974 resultados para prostatic nodular hyperplasia
In a scenario of increasing competitiveness of the global industrial sector and with a consumer market increasingly demanding, there is an increased demand for new materials and, consequently, possibilities to explore new research and technological advances towards the development of new manufacturing methods or the improvement of existing technologies. In the case of cast irons, new grades of them have been developed so that their mechanical properties have been improved, making them more competitive with steel, expanding the applications and thus represents great economic gain for metallurgy and manufacturing sectors. This increases the interest and creates new opportunities to study these materials and identify how they respond in terms of the surface integrity, tool wear, cutting forces, among others, when machined by grinding operation. In this context, due to the lack of results from grinding of cast irons and studies comparing grindability among several grades of cast irons found in the literature, this work aims to generate scientific and technological contribution to the metallurgical and metal working sector through roughness results (Ra and Rz parameters) and evaluation and analysis of the subsurface integrity of three cast iron grades (gray, compacted graphite and nodular). The machining trials were performed on a surface grinding machine with silicon carbide grinding wheel at different cutting conditions. The input variables were the radial depth of cut (15 and 30 μm), worktable speed, vw (5 and 10 m/min) and the abrasive grain size of the grinding wheel. The results showed that surface roughness increased with the radial depth of cut for all materials tested; and the lowest values were obtained for gray cast iron. Also, roughness was sensitive to variation of worktable speed and the lowest values were obtained after machining with vw = 5 m/min. With respect to the abrasive grain size, as it decreased the roughness values increased to gray and nodular cast iron grades. Furthermore, grinding burns marks were observed on the surfaces of nodular cast iron and compacted graphite iron grades after grinding the smallest grain size, contrary to what is usually reported in literature. However, no evidence of severe thermal damages below the machined surfaces of all cast iron grades was observed after analyzing the results of hardness and the SEM micrograph images.
Les carcinomes de l'endomètre sont classés en deux types cliniques (types I et II), cinq types histologiques et quatre types moléculaires. Le type I correspond à l'adénocarcinome endométrioïde de grade 1 ou 2, précédé par des lésions d'hyperplasie atypique. Ce cancer est souvent révélé à un stade précoce par des saignements vaginaux postménopausiques et son pronostic est globalement favorable. Les facteurs de risque à l'origine de la majorité des cas (indice de masse corporelle [IMC] élevé, diabète de type II, traitement hormonal substitutif, tamoxifène) agissent par le biais d'une hyperestrogénie non contrecarrée par la progestérone. Moins de 5 % des cas surviennent dans le contexte d'un syndrome de Lynch (anomalie germinale d'un gène de réparation de l'ADN, à transmission autosomique dominante) chez des femmes plus jeunes dont l'IMC est typiquement bas. Les cancers de l'endomètre de type II (carcinomes séreux, à cellules claires, indifférenciés), plus rares, sont des tumeurs agressives diagnostiquées typiquement chez des femmes plus âgées et à un stade plus avancé, de pronostic défavorable.
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by defects in one of several steroidogenic enzymes involved in the synthesis of cortisol from cholesterol in the adrenal glands. More than 90% of cases are caused by 21-hydroxylase deficiency, and the severity of the resulting clinical symptoms varies according to the level of 21-hydroxylase activity. 21-Hydroxylase deficiency is usually caused by mutations in the CYP21A2 gene, which is located on the RCCX module, a chromosomal region highly prone to genetic recombination events that can result in a wide variety of complex rearrangements, such as gene duplications, gross deletions and gene conversions of variable extensions. Molecular genotyping of CYP21A2 and the RCCX module has proved useful for a more accurate diagnosis of the disease, and prenatal diagnosis. This article summarises the clinical features of 21-hydroxylase deficiency, explains current understanding of the disease at the molecular level, and highlights recent developments, particularly in diagnosis.
Suppressor of cytokine signalling 3 (SOCS3) is a potent inhibitor of the mitogenic, migratory and pro-inflammatory pathways responsible for the development of neointimal hyperplasia (NIH), a key contributor to the failure of vascular reconstructive procedures. However, the protein levels of SOCS3, and therefore its potential to reduce NIH, is limited by its ubiquitylation and high turnover by the proteasome. I hypothesised that stabilisation of endogenous SOCS3 by inhibiting its ubiquitylation has the potential to limit vascular inflammation and NIH. Consequently, the aim of this PhD was to identify the mechanisms promoting the rapid turnover of SOCS3. Initial experiments involved the identification of residues involved in regulating the turnover of SOCS3 at the proteasome. I assessed the ubiquitylation status of a panel of FLAG tagged SOCS3 truncation mutants and identified a C-terminal 44 amino acid region required for SOCS3 ubiquitylation. This region localised to the SOCS box which is involved in binding Elongin B/C and the formation of a functional E3 ubiquitin ligase complex. However, the single lysine residue at position 173, located within this 44 amino acid region, was not required for ubiquitylation. Moreover, Emetine chase assays revealed that loss of either Lys173 or Lys6 (as documented in the literature) had no significant effect on SOCS3 stability 8 hrs post emetine treatment. As mutagenesis studies failed to identify key sites of ubiquitylation responsible for targeting SOCS3 to the proteasome, LC-MS-MS analysis of a SOCS3 co-immunoprecipitate was employed. These data were searched for the presence of a Gly-Gly doublet (+114 Da mass shift) and revealed 8 distinct sites of ubiquitylation (Lys23, Lys28, Lys40, Lys85, Lys91, Lys173, Lys195, Lys206) on SOCS3 however Lys6 ubiquitylation was not detected. As multiple Lys residues were ubiquitylated, I hypothesised that only a Lys-less SOCS3, in which all 8 Lys residues were mutated to Arg, would be resistant to ubiquitylation. Compared to WT SOCS3, Lys-less SOCS3 was indeed found to be completely resistant to ubiquitylation, and significantly more stable than WT SOCS3. These changes occurred in the absence of any detrimental effect on the ability of Lys-less SOCS3 to interact with the Elongin B/C components required to generate a functional E3 ligase complex. In addition, both WT and Lys-less SOCS3 were equally capable of inhibiting cytokine-stimulated STAT3 phosphorylation upon co-expression with a chimeric EpoR-gp130 receptor. To assess whether SOCS3 auto-ubiquitylates I generated an L189A SOCS3 mutant that could no longer bind the Elongins and therefore form the E3 ligase complex required for ubiquitylation. A denaturing IP to assess the ubiquitylation status of this mutant was performed and revealed that, despite an inability to bind the Elongins, the L189A mutant was poly-ubiquitylated similar to WT SOCS3. Together these data suggested that SOCS3 does not auto-ubiquitylate and that a separate E3 ligase must regulate SOCS3 ubiquitylation. This study sought to identify the E3 ligase and deubiquitylating (DUB) enzymes controlling the ubiquitylation of SOCS3. Our initial strategy was to develop a tool to screen an E3 ligase/DUB library, using an siARRAY, to sequentially knockdown all known E3 ligases in the presence of a SOCS3-luciferase fusion protein or endogenous SOCS3 in a high content imaging screening platform. However, due to a poor assay window (<2) and non-specific immunoreactivity of SOCS3 antibodies available, these methods were deemed unsuitable for screening purposes. In the absence of a suitable tool to screen the si-ARRAY, LC-MS-MS analysis of a SOCS3 co-immunoprecipitate (co-IP) was investigated. I performed a SOCS3 under conditions which preserved protein-protein interactions, with the aim of identifying novel E3 ligase and/or DUBs that could potentially interact with SOCS3. These data were searched for E3 ligase or DUB enzymes that may interact with SOCS3 in HEK293 cells and identified two promising candidates i) an E3 ligase known as HectD1 and ii) a DUB known as USP15. This thesis has demonstrated that in the presence of HectD1 overexpression, a slight increase in K63-linked polyubiquitylation of SOCS3 was observed. Mutagenesis also revealed that an N-terminal region of SOCS3 may act as a repressor of this interaction with HectD1. Additionally, USP15 was shown to reduce SOCS3 polyubiquitylation in a HEK293 overexpression system suggesting this may act as a DUB for SOCS3. The C-terminal region of SOCS3 was also shown to play a major role in the interaction with USP15. The original hypothesis of this thesis was that stabilisation of endogenous SOCS3 by inhibiting its ubiquitylation has the potential to limit vascular inflammation and NIH. Consistent with this hypothesis, immunohistochemistry visualisation of SOCS3, in human saphenous vein tissue derived from CABG patients, revealed that while SOCS3 was present throughout the media of these vessels the levels of SOCS3 within the neointima was reduced. Finally, preliminary data supporting the hypothesis that SOCS3 overexpression may limit the proliferation, but not migration, of human saphenous vein smooth muscle cells (HSVSMCs) is presented. It is expected that multiple E3 ligases and DUBs will contribute to the regulation of SOCS3 turnover. However, the identification of candidate E3 ligases or DUBs that play a significant role in SOCS3 turnover may facilitate the development of peptide disruptors or gene therapy targets to attenuate pathological SMC proliferation. A targeted approach, inhibiting the interaction between SOCS3 and identified E3 ligase, that controls the levels of SOCS3, would be expected to reduce the undesirable effects associated with global inhibition of the E3 ligase involved.
Quality of life has become a very important parameter in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and one of the major concepts identified by the patients to be important is related to sexuality after BPH therapy. The impact on sexuality resulting from the various treatment modalities of BPH, either medical, surgical or instrumental has been too often neglected in the past and poorly investigated. The present article reviews the influence on sexual function of current therapies for symptomatic BPH.
SCOPUS: ar.j
Objective: To assess potentially inappropriate prescribing (PIP) using Beers (2012 version) and STOPP (2008 version) criteria in polypharmacy, community-dwelling, older patients. Methods: From the information collected in the invoicing data of the prescriptions and the electronic medical records, a sample was selected of 223 ≥ 65-year-old patients who were taking simultaneously 10 or more drugs per day. Beers and STOPP criteria were separately applied, and the results obtained with the two methods were compared. Results: A total of 141 (63.2%) patients presented at least one Beers criterion. The two most frequently observed Beers criteria independent of diagnosis were the use of benzodiazepines and the use of non-COX-2-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. With regard to Beers criteria considering diagnosis, the most frequent were the use of anticholinergic drugs in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms or benign prostatic hyperplasia, and the use of benzodiazepines, antipsychotics, Zolpidem or H2-antihistamines, in patients with dementia or cognitive impairment. A total of 165 (73.9%) patients had at least one PIP according to the STOPP criteria. Duplicate drug classes and long-term use of long-acting benzodiazepines were the two most frequent STOPP criteria. Discussion: Our study identified a high frequency of PIP in poly-medicated community-dwelling older patients. Simultaneous application of Beers and STOPP criteria represents a useful tool to improve prescribing in this population group.
Antecedentes: La infección del tracto urinario es una de las patologías más comunes y forma parte de las principales causas de consulta médica y hospitalización. (1, 2) Es frecuente en mujeres, personas con vida sexual activa, mujeres embarazadas y diabéticos. El 10 al 20 % de mujeres entre los 18 y 40 años experimentan infección del tracto urinario, en hombres mayores a 50 años se asocia a problemas por hiperplasia prostática y en personas de la tercera edad la frecuencia es similar tanto en hombres como en mujeres. (1) Objetivo: Identificar infección de vías urinarias mediante el examen elemental y microscópico de orina en los habitantes de la comuna Sunicorral Tambo- Cañar 2015. Metodología: Estudio de tipo descriptivo transversal en habitantes la comuna Sunicorral, la muestra fue de 202 personas. Luego firmar del consentimiento y asentimiento informado, se llenó las encuesta con información relacionada a las variables de estudio, se recolectaron las muestras de orina y el análisis se realizó en el laboratorio del Centro de Diagnóstico de la Universidad de Cuenca, los datos obtenidos fueron analizado en el programa SPSS y Microsoft Excel y presentados en tablas y gráficos estadísticos. Resultados: De 202 muestras el 15% reportó infección del tracto urinario, el 87,1% fue mujer, el 25,8% correspondió a la edad de 10 a 19 años, el 64,6% realizó su higiene intima pasando uno o más días, el 62,0% tiene actividad sexual siendo un factor importante.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Microbiana, 2016.
Este proyecto se origina en el interés de analizar las estrategias actuales de promoción de productos farmacéuticos, en el marco del debate sobre el efecto persuasivo o informativo que la publicidad directa tiene sobre los consumidores. El objetivo es determinar el efecto de las estrategias de promoción directa para consumidores (Direct to Consumer Advertising [DTCA]) sobre el comportamiento de compra de pacientes y las prescripciones que formulan los médicos en el mercado de productos bajo receta en Estados Unidos. Para tal fin se propuso realizar una monografía que incluyera una revisión de literatura de carácter argumentativo, consultando información de nivel secundario en bases de datos científicas cuyos contenidos obedecieran a criterios metodológicos determinados por la naturaleza argumentativa del estudio. Adicionalmente, se analizó el debate sobre estos anuncios a la luz de dos estudios realizados a pacientes con cáncer de seno, próstata y colon, liderados por el Pennsylvania Cancer Registry con los productos biofarmacéuticos Avodart® y Flomax®. Finalmente, la investigación se fundamentó en la relación del mercado farmacéutico en Estados Unidos con cada uno de los agentes que interactúan en él; consumidores, médicos prescriptores y empresas farmacéuticas, así como el valor que estos comparten través de dichas interacciones. Se concluye que el comportamiento de compra de los consumidores está determinado por la naturaleza de la patología que padecen y el comportamiento de los profesionales que prescriben a sus pacientes se ve influenciado por los anuncios DTCA.
Benché le alterazioni della via PI3K/AKT siano molto sudiate a causa del loro ruolo nella tumorigenesi, e rappresentino pertanto un importante bersaglio terapeutico, i risultati di numerosi studi clinici con inibitori di PI3K o AKT sono finora deludenti, in parte a causa dell’insorgenza di resistenza provocata dall'interruzione dei circuiti di feedback negativo. In questo studio, abbiamo scoperto che l’inattivazione farmacologica di AKT in cellule di carcinoma prostatico PC3 porta alla down-regolazione di un microRNA con funzione di oncosoppressore, il miR-145-5p, e ad un drammatico aumento di espressione di uno dei suoi geni target, cioè N/KRas. E’ interessante sottolineare che questo microRNA è considerato un marker di progressione metastatica nel carcinoma prostatico, il cui livello di espressione aiuta a discriminare tra pazienti con iperplasia prostatica benigna e cancro alla prostata. Inoltre, la bassa espressione di miR-145 aumenta il rischio di progressione della malattia da localizzata a metastatica. La conferma che l’aumento di Ras, osservato sia in termini di mRNA che di proteina, è dipendente dalla caduta del miR-145-5p, è stata poi ottenuta tramite un modello di PC3 ingegnerizzate per ottenere il silenziamento inducibile del miR-145-5p. Tramite un array di fosfoproteine siamo poi stati in grado di verificare che l’aumento di Ras provoca la riattivazione della cascata di PI3K/AKT e di ERK. Dal punto di vista meccanicistico, quindi, lo studio ha portato all’identificazione di un nuovo meccanismo di resistenza adattativa, in cui l’inattivazione di AKT provoca una caduta del miR-145-5p che, a sua volta, aumenta l’espressione di Ras e riattiva il signaling di PI3K, rendendo inefficace il trattamento farmacologico. Questi risultati sono particolarmente rilevanti alla luce di recenti studi (NCT04493853; NCT03072238; NCT02525068) e di trial clinici in corso (NCT04737109; NCT03673787), basati sulla somministrazione combinata di inibitori della sintesi degli androgeni con gli inibitori di AKT capitasertib o ipatasertib.