951 resultados para urban transport
Many local authorities (LAs) are currently working to reduce both greenhouse gas emissions and the amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) sent to landfill. The recovery of energy from waste (EfW) can assist in meeting both of these objectives. The choice of an EfW policy combines spatial and non-spatial decisions which may be handled using Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). This paper addresses the impact of transporting MSW to EfW facilities, analysed as part of a larger decision support system designed to make an overall policy assessment of centralised (large-scale) and distributed (local-scale) approaches. Custom-written ArcMap extensions are used to compare centralised versus distributed approaches, using shortest-path routing based on expected road speed. Results are intersected with 1-kilometre grids and census geographies for meaningful maps of cumulative impact. Case studies are described for two counties in the United Kingdom (UK); Cornwall and Warwickshire. For both case study areas, centralised scenarios generate more traffic, fuel costs and emitted carbon per tonne of MSW processed.
Investment in transport infrastructure can be highly sensitive to uncertainty. The scale and lead time of strategic transport programmes are such that they require continuing policy support and accurate forecasting. Delay, cost escalation and abandonment of projects often result if these conditions are not present. In Part One the physical characteristics of infrastructure are identified as a major constraint on planning processes. The extent to which strategies and techniques acknowledge these constraints is examined. A simple simulation model is developed to evaluate the effects on system development of variations in the scale and lead time of investments. In Part Two, two case studies of strategic infrastructure investment are analysed. The absence of a policy consensus for airport location was an important factor in the delayed resolution of the Third London Airport issue. In London itself, the traffic and environmental effects of major highway investment ultimately resulted in the abandonment of plans to construct urban motorways. In both cases, the infrastructure implications of alternative strategies are reviewed with reference to the problems of uncertainty. In conclusion, the scale of infrastructure investment is considered the most important of the constraints on the processes of transport planning. Adequate appraisal of such constraints may best be achieved by evaluation more closely aligned to policy objectives.
This paper reports the evaluation of the effectiveness of incentives (viz. points and prizes) and of peer-group organisers ('older people's champions') in the outcomes of a health-improvement programme for people aged 50 + years in a multi-ethnic district of the West Midlands, England. Health promotion activities Were provided, and adherence, outcome variables and barriers to adherence were assessed over six months, using a `passport' format. Those aged in the fifties and of Asian origin Were under represented, but people of Afro-Caribbean origin were well represented and proportionately most likely to stay in the project. Those of greater age and With more illness were most likely to drop out. There were significant improvements in exercise, diet and the uptake of influenza vaccines and eyesight tests, but slighter improvements in wellbeing. Positive outcomes related to the incentives and to liking the format. The number of reported barriers was associated with lower involvement and lack of change, as was finding activities too difficult, the level of understanding, and transport and mobility problems, but when these were controlled, age did not predict involvement. Enjoying the scheme was related to positive changes, and this was associated with support from the older people's champions.
Over the last two centuries many major cities have undergone large-scale modernisation that has led to the growing sense of homogenisation associated with such locales across the globe. The fractal logic that is at the heart of so many urban settings, where the whole system is made up of parts that are identical to the whole, seems to serve in making anonymous everyday experiences. Public transport and its corresponding street furniture, if thoughtfully designed and planned, has the potential to form an integral element in the promotion of a sense of identity, interconnectedness and flow within a city. Furthermore, bus stops, benches, litter bins, curb-sides, posts and pavements, to mention a few, offer interesting cases to consider how people truly engage with contemporary urban spaces. These objects—part of routine and made familiar—are elements of daily lives that are ingredients towards visual and multi-modal experiences. In addition, these are places where individuals encounter sociality and materiality in ordinary and sometimes extraordinary ways. This paper uses a visual ethnographic approach towards exploring the human traces of routine activities that have an impact on the cityscape. An Investigation of these details found within the urban landscape lead us towards understanding how we engage with and navigate cities. This is essentially an urban archaeological study that looks to reveal how non-designed phenomenon in urban places can contribute to our image of a city, providing a reflection on homogeneity within the built environment. Our visual ethnography focuses on six major cities: two each in Britain, Europe and North America. The findings of this work illustrate through visual analyses three key characteristics: first, how urban spaces are transformed intentionally and unintentionally; second, how transformations are practical, functional, beautiful and sometimes ridiculous; third, how transformations reveal values around visual and multi-modal experiences inherent to people.
The paper describes the strategies for Congestion and Incident Management (CIM) on the basis of Automatic Congestion and Incident Detection (ACID) that COSMOS will develop, implement in SCOOT, UTOPIA and MOTION, and validate and demonstrate in London, Piraeus and Torino. Four levels of operation were defined for CIM: strategies, tactics, tools and realisation. The strategies for CIM form the top level of this hierarchy. They have to reflect the strategic requirements of the system operators. The tactics are the means that can be employed by the strategies to achieve particular goals in particular situations. The tools that are used by the tactics relate to the elements of the signal plan and the ways in which they can be modified. Strategies, tactics and tools are generally common to all three systems, while the realisation of individual strategies and tactical decisions, through the use of particular common sets of tools, will generally be system specific. For the covering abstract, see IRRD 490001.
The majority of research work carried out in the field of Operations-Research uses methods and algorithms to optimize the pick-up and delivery problem. Most studies aim to solve the vehicle routing problem, to accommodate optimum delivery orders, vehicles etc. This paper focuses on green logistics approach, where existing Public Transport infrastructure capability of a city is used for the delivery of small and medium sized packaged goods thus, helping improve the situation of urban congestion and greenhouse gas emissions reduction. It carried out a study to investigate the feasibility of the proposed multi-agent based simulation model, for efficiency of cost, time and energy consumption. Multimodal Dijkstra Shortest Path algorithm and Nested Monte Carlo Search have been employed for a two-phase algorithmic approach used for generation of time based cost matrix. The quality of the tour is dependent on the efficiency of the search algorithm implemented for plan generation and route planning. The results reveal a definite advantage of using Public Transportation over existing delivery approaches in terms of energy efficiency.
Streams in urban areas often utilize channelization and other bank erosion control measures to improve flood conveyance, reduce channel migration, and overbank flooding. This leads to reductions in evapotranspiration and sediment storage on floodplains. The purpose of this study is to quantify the evapotranspiration and sediment transport capacity in the Anacostia Watershed, a large Coastal Plain urban watershed, and to compare these processes to a similar sized non-urban watershed. Times series data of hydrologic and hydraulic changes in the Anacostia, as urbanization progressed between 1939-2014, were also analyzed. The data indicates lower values of warm season runoff in the non-urban stream, suggesting a shift from evapotranspiration to runoff in urban streams. Channelization in the Anacostia also increased flow velocities and decreased high flow width. The high velocities associated with channelization and the removal of floodplain storage sites allows for the continued downstream transport of sediment despite stream bank stabilization.
Buses are considered a slow, low comfort and low reliability transport system, thus its negative and por image. In the framework of the 3iBS project (2012), several examples of innovative and/or effective solutions regarding the Level of Service (LoS) were analysed aiming to provide operators, practitioners and policy makers with a set of Good Practice Guidelines to strengthen the competitiveness of the bus in the urban environment. The identification of the key indicators regarding vehicles, infrastructure and operation was possible through the analysis of a set of case studies -among which Barcelona (Spain), Cagliari (Italy), London (United Kingdom), Paris and Nantes (France). A cross comparison between the case studies was carried out for contrasting the level of achievement of the different criteria considered. The information provided on Regulatory, Financial and Technical issues allows the identification of a number of specific factors influencing the implementation of a high quality transport scheme, and set the basis for the elaboration of a set of Guidelines for the implementation of an intelligent, innovative and integrated bus system, including the main barriers to be tackled.
Montréal parle de disposer d’un service rapide par bus depuis une dizaine années. En 2015, les travaux pour réaliser le premier tronçon du projet appelé le SRB Pie-IX commencent à peine. Comment justifier des délais de réalisation de plusieurs années alors que d’autres villes y arrivent en moins de 3 ans? Plusieurs élus et organismes de Montréal dénoncent une problématique de gouvernance du transport collectif. Seulement, il n’est pas évident de saisir la signification de ce concept si souvent invoqué pour justifier, entre autres, les difficultés de la métropole à faire naître des projets métropolitains de transport collectif. Certains évoquent la responsabilité du gouvernement, d’autres avancent la mauvaise répartition des rôles et responsabilités ou encore déplorent le trop grand nombre d’intervenants dans la région métropolitaine. La gouvernance est un concept à la fois flou et complexe qui cherche à établir la bonne conduite des affaires publiques comme celle de la gestion métropolitaine du transport collectif. Cependant, le système de transport collectif fait intervenir une multitude de parties prenantes aux intérêts contradictoires. La « bonne gouvernance » serait d’établir une collaboration fructueuse qui dépasse les limites institutionnalisées des intervenants pour réaliser des projets d’envergure métropolitaine, comme le SRB Pie-IX.
Montréal parle de disposer d’un service rapide par bus depuis une dizaine années. En 2015, les travaux pour réaliser le premier tronçon du projet appelé le SRB Pie-IX commencent à peine. Comment justifier des délais de réalisation de plusieurs années alors que d’autres villes y arrivent en moins de 3 ans? Plusieurs élus et organismes de Montréal dénoncent une problématique de gouvernance du transport collectif. Seulement, il n’est pas évident de saisir la signification de ce concept si souvent invoqué pour justifier, entre autres, les difficultés de la métropole à faire naître des projets métropolitains de transport collectif. Certains évoquent la responsabilité du gouvernement, d’autres avancent la mauvaise répartition des rôles et responsabilités ou encore déplorent le trop grand nombre d’intervenants dans la région métropolitaine. La gouvernance est un concept à la fois flou et complexe qui cherche à établir la bonne conduite des affaires publiques comme celle de la gestion métropolitaine du transport collectif. Cependant, le système de transport collectif fait intervenir une multitude de parties prenantes aux intérêts contradictoires. La « bonne gouvernance » serait d’établir une collaboration fructueuse qui dépasse les limites institutionnalisées des intervenants pour réaliser des projets d’envergure métropolitaine, comme le SRB Pie-IX.
We treat the problem of existence of a location-then-price equilibrium in the circle model with a linear quadratic type of transportation cost function which can be either convex or concave. We show the existence of a unique perfect equilibrium for the concave case when the linear and quadratic terms are equal and of a unique perfect equilibrium for the convex case when the linear term is equal to zero. Aside from these two cases, there are feasible locations by the firms for which no equilibrium in the price subgame exists. Finally, we provide a full taxonomy of the price equilibrium regions in terms of weights of the linear and quadratic terms in the cost function.