912 resultados para performance management system
A manutenção e evolução de sistemas de software tornou-se uma tarefa bastante crítica ao longo dos últimos anos devido à diversidade e alta demanda de funcionalidades, dispositivos e usuários. Entender e analisar como novas mudanças impactam os atributos de qualidade da arquitetura de tais sistemas é um pré-requisito essencial para evitar a deterioração de sua qualidade durante sua evolução. Esta tese propõe uma abordagem automatizada para a análise de variação do atributo de qualidade de desempenho em termos de tempo de execução (tempo de resposta). Ela é implementada por um framework que adota técnicas de análise dinâmica e mineração de repositório de software para fornecer uma forma automatizada de revelar fontes potenciais – commits e issues – de variação de desempenho em cenários durante a evolução de sistemas de software. A abordagem define quatro fases: (i) preparação – escolher os cenários e preparar os releases alvos; (ii) análise dinâmica – determinar o desempenho de cenários e métodos calculando seus tempos de execução; (iii) análise de variação – processar e comparar os resultados da análise dinâmica para releases diferentes; e (iv) mineração de repositório – identificar issues e commits associados com a variação de desempenho detectada. Estudos empíricos foram realizados para avaliar a abordagem de diferentes perspectivas. Um estudo exploratório analisou a viabilidade de se aplicar a abordagem em sistemas de diferentes domínios para identificar automaticamente elementos de código fonte com variação de desempenho e as mudanças que afetaram tais elementos durante uma evolução. Esse estudo analisou três sistemas: (i) SIGAA – um sistema web para gerência acadêmica; (ii) ArgoUML – uma ferramenta de modelagem UML; e (iii) Netty – um framework para aplicações de rede. Outro estudo realizou uma análise evolucionária ao aplicar a abordagem em múltiplos releases do Netty, e dos frameworks web Wicket e Jetty. Nesse estudo foram analisados 21 releases (sete de cada sistema), totalizando 57 cenários. Em resumo, foram encontrados 14 cenários com variação significante de desempenho para Netty, 13 para Wicket e 9 para Jetty. Adicionalmente, foi obtido feedback de oito desenvolvedores desses sistemas através de um formulário online. Finalmente, no último estudo, um modelo de regressão para desempenho foi desenvolvido visando indicar propriedades de commits que são mais prováveis a causar degradação de desempenho. No geral, 997 commits foram minerados, sendo 103 recuperados de elementos de código fonte degradados e 19 de otimizados, enquanto 875 não tiveram impacto no tempo de execução. O número de dias antes de disponibilizar o release e o dia da semana se mostraram como as variáveis mais relevantes dos commits que degradam desempenho no nosso modelo. A área de característica de operação do receptor (ROC – Receiver Operating Characteristic) do modelo de regressão é 60%, o que significa que usar o modelo para decidir se um commit causará degradação ou não é 10% melhor do que uma decisão aleatória.
A manutenção e evolução de sistemas de software tornou-se uma tarefa bastante crítica ao longo dos últimos anos devido à diversidade e alta demanda de funcionalidades, dispositivos e usuários. Entender e analisar como novas mudanças impactam os atributos de qualidade da arquitetura de tais sistemas é um pré-requisito essencial para evitar a deterioração de sua qualidade durante sua evolução. Esta tese propõe uma abordagem automatizada para a análise de variação do atributo de qualidade de desempenho em termos de tempo de execução (tempo de resposta). Ela é implementada por um framework que adota técnicas de análise dinâmica e mineração de repositório de software para fornecer uma forma automatizada de revelar fontes potenciais – commits e issues – de variação de desempenho em cenários durante a evolução de sistemas de software. A abordagem define quatro fases: (i) preparação – escolher os cenários e preparar os releases alvos; (ii) análise dinâmica – determinar o desempenho de cenários e métodos calculando seus tempos de execução; (iii) análise de variação – processar e comparar os resultados da análise dinâmica para releases diferentes; e (iv) mineração de repositório – identificar issues e commits associados com a variação de desempenho detectada. Estudos empíricos foram realizados para avaliar a abordagem de diferentes perspectivas. Um estudo exploratório analisou a viabilidade de se aplicar a abordagem em sistemas de diferentes domínios para identificar automaticamente elementos de código fonte com variação de desempenho e as mudanças que afetaram tais elementos durante uma evolução. Esse estudo analisou três sistemas: (i) SIGAA – um sistema web para gerência acadêmica; (ii) ArgoUML – uma ferramenta de modelagem UML; e (iii) Netty – um framework para aplicações de rede. Outro estudo realizou uma análise evolucionária ao aplicar a abordagem em múltiplos releases do Netty, e dos frameworks web Wicket e Jetty. Nesse estudo foram analisados 21 releases (sete de cada sistema), totalizando 57 cenários. Em resumo, foram encontrados 14 cenários com variação significante de desempenho para Netty, 13 para Wicket e 9 para Jetty. Adicionalmente, foi obtido feedback de oito desenvolvedores desses sistemas através de um formulário online. Finalmente, no último estudo, um modelo de regressão para desempenho foi desenvolvido visando indicar propriedades de commits que são mais prováveis a causar degradação de desempenho. No geral, 997 commits foram minerados, sendo 103 recuperados de elementos de código fonte degradados e 19 de otimizados, enquanto 875 não tiveram impacto no tempo de execução. O número de dias antes de disponibilizar o release e o dia da semana se mostraram como as variáveis mais relevantes dos commits que degradam desempenho no nosso modelo. A área de característica de operação do receptor (ROC – Receiver Operating Characteristic) do modelo de regressão é 60%, o que significa que usar o modelo para decidir se um commit causará degradação ou não é 10% melhor do que uma decisão aleatória.
La présente thèse vise à évaluer le degré d’implantation et d’utilisation de systèmes de mesure de la performance (SMP) par les décideurs des organisations de réadaptation et à comprendre les facteurs contextuels ayant influencé leur implantation. Pour ce faire, une étude de cas multiples a été réalisée comprenant deux sources de données: des entrevues individuelles avec des cadres supérieurs des organisations de réadaptation du Québec et des documents organisationnels. Le cadre conceptuel Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research a été utilisé pour guider la collecte et l’analyse des données. Une analyse intra-cas ainsi qu’une analyse inter-cas ont été réalisées. Nos résultats montrent que le niveau de préparation organisationnelle à l’implantation d’un SMP était élevé et que les SMP ont été implantés avec succès et utilisés de plusieurs façons. Les organisations les ont utilisés de façon passive (comme outil d’information), de façon ciblée (pour tenter d’améliorer des domaines sous-performants) et de façon politique (comme outil de négociation auprès des autorités gouvernementales). Cette utilisation diversifiée des SMP est suscitée par l’interaction complexe de facteurs provenant du contexte interne propre à chaque organisation, des caractéristiques du SMP, du processus d’implantation appliqué et du contexte externe dans lequel évoluent ces organisations. Au niveau du contexte interne, l’engagement continu et le leadership de la haute direction ont été décisifs dans l’implantation du SMP de par leur influence sur l’identification du besoin d’un SMP, l’engagement des utilisateurs visés dans le projet, la priorité organisationnelle accordée au SMP ainsi que les ressources octroyées à son implantation, la qualité des communications et le climat d’apprentissage organisationnel. Toutefois, même si certains de ces facteurs, comme les ressources octroyées à l’implantation, la priorité organisationnelle du SMP et le climat d’apprentissage se sont révélés être des barrières à l’implantation, ultimement, ces barrières n’étaient pas suffisamment importantes pour entraver l’utilisation du SMP. Cette étude a également confirmé l’importance des caractéristiques du SMP, particulièrement la perception de qualité et d’utilité de l’information. Cependant, à elles seules, ces caractéristiques sont insuffisantes pour assurer le succès d’implantation. Cette analyse d’implantation a également révélé que, même si le processus d’implantation ne suit pas des étapes formelles, un plan de développement du SMP, la participation et l’engagement des décideurs ainsi que la désignation d’un responsable de projet ont tous facilité son implantation. Cependant, l’absence d’évaluation et de réflexion collective sur le processus d’implantation a limité le potentiel d’apprentissage organisationnel, un prérequis à l’amélioration de la performance. Quant au contexte externe, le soutien d’un organisme externe s’est avéré un facilitateur indispensable pour favoriser l’implantation de SMP par les organisations de réadaptation malgré l’absence de politiques et incitatifs gouvernementaux à cet effet. Cette étude contribue à accroître les connaissances sur les facteurs contextuels ainsi que sur leurs interactions dans l’utilisation d’innovations tels les SMP et confirme l’importance d’aborder l’analyse de l’implantation avec une perspective systémique.
Utilization of renewable energy sources and energy storage systems is increasing with fostering new policies on energy industries. However, the increase of distributed generation hinders the reliability of power systems. In order to stabilize them, a virtual power plant emerges as a novel power grid management system. The VPP has a role to make a participation of different distributed energy resources and energy storage systems. This paper defines core technology of the VPP which are demand response and ancillary service concerning about Korea, America and Europe cases. It also suggests application solutions of the VPP to V2G market for restructuring national power industries in Korea.
Advances in communication, navigation and imaging technologies are expected to fundamentally change methods currently used to collect data. Electronic data interchange strategies will also minimize data handling and automatically update files at the point of capture. This report summarizes the outcome of using a multi-camera platform as a method to collect roadway inventory data. It defines basic system requirements as expressed by users, who applied these techniques and examines how the application of the technology met those needs. A sign inventory case study was used to determine the advantages of creating and maintaining the database and provides the capability to monitor performance criteria for a Safety Management System. The project identified at least 75 percent of the data elements needed for a sign inventory can be gathered by viewing a high resolution image.
SD card (Secure Digital Memory Card) is widely used in portable storage medium. Currently, latest researches on SD card, are mainly SD card controller based on FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array). Most of them are relying on API interface (Application Programming Interface), AHB bus (Advanced High performance Bus), etc. They are dedicated to the realization of ultra high speed communication between SD card and upper systems. Studies about SD card controller, really play a vital role in the field of high speed cameras and other sub-areas of expertise. This design of FPGA-based file systems and SD2.0 IP (Intellectual Property core) does not only exhibit a nice transmission rate, but also achieve the systematic management of files, while retaining a strong portability and practicality. The file system design and implementation on a SD card covers the main three IP innovation points. First, the combination and integration of file system and SD card controller, makes the overall system highly integrated and practical. The popular SD2.0 protocol is implemented for communication channels. Pure digital logic design based on VHDL (Very-High-Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language), integrates the SD card controller in hardware layer and the FAT32 file system for the entire system. Secondly, the document management system mechanism makes document processing more convenient and easy. Especially for small files in batch processing, it can ease the pressure of upper system to frequently access and process them, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of systems. Finally, digital design ensures the superior performance. For transmission security, CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) algorithm is for data transmission protection. Design of each module is platform-independent of macro cells, and keeps a better portability. Custom integrated instructions and interfaces may facilitate easily to use. Finally, the actual test went through multi-platform method, Xilinx and Altera FPGA developing platforms. The timing simulation and debugging of each module was covered. Finally, Test results show that the designed FPGA-based file system IP on SD card can support SD card, TF card and Micro SD with 2.0 protocols, and the successful implementation of systematic management for stored files, and supports SD bus mode. Data read and write rates in Kingston class10 card is approximately 24.27MB/s and 16.94MB/s.
The research investigates the feasibility of using web-based project management systems for dredging. To achieve this objective the research assessed both the positive and negative aspects of using web-based technology for the management of dredging projects. Information gained from literature review and prior investigations of dredging projects revealed that project performance, social, political, technical, and business aspects of the organization were important factors in deciding to use web-based systems for the management of dredging projects. These factors were used to develop the research assumptions. An exploratory case study methodology was used to gather the empirical evidence and perform the analysis. An operational prototype of the system was developed to help evaluate developmental and functional requirements, as well as the influence on performance, and on the organization. The evidence gathered from three case study projects, and from a survey of 31 experts, were used to validate the assumptions. Baselines, representing the assumptions, were created as a reference to assess the responses and qualitative measures. The deviation of the responses was used to evaluate for the analysis. Finally, the conclusions were assessed by validating the assumptions with the evidence, derived from the analysis. The research findings are as follows: 1. The system would help improve project performance. 2. Resistance to implementation may be experienced if the system is implemented. Therefore, resistance to implementation needs to be investigated further and more R&D work is needed in order to advance to the final design and implementation. 3. System may be divided into standalone modules in order to simplify the system and facilitate incremental changes. 4. The QA/QC conceptual approach used by this research needs to be redefined during future R&D to satisfy both owners and contractors. Yin (2009) Case Study Research Design and Methods was used to develop the research approach, design, data collection, and analysis. Markus (1983) Resistance Theory was used during the assumptions definition to predict potential problems to the implementation of web-based project management systems for the dredging industry. Keen (1981) incremental changes and facilitative approach tactics were used as basis to classify solutions, and how to overcome resistance to implementation of the web-based project management system. Davis (1989) Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was used to assess the solutions needed to overcome the resistances to the implementation of web-base management systems for dredging projects.
Regulated Transformer Rectifier Units contain several power electronic boards to facilitate AC to DC power conversion. As these units become smaller, the number of devices on each board increases while their distance from each other decreases, making active cooling essential to maintaining reliable operation. Although it is widely accepted that liquid is a far superior heat transfer medium to air, the latter is still capable of yielding low device operating temperatures with proper heat sink and airflow design. The purpose of this study is to describe the models and methods used to design and build the thermal management system for one of the power electronic boards in a compact, high power regulated transformer rectifier unit. Maximum device temperature, available pressure drop and manufacturability were assessed when selecting the final design for testing. Once constructed, the thermal management system’s performance was experimentally verified at three different power levels.
Early water resources modeling efforts were aimed mostly at representing hydrologic processes, but the need for interdisciplinary studies has led to increasing complexity and integration of environmental, social, and economic functions. The gradual shift from merely employing engineering-based simulation models to applying more holistic frameworks is an indicator of promising changes in the traditional paradigm for the application of water resources models, supporting more sustainable management decisions. This dissertation contributes to application of a quantitative-qualitative framework for sustainable water resources management using system dynamics simulation, as well as environmental systems analysis techniques to provide insights for water quality management in the Great Lakes basin. The traditional linear thinking paradigm lacks the mental and organizational framework for sustainable development trajectories, and may lead to quick-fix solutions that fail to address key drivers of water resources problems. To facilitate holistic analysis of water resources systems, systems thinking seeks to understand interactions among the subsystems. System dynamics provides a suitable framework for operationalizing systems thinking and its application to water resources problems by offering useful qualitative tools such as causal loop diagrams (CLD), stock-and-flow diagrams (SFD), and system archetypes. The approach provides a high-level quantitative-qualitative modeling framework for "big-picture" understanding of water resources systems, stakeholder participation, policy analysis, and strategic decision making. While quantitative modeling using extensive computer simulations and optimization is still very important and needed for policy screening, qualitative system dynamics models can improve understanding of general trends and the root causes of problems, and thus promote sustainable water resources decision making. Within the system dynamics framework, a growth and underinvestment (G&U) system archetype governing Lake Allegan's eutrophication problem was hypothesized to explain the system's problematic behavior and identify policy leverage points for mitigation. A system dynamics simulation model was developed to characterize the lake's recovery from its hypereutrophic state and assess a number of proposed total maximum daily load (TMDL) reduction policies, including phosphorus load reductions from point sources (PS) and non-point sources (NPS). It was shown that, for a TMDL plan to be effective, it should be considered a component of a continuous sustainability process, which considers the functionality of dynamic feedback relationships between socio-economic growth, land use change, and environmental conditions. Furthermore, a high-level simulation-optimization framework was developed to guide watershed scale BMP implementation in the Kalamazoo watershed. Agricultural BMPs should be given priority in the watershed in order to facilitate cost-efficient attainment of the Lake Allegan's TP concentration target. However, without adequate support policies, agricultural BMP implementation may adversely affect the agricultural producers. Results from a case study of the Maumee River basin show that coordinated BMP implementation across upstream and downstream watersheds can significantly improve cost efficiency of TP load abatement.
Two key solutions to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and increase the overall energy efficiency are to maximize the utilization of renewable energy resources (RERs) to generate energy for load consumption and to shift to low or zero emission plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) for transportation. The present U.S. aging and overburdened power grid infrastructure is under a tremendous pressure to handle the issues involved in penetration of RERS and PEVs. The future power grid should be designed with for the effective utilization of distributed RERs and distributed generations to intelligently respond to varying customer demand including PEVs with high level of security, stability and reliability. This dissertation develops and verifies such a hybrid AC-DC power system. The system will operate in a distributed manner incorporating multiple components in both AC and DC styles and work in both grid-connected and islanding modes. ^ The verification was performed on a laboratory-based hybrid AC-DC power system testbed as hardware/software platform. In this system, RERs emulators together with their maximum power point tracking technology and power electronics converters were designed to test different energy harvesting algorithms. The Energy storage devices including lithium-ion batteries and ultra-capacitors were used to optimize the performance of the hybrid power system. A lithium-ion battery smart energy management system with thermal and state of charge self-balancing was proposed to protect the energy storage system. A grid connected DC PEVs parking garage emulator, with five lithium-ion batteries was also designed with the smart charging functions that can emulate the future vehicle-to-grid (V2G), vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-house (V2H) services. This includes grid voltage and frequency regulations, spinning reserves, micro grid islanding detection and energy resource support. ^ The results show successful integration of the developed techniques for control and energy management of future hybrid AC-DC power systems with high penetration of RERs and PEVs.^
Gaze estimation has gained interest in recent years for being an important cue to obtain information about the internal cognitive state of humans. Regardless of whether it is the 3D gaze vector or the point of gaze (PoG), gaze estimation has been applied in various fields, such as: human robot interaction, augmented reality, medicine, aviation and automotive. In the latter field, as part of Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS), it allows the development of cutting-edge systems capable of mitigating road accidents by monitoring driver distraction. Gaze estimation can be also used to enhance the driving experience, for instance, autonomous driving. It also can improve comfort with augmented reality components capable of being commanded by the driver's eyes. Although, several high-performance real-time inference works already exist, just a few are capable of working with only a RGB camera on computationally constrained devices, such as a microcontroller. This work aims to develop a low-cost, efficient and high-performance embedded system capable of estimating the driver's gaze using deep learning and a RGB camera. The proposed system has achieved near-SOTA performances with about 90% less memory footprint. The capabilities to generalize in unseen environments have been evaluated through a live demonstration, where high performance and near real-time inference were obtained using a webcam and a Raspberry Pi4.
The topic of environmental sustainability is generating increased concern among business executives, governments, consumers, and management scholars. As these stakeholders struggle with the challenges and opportunities presented by an array of environmental issues, HRM scholars and practitioners alike have been relatively slow to engage in the ongoing discussions and debates. Through this special issue on Green FIRM, we seek to stimulate the field of HRM to expand its role in the pursuit of environmentally sustainable business. In this introduction to the special issue, we first provide an overview of the articles that appear in the special issue. Next we present a detailed discussion of research questions that arise from a consideration of several functional HRM practices, including performance management; training, development, and learning; compensation and rewards; and organizational culture. We conclude by describing opportunities for research at the intersection of strategic HRM and environmental management. If pursued with vigor, research addressing this extensive agenda could begin to establish a healthy field of Green FIRM scholarship.
In geophysics and seismology, raw data need to be processed to generate useful information that can be turned into knowledge by researchers. The number of sensors that are acquiring raw data is increasing rapidly. Without good data management systems, more time can be spent in querying and preparing datasets for analyses than in acquiring raw data. Also, a lot of good quality data acquired at great effort can be lost forever if they are not correctly stored. Local and international cooperation will probably be reduced, and a lot of data will never become scientific knowledge. For this reason, the Seismological Laboratory of the Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Sao Paulo (IAG-USP) has concentrated fully on its data management system. This report describes the efforts of the IAG-USP to set up a seismology data management system to facilitate local and international cooperation.
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the level of logistics information systems (LIS) adoption in manufacturing companies is influenced by organizational profile variables, such as the company`s size, the nature of its operations and their subsectors. Design/methodology/approach - A review of the mainstream literature on US was carried out to identify the factors influencing the adoption of such information systems and also some research gaps. The empirical study`s strategy is based on a survey research in Brazilian manufacturing firms from the capital goods industry. Data collected were analyzed through Kruskall-Wallis and Mann Whitney`s non-parametric tests. Findings - The analysis indicates that characteristics such as the size of companies and the nature of their operations influence the levels of LIS adoption, whilst comparisons regarding the subsectors appeared to be of little influence. Originality/value - This is the first known study to examine the influence of organizational profiles such as size, nature of operations and subsector on the level of US adoption in manufacturing companies. Moreover, it is unique in portraying the Brazilian scenario on this topic and addressing the adoption of seven types of LIS in a single study.
This work deals with the main contributions of human resource dimensions for the environmental management in a company. While the specialized literature concerning the technical aspects of environmental management expands, there is a gap in the bibliography: integrated approaches between human resource dimensions and environmental management. An extensive bibliographical review was undertaken in order to systematize the human resource dimensions and their contributions concerning the effectiveness of the environmental management system. A model that analyses the relationships between these dimensions and the typical phases of an environmental management system is presented, within a perspective of application for academicians and managers. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.