659 resultados para Adult child abuse victims - Psychological aspects
Resumen: El objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar si la anticoncepción es un asunto perteneciente a la Medicina, como lo indica la práctica, o si merece una visión bajo una perspectiva más amplia. Se analizan publicaciones que estudian el problema de la efectividad de la anticoncepción considerando variables demográficas, económicas y sociales que gravitan a la hora de evaluar la eficacia en anticoncepción. Se incluye en el análisis aspectos espirituales y psicológicos, que generalmente son subestimados, pero que fueron considerados en el pensamiento filosófico y antropológico que desplegó K. Wojtyla, quien parte de la base de la unidad de la persona
Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar as transformações do envelhecimento que se dão pelas narrativas produzidas pelas lembranças. Busca destacar a especificidade do papel da memória no processo de envelhecimento e a sua força de transformação e resistência. A pertinência do tema está ligada a marcada expressão que o contingente de pessoas idosas adquiriu nos anos recentes ao ganhar visibilidade cada vez maior, impondo-se como um grupo com demandas e características próprias. No estudo, articulam-se os conceitos de sujeito, de memória e de narratividade. Na primeira parte, desenvolve-se a noção de sujeito, desde um eu central, fundamento de uma unidade de expressão, até a fragmentação desse eu, que se torna múltitiplo e expressão crítica do homem moderno. Na segunda parte, o estudo da memória, acompanhamos a passagem de uma memória definida como permanente e reprodutora para uma descrição de memória como uma habilidade criativa, capaz de retrospectivamente produzir novas narrativas. Na terceira parte, estudamos o conceito de narratividade, explorando diversos aspectos para além do campo literário. Finalmente, com a rede conceitual sujeito - memória - narrativa estabelecida, reconhecemos na obra de Pedro Nava o surgimento de múltiplos narradores, que, frente a velhice, em vez de se defender e negar a vida, aceitam o desafio de um confronto e se afirmam, forjados em suas diferenças.
Este trabalho busca investigar as condições de produção dos saberes psicológicos contidos nas teses de doutoramento da Faculdade de Medicina do Rio de Janeiro no século XIX. Tal meta visa, a partir de conceitos diversos, obter os princípios norteadores das obras dos futuros doutores, tomando como ponto de partida o seu contexto sócio-cultural. Dois conceitos, no entanto, serão privilegiados: os de paixão e afeto. Estes são conceitos que surgem em diversas teses, principalmente naquelas da primeira metade do séulo XIX período da maior parte das teses selecionadas nesta ocasião. Uma das principais questões levantadas diz respeito à maneira como os autores das teses elaboram seus trabalhos: utilizam-se das mais diversas referências para que possam corroborar aquilo que propõem em seus trabalhos. Assim, freqüentemente recorrem a textos de autores consagrados mesmo que, por vezes, não haja concordância entre os autores escolhidos. Os conteúdos utilizados são díspares, mas, como são aparentemente concordantes com o que os médicos produzem, são apropriados por estes. Esta apropriação vem a ser discutida a partir do trabalho de Michel de Certeau. Também vemos alguns elementos das teses sofrerem transformações, num trabalho de bricolagem, tal como propõe Claude Lévi-Strauss. É inegável que a apropriação e a bricolagem vão além do que se verifica nas obras de Certeau e Lévi-Strauss: estes se referem à cultura popular quando tratam daqueles temas, mas ao fazer uma incursão pelos escritos das teses, pode-se perceber que os mesmos fenômenos são característicos também de materiais que estão além do que geralmente se chama de cultura popular, haja vista que teses de medicina não poderiam ser interpretadas como tal. Sendo o período pesquisado uma época em que a psicologia ainda não se constituiu como ciência, os trabalhos médicos tornam-se instrumentos privilegiados de difusão de saberes psicológicos. Fazem parte de um material que impulsiona a produção de conhecimento sobre o homem em seus aspectos individuais, culturais, sociais, psicológicos, indo além das discussões fisiológicas e orgânicas. Embora estas estejam presentes, formam um conjunto com o qual os autores das teses buscam verificar as vicissitudes humanas. Para realizar este estudo foi necessária uma pesquisa documental, onde as teses servem como fontes primárias para a execução do trabalho. Através da análise dos temas e termos constantes das teses, pretende-se constituir um mapa sobre o qual torna-se possível articular as idéias veiculadas nas teses com o contexto sócio-cultural em que são produzidos os materiais dos escritos dos médicos
O fenômeno da compulsão vem sendo amplamente discutido no terreno da psicologia, principalmente, pela apropriação de um discurso técnico-cientificista que, de forma dominante, compreende a experiência da compulsão como um desvio oriundo ora da interioridade humana, privilegiando, assim, aspectos de ordem biológica ou psíquica; ora da exterioridade, enfatizando o mundo como determinante dos comportamentos humanos. Essa visão dicotomizada sobre o homem pode ser compreendida como uma tentativa constante na história da psicologia de reafirmar o campo das experiências humanas através do embate de perspectivas herdadas da tradição científica moderna, ainda, fortemente, presente no campo das ciências humanas. Atentando para essas considerações, este estudo traz como proposta pensar o fenômeno da compulsão e suas diferentes expressões a partir de um referencial outro que não o da tradição dominante da psicologia. Para tanto, encontramos no pensamento fenomenológico-hermenêutico de Martin Heidegger, fundamentos para se pensar homem e mundo não como instâncias separadas que tratariam posteriormente de recobrar seus vínculos, mas sim como uma relação co-originária, na qual ambos formam uma unidade copertencente, e inviabilizando, assim, uma interpretação do homem fora dos contornos de seu horizonte histórico. Horizonte esse, que, segundo Heidegger, desvela-se ao modo da técnica. Dessa forma, vemos um mundo permeado por solicitações de utilidade, produtividade, exploração e controle, que nos possibilita compreender que é no horizonte da técnica que a compulsão se apresenta como um dos modos de ser dominantes do homem, não podendo este e seus sofrimentos existenciais serem compreendidos desarticulados desse mesmo horizonte.
Esta pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo a violência nas relações de namoro de adolescentes em situação de acolhimento. Objetivos: identificar as características das relações de namoro das adolescentes em situação de acolhimento; analisar as vivências da violência nas relações de namoro das adolescentes em situação de acolhimento; descrever as repercussões da violência na vivência das adolescentes. Estudo qualitativo, descritivo e exploratório, tendo como cenário de pesquisa uma unidade pública municipal de acolhimento para adolescentes, localizado na Zona Norte do município do Rio de Janeiro. Os dados foram coletados no período de março a maio de 2014, após a aprovação pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. O estudo foi realizado com sete adolescentes que residem na unidade de acolhimento, com idades de 12 a 18 anos e que responderam a entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados foram analisados através da técnica de análise de conteúdo tendo emergido três categorias: Características das relações de namoro na perspectiva das adolescentes; A violência nas relações afetivas de adolescentes em situação de acolhimento; repercussões da violência nas relações de namoro das adolescentes. Ao analisarmos as características das relações de namoro na perspectiva das adolescentes, as jovens apontaram suas percepções sobre as características referentes ao comportamento masculino e do parceiro. Algumas percepções são associadas ao comportamento do parceiro com carinho, cumplicidade, apoio e amor. E outras aos comportamentos de mentira, excesso de ciúme e agressividade, a não escolha do parceiro certo, entre outras. Em relação à percepção sobre suas relações afetivas, as adolescentes apontaram ser necessário conhecer primeiro o parceiro, ter uma relação sem briga e sem discussão; expressaram atitudes de submissão, omissão, desilusão amorosa, desvalorização do parceiro, desgaste por desvalorização e não gostar de conversar com o parceiro sobre o relacionamento. Os tipos de violência mais comumente vivenciados e indicados pelas adolescentes em suas relações de namoro foram: violência física e sexual; violência patrimonial; e violência psicológica, verbal e moral. As adolescentes apontaram que tais violências nas relações de namoro trazem repercussões à sua saúde, tais como: repercussão à saúde mental, sentimentos como a autopercepção desvalorizada, um ceticismo, impotência, insegurança e medo. Contudo, cabe destacar que algumas adolescentes em situação de acolhimento, em função das adversidades e história de vida, também apontaram certo grau de resiliência diante das violências vivenciadas. Considerando essa primeira aproximação da realidade das relações de namoro das adolescentes em situação de acolhimento verifica-se a necessidade de ações de cuidado no atendimento à essa clientela. As unidades de acolhimento são cenários facilitadores para ações educativas e de cuidado junto à população de adolescentes, o que facilita a construção de medidas de promoção à saúde sexual e reprodutiva de adolescentes. A enfermagem ao reconhecer que o cuidar constitui um processo dialético entre o indivíduo e o cuidador, mas que também é influenciado histórico e socialmente, tem papel fundamental na proposição de ações de enfretamento à violência nas relações de namoro das adolescentes em serviços de acolhimento.
To investigate the psychological and behavioral status and their influencing factors of children left behind in rural areas in China, 604 students were chosen from primary fifth grade, junior second grade and senior first grade in high schools in local villages and towns of Chongqing and Guizhou to complete some investegations. The results showed that children left behind actually had some internalizing problems including depression, state-trait anxiety, social anxiety, low self-esteem and some social problems in campus; however, they had no delinquency or aggression behaviors. Low parents’ educational level, low life standards, no-good parent-child relationship, the long years parent spent outside, the long time parent spent outside every year, the young age of child when his parent left him, the low contact frequency between parent and child when parent went out for work, all can be the influencing factors made child behave some psychological or behavioral problems. Children left behind need some appropriate psychological intervention, to improve parent-child relationship, to help release internalizing problems and amend interpersonal relationship at school. Several advices may be useful to improve psychological and behavioral problems of children left behind, which are for parents who work outside home not to work long to 10 years, or stay out for work more than 10 months per year, or left child to work when he is younger than two years old, or contact child more than one month after the last contact when work outside home, and you’d better contact child once a day. All of these could be helpful for children left behind to overcome some psychological or behavioral problems.
The exchange of information between the police and community partners forms a central aspect of effective community service provision. In the context of policing, a robust and timely communications mechanism is required between police agencies and community partner domains, including: Primary healthcare (such as a Family Physician or a General Practitioner); Secondary healthcare (such as hospitals); Social Services; Education; and Fire and Rescue services. Investigations into high-profile cases such as the Victoria Climbié murder in 2000, the murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman in 2002, and, more recently, the death of baby Peter Connelly through child abuse in 2007, highlight the requirement for a robust information-sharing framework. This paper presents a novel syntax that supports information-sharing requests, within strict data-sharing policy definitions. Such requests may form the basis for any information-sharing agreement that can exist between the police and their community partners. It defines a role-based architecture, with partner domains, with a syntax for the effective and efficient information sharing, using SPoC (Single Point-of-Contact) agents to control in-formation exchange. The application of policy definitions using rules within these SPoCs is inspired by network firewall rules and thus define information exchange permissions. These rules can be imple-mented by software filtering agents that act as information gateways between partner domains. Roles are exposed from each domain to give the rights to exchange information as defined within the policy definition. This work involves collaboration with the Scottish Police, as part of the Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR), and aims to improve the safety of individuals by reducing risks to the community using enhanced information-sharing mechanisms.
Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia Jurídica
To investigate women’s help seeking behavior (HSB) following self discovery of a breast symptom and determine the associated influencing factors. A descriptive correlation design was used to ascertain the help seeking behavior (HSB) and the associated influencing factors of a sample of women (n = 449) with self discovered breast symptoms. The study was guided by the ‘Help Seeking Behaviour and Influencing Factors” conceptual framework (Facione et al., 2002; Meechan et al., 2003, 2002; Leventhal, Brissette and Leventhal, 2003 and O’Mahony and Hegarty, 2009b). Data was collected using a researcher developed multi-scale questionnaire package to ascertain women’s help seeking behavior on self discovery of a breast symptom and determine the factors most associated with HSB. Factors examined include: socio-demographics, knowledge and beliefs (regarding breast symptom; breast changes associated with breast cancer; use of alternative help seeking behaviours and presence or absence of a family history of breast cancer),emotional responses, social factors, health seeking habits and health service system utilization and help seeking behavior. A convenience sample (n = 449 was obtained by the researcher from amongst women attending the breast clinics of two large urban hospitals within the Republic of Ireland. All participants had self-discovered breast symptoms and no previous history of breast cancer. The study identified that while the majority of women (69.9%; n=314) sought help within one month, 30.1% (n=135) delayed help seeking for more than one month following self discovery of their breast symptom. The factors most significantly associated with HSB were the presenting symptom of ‘nipple indrawn/changes’ (p = 0.005), ‘ignoring the symptom and hoping it would go away’ (p < 0.001), the emotional response of being ‘afraid@ on symptom discovery (p = 0.005) and the perception/belief in longer symptom duration (p = 0.023). It was found that women who presented with an indrawn/changed nipple were more likely to delay (OR = 4.81) as were women who ‘ignored the symptoms and hoped it would go away’ (OR = 10.717). Additionally, the longer women perceived that their symptom would last, they more likely they were to delay (OR = 1.18). Conversely, being afraid following symptom discovery was associated with less delay (OR = 0.37; p=0.005). This study provides further insight into the HSB of women who self discovered breast symptoms. It highlights the complexity of the help seeking process, indicating that is not a linear event but is influenced by multiple factors which can have a significant impact on the outcomes in terms of whether women delay or seek help promptly. The study further demonstrates that delayed HSB persists amongst women with self discovered breast symptoms. This has important implications for continued emphasis on the promotion of breast awareness, prompt help seeking for self discovered breast symptoms and early detection and treatment of breast cancer, amongst women of all ages.
Cross-cultural variations in conceptions of childhood are discussed, particularly with regard to child abuse and child labour. Regardless of cultural background, a universal minimum standard of child rearing is required. The street child literature is reviewed, culminating in an analysis of Ethiopian street children. Theoretically this work is informed by victimology. Concepts shared by victimology and rational choice perspective are discussed, after Fattah (1993a). Victim surveys are described, highlighting their accuracy of crime estimates. Juvenile prostitution, runaways and rape are examined, particularly with regard to their relevance in Addis Ababa. Fifty five male and 135 female street children were interviewed. Interviews with boys focused on delinquency. An age-related pattern emerged, with younger boys less likely to drink, chew khat, steal or be sexually active. Interviews with street girls focused on the differences between girls living on the streets (girls of the street), girls working on the streets (girls on the street) and a sample of homebased girls. Girls of the street come to the street come to the streets for many reasons. Conflicts with a parent or guardian account for almost 50%. They are highly vulnerable to sexual assaults, particularly those 43% who have worked as prostitutes. Girls on the street experience considerably less victimisation. Urban poor girls live in socio-economic circumstances akin to girls on the street but enjoy almost universal protection from victimisation because they do not spend time on the streets. Unprotected by the stability which a family provides, girls of the street experience high victimisation levels. Such victimisation is often the result of reliance on types of work, such as prostitution, which brings the girls into contact with exploitative adults. Resistance to such victimisation is provided by a secure place to sleep, companions, and relatively safe types of work. Such protective factors are more readily available to family based children as compared to those living independently.
The psychology of immersion and development of a quantitative measure of immersive response in games
This study sets out to investigate the psychology of immersion and the immersive response of individuals in relation to video and computer games. Initially, an exhaustive review of literature is presented, including research into games, player demographics, personality and identity. Play in traditional psychology is also reviewed, as well as previous research into immersion and attempts to define and measure this construct. An online qualitative study was carried out (N=38), and data was analysed using content analysis. A definition of immersion emerged, as well as a classification of two separate types of immersion, namely, vicarious immersion and visceral immersion. A survey study (N=217) verified the discrete nature of these categories and rejected the null hypothesis that there was no difference between individuals' interpretations of vicarious and visceral immersion. The primary aim of this research was to create a quantitative instrument which measures the immersive response as experienced by the player in a single game session. The IMX Questionnaire was developed using data from the initial qualitative study and quantitative survey. Exploratory Factor Analysis was carried out on data from 300 participants for the IMX Version 1, and Confirmatory Factor Analysis was conducted on data from 380 participants on the IMX Version 2. IMX Version 3 was developed from the results of these analyses. This questionnaire was found to have high internal consistency reliability and validity.
To investigate the symptom burden experiences of individuals with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). An explanatory sequential mixed methods study was conducted. A cross-sectional, correlational survey was first undertaken. Symptom burden was measured using a modified disease specific version of the Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale, which was administered to a consecutive sample of individuals with IBD (n = 247) at an IBD Outpatients department in one urban teaching hospital in Ireland. Disease activity was determined using clinical disease activity indices, which were completed by the consulting physician. A sequential qualitative, descriptive study was then conducted aimed at explaining noteworthy quantitative findings. A criterion-related purposeful sample of seven participants from the quantitative study was recruited. Semi-structured face to face interviews were conducted using an interview guide and data were analysed using content analysis. Findings revealed that participants experienced a median of 10 symptoms during the last week, however as many as 16 symptoms were experienced during active disease. The most burdensome symptoms were lack of energy, bowel urgency, diarrhoea, feeling bloated, flatulence and worry. Total symptom burden was found to be low with a mean score of 0.56 identified out of a possible range from 0 to 4. Participants with active disease (M = 0.81, SD = 0.48; n = 68) had almost double mean total symptom burden scores than participants with inactive disease (M = 0.46, SD = 0.43; n = 166) (p < 0.001). Mean total psychological symptom burden was found to be significantly greater than mean total physical symptom burden (rho = 0.73, n = 247, p < 0.001). Self-reported disease control, gender, number of flare ups in the last two years, and smoking status was found to be significant predictors of total symptom burden, with self-reported disease control identified as the strongest predictor. Qualitative data revealed tiredness, pain, bowel symptoms, worry and fear as being burdensome. Furthermore, symptom burden experiences were described in terms of its impact on restricting aspects of daily activities, which accumulated into restrictions on general life events. Psychological symptom burden was revealed as more problematic than physical symptom burden due to its constant nature, with physical and psychological symptoms described to occur in a cyclical manner. Participants revealed that disease control was evaluated not only in terms of symptoms, but also in terms of their abilities to control the impact of symptoms on their lives. This study highlights the considerable number of symptoms and the most burdensome symptoms experienced by individuals with IBD, both during active and inactive disease. This study has important implications on symptom assessment in terms of the need to encompass both physical and psychological symptoms. In addition, greater attention needs to be placed on psychological aspects of IBD care.
This thesis involved researching normative family discourses which are mediated through educational settings. The traditional family, consisting of father, mother and children all living together in one house is no longer reflective of the home situation of many Irish students (Lunn and Fahey, 2011). My study problematizes the dominant discourses which reflect how family differences are managed and recognised in schools. A framework using Foucauldian post structural critical analysis traces family stratification through the organisation of institutional and interpersonal relations at micro level in four post-primary schools. Standardising procedures such as the suppression of intimate relations between and among teacher and student, as well as the linear ordering of intergenerational relations, such as teacher/student and adult/child are critiqued. Normalising discourses operate in practices such as notes home which presume two parents together. Teacher assumptions about heterosexual two-parent families make it difficult for students to be open about a family setup that is constructed as different to the rest of the schools'. The management of family difference and deficit through pastoral care structures suggests a school-based politics of family adjustment. These practices beg the question whether families are better off not telling the school about their family identity. My thesis will be of interest to educational research and educational policy because it highlights how changing demographics such as family compositions are mis-conceptualised in schools, as well as revealing the changing forms of family governance through regimes such as pastoral care. This analysis allows for the existence of, and a valuing for, alternative modes of family existence, so that future curricular and legal discourses can be challenged in the interest of equity and social justice.
Practice Links is a free e-publication for practitioners working in Irish social services, voluntary and nongovernmental sectors. Practice Links was created to enable practitioners to keep up-to-date with new publications, electronic resources and conference opportunities. Issue 56 includes listings for upcoming conferences, resources, recent policy reports as well as reviews of publications.
Externalizing behavior problems of 124 adolescents were assessed across Grades 7-11. In Grade 9, participants were also assessed across social-cognitive domains after imagining themselves as the object of provocations portrayed in six videotaped vignettes. Participants responded to vignette-based questions representing multiple processes of the response decision step of social information processing. Phase 1 of our investigation supported a two-factor model of the response evaluation process of response decision (response valuation and outcome expectancy). Phase 2 showed significant relations between the set of these response decision processes, as well as response selection, measured in Grade 9 and (a) externalizing behavior in Grade 9 and (b) externalizing behavior in Grades 10-11, even after controlling externalizing behavior in Grades 7-8. These findings suggest that on-line behavioral judgments about aggression play a crucial role in the maintenance and growth of aggressive response tendencies in adolescence.