368 resultados para Alexandrium excavatum


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The Great Belt, the largest inlet to the Baltic Sea, has a deep and well defined channel system. A distinct thermohaline layer at roughly 18 to 20 m of water depth separates the saltier and generally cooler deeper North Sea water from the brackish and warmer surface water. It is practically a current dominated area, with the strongest bottom currents due to prolonged west winds. The size and shape of the surface sediments and their grain size distributions show a close relationship with the prevailing hydrographical conditions. Southerly current marks predominate while northerly directions are confined to 10 to 14 m of water depth. The degree of bioturbation is highest in the uppermost sedimentary cover where practically all original stratification has been destroyed. Various bioturbate structures have been identified with the fauna. Coiling ratios of Ammonia beccarii (Linnaeus) have been successfully applied for correlation in the postglacial sediments of the early Littorina Transgression. The succession shows that in the Boreal brackish water conditions were probably followed by peat and limnic sediments as the sea regressed. With the Littorina Transgression, the sea again entered the area and high sedimentation rates resulted in the major deposits of the Great Belt. At least for the last 4000 years, sedimentation rates had been very low. Present day currents sweep out the sediments, mainly to the southern marginal areas.


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Surface sediments at 439 sites throughout the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas have been analyzed for dinoflagellate cysts in order to establish a reference database from which paleoenvironmental transfer functions can be developed. Laboratory procedures and systematics were standardized in order to avoid bias introduced by the selective loss of taxa and to facilitate site to site comparison. 371 sites were retained to develop the database that includes 41 taxa, some of which were grouped using morphological and/or ecological criteria. 27 taxa were retained for statistical purposes. Distribution maps of these latter taxa have been plotted on the basis of their relative abundance. Principal component analyses were performed in order to describe the distribution of assemblages. The relation between the assemblages, as well as the relative abundance of individual taxa, and selected sea-surface parameters are illustrated. The parameters which were considered include temperature and salinity for winter (February) and summer (August) together with the duration of sea-ice cover. Transfer functions using the best analogue method have been tested with a view to reconstruct past sea-surface parameters. Validation procedures on this transfer function demonstrate that more than 95% of the reconstructions are included within the interannual variability of modern sea-surface conditions. Therefore, these transfer functions give accurate results and can be applied to reconstructing paleo-temperatures and -salinities from analogous assemblages in Quaternary sedimentary sequences. Protoperidinium stellatum (Wall in Wall & Dale, 1968) Head, comb. nov. (basionym = Peridinium stellatum) is proposed as new, and Algidasphaeridium? minutum var. cezare de Vernal et al., 1989 ex de Vernal et al. is newly validated.


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With the growing pressure of eutrophication in tropical regions, the Mauritian shelf provides a natural situation to understand the variability in mesotrophic assemblages. Site-specific dynamics occur throughout the 1200 m depth gradient. The shallow assemblages divide into three types of warm-water mesotrophic foraminiferal assemblages, which is not only a consequence of high primary productivity restricting light to the benthos but due to low pore water oxygenation, shelf geomorphology, and sediment partitioning. In the intermediate depth (approx. 500 m), the increase in foraminiferal diversity is due to the cold-water coral habitat providing a greater range of micro niches. Planktonic species characterise the lower bathyal zone, which emphasizes the reduced benthic carbonate production at depth. Although, due to the strong hydrodynamics within the Golf, planktonic species occur in notable abundances through out the whole depth gradient. Overall, this study can easily be compared to other tropical marine settings investigating the long-term effects of tropical eutrophication and the biogeographic distribution of carbonate producing organisms.


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Fifty short sediment cores collected with a multiple corer and five box cores from the central Arctic Ocean were analysed to study the ecology and distribution of benthic foraminifers. To work out living faunal associations, standing stock and diversity, separate analyses of living (Rose Bengal stained) and dead foraminifers were carried out for the sediment surface. The size fractions between 63 and 125 µm and >125 µm were counted separately to allow comparison with former Arctic studies and with studies from the adjacent Norwegian-Greenland Sea, Barents Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. Benthic foraminiferal associations are mainly controlled by the availability of food, and competition for food, while water mass characteristics, bottom current activity, substrate composition, and water depth are of minor importance. Off Spitsbergen in seasonally ice-free areas, high primary production rates are reflected by high standing stocks, high diversities, and foraminiferal associations (>125 µm) that are similar to those of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. Generally, in seasonally ice-free areas standing stock and diversity increase with increasing food supply. In the central Arctic Ocean, the oligotrophic permanently ice-covered areas are dominated by epibenthic species. The limited food availability is reflected by very low standing stocks and low diversities. Most of these foraminiferal associations do not correspond to those of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. The dominant associations include simple agglutinated species such as Sorosphaerae, Placopsilinellae, Komokiacea and Aschemonellae, as well as small calcareous species such as Stetsonia horvathi and Epistominella arctica. Those of the foraminiferal species that usually thrive under seasonally ice-free conditions in middle bathyal to lower bathyal water depth are found under permanently ice-covered conditions in water depths about 1000 m shallower, if present at all.


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Along with increasing oceanic CO2 concentrations, enhanced stratification constrains phytoplankton to shallower upper mixed layers with altered light regimes and nutrient concentrations. Here, we investigate the effects of elevated pCO2 in combination with light or nitrogen-limitation on 13C fractionation (epsilon p) in four dinoflagellate species. We cultured Gonyaulax spinifera and Protoceratium reticulatum in dilute batches under low-light (LL) and high-light (HL) conditions, and grew Alexandrium fundyense and Scrippsiella trochoidea in nitrogen-limited continuous cultures (LN) and nitrogen-replete batches (HN). The observed CO2-dependency of epsilon p remained unaffected by the availability of light for both G. spinifera and P. reticulatum, though at HL epsilon p was consistently lower by about 2.7 per mil over the tested CO2 range for P. reticulatum. This may reflect increased uptake of (13C-enriched) bicarbonate fueled by increased ATP production under HL conditions. The observed CO2-dependency of epsilon p disappeared under LN conditions in both A. fundyense and S. trochoidea. The generally higher epsilon p under LN may be associated with lower organic carbon production rates and/or higher ATP:NADPH ratios. CO2-dependent epsilon p under non-limiting conditions has been observed in several dinoflagellate species, showing potential for a new CO2-proxy. Our results however demonstrate that light- and nitrogen-limitation also affect epsilon p, thereby illustrating the need to carefully consider prevailing environmental conditions.


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The neurotoxin BMAA (β-N-methylamino-l-alanine) and its isomer DAB (2,4-diaminobutyric acid) have been detected in seafood worldwide, including in Thau lagoon (French Mediterranean Sea). A cluster of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a neurodegenerative disease associated with BMAA, has also been observed in this region. Mussels, periphyton (i.e. biofilms attached to mussels) and plankton were sampled between July 2013 and October 2014, and analyzed using HILIC-MS/MS. BMAA, DAB and AEG (N-(2-aminoethyl)glycine) were found in almost all the samples of the lagoon. BMAA and DAB were present at 0.58 and 0.83, 2.6 and 3.3, 4.0 and 7.2 μg g−1 dry weight in plankton collected with nets, periphyton and mussels, respectively. Synechococcus sp., Ostreococcus tauri, Alexandrium catenella and eight species of diatoms were cultured and screened for BMAA and analogs. While Synechococcus sp., O. tauri and A. catenella did not produce BMAA under our culture conditions, four diatoms species contained both BMAA and DAB. Hence, diatoms may be a source of BMAA for mussels. Unlike other toxins produced by microalgae, BMAA and DAB were detected in significant amounts in tissues other than digestive glands in mussels.


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1-Inroduction générale (Extraits). L'IFREMER exerce de longue date des tâches de surveillance et de contrôle de la qualité du milieu marin et de ses ressources. Certaines de ces tâches le sont de façon très organisée et systématique, couvrant "en réseau" l'ensemble du littoral français. Le présent ouvrage dresse le bilan des résultats obtenus par trois de ces réseaux, en vue d'évaluer la qualité actuelle des eaux littorales, mission à laquelle ils sont dédiés : le Réseau National d'Observation de la Qualité du Milieu Marin (RNO), le réseau de surveillance du phytoplancton (REPHY) et le réseau de surveillance microbiologique (REMI ). Le RNO a été mis en place en 1974 par le Ministère de l'Environnement avec pour premier objectif l'évaluation des niveaux et des tendances des polluants et des paramètres généraux de la qualité du milieu marin. Mais cette activité ne peut se concevoir sans une surveillance des effets biologiques de la qualité du milieu. Ce deuxième objectif de surveillance vise à évaluer l'état de santé de la flore et de la faune marines par la mesure de la réponse de ces organismes à des perturbations de la qualité du milieu. Il a été introduit en 1987 dans les programmes du RNO. Toutefois, les résultats n'en sont encore que préliminaires et ne sont pas présentés ici. La création du REPHY a fait suite aux intoxications par les coquillages observées en 1983. Ce réseau fait le suivi des populations phytoplanctoniques, de leurs perturbations et de l'apparition d'espèces toxiques pour l'homme ou pour les animaux marins. Dès 1984, la majeure partie du littoral faisait l'objet de cette surveillance. Quant au REMI , il évalue les niveaux et les tendances de la contamination microbiologique du milieu et plus spécialement des zones de production conchylicole. Il résulte de la réorganisation opérée en 1989 des activités de contrôle de la salubrité des coquillages menées par l'IFREMER. Cette réorganisation a eu pour objectif de permettre une appréciation plus globale de la qualité microbiologique du milieu, tout en fournissant les éléments contribuant à la protection du consommateur. Les résultats de surveillance du mi lieu portent au total sur une vingtaine de paramètres qui définissent plusieurs types de qualité environnementale : qualité générale des masses d'eaux par la température, la salinité, les sels nutritifs (nitrate, phosphate ... ), la chlorophylle ; contamination du milieu par des métaux (mercure, cadmium, plomb ... ) et des composés organiques toxiques (PCB, pesticides ... ), mesurés dans certains organismes sentinelles (moule, huître ... ) ; fréquence d'apparition dans les masses d'eaux d'espèces phytoplanctoniques toxiques représentées ici par Dinophysis et Alexandrium, et risques de toxicité effective des coquillages ; contamination du milieu par les bactéries d'origine terrestre, représentées ici par les coliformes fécaux mesurés dans les moules et les huîtres. …