497 resultados para AREO


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The importance of the airport sector in the development of a country refers to the need for studies on management of airports, to aid the process of decision making. In Brazil, growth in passenger demand is why investments in order to balance the capacity of an airport with air demand. Thus, the study aims to develop a model for Dynamic Systems able to assist airport management in Brazilian sizing subsystems an airport (Passenger Terminal, Runway and Patio). The methodology of this work consists in the steps of defining the problem, formulating the hypothesis dynamic building simulation model, and validation experiments. Finally, we examined the status of each subsystem in thirteen Brazilian airports in scenarios current, most likely and optimistic for air passenger demand


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Sotalia guianensis is a small cetacean of the Delphinidae family, with coastal habits and whose area of distribution ranges from Florianópolis (27º35'S, 48º34'W), in Brazil, to Honduras (15º58'N, 85º42'W). At Pipa beach, on the south coast of RN state, in Brazil, the species occur throughout the year. The present study was carried out in two bays, which are bordered by cliffs. The animals were monitored from vantage points, using the "Ad libitum" and "all the occurrences" methods; during the years of 1999 and 2004. The study was divided in 4 chapters: Behavioral standards of two populations of gray dolphin, (Sotalia guianensis, Van Benédén, 1864) in the northeast of Brazil; Aerial activity of the gray dolphin: its possible function and the influence of environmental and behavioral factors; The influence of daily and monthly variation of the tides, of the period of the day and group size on the gray dolphin forage activity; kleptoparasitism interactions of frigatebird (Fregata magnificens, Mattheus, 1914) during the gray dolphin forage activity. The results have shown that the gray dolphin has a varied and complex behavioral repertoire. The leap is the most frequent behavior; the aerial activity is diffuse during daylight and is influenced by some factors, such as the level of the tide and social factors. The gray dolphin, when in the bay, most frequently feeds isolate or in small groups. The forage is diffuse during daylight; however, being more frequent in the morning and is influenced by the daily and monthly variation of the tide. At Pipa beach, kleptoparasitarian interactions were registered between the gray dolphin and the frigatebird (Fregata magnificens). The frigatebird forage strategy consists basically of two ways: to fly over great extensions searching for dead fish and to steal food (kleptoparasitism). These interactions were predominantly carried out between immature and female adult birds and adult and immature dolphins, and occurred during daylight. The present study can be considered an initial landmark to a better knowledge on the gray dolphin surface behavior, especially regarding the aerial behavioral repertoire and forage strategy of this species. However, it is necessary to continue these studies, so that we can understand better the complex social life of these animals and thus create effective measures for its conservation


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In Fazenda Belém oil field (Potiguar Basin, Ceará State, Brazil) occur frequently sinkholes and sudden terrain collapses associated to an unconsolidated sedimentary cap covering the Jandaíra karst. This research was carried out in order to understand the mechanisms of generation of these collapses. The main tool used was Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). This work is developed twofold: one aspect concerns methodology improvements in GPR data processing whilst another aspect concerns the geological study of the Jandaíra karst. This second aspect was strongly supported both by the analysis of outcropping karst structures (in another regions of Potiguar Basin) and by the interpretation of radargrams from the subsurface karst in Fazenda Belém. It was designed and tested an adequate flux to process GPR data which was adapted from an usual flux to process seismic data. The changes were introduced to take into account important differences between GPR and Reflection Seismic methods, in particular: poor coupling between source and ground, mixed phase of the wavelet, low signal-to-noise ratio, monochannel acquisition, and high influence of wave propagation effects, notably dispersion. High frequency components of the GPR pulse suffer more pronounced effects of attenuation than low frequency components resulting in resolution losses in radargrams. In Fazenda Belém, there is a stronger need of an suitable flux to process GPR data because both the presence of a very high level of aerial events and the complexity of the imaged subsurface karst structures. The key point of the processing flux was an improvement in the correction of the attenuation effects on the GPR pulse based on their influence on the amplitude and phase spectra of GPR signals. In low and moderate losses dielectric media the propagated signal suffers significant changes only in its amplitude spectrum; that is, the phase spectrum of the propagated signal remains practically unaltered for the usual travel time ranges. Based on this fact, it is shown using real data that the judicious application of the well known tools of time gain and spectral balancing can efficiently correct the attenuation effects. The proposed approach can be applied in heterogeneous media and it does not require the precise knowledge of the attenuation parameters of the media. As an additional benefit, the judicious application of spectral balancing promotes a partial deconvolution of the data without changing its phase. In other words, the spectral balancing acts in a similar way to a zero phase deconvolution. In GPR data the resolution increase obtained with spectral balancing is greater than those obtained with spike and predictive deconvolutions. The evolution of the Jandaíra karst in Potiguar Basin is associated to at least three events of subaerial exposition of the carbonatic plataform during the Turonian, Santonian, and Campanian. In Fazenda Belém region, during the mid Miocene, the Jandaíra karst was covered by continental siliciclastic sediments. These sediments partially filled the void space associated to the dissolution structures and fractures. Therefore, the development of the karst in this region was attenuated in comparison to other places in Potiguar Basin where this karst is exposed. In Fazenda Belém, the generation of sinkholes and terrain collapses are controlled mainly by: (i) the presence of an unconsolidated sedimentary cap which is thick enough to cover completely the karst but with sediment volume lower than the available space associated to the dissolution structures in the karst; (ii) the existence of important structural of SW-NE and NW-SE alignments which promote a localized increase in the hydraulic connectivity allowing the channeling of underground water, thus facilitating the carbonatic dissolution; and (iii) the existence of a hydraulic barrier to the groundwater flow, associated to the Açu-4 Unity. The terrain collapse mechanisms in Fazenda Belém occur according to the following temporal evolution. The meteoric water infiltrates through the unconsolidated sedimentary cap and promotes its remobilization to the void space associated with the dissolution structures in Jandaíra Formation. This remobilization is initiated at the base of the sedimentary cap where the flow increases its abrasion due to a change from laminar to turbulent flow regime when the underground water flow reaches the open karst structures. The remobilized sediments progressively fill from bottom to top the void karst space. So, the void space is continuously migrated upwards ultimately reaching the surface and causing the sudden observed terrain collapses. This phenomenon is particularly active during the raining season, when the water table that normally is located in the karst may be temporarily located in the unconsolidated sedimentary cap


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: em função das relações anatomofuncionais do osso hióide com o complexo craniofacial, realizou-se avaliação cefalométrica da posição do osso hióide em relação ao padrão respiratório. A amostra consistiu de 53 crianças, gênero feminino, com idades médias de 10 anos, sendo 28 respiradoras nasais e 25, bucais. As medidas cefalométricas horizontais, verticais e angulares foram utilizadas com a finalidade de determinar a posição do osso hióide. Estabeleceu-se uma comparação entre os grupos por meio do teste t de student, bem como correlação de Pearson entre as variáveis. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que não ocorreram diferenças estatísticas significativas para a posição mandibular e posição do osso hióide e o tipo do padrão respiratório. No Triângulo Hióideo, o coeficiente de correlação de 0,40 foi significativo entre AA-ENP (distância entre vértebra atlas e espinha nasal posterior) e C3-H (distância entre a terceira vértebra cervical e osso hióide) demonstrando uma relação positiva entre os limites ósseos do espaço aéreo superior e inferior. Para as medidas cranianas sugeriu-se uma relação entre a posição do osso hióide com a morfologia mandibular. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados permitiram concluir que o osso hióide mantém uma posição estável, provavelmente, para garantir as proporções corretas das vias aéreas e não depende do padrão respiratório predominante.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito dos cortes efetuados a 0, 15, 30 e 45 cm sobre algumas características morfofisiológicas do Pennisetum purpureum, Schum. cv. Roxo nas épocas seca e chuvosa no Brejo Paraibano. As amostras foram obtidas de uma área útil de 8,4 m² de cada parcela. Após o corte de uniformização, efetuaram-se dois cortes no período seco, em intervalos de 90 dias, e três no período chuvoso, em intervalos de 60 dias. Foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: perfilhamento, altura das plantas, porcentagens de folhas e colmos e relação folha/colmo (RF/C). Aos 25 dias após cada corte, foram feitas as contagens dos perfilhos existentes nas parcelas. de cada parcela tomou-se uma amostra de 3 a 5 perfilhos, seca em estufa, e separaram-se as frações de folhas e colmos. Houve interação dos fatores (altura x época do corte) quanto ao número de perfilhos por m² e à RF/C. No período chuvoso, houve mais perfilhos basais que no período seco, e o número de perfilhos aéreo foi superior em todos os cortes acima do nível do solo. A RF/C foi superior na época chuvosa nas alturas de 30 e 45 cm do solo. Cortes mais altos apresentaram maior proporção de folhas e menor proporção de colmos. Os percentuais de folhas na época chuvosa foram maiores que os da época seca.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA