842 resultados para simulazione cluster datacenter google omnet
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En este trabajo se ha integrado la librería IDELabMapstraction como un nuevo módulo para GWT, denominado IDELabMapstractionGWT, en el que también se han diseñado distintos controles genéricos que se pueden asociar al mapa para que los usuarios puedan interactuar con él de forma intuitiva. Como resultado de esta integración se ha creado el visor MirameDuero, un completo visor web realizado en colaboración con la Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero
Como consecuencia de la realización del curso 'Aplicaciones de la Web 2.0 en la Investigación y la Docencia' organizado por La Fundación General Universidad de Granada-Empresa en el curso académico 2009-2010, los autores del presente trabajo presentamos el Proyecto de Innovación Docente concedido por el Vicerrectorado para la Garantía de la calidad de la Universidad de Granada,titulado 'Utilización de la herramienta “Google Docs” en la Docencia Universitaria dentro del marco del EEES. Creemos que el proyecto tiene un diseño aplicable a cualquier asignatura de la actual Licenciatura y/o Grado de Farmacia. En este trabajo se expone la experiencia piloto llevada a cabo en la asignatura de Química Farmacéutica, incluyendo el desarrollo, objetivos, metodología, resultados y las conclusiones que se están obteniendo en el trascurso del mismo
Actualmente no Ensino Básico as disciplinas de História e Geografia são vistas, maioritariamente , como desinteressantes e pouco úteis a grande parte dos alunos. Variadas razões podem ser apontadas, como a excessiva memorização de conteúdos, cultivados por um ensino expositivo enquanto forma de ensino com maiores adeptos pelos professores nas escolas. Aliada a esta memorização surge, inevitavelmente, a pouca retenção na memória no tempo dos conhecimentos adquiridos a estas disciplinas. Partindo dos pressupostos teóricos sobre os métodos de ensino mais inovadores, que sugerem a realização de experiências educativas com uma metodologia activa e um ensino por competências , efectuou-se uma experiência de aprendizagem em que se utilizou a ferramenta Google Earth nas aulas de História e Geografia do 8º ano de escolaridade. Pretendeu-se aferir se, com recurso às novas tecnologias, os alunos interiorizariam melhor conceitos relativos ás duas áreas do saber.
El comercio mundial tiene múltiples actores que está sumamente bien posicionados y otros que buscan nuevas estrategias para mejorar su posicionamiento. Asimismo, las diferencias entre los mercados internacionales, nacionales y/o locales son notables, mientras los unos se expanden a pasos agigantados, los otros lo hacen paso a paso. Por lo tanto, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo fundamental determinar las estrategias que las empresas del sector de las confecciones del cluster textil de Atuntaqui pueden implementar para hacer frente a la competencia internacional. Con esta referencia, el trabajo se ha dividido en tres capítulos. El primer capítulo, está conformado por un análisis de los principales elementos conceptuales (cadena global de valor, managment dentro de la CGV y cluster industriales); seguido, se presenta un breve recuento de la industria, el comercio mundial y los principales importadores y exportadores. Luego, se analiza las tendencias globales utilizadas por los países de América Latina y el Caribe, entre los que están: plataforma de exportación, clusters y logística internacional. En el segundo capítulo, se analizan las principales estadísticas sobre el comportamiento histórico de las importaciones y exportaciones, la caracterización de las empresas, el ámbito tecnológico, los costos y gastos en los que se ha incurrido en algunos cantones y sobre el mercado laboral. Para finalizar, el tercer capítulo, cuenta con una perspectiva local de la industria en Atuntaqui, con temas, como: el “cluster” de la industria, la caracterización de las empresas, el clima de negocios, el diagnostico FODA y las principales estrategias.
Compute grids are used widely in many areas of environmental science, but there has been limited uptake of grid computing by the climate modelling community, partly because the characteristics of many climate models make them difficult to use with popular grid middleware systems. In particular, climate models usually produce large volumes of output data, and running them usually involves complicated workflows implemented as shell scripts. For example, NEMO (Smith et al. 2008) is a state-of-the-art ocean model that is used currently for operational ocean forecasting in France, and will soon be used in the UK for both ocean forecasting and climate modelling. On a typical modern cluster, a particular one year global ocean simulation at 1-degree resolution takes about three hours when running on 40 processors, and produces roughly 20 GB of output as 50000 separate files. 50-year simulations are common, during which the model is resubmitted as a new job after each year. Running NEMO relies on a set of complicated shell scripts and command utilities for data pre-processing and post-processing prior to job resubmission. Grid Remote Execution (G-Rex) is a pure Java grid middleware system that allows scientific applications to be deployed as Web services on remote computer systems, and then launched and controlled as if they are running on the user's own computer. Although G-Rex is general purpose middleware it has two key features that make it particularly suitable for remote execution of climate models: (1) Output from the model is transferred back to the user while the run is in progress to prevent it from accumulating on the remote system and to allow the user to monitor the model; (2) The client component is a command-line program that can easily be incorporated into existing model work-flow scripts. G-Rex has a REST (Fielding, 2000) architectural style, which allows client programs to be very simple and lightweight and allows users to interact with model runs using only a basic HTTP client (such as a Web browser or the curl utility) if they wish. This design also allows for new client interfaces to be developed in other programming languages with relatively little effort. The G-Rex server is a standard Web application that runs inside a servlet container such as Apache Tomcat and is therefore easy to install and maintain by system administrators. G-Rex is employed as the middleware for the NERC1 Cluster Grid, a small grid of HPC2 clusters belonging to collaborating NERC research institutes. Currently the NEMO (Smith et al. 2008) and POLCOMS (Holt et al, 2008) ocean models are installed, and there are plans to install the Hadley Centre’s HadCM3 model for use in the decadal climate prediction project GCEP (Haines et al., 2008). The science projects involving NEMO on the Grid have a particular focus on data assimilation (Smith et al. 2008), a technique that involves constraining model simulations with observations. The POLCOMS model will play an important part in the GCOMS project (Holt et al, 2008), which aims to simulate the world’s coastal oceans. A typical use of G-Rex by a scientist to run a climate model on the NERC Cluster Grid proceeds as follows :(1) The scientist prepares input files on his or her local machine. (2) Using information provided by the Grid’s Ganglia3 monitoring system, the scientist selects an appropriate compute resource. (3) The scientist runs the relevant workflow script on his or her local machine. This is unmodified except that calls to run the model (e.g. with “mpirun”) are simply replaced with calls to "GRexRun" (4) The G-Rex middleware automatically handles the uploading of input files to the remote resource, and the downloading of output files back to the user, including their deletion from the remote system, during the run. (5) The scientist monitors the output files, using familiar analysis and visualization tools on his or her own local machine. G-Rex is well suited to climate modelling because it addresses many of the middleware usability issues that have led to limited uptake of grid computing by climate scientists. It is a lightweight, low-impact and easy-to-install solution that is currently designed for use in relatively small grids such as the NERC Cluster Grid. A current topic of research is the use of G-Rex as an easy-to-use front-end to larger-scale Grid resources such as the UK National Grid service.
While the Cluster spacecraft were located near the high-latitude magnetopause, between 10:10 and 10:40 UT on 16 January 2004, three typical flux transfer event (FTE) signatures were observed. During this interval, simultaneous and conjugated all-sky camera measurements, recorded at Yellow River Station, Svalbard, are available at 630.0 and 557.7nm that show poleward-moving auroral forms (PMAFs), consistent with magnetic reconnection at dayside magnetopause. Simultaneous FTEs seen at the magnetopause mainly move northward, but having duskward (eastward) and tailward velocity components, roughly consistent with the observed direction of motion of the PMAFs in all-sky images. Between the PMAFs meridional keograms, extracted from the all-sky images, show intervals of lower intensity aurora which migrate equatorward just before the PMAFs intensify. This is strong evidence for an equatorward eroding and poleward moving open-closed boundary (OCB) associated with a variable magnetopause reconnection rate under variable IMF conditions. From the durations of the PMAFs we infer that the evolution time of FTEs is 5-11 minutes from its origin on magnetopause to its addition to the polar cap.
Many producers of geographic information are now disseminating their data using open web service protocols, notably those published by the Open Geospatial Consortium. There are many challenges inherent in running robust and reliable services at reasonable cost. Cloud computing provides a new kind of scalable infrastructure that could address many of these challenges. In this study we implement a Web Map Service for raster imagery within the Google App Engine environment. We discuss the challenges of developing GIS applications within this framework and the performance characteristics of the implementation. Results show that the application scales well to multiple simultaneous users and performance will be adequate for many applications, although concerns remain over issues such as latency spikes. We discuss the feasibility of implementing services within the free usage quotas of Google App Engine and the possibility of extending the approaches in this paper to other GIS applications.
It is known that germin, which is a marker of the onset of growth in germinating wheat, is an oxalate oxidase, and also that germins possess sequence similarity with legumin and vicilin seed storage proteins. These two pieces of information have been combined in order to generate a 3D model of germin based on the structure of vicilin and to examine the model with regard to a potential oxalate oxidase active site. A cluster of three histidine residues has been located within the conserved beta-barrel structure. While there is a relatively low level of overall sequence similarity between the model and the vicilin structures, the conservation of amino acids important in maintaining the scaffold of the beta-barrel lends confidence to the juxtaposition of the histidine residues. The cluster is similar structurally to those found in copper amine oxidase and other proteins, leading to the suggestion that it defines a metal-binding location within the oxalate oxidase active site. It is also proposed that the structural elements involved in intermolecular interactions in vicilins may play a role in oligomer formation in germin/oxalate oxidase.