979 resultados para 310901 Anatomía


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The hyperdontia teeth is an anomaly of unknown cause, characterized by increased numbers of teeth. It occurs more frequently in the maxilla, preferably in males, and is more common in permanent dentition. The presence of supernumerary teeth can be responsible for alterations in the permanent dentition, such as the delay in the eruption and dislocations. In addition, the patient may have abnormal occlusion, resorption of adjacent teeth and cyst formation. This article describes in a male patient, 9 years old, the presence of two upper right lateral incisor and one upper left lateral incisor, permanent, partially erupted. Radiological examination revealed a second left upper lateral incisor, unerupted. It should be noted that both, in the region of the 1.2 as in 2.2, the teeth showed normal anatomy and not the conoid appearance commonly observed in supernumerary teeth. In our case, in order to perform orthodontic treatment surgical removal of the teeth noted above was indicated.


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Light microscopy analysis of the mural structure of the common carotid artery, internal carotid artery and external carotid artery in mongrel dog revealed variability in the middle values of vascular diameter and thickness of the intimal plus medial coats and adventitial coat. The vascular diameter did not differ between the internal carotid artery and external carotid artery, but was significantly increased in the common carotid artery from which the other two arteries had origin. The increased thickness of the intimal plus medial coats of the common carotid artery revealed the constant mechanical adjustment of the arterial wall and local shearing stress that occurred among the arterial coats. The adventitial coat of the internal carotid artery was significantly thicker than those of the common carotid and external carotid arteries, with no significant difference noted between the latter arteries. These histomorphometric results were related to the qualitative observations regarding the mural structure of the three arteries analyzed, especially regarding to the increased thickness and structural complexity of the adventitial coat of the internal carotid artery. Perhaps it acted as an external protective sheath of the vascular wall during its long course until the carotid channel. © 2006 Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía.


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The aim of this work is to present, by a literature review, the principal characteristics of TGF-beta, in the regulation and new bone formation. © 2007 Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía.


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The concentration of total protein measured by photocolorimetric methodology and reported as units per 100 mg of tissue decreased from the initial segment to the cauda epididymidis of the Golden hamster, being significant the numeric difference observed between these two regions. This observation was related with an increased synthesis and secretion of proteins to the lumen in proximal segments of the epididymidis duct, mainly in initial segment, as proposed for other rodents. LDH activity was higher in initial segment and distal cauda than in the caput and corpus epididymidis, although no significant differences in mean values had been observed. The high LDH activity observed in initial segment and cauda epididymidis of hamster had been related to an expressive epithelium metabolic activity presented in these regions. This metabolic activity help to guarantee the survival of spermatozoa stored in cauda epididymidis. Furthermore, lower LDH activity noted in the caput and corpus epididymidis might be related with a progressive reduction of glycolysis in initial maturation step of spermatozoa mainly verified in corpus epididymidis. © 2007 Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía.


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The aim of this article is to present the decalcification process dynamic of mineralized tissue in dogs, teeth and jaw, comparing the traditional decalcification method, immersion, and microwave, immersion followed by irradiation using a domestic microwave oven, accompanying the liberation of calcium through spectrophotometer of atomic absorption. It was used as decalcified agent, EDTA solution or nitric acid. The results showed that with the use of nitric acid (5%), after 15 days, the irradiated fragments could be processed for histological analysis, otherwise the tooth not irradiated need to be submerged for 65 days. The EDTA decalcified action was slower than the nitric acid. The histological observations of the irradiated samples showed an excellent preservation of the morphological characteristics, independently of the decalcified agent used. © 2007 Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía.


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The localization of peroxidase activity in different cell regions is used as a criterion for the classification of the stage of maturation of mammalian mononuclear phagocytes with a positive peroxidase reaction indicating the presence of monoblasts, promonocytes, monocytes and macrophages. In this study it was evaluated the peroxidase activity of blood mononuclear phagocytes of this turtle detected at different stages of differentiation. The present observations suggest that, in turtles, the differentiation of mononuclear phagocytes occur in the blood circulation, in contrast to animals, where only are monocytes in circulating blood and macrophage differentiation occurs in other body compartments. © 2007 Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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The purpose of the Dental Sculpture and Anatomy discipline is to introduce undergraduate students to the study of the anatomic and morphological characteristics of permanent and primary human dentition, through classes, books and cognitive and psychomotor activities. This discipline supports the teaching of specific knowledge necessary for a more extensive education, involving interdisciplinarity as a means of knowledge exchange among several areas of dentistry, to achieve comprehensive professional education. Students must recognize the dental morphology from samples of preserved teeth, and reproduce the morphology through three-dimensional models made of stone or wax blocks. In this article, the authors describe the process for producing teeth collars and macro dental models made of stone, their importance and benefits of utilization. The purpose of the study was to encourage the teaching of Dental Sculpture and Anatomy toundergraduate students of the Bauru School of Dentistry, University of Sao Paulo, through activities that would associate theory, practice and the development of manual skills.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Análise retrospectiva de prontuários de pacientes com instabilidade C1-C2 de causas traumáticas e não-traumáticas, submetidos à artrodese C1-C2. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada análise retrospectiva de prontuários de 20 pacientes do ambulatório de coluna do IOT-HCFMUSP com idades entre 7 e 83 anos (média de 43 anos), de ambos os sexos. Os parâmetros radiográficos para instabilidade foram baseados na medida do intervalo atlanto-axial superior a 3 mm em adultos e a 5 mm em crianças, utilizando-se medidas obtidas através de radiografia simples analisada no perfil. RESULTADOS: Foram operados 20 pacientes com instabilidade cervical alta, a maioria de origem traumática. A técnica cirúrgica mais utilizada foi a artrodese descrita por Magerl. Não foram observadas lesões vasculares. Foi registrada complicação infecciosa em dois pacientes. Obteve-se uma taxa de consolidação da artrodese de 85% e não foram necessárias cirurgias de revisão. CONCLUSÃO: Todas as técnicas utilizadas produziram a consolidação óssea satisfatória e foram excelentes para controlar a instabilidade atlanto-axial.


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La ricerca analizza il tema della relazione tra storia e narrazione nella letteratura degli ultimi quindici anni in tre contesti nazionali: Italia, Spagna e Portogalo. Per indagare un campo così vasto si sono identificate tre direttrici principali connesse tra loro, coincidenti con tre "crisi": la crisi del rapporto tra letteratura e mercato, la crisi del concetto di verità e la crisi dello stato nazione. Attraverso le riflessioni sul postmoderno (Lyotard, Jameson Hutcheon) e l’analisi di Bourdieu si indaga il rapporto tra mercato e autore letterario, facendo particolare riferimento ai percorsi letterari di Rafael Chirbes, Mia Couto e Wu Ming. Il tema della forma letteraria è invece letto atttraverso le analisi di Hutcheon e analizzando i testi di Helder Macedo (Pedro e Paula), Isaac Rosa (¡Otra maldita novela sobre la guerra civil!) e Tommaso De Lorenzis-Guido Favale (L’aspra stagione). La crisi del concetto di verità viene analizzata alla luce del dibattito sulla storiografia nella seconda metà del Novecento. In particolare si evidenzia la tensione tra Hayden White e Carlo Ginzuburg. Per evidenziare come le relazioni di potere influenzino la narrazione della storia si fa inoltre riferimento alle analisi di Michel Foucault, Michel de Certeau, Stephen Greenbaltt e Gayatri Spivak. Si analizzano quindi Anatomía de un instante, di Javier Cercas, Romanzo criminale, di Giancarlo de Cataldo e As três vidas, di João Tordo. Infine ci si riferisce alla crisi dello stato-nazione individuando una tensione tra le analisi di György Lukács e Franco Moretti, e allargando la riflessione agli studi sociologici di Immanuel Wallerstein e Saskia Sassen. Inoltre, attraverso i testi di Benedict Anderson, Homi B. Bhabha, José Saramao e Eduardo Lourenço si articola una riflessione sull’immaginario politico nazionale. I testi analizzati sono Victus, di Albert Sánchez Piñol, Pro Patria, di Ascanio Celestini e A voz da terra di Miguel Real.


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En este artículo analizo dilemas y paradojas que plantea la modernidad en el caso de los Takshek Qom o tobas del oriente de Formosa (Argentina). Para ello me centro en la experiencia del lkillakte o corazón como uno de los núcleos vitales y existenciales de la persona. Allí se alojan las distintas clases de poder shamánico y también es sede de los pensamientos y las emociones. Me interesa explorar qué le pasa en términos simbólicos al corazón shamánico frente al contacto con el catolicismo y el evangelismo, y sus definiciones de lo sagrado y el poder numinoso, la enfermedad y la terapia. De este modo es posible observar al corazón como un lugar-proceso que ha transformado sus fronteras, redefiniendo su anatomía y fisiología ontológicas. Así, como un operador metonímico sensible, los azares del corazón hamánico condensan eventos, símbolos y metáforas significativas de la historia qom.


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Fil: Perinetti, H. A.. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Departamento de Medicina Quirúrgica