957 resultados para nuclear energy-potential surface
A validation of the burn-up simulation system EVOLCODE 2.0 is presented here, involving the experimental measurement of U and Pu isotopes and some fission fragments production ratios after a burn-up of around 30 GWd/tU in a Pressurized Light Water Reactor (PWR). This work provides an in-depth analysis of the validation results, including the possible sources of the uncertainties. An uncertainty analysis based on the sensitivity methodology has been also performed, providing the uncertainties in the isotopic content propagated from the cross sections uncertainties. An improvement of the classical Sensitivity/ Uncertainty (S/U) model has been developed to take into account the implicit dependence of the neutron flux normalization, that is, the effect of the constant power of the reactor. The improved S/U methodology, neglected in this kind of studies, has proven to be an important contribution to the explanation of some simulation-experiment discrepancies for which, in general, the cross section uncertainties are, for the most relevant actinides, an important contributor to the simulation uncertainties, of the same order of magnitude and sometimes even larger than the experimental uncertainties and the experiment- simulation differences. Additionally, some hints for the improvement of the JEFF3.1.1 fission yield library and for the correction of some errata in the experimental data are presented.
The calculation of the effective delayed neutron fraction, beff , with Monte Carlo codes is a complex task due to the requirement of properly considering the adjoint weighting of delayed neutrons. Nevertheless, several techniques have been proposed to circumvent this difficulty and obtain accurate Monte Carlo results for beff without the need of explicitly determining the adjoint flux. In this paper, we make a review of some of these techniques; namely we have analyzed two variants of what we call the k-eigenvalue technique and other techniques based on different interpretations of the physical meaning of the adjoint weighting. To test the validity of all these techniques we have implemented them with the MCNPX code and we have benchmarked them against a range of critical and subcritical systems for which either experimental or deterministic values of beff are available. Furthermore, several nuclear data libraries have been used in order to assess the impact of the uncertainty in nuclear data in the calculated value of beff .
La obtención de energía a partir de la fusión nuclear por confinamiento magnético del plasma, es uno de los principales objetivos dentro de la comunidad científica dedicada a la energía nuclear. Desde la construcción del primer dispositivo de fusión, hasta la actualidad, se han llevado a cabo multitud de experimentos, que hoy en día, gran parte de ellos dan soporte al proyecto International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). El principal problema al que se enfrenta ITER, se basa en la monitorización y el control del plasma. Gracias a las nuevas tecnologías, los sistemas de instrumentación y control permiten acercarse más a la solución del problema, pero a su vez, es más complicado estandarizar los sistemas de adquisición de datos que se usan, no solo en ITER, sino en otros proyectos de igual complejidad. Desarrollar nuevas implementaciones hardware y software bajo los requisitos de los diagnósticos definidos por los científicos, supone una gran inversión de tiempo, retrasando la ejecución de nuevos experimentos. Por ello, la solución que plantea esta tesis, consiste en la definición de una metodología de diseño que permite implementar sistemas de adquisición de datos inteligentes y su fácil integración en entornos de fusión para la implementación de diagnósticos. Esta metodología requiere del uso de los dispositivos Reconfigurable Input/Output (RIO) y Flexible RIO (FlexRIO), que son sistemas embebidos basados en tecnología Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Para completar la metodología de diseño, estos dispositivos van a ser soportados por un software basado en EPICS Device Support utilizando la tecnología EPICS software asynDriver. Esta metodología se ha evaluado implementando prototipos para los controladores rápidos de planta de ITER, tanto para casos prácticos de ámbito general como adquisición de datos e imágenes, como para casos concretos como el diagnóstico del fission chamber, implementando pre-procesado en tiempo real. Además de casos prácticos, esta metodología se ha utilizado para implementar casos reales, como el Ion Source Hydrogen Positive (ISHP), desarrollada por el European Spallation Source (ESS Bilbao) y la Universidad del País Vasco. Finalmente, atendiendo a las necesidades que los experimentos en los entornos de fusión requieren, se ha diseñado un mecanismo mediante el cual los sistemas de adquisición de datos, que pueden ser implementados mediante la metodología de diseño propuesta, pueden integrar un reloj hardware capaz de sincronizarse con el protocolo IEEE1588-V2, permitiendo a estos, obtener los TimeStamps de las muestras adquiridas con una exactitud y precisión de decenas de nanosegundos y realizar streaming de datos con TimeStamps. ABSTRACT Fusion energy reaching by means of nuclear fusion plasma confinement is one of the main goals inside nuclear energy scientific community. Since the first fusion device was built, many experiments have been carried out and now, most of them give support to the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project. The main difficulty that ITER has to overcome is the plasma monitoring and control. Due to new technologies, the instrumentation and control systems allow an approaching to the solution, but in turn, the standardization of the used data acquisition systems, not only in ITER but also in other similar projects, is more complex. To develop new hardware and software implementations under scientific diagnostics requirements, entail time costs, delaying new experiments execution. Thus, this thesis presents a solution that consists in a design methodology definition, that permits the implementation of intelligent data acquisition systems and their easy integration into fusion environments for diagnostic purposes. This methodology requires the use of Reconfigurable Input/Output (RIO) and Flexible RIO (FlexRIO) devices, based on Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) embedded technology. In order to complete the design methodology, these devices are going to be supported by an EPICS Device Support software, using asynDriver technology. This methodology has been evaluated implementing ITER PXIe fast controllers prototypes, as well as data and image acquisition, so as for concrete solutions like the fission chamber diagnostic use case, using real time preprocessing. Besides of these prototypes solutions, this methodology has been applied for the implementation of real experiments like the Ion Source Hydrogen Positive (ISHP), developed by the European Spallation Source and the Basque country University. Finally, a hardware mechanism has been designed to integrate a hardware clock into RIO/FlexRIO devices, to get synchronization with the IEEE1588-V2 precision time protocol. This implementation permits to data acquisition systems implemented under the defined methodology, to timestamp all data acquired with nanoseconds accuracy, permitting high throughput timestamped data streaming.
Presentación del trabajo realizado en el marco del proyecto F4E, sobre el procesamiento de librerías de dispersión térmica de neutrones en formato ACE para su uso con el código MCNP. Se presentan tanto los métodos y procedimientos empleados, como los resultados y diferencias entre las distintas fuentes de datos.
Best estimate analysis of rod ejection transients requires 3D kinetics core simulators. If they use cross sections libraries compiled in multidimensional tables,interpolation errors – originated when the core simulator computes the cross sections from the table values – are a source of uncertainty in k-effective calculations that should be accounted for. Those errors depend on the grid covering the domain of state variables and can be easily reduced, in contrast with other sources of uncertainties such as the ones due to nuclear data, by choosing an optimized grid distribution. The present paper assesses the impact of the grid structure on a PWR rod ejection transient analysis using the coupled neutron-kinetics/thermal-hydraulicsCOBAYA3/COBRA-TF system. Forthispurpose, the OECD/NEA PWR MOX/UO2 core transient benchmark has been chosen, as material compositions and geometries are available, allowing the use of lattice codes to generate libraries with different grid structures. Since a complete nodal cross-section library is also provided as part of the benchmark specifications, the effects of the library generation on transient behavior are also analyzed.Results showed large discrepancies when using the benchmark library and own-generated libraries when compared with benchmark participants’ solutions. The origin of the discrepancies was found to lie in the nodal cross sections provided in the benchmark.
Multigroup diffusion codes for three dimensional LWR core analysis use as input data pre-generated homogenized few group cross sections and discontinuity factors for certain combinations of state variables, such as temperatures or densities. The simplest way of compiling those data are tabulated libraries, where a grid covering the domain of state variables is defined and the homogenized cross sections are computed at the grid points. Then, during the core calculation, an interpolation algorithm is used to compute the cross sections from the table values. Since interpolation errors depend on the distance between the grid points, a determined refinement of the mesh is required to reach a target accuracy, which could lead to large data storage volume and a large number of lattice transport calculations. In this paper, a simple and effective procedure to optimize the distribution of grid points for tabulated libraries is presented. Optimality is considered in the sense of building a non-uniform point distribution with the minimum number of grid points for each state variable satisfying a given target accuracy in k-effective. The procedure consists of determining the sensitivity coefficients of k-effective to cross sections using perturbation theory; and estimating the interpolation errors committed with different mesh steps for each state variable. These results allow evaluating the influence of interpolation errors of each cross section on k-effective for any combination of state variables, and estimating the optimal distance between grid points.
This paper presents an assessment analysis of damage domains of the 30 MWth prototype High-Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) operated by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). For this purpose, an in-house deterministic risk assessment computational tool was developed based on the Theory of Stimulated Dynamics (TSD). To illustrate the methodology and applicability of the developed modelling approach, assessment results of a control rod (CR) withdrawal accident during subcritical conditions are presented and compared with those obtained by the JAEA.
The paper presents the application of a new risk-informed methodology for the identification of the Emergency Management Requirements (EMR) to a Generation II, Large size Reactor and a Generation III+ Small Modular Reactor. The results obtained in this test case demonstrate that the actual EMR is conservative, as expected, for the GenII reactor, while the new methodology could be applied for the definition of EMRs for the new generation Nuclear Power Plants, with a possible reduction of the emergency area without loss of safety level. By adopting both probabilistic and deterministic approaches, the study addresses possible accidents and corresponding release scenarios for the two types of reactor, calculates the areas where the accidents have an impact on the population and defines the new EMR considering the health effects on the population.
Os recursos energéticos naturais não estão distribuídos uniformemente pelo globo terrestre, e são raros os países que os têm na quantidade e na qualidade que necessitam para atender as suas necessidades. Ante a essa realidade, o comércio de energéticos tem sido a forma principal de acesso dos países que não os dispõem em relação as suas necessidades. Esse comércio, que muitas vezes é regido por tratados ou acordos firmados entre países ou blocos econômicos regionais, diversificou-se, traspassou fronteiras e, atualmente, tornou-se um item significativo nas pautas de exportações de vários países. A evolução desse comércio tem a favor a alternativa de integração por meio de interconexões estratégicas de redes e da constituição de mercados comuns, que viabilizam a exploração do potencial de complementariedade energética de forma mais racional. Diante desse contexto, esta dissertação apresenta um estudo exploratório que avalia o estado da arte da integração energética sul-americana e faz análises dos modelos técnicos, das regulamentações, das regulações regionais e multilaterais estabelecidas pelos blocos econômicos sul-americanos e pela Organização Mundial do Comércio. De forma complementar, o estudo verifica e apresenta os fatores que podem comprometer o avanço e a instituição de um futuro mercado comum de energia no continente, conclui pela viabilidade do prosseguimento de ações em prol da ampliação da integração da indústria de energia elétrica na América do Sul e tece recomendações. Os resultados e as recomendações deste trabalho oferecem um embasamento procedimental para a gestão e a atuação institucional dos envolvidos no processo de integração energética da indústria de energia elétrica da região sul americana.
The objective of this paper is to provide an analysis of the potential and obstacles to the development of geothermal energy resources in Colorado. Geothermal energy is the only renewable resource that can provide base-load electricity. While Colorado has significant geothermal energy potential, there are no such power plants. Layers of federal and state laws and regulations represent one barrier to further geothermal development. Transmission constraints represent another major barrier. High exploration and construction costs along with high-risk profiles for geothermal projects form another major barrier. Perceived barriers such as misunderstanding the impacts, risks, and benefits of geothermal energy hinder further development. Recommendations are provided to help overcome these obstacles.
Microgrids are autonomously operated, geographically clustered electricity generation and distribution systems that supply power in closed system settings; they are highly compatible with renewable energy sources and distributed generation technologies. Mocrogrids are currently a serially underutilized and underappreciated commodity in the energy infrastructure portfolio worldwide. To demonstrate feasibility under poor conditions (little renewable energy potential and high demand) this capstone project develops a theoretical case study in which a renewable microgrid is employed to power rural communities of southern Montgomery County, Arkansas. Utilizing commercially manufactured 1.5-megawatt wind turbines and a 1-megawatt solar panel generation system, 4-megawatts of lithium ion battery storage, and demand response technology, a microgrid is designed that supplies 235 households with reliable electricity supply.
Germany’s decision to give up the use of nuclear energy will force it to find a conventional low-carbon energy source as a replacement; in the short term, in addition to coal, this is likely to be gas. Due to their continued high debt and the losses associated with the end of atomic power, German companies will not be able to spend large funds on investing in conventional energy. First of all, they will aim to raise capital and repay their debts. The money for this will come from selling off their less profitable assets; this will include sales on the gas market. This will create opportunities for natural gas exporters and extraction companies such as Gazprom to buy back some of the German companies’ assets (electricity companies, for example). The German companies will probably continue to seek to recover the costs incurred in the investment projects already underway, such as Nord Stream, the importance of which will grow after Russian gas imports increase. At the same time, because of their debts, the German companies will seek to minimise their investment costs by selling some shares on the conventional energy market, to Russian corporations among others; the latter would thus be able to increase their stake in the gas market in both Western (Germany, Great Britain, the Benelux countries) and Central Europe (Poland, the Czech Republic). It is possible that while establishing the details of cooperation between the Russian and German companies, Russia will try to put pressure on Germany to give up competing projects such as Nabucco. However, a well-diversified German energy market should be able to defend itself against attempts to increase German dependence on Russian gas supplies and the dictates of high prices.
Oil is a strategic raw material for Russia and one of fundamental significance for the functioning of the state and its future. Taxes on oil production and exports are the most important source of state budget revenues which guarantee Russia maintains its political and economic stability. Russia is building its international position on the basis of its vast raw material and energy potential. While a great number of various publications have been devoted to Russian gas and Gazprom, surprisingly little research has been done into the present condition and possible future developments of the Russian oil sector, despite the fact that oil has and will have a much greater impact than gas on the functioning and the future of Russia. The main objective of this text is to describe the present situation of the Russian oil sector, its problems and the challenges it is posing, as well as the government’s policy towards this key branch of the Russian economy. This will be an introduction to an attempt to answer to the questions about the possible future production and the export levels of Russian oil, also broken down into the European and Asian directions.
The ‘16+1’ formula of cooperation between the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and China was launched in 2012. One of its priorities involved increasing the inflow of China’s foreign direct investments (FDI) to the region. China has been interested in carrying out investments which are likely to help Chinese companies gain competitive advantage in areas such as advanced technologies, recognizable brands and distribution channels. The following sectors were identified as areas of priority importance in CEE: construction and modernisation of transport infrastructure, including motorways; development of the network of railways, airports and sea ports; energy, in particular renewable sources of energy and nuclear energy; companies trading in commodities; the food production sector. China’s strategy mainly involves purchasing existing companies, preceded by cherry picking the most favourable candidates for investment, rather than making large greenfield investments.
Thirty years after the Chornobyl nuclear power plant disaster, its aftermath and consequences are still a permanent element of the economic, environmental and social situation of Ukraine, Belarus and some regions of Russia. Ukraine, to which the scope of this text is limited, experienced the most severe shock because, among other factors, the plant where the accident took place was located just 100 km away from Kyiv. Its consequences have affected the course of political developments in the country, and have become part of the newly-shaped national identity of independent Ukraine. The country bore the huge cost of the clean-up effort but did not give up on nuclear energy, and today nuclear power plants generate more than half of its electricity. The system of social benefits for people recognised as disaster survivors, which was put in place by the Soviet government, has become a huge burden on the country’s budget; if implemented fully, it would account for more than 10% of total public spending, and is therefore being implemented to only a partial extent. This system has reinforced the Ukrainian people’s sense of helplessness and dependence on the state. The disaster has also become part of the ‘victim nation’ blueprint of the Ukrainian national myth, which it has further solidified. The technological and environmental consequences of the disaster, and hence also its economic costs, will persist for centuries, while the social consequences will dissipate as the affected generation passes away. In any case, Chornobyl will remain an important part of the life of the Ukrainian state and society.