (2006).
This paper aims to explore the relation between psychology, metaphysics and literature, through an examination of Bergon's Time and Free Will: An Essay on the Immediate Data of Consciousness, or, more precisely, through the description of deep feelings, which represent in the Essay a privileged moment for understanding the temporal structure of consciousness. However, this study will not be restricted only to Bergson's text and its descriptions of deep feelings (such as aesthetic and moral emotions), which would probably be repetitive. Instead, we shall use a work of literature (Guimarães Rosa's novel, Grande sertão: veredas) to exemplify the possibility of a qualitative description of stream of consciousness, revealing its temporal structure. We hope in this way to clarify the interaction between psychology, metaphysics and literature in the philosophy of Bergson.
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA