997 resultados para 366.2487


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The double-stranded-RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR) is an important component in an antiviral defence pathway that is mediated by interferon (IFN) in vertebrates. Previously, some important IFN system genes had been identified from an IFN-producing CAB (crucian carp Carassius auratus blastulae embryonic) cells after treatment with UV-inactivated GCHV (grass carp haemorrhage virus). Here, a fish PKR-like gene, named CaPKR-like, is cloned and sequenced from the same virally infected CAB cells. It has 2192 base pairs in length with a largest open reading frame (ORF) encoding a protein of 513 amino acid residues. BLAST search reveals that the putative CaPKR-like protein is most homologous to human PKR and also has a high-level homology with all members of a family of eIF2alpha kinases. Structurally, CaPKR-like possesses a conserved C-terminal catalytic domain of eIF2alpha kinase family and the most similarity to mammalian PKRs. Within its N-terminus, there are no dsRNA-binding domains conserved in mammalian PKRs instead of two putative Z-DNA binding domains (Zalpha). Like mammalian PKRs, CaPKR-like had a very low level of constitutive expression in normal CAB cells but was up-regulated in response to active GCHV, UV-inactivated GCHV and CAB IFN, implying that the transcriptional activation of CaPKR-like by viral infection is mediated possibly by newly produced CAB IFN, which was further supported by using cycloheximide, a potent inhibitor of protein synthesis. The results together suggested that CaPKR-like was the first identified fish gene most similar to mammalian PKRs. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Four 1-week trials were conducted to determine the effects of feeding rates on growth performance and body proximate composition of white sturgeon larvae during each of the first 4 weeks after initiation of feeding. Feeding rates (% body weight day(-1)) were 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 for trial I; 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 for trial II; and 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.5, 12.5, and 15.0 for trials III and TV Four tanks with 200 larvae each were randomly assigned to each of the six feeding rates. Average initial body weights of the larvae were 49, 94, 180, and 366 mg, respectively, for trials I-IV. The larvae were kept at 19-20 degreesC in circular tanks and fed continuously one of two commercial salmonid soft-moist feeds using automatic feeders. Proximate composition (%) of the feeds for trials I-III and IV were 13.9 and 14.9 moisture, 52.5 and 50.0 crude protein, 10.3 and 12.9 crude fat, and 8.1 and 8.7 ash, respectively. Except mortality in trial I, gain per food fed in trial III, and body ash in all trials, growth performance and body composition were significantly (P<0.05) affected by all feeding rates. Broken line analysis on specific growth rates indicated the optimum feeding rates of white sturgeon larvae to be 26%, 13%, 11%, and 6% body weight day-respectively, for weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4 after initiation of feeding. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A software has been developed for the peak recognition of 136 polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) after high resolution gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (HRGC/HRMS). Based on the retention times of C-13 labelled 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDD/F internal standards, the retention times of all PCDD and PCDF can be calibrated automatically and accurately. Therefore, it is very convenient to identify the peaks by comparing the retention of samples and the calibrated retention times of their chromatograms. Hence, this approach is very significant because it is impossible to obtain always a standard chromatogram and PCDD/F analysis are very expensive and time consuming. The calibration results can be transferred to Excel for calculation. The approach is a first step to store costly and environmentally relevant data for future application.


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We propose a method for uniformly calculating the electronic states of a hydrogenic donor impurity in low-dimensional semiconductor nano-structures in the framework of effective-mass envelope-function theory, and we study the electronic structures of this systems. Compared to previous methods, our method has the following merits: (a) It can be widely applied in the calculation of the electronic states of hydrogenic donor impurities in nano-structures of various shapes; (b) It can easily be extended to study the effects of external fields and other complex cases; (c) The excited states are more easily calculated than with the variational method; (d) It is convenient to calculate the change of the electronic states with the position of a hydrogenic donor impurity in nano-structures; (e) The binding energy can be calculated explicitly. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a novel method for determining semiconductor parameters such as diffusion length L, lifetime tau and surface recombination velocity S of minority carriers by employing scanning electron microscopy (SEM). This new method is applicable to both electron beam induced current (EBIC and surface electron beam induced voltage (SEBIV) modes in SEM. The quantitative descriptions for EBIC and SEBIV signals are derived. The parameters L, S and tau can be directly extracted from the expressions for EBIC or SEBIV signals and their relaxation characteristics in experiment. As an example, the values of L, S and tau for n-p junction and p-Si crystal are determined by using the novel method in EBIC or SEBIV mode. The carrier diffusion length of a p-Si crystal is determined to be 8.74 mum in SEBIV mode. It is very close to the normal diffusion length of 7.41 mum of this sample. The novel method is proved to be very helpful for the quantitative characterization of semiconductor materials and devices. Especially, the SEBIV mode in SEM shows great potential for investigating semiconductor structures nondestructively.


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A metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) ultraviolet photodetector has been fabricated using unintentionally doped n-GaN films grown on sapphire substrates. Its dark current, photocurrent under the illumination with lambda = 360 nm light, responsivity, and the dependence of responsivity on bias voltage were measured at room temperature. The dark current of the photodetector is 1.03 nA under 5 V bias, and is 15.3 nA under 10 V bias. A maximum responsivity of 0.166 A/W has been achieved under the illumination with lambda = 366 nm light and 15 V bias. It exhibits a typical sharp band-edge cutoff at the wavelength of 366 nm, and a high responsivity at the wavelength from 320 nm to 366 nm. Its responsivity under the illumination with lambda = 360 nm light increases when the bias voltage increases.


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With the variational cumulant expansion (VCE) method, the thermodynamic behaviors of S = 1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg films in simple cubic lattices are studied analytically. From the analytic properties of the free energy, in principle we are able to calculate analytically the critical temperatures T-c(L) and the thermodynamic functions, to any order cumulant as the functions of the number of L (the hyperlayers in the hyperfilm). Explicit expressions for T-c(L) up to the fourth order are given. A comparison with the existing results for 3-dimensional system is given. The effective range of the interaction is obtained from numerical results.


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Threading dislocations in the III-V heterostructure system are investigated based on the observation of dislocations in the In0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs superlattice with transmission electron microscope. To explain both the presence and orientation of threading dislocations in the epilayers an alloy effect on the dislocation lines in ternary III-V compounds is proposed, and, in addition, a pseudo-stable state for threading dislocations in binary compounds is recognized. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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结合“九五”期间CIMS实施的经历 ,从炼油企业所面临的新问题出发提出了实施CIMS的必要性 ,以炼油企业增值链为基础描述了炼油企业CIMS的一般结构和实施原则 ,最后提出一个实例 ,简要介绍了CL -CIMS的功能结构。


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通过冬小麦田间试验,研究了免耕、深松、翻耕三种不同耕作措施对土壤物理特性的影响。结果表明:冬小麦收获时,免耕与其它处理相比,增大了土壤容重、土壤硬度,其土壤干筛法>0.25 mm团聚体含量比深松和翻耕每层平均增加3%和5%,但较冬小麦耕作处理前每层平均下降5%;免耕条件下,湿筛法>0.25 mm团聚体含量比深松和翻耕每层平均增加11%和32%,较冬小麦耕作处理前每层平均下降42%;免耕可增加土壤蓄水量,收获期土壤蓄水量为373.1 mm,较深松和翻耕提高17%和8%;随着降水量的增加,冬小麦收获期水分入渗速率逐渐减少;且不同耕作方式水分入渗速率为免耕>深松>翻耕。


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稀土掺杂的长余辉发光玻璃是一种新型的发光材料,其应用范围可以从传统的弱光照明领域延伸到信息存储领域。我们在探找新型的长余辉发光玻璃体系的过程中,总结了一些设计长余辉玻璃材料的方法,研究了稀土离子在玻璃基质中的发光行为和斓系离子与材料中缺陷的作用。我们在论文中首次报道了稀土掺杂的碱土硼硅酸盐玻璃的长余辉发光和光激励长余辉发光现象。试激活的碱土硼硅酸盐玻璃(Ro-BZO3-5102:TbZo3,R=Mg,ca,s几B。)在254 nm紫外光辐照30 min以后,余辉时间长达6-10个小时。将激发后的玻璃避光保存24小时至余辉消失后,再使用低能量的366 nm的紫外光檄发样品,玻璃会重新发射长余辉,即产生光激励长余辉发光;而未预先经254 nm紫外光辐照的玻璃没有光激励长余辉现象发生。在这一体系中,光激励长余辉的衰减与首次激发的长余辉的衰减具有不同的衰减规律,辅以吸收光谱和热释光谱的表征,我们对其发光的机理进行了探讨。我们还研究了三价稀土离子在碱土硼硅酸盐玻璃中的发光性质,以及共掺稀土和其他金属离子对试激活的碱土硼硅酸盐玻璃荧光和长余辉发光的影响。此外1本论文还首次报道了Du3+,Tm+和Zr4+等离子在玻璃中的长余辉发光现象。


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首先,利用现代软电离质谱技术--一电喷雾质谱技术以及电喷雾源内碰撞诱导解离(CID)技术,对传统中药--一黄连中的生物碱类化合物小聚碱及其同分异构体表小粟碱化合物的质谱碎裂机理进行了详细研究,实验结果表明,随着碰撞能量的变化,两者的质谱碎裂规律具有明显的差异,据此,建立了简便、快速、准确的小巢碱和表小聚碱两种同分异构体化合物区分的质谱新方法,为该类药材及其相应的中药制剂的质控提供了有效的手段和方法。其次,还利用电喷雾多级串联质谱(ESI-MSn)技术,系统地研究了传统中药--一黄连中生物碱类化合物的质谱碎裂规律,我们通过一级质谱的数据,获得了黄连中生物碱类化合物的分子量信息,并对其中五个已知的生物碱进行了初步的确认,同时,通过一级质谱的结果,首次在黄连中发现的分子量为366的未知生物碱类化合物,并通过电喷雾多级串联质谱技术对上述六种化合物的结构进行了详细的研究,结合标准样品的串联质谱数据和文献资料,确认了五个已知的生物碱类化合物分别为小粟碱、巴马汀、药根碱、黄连碱和13-甲基小桨碱,并推断未知生物碱类化合物为13-甲基巴马汀,建立了黄连中生物碱类化合物简便、快速的质谱分析表征新方法,并为其他传统中药中生物碱类化合物的分析与表征积累了重要的理论数据,更重要的是建立了传统中药中未知生物碱类化合物确认和结构分析的质谱方法。此外,还利用量子化学DFT-B3LYP方法,6-31G(d)基组,详细研究了传统中药黄连中小璧碱分子的质谱碎片的相对稳定性。并通过对结合能的理论计算,探讨 质谱碎裂过程中关键基团的相对活性。结合几何参数比较和前线分子轨道分析等方法,从理论上解释了小聚碱化合物的质谱碎裂规律的合理性、分子结构特征及基团活性等,为研究该化合物的药效作用机理,以及药物分子的全合成提供理论依据。同时,还利用电喷雾质谱和薄层层析等方法,对含有黄连的传统复方--一半夏泻心汤进行了初步的考察研究,通过复方中黄连的阴、阳性溶液对比分析,发现在半夏泻心汤中主要的生物碱类化合物,如:小聚碱、巴马汀、药跟碱、黄连碱在复方煎煮过程中在仅仅表现在数量的变化,而没有质的变化,进一步揭示了在半夏泻心汤复方中黄连中的生物碱类化合物的变化规律,为阐明传统复方的药效物质基础提供了科学依据。最后,确定了黄连中生物碱类化合物的毛细管电泳分析的最佳条件,并对黄连中小粟碱化合物进行了定量分析研究,建立了生物碱类化合物毛细管电泳分析的新方法。


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Ge self-assembled quantum dots (SAQDs) are grown with a self-assembled UHV/CVD epitaxy system. Then,the as-grown Ge quantum dots are annealed by ArF excimer laser. In the ultra-shot laser pulse duration,~20ns, bulk diffusion is forbidden, and only surface diffusion occurs, resulting in a laser induced quantum dot (LIQD). The diameter of the LIQD is 20~25nm which is much smaller than the as-grown dot and the LIQD has a higher density of about 6 × 10~(10)cm~(-2). The surface morphology evolution is investigated by AFM.