849 resultados para “On Call work”
[ES] Pedro de Viteri (Mondragón, 1833-Biarritz, 1908) llegó a su villa natal en 1893, después de haber vivido en Francia desde que era un niño. Volvió con el ánimo de emprender una labor filantrópica que cambió la fisonomía urbana de Mondragón, imprimiendo un aire nuevo y moderno a una villa que a la sazón distaba mucho del ambiente en el que él se había movido.
The instrument described in this report is an updated version of the high precision, automated Winkler titration system described by Friederich et al.(1984). The original instrument was based on the work of Bryan et al. (1976) who developed a colorimetric endpoint detector and on the work of Williams and Jenkinson (1982) who produced an automated system that used this detector. The goals of our updated version of the device described by Friederich et al. (1984) were as follows: 1) Move control of the system to the MS-DOS environment because HP-85 computers are no longer in production and because more user-friendly programs could be written using the IBM XT or AT computers that control the new device. 2) Use more "off the shelf" components and reduce the parts count in the new system so that it could be easily constructed and maintained. This report describes how to construct and use the new automated Winkler titration device. It also includes information on the chemistry of the Winkler titration, and detailed instructions on how to prepare reagents, collect samples, standardize and perform the titrations (Appendix I: Codispoti, L.A. 1991 On the determination of dissolved oxygen in sea water, 15pp.). A disk containing the program needed to operate the new device is also included. (pdf contains 33 pages)
Paul Richardson, account manager for Jisc Wales, attended OER15. In this podcast Paul talks to us about some of the learnings from the event, and how Jisc is helping institutions to make best use of open educational resources, touching on our work with Bangor University.
Effective Practice with e-Portfolios, one in a series of Effective Practice guides, uses the outcomes of recent significant projects and examples from current practice to explore how e-portfolios can add value to personalised and reflective models of learning. Drawing on the work of key national agencies and organisations and on excellent practice and recent initiatives by institutions and professional bodies, the guide illustrates a wide variety of e-portfolio use across further, higher and continuing education.
The outputs from the pilot work with CIBT to develop scenario guide based on existing work across European business, adding an education and more specifically IT perspective to generic scenarios.
Data has always been fundamental to many areas of research but in recent years it has become central to more disciplines and inter-disciplinary projects and grown substantially in scale and complexity. There is increasing awareness of its strategic importance as a resource in addressing modern global challenges and the possibilities being unlocked by rapid technological advances and their application in research (NAS2009). The first Keeping Research Data Safe study funded by JISC made a major contribution to understanding of long-term preservation costs for research data by developing a cost model and identifying cost variables for preserving research data in UK universities (Beagrie et al, 2008). The Keeping Research Data Safe 2 (KRDS2) project has built on this work.
Javier Alonso Aldama, Cirilo García Román e Idoia Mamolar Sánchez (eds)
Pipes containing flammable gaseous mixtures may be subjected to internal detonation. When the detonation normally impinges on a closed end, a reflected shock wave is created to bring the flow back to rest. This study built on the work of Karnesky (2010) and examined deformation of thin-walled stainless steel tubes subjected to internal reflected gaseous detonations. A ripple pattern was observed in the tube wall for certain fill pressures, and a criterion was developed that predicted when the ripple pattern would form. A two-dimensional finite element analysis was performed using Johnson-Cook material properties; the pressure loading created by reflected gaseous detonations was accounted for with a previously developed pressure model. The residual plastic strain between experiments and computations was in good agreement.
During the examination of detonation-driven deformation, discrepancies were discovered in our understanding of reflected gaseous detonation behavior. Previous models did not accurately describe the nature of the reflected shock wave, which motivated further experiments in a detonation tube with optical access. Pressure sensors and schlieren images were used to examine reflected shock behavior, and it was determined that the discrepancies were related to the reaction zone thickness extant behind the detonation front. During these experiments reflected shock bifurcation did not appear to occur, but the unfocused visualization system made certainty impossible. This prompted construction of a focused schlieren system that investigated possible shock wave-boundary layer interaction, and heat-flux gauges analyzed the boundary layer behind the detonation front. Using these data with an analytical boundary layer solution, it was determined that the strong thermal boundary layer present behind the detonation front inhibits the development of reflected shock wave bifurcation.
LABURPENA: Lan hau esku-hartzearen alorrean kokatzen da: harreman beharrizanen inguruko diagnostiko bat aurkezten da. Honen helburua da Haur Hezkuntzako 3 urteko gelan edukiak irakasteko eta ikasteko antolatzen den gizarte-elkarrekintzan agertzen diren harreman beharrizan motak eta horiek noraino eta nola betetzen diren ikustea. Esku-hartzea oinarritzen da orientabide soziokulturalaren konstruktibismoak gizarte-elkarrekintzari buruz egin duen lanean eta baita Garapenaren Psikologiak eta beste diziplina batzuk atxikimenduaz eta harreman afektiboei buruz aztertutakoan ere. Diagnostikoa egiteko prozedura etnografikoak erabili dira, garrantzitsuena behaketa parte-hartzailea. Ondorioetan nabarmenena da eduki eskolarren presioak maiz harreman beharrizanei ez erantzutera eramaten duela eta baita autonomia isolamendu afektiboekin identifikatzen dela ziurtasunaren premiaren kalterako. Azkenik, lan egiteko orduan baliogarriak izan daitezkeen jarraitzeko ildo batzuk nabariak dira.
O estudo desenvolvido nesta tese teve por intenção investigar a relação entre a questão da arte e a história do ser, tal como esta irá progressivamente se construir na obra de Martin Heidegger, sobretudo a partir de meados da década de 1930. Com isso, pretendeu-se identificar e destacar o papel fundamental que a abordagem desta questão deteve para a chamada viragem (Kehre) e os rumos posteriores da obra deste filósofo, conduzindo seu pensamento para além dos limites da analítica existencial empreendida em Ser e Tempo (1927) e em direção à construção da chamada "história do ser" e à questão do acabamento da metafísica como niilismo, na última fase de seu pensamento e em obras como o Beiträge zur Philosofie (1938). Para tal, partimos da investigação do ensaio A origem da obra de arte, publicado em meados da década de 1930, devido ao caráter central (não apenas em sentido cronológico) que esse texto ocupa para a abordagem do problema, posto nele Heidegger empreender a revisão de conceitos como Zuhandenheit e Vorhandenheit, de modo a assim abrir lugar, em sua ontologia, para este ente que a obra de arte é, com isso permitindo que o acontecimento do ser pudesse vir a ser pensando em novas bases e em perspectiva histórico-hermenêutica.
O objeto desta dissertação é explorar os discursos militantes relativos à diferenciação entre as identidades coletivas de travestis e transexuais no âmbito do movimento de travestis e transexuais brasileiro e sua repercussão nas demandas e proposições de políticas públicas de saúde, mais especificamente no que tange às transformações corporais. Realizei entrevistas semi-estruturadas com ativistas reconhecidas como lideranças desse movimento, tendo como principais eixos: trajetória militante, diferenciação entre travestis e transexuais, organização do movimento, agenda política, transformações corporais e demandas relativas à saúde. Além disso, realizei etnografias em encontros gerais do movimento LGBT, assim como nos específicos de travestis e transexuais, com destaque para o XVI e XVII Encontro Nacional de Travestis e Transexuais (ENTLAIDS), realizados no Rio de Janeiro em 2009 e em Aracaju em 2010; a V Conferência Regional para América Latina e Caribe da ILGA (International Lesbian and Gay Association), realizada em Curitiba em 2009; e a I Marcha Nacional Contra a Homofobia, realizada em 19 de maio de 2010 em Brasília. A partir dos resultados das entrevistas e das etnografias, busco construir um histórico do movimento de travestis e transexuais no Brasil, no qual é possível localizar a emergência das categorias identitárias e seus conflitos. Assim, minha investigação passa pela análise da relação com categorias estigmatizantes como a prostituição e, especialmente, das capacidades de incorporação ou de apropriação de discursos médicos e psiquiátricos na construção de identidades, o que inclui a influência de fatores de classe e de acesso a serviços de saúde especializados, notoriamente o processo transexualizador no SUS. A análise das principais demandas do movimento me levou a uma relação entre políticas de reconhecimento e processos de purificação. Por fim, busco compreender o processo de construção de uma carreira militante no movimento de travestis e transexuais.
Esta dissertação analisa o trabalho do Assistente Social no Programa Saúde da Família PSF, tomando por base o município de Ipatinga-MG. Buscou-se mostrar a concepção de parte da gestão local da Política de Saúde e dos profissionais da equipe básica do programa sobre o trabalho do Assistente Social na saúde e no PSF, e se esse profissional tem conseguido realizar um trabalho que contribua para a efetivação do programa enquanto estratégia de reorientação do modelo assistencial na atenção básica. O estudo foi desenvolvido através da metodologia de estudo caso, com enfoque qualitativo. A coleta de dados se deu por meio de consultas documentais e bibliográficas sobre a Política de Saúde e PSF a nível nacional e municipal; visitas às unidades básicas de saúde e a realização de entrevistas com uma porcentagem dos gerentes, dos profissionais da equipe básica e com os Assistentes Sociais. O estudo apontou que, o profissional de Serviço Social não vem conseguindo realizar um trabalho em conjunto com o Saúde da Família, se limitando aos atendimentos de casos isolados, assumindo papel complementar e subsidiário aos profissionais da equipe básica, não conseguindo, assim, contribuir para a concretização do programa enquanto estratégia que traga mudanças na organização dos serviços de atenção básica em saúde no município.
A model for energy and morphology of crystalline grain boundaries with arbitrary geometric character
It has been well-established that interfaces in crystalline materials are key players in the mechanics of a variety of mesoscopic processes such as solidification, recrystallization, grain boundary migration, and severe plastic deformation. In particular, interfaces with complex morphologies have been observed to play a crucial role in many micromechanical phenomena such as grain boundary migration, stability, and twinning. Interfaces are a unique type of material defect in that they demonstrate a breadth of behavior and characteristics eluding simplified descriptions. Indeed, modeling the complex and diverse behavior of interfaces is still an active area of research, and to the author's knowledge there are as yet no predictive models for the energy and morphology of interfaces with arbitrary character. The aim of this thesis is to develop a novel model for interface energy and morphology that i) provides accurate results (especially regarding "energy cusp" locations) for interfaces with arbitrary character, ii) depends on a small set of material parameters, and iii) is fast enough to incorporate into large scale simulations.
In the first half of the work, a model for planar, immiscible grain boundary is formulated. By building on the assumption that anisotropic grain boundary energetics are dominated by geometry and crystallography, a construction on lattice density functions (referred to as "covariance") is introduced that provides a geometric measure of the order of an interface. Covariance forms the basis for a fully general model of the energy of a planar interface, and it is demonstrated by comparison with a wide selection of molecular dynamics energy data for FCC and BCC tilt and twist boundaries that the model accurately reproduces the energy landscape using only three material parameters. It is observed that the planar constraint on the model is, in some cases, over-restrictive; this motivates an extension of the model.
In the second half of the work, the theory of faceting in interfaces is developed and applied to the planar interface model for grain boundaries. Building on previous work in mathematics and materials science, an algorithm is formulated that returns the minimal possible energy attainable by relaxation and the corresponding relaxed morphology for a given planar energy model. It is shown that the relaxation significantly improves the energy results of the planar covariance model for FCC and BCC tilt and twist boundaries. The ability of the model to accurately predict faceting patterns is demonstrated by comparison to molecular dynamics energy data and experimental morphological observation for asymmetric tilt grain boundaries. It is also demonstrated that by varying the temperature in the planar covariance model, it is possible to reproduce a priori the experimentally observed effects of temperature on facet formation.
Finally, the range and scope of the covariance and relaxation models, having been demonstrated by means of extensive MD and experimental comparison, future applications and implementations of the model are explored.