991 resultados para living landscape


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Regeneration ecology, diversity of native woody species and its potential for landscape restoration was studied in the remnant natural forest at the College of Forestry and Natural Resources at Wondo Genet, Ethiopia. The type of forest is Afromontane rainforest , with many valuable tree species like Aningeria adolfi-friederici, and it is an important provider of ecological, social and economical services for the population that lives in this area. The study contains two parts, natural regeneration studies (at the natural forest) and interviews with farmers in the nearby village of the remnant patch. The objective of the first part was to investigate the floristic composition, densitiy and regeneration profiles of native woody species in the forest, paying special attention to woody species that are considered the most relevant (socio-economic). The second part provided information on woody species preferred by the farmers and on multiple uses of the adjacent natural forest, it also provided information and analysed perceptions on forest degradation. Systematic plot sampling was used in the forest inventory. Twenty square plots of 20 x 20 m were assessed, with 38 identified woody species (the total number of species was 45), representing 26 families. Of these species 61% were trees, 13% shrubs, 11% lianas and 16% species that could have both life forms. An analysis of natural regeneration of five important tree species in the natural forest showed that Aningeria adolfi-friederici had the best regeneration results. An analysis of population structure (as determined by height classes) of two commercially important woody species in the forest, Aningeria adolfi-friederici and Podocarpus falcatus, showed a marked difference: Aningeria had a typical “reversed J” frequency distribution, while Podocarpus showed very low values in all height classes. Multi dimensional scaling (MDS) was used to map the sample plots according to their similarity in species composition, using the Sørensen quantitative index, coupled with indicator species analysis .Three groups were identified with respective indicator species: Group 1 – Adhatoda schimperiana, Group 2 – Olea hochstetteri , Group 3 – Acacia senegal and Aningeria adolfi-friederici. Thirty questionnaire interviews were conducted with farmers in the village of Gotu Onoma that use the nearby remant forest patch. Their tree preferences were exotic species such as Eucalyptus globulus for construction and fuelwood and Grevillea robusta for shade and fertility. Considering forest land degradation farmers were aware of the problem and suggested that the governmental institutions address the problem by planting more Eucalyptus globulus. The natural forest seemed to have moderate levels of disturbance and it was still floristically diverse. However, the low rate of natural regeneration of Podocarpus falcatus suggested that this species is threatened and must be a priority in conservation actions. Plantations and agroforestry seem to be possible solutions for rehabilitation of the surrounding degraded lands, thereby decreasing the existent pressure in the remnant natural forest.


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Työ on laajaan dokumenttiaineistoon, haastatteluihin ja havaintoihin perustuva living lab - tyyppisen tuotekehitysprosessin yksityiskohtainen kuvaus. Hankehistoriallisessa tapaustutkimuksessa on käytetty historiantutkimuksen menetelmiä. Vanhustenkeskuksessa toteutetun living lab -hankkeen lopputuloksena syntyi vanhusten liikkeitä monitoroiva hoitotyön apuväline: turvalattia. Living lab -tyyppisessä tuotekehittämisessä on keskeistä teknologian kehittäminen tuotteen todellisessa käyttöympäristössä siten, että käyttäjät osallistuvat aktiivisesti kehitystyön kaikkiin vaiheisiin. Tutkimuksessa hankkeen etenemistä ja turvalattiateknologian rakentumista tarkastellaan toimijaverkostoteorian ja yhteisöllisen oppimisen käsitteen tarjoamista näkökulmista. Tutkimuksessa kiinnitetään erityisesti huomiota siihen, minkälaisia intressejä teknologian kehittämiseen osallistuvilla ryhmillä on ja minkälaisia konflikteja näiden intressien pohjalta syntyy. Lisäksi tarkastelun keskiössä on käyttäjien ja tuotekehittäjien välinen oppiminen, jonka mahdollistaminen ja edistäminen on living lab -kehittämisen päämäärä. Tutkimuksen keskeinen johtopäätös on, että käyttäjiltä saatu palaute on välttämätöntä käyttökelpoisen sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon alan teknologian aikaansaamiseksi, ja turvalattian tapauksessa käyttäjäpalaute myös uudelleensuuntasi teknologisen järjestelmän innovaatioprosessia. Käyttäjien ja tuotekehittäjien yhteistyön myötä turvalattiaan kehitettiin joukko uusia toiminnallisuuksia ja käsitys tuotteen ydinominaisuuksista sekä hyötylupauksesta muuttuivat. Turvalattian tapaus osoittaa lisäksi yhteisöllisen oppimisen merkityksen innovaatioprosessissa sekä living lab -tyyppisen tuotekehittämisen potentiaalin näiden oppimisprosessien mahdollistajana ja kiihdyttäjänä. Tapaus myös valottaa sitä, kuinka monimutkainen toimintakenttä vanhustenhuolto on teknologian kehittämisen ja sen käyttöönoton näkökulmasta. Näyttäisi kuitenkin siltä, että living lab -metodologian avulla voidaan ylittää joitakin geronteknologian kehittämiseen ja myös käyttöönottoon liittyviä haasteita.


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Thermotropic liquid crystals are known to display rich phase behavior on temperature variation. Although the nematic phase is orientationally ordered but translationally disordered, a smectic phase is characterized by the appearance of a partial translational order in addition to a further increase in orientational order. In an attempt to understand the interplay between orientational and translational order in the mesophases that thermotropic liquid crystals typically exhibit upon cooling from the high-temperature isotropic phase, we investigate the potential energy landscapes of a family of model liquid crystalline systems. The configurations of the system corresponding to the local potential energy minima, known as the inherent structures, are determined from computer simulations across the mesophases. We find that the depth of the potential energy minima explored by the system along an isochor grows through the nematic phase as temperature drops in contrast to its insensitivity to temperature in the isotropic and smectic phases. The onset of the growth of the orientational order in the parent phase is found to induce a translational order, resulting in a smectic-like layer in the underlying inherent structures; the inherent structures, surprisingly, never seem to sustain orientational order alone if the parent nematic phase is sandwiched between the high-temperature isotropic phase and the low-temperature smectic phase. The Arrhenius temperature dependence of the orientational relaxation time breaks down near the isotropic-nematic transition. We find that this breakdown occurs at a temperature below which the system explores increasingly deeper potential energy minima.


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The thesis focuses on one of the most dominant articulations of the relation between geographical place and development, clusters - internationally competing place-bound economic system of production in related industries. The dominant articulation of cluster discourse represents the subnational region as a system of production, and as a means for competitiveness for Western countries. Its reproduction in theories has become one of the most prolific exports of economic geography to other disciplines and for policymaking. By analysing cluster discourse the thesis traces how the languages and processes of globalization have over time altered the understandings of the relation between geographical place and the economy. It shows how in its latest incarnation of the cluster discourse, the language of mainstream economics is combined with ‘softer’ elements (e.g. community, learning, creativity) in the economic geographic discourse. This is typical for the idea of soft capitalism, wherein it is assumed that economic success emanates from soft characteristics, such as knowledge, learning and creativity, rather than straightforward technological or cost advantages. A reoccurring critique against the dominant understanding of the relationship between competitiveness and regions, as articulated in cluster discourse, has pinpointed the perspective’s inability to reconcile the respective and reciprocal roles of local standard of living with firm competitiveness. The thesis traces how such critique is increasingly appropriated through the fusion of the economic, social and cultural landscape into the language of capitalism. It shows how cluster discourse has appropriated its critique, by focusing on creativity, with its strong associations to arts, individual artists and the cultural sphere in general, while predominantly creating its meaning in relation to competitiveness. The thesis consists of six essays that each outlines the development of the cluster discourse. The essays show how meaning systems and strategies are created, accepted and naturalized in cluster discourse, how this affects individuals, the economic landscape and society at large, as well as showing which understandings are marginalized in the process. The thesis argues that clusters are a) inseparable from ideology and politics and b) they are the result of purposeful social practice. It calls for increased reflexivity within corporate and economic geographic research on clusters, and underlines the importance of placing issues of power at the centre of analysis.


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Background: One of the major challenges in understanding enzyme catalysis is to identify the different conformations and their populations at detailed molecular level in response to ligand binding/environment. A detail description of the ligand induced conformational changes provides meaningful insights into the mechanism of action of enzymes and thus its function. Results: In this study, we have explored the ligand induced conformational changes in H. pylori LuxS and the associated mechanistic features. LuxS, a dimeric protein, produces the precursor (4,5-dihydroxy-2,3-pentanedione) for autoinducer-2 production which is a signalling molecule for bacterial quorum sensing. We have performed molecular dynamics simulations on H. pylori LuxS in its various ligand bound forms and analyzed the simulation trajectories using various techniques including the structure network analysis, free energy evaluation and water dynamics at the active site. The results bring out the mechanistic details such as co operativity and asymmetry between the two subunits, subtle changes in the conformation as a response to the binding of active and inactive forms of ligands and the population distribution of different conformations in equilibrium. These investigations have enabled us to probe the free energy landscape and identify the corresponding conformations in terms of network parameters. In addition, we have also elucidated the variations in the dynamics of water co-ordination to the Zn2+ ion in LuxS and its relation to the rigidity at the active sites. Conclusions: In this article, we provide details of a novel method for the identification of conformational changes in the different ligand bound states of the protein, evaluation of ligand-induced free energy changes and the biological relevance of our results in the context of LuxS structure-function. The methodology outlined here is highly generalized to illuminate the linkage between structure and function in any protein of known structure.


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Työ on laajaan dokumenttiaineistoon, haastatteluihin ja havaintoihin perustuva living lab - tyyppisen tuotekehitysprosessin yksityiskohtainen kuvaus. Hankehistoriallisessa tapaustutkimuksessa on käytetty historiantutkimuksen menetelmiä. Vanhustenkeskuksessa toteutetun living lab -hankkeen lopputuloksena syntyi vanhusten liikkeitä monitoroiva hoitotyön apuväline: turvalattia. Living lab -tyyppisessä tuotekehittämisessä on keskeistä teknologian kehittäminen tuotteen todellisessa käyttöympäristössä siten, että käyttäjät osallistuvat aktiivisesti kehitystyön kaikkiin vaiheisiin. Tutkimuksessa hankkeen etenemistä ja turvalattiateknologian rakentumista tarkastellaan toimijaverkostoteorian ja yhteisöllisen oppimisen käsitteen tarjoamista näkökulmista. Tutkimuksessa kiinnitetään erityisesti huomiota siihen, minkälaisia intressejä teknologian kehittämiseen osallistuvilla ryhmillä on ja minkälaisia konflikteja näiden intressien pohjalta syntyy. Lisäksi tarkastelun keskiössä on käyttäjien ja tuotekehittäjien välinen oppiminen, jonka mahdollistaminen ja edistäminen on living lab -kehittämisen päämäärä. Tutkimuksen keskeinen johtopäätös on, että käyttäjiltä saatu palaute on välttämätöntä käyttökelpoisen sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon alan teknologian aikaansaamiseksi, ja turvalattian tapauksessa käyttäjäpalaute myös uudelleensuuntasi teknologisen järjestelmän innovaatioprosessia. Käyttäjien ja tuotekehittäjien yhteistyön myötä turvalattiaan kehitettiin joukko uusia toiminnallisuuksia ja käsitys tuotteen ydinominaisuuksista sekä hyötylupauksesta muuttuivat. Turvalattian tapaus osoittaa lisäksi yhteisöllisen oppimisen merkityksen innovaatioprosessissa sekä living lab -tyyppisen tuotekehittämisen potentiaalin näiden oppimisprosessien mahdollistajana ja kiihdyttäjänä. Tapaus myös valottaa sitä, kuinka monimutkainen toimintakenttä vanhustenhuolto on teknologian kehittämisen ja sen käyttöönoton näkökulmasta. Näyttäisi kuitenkin siltä, että living lab -metodologian avulla voidaan ylittää joitakin geronteknologian kehittämiseen ja myös käyttöönottoon liittyviä haasteita.


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The dissertation discusses the conceptions of place and landscape amongst Nenets living on the island of Kolguyev or being of Kolguyev descent. The conceptions are examined through the everyday life of the community, oral recollections and narration that unfold meanings related to the island. The research material has been collected in ethnographic fieldwork in 2000 2005. The duration of individual fieldworks varies from two weeks to three months and their total duration is nearly six months. The fieldwork has been conducted both on the island and in the city of Nar yan-Mar. The main methods have been participant observation and recorded and unrecorded informal interviews. In addition to the field work data, archive materials, travel accounts, and other historical texts by outsiders about Kolguyev or the Nenets living in the European side of Russia have been used as a research material. The analysis is based on the idea of the place as a meeting point of the physical features, experiences in them and collective narration about them. The concept sense of place is used to describe the interaction of these three. Lived space manifests individual s or collective sense of place. The places form different kinds of networks of meanings which are called landscapes. Hot spots are places where different meanings accumulate. Furthermore, the material is analysed using the concepts of Tale World and Story Realm by Katherine Young. The Tale World is a realm created during the Story Realm, i.e. the event of narrations. The Tale Worlds are true as such but become evaluated in the Story Realm. The Tale Worlds are seen to arise both from the physical features of a place and from oral tradition, but at the same time these worlds give meanings to the place. The Tale Worlds are one of the central ingredients for the sense of place. One of the most central hot spots in Kolguyev is the arok harbour, where most of the themes of the pre-Soviet Tale Worlds are placed: trade and interaction with the Russians, rituals of the popular religion and arrival of the first Nenets to the island. arok is also part of the landscape of the coast where the meetings of Nenets and the other(s) are generally connected. Furthermore, arok is connected to the network of amans graves but also more generally to the landscape of collective sacred and sacrificial places. Another hot spot is the population centre of Bugrino which unfolds through the evaluations of the Tale Worlds. It also is the centre of the everyday life of the community studied. The Tale Worlds of the radiant past fastens on the population centre which is described through the negative models within the genre of litany. Sacred places, that represent the possibility to meet the Otherworld or mark places were encounters with the Otherworld have taken place, generate many kinds of landscapes in the island. They fasten on the graves of the amans, sirtya tradition, and to collective sacred places with their associations. The networks are not closed systems but are given meanings and new associations continuously in narration and recollection. They form multi-level and significant landscapes which reflect the fastening of the Kolguyev Nenets in the tundra of the island. In the research material the holy places and the popular religiousness are emphasised which is one of the most significant research results. It can be seen to reflect collective resistance and the questioning of the atheistic propaganda of the Soviet years. The narration and the recollection often refer also to the discourse of the anti-religious propaganda or use its strategies. The centrality of the holy places is also based on the tenacity of the religious Tale Worlds and sense of place and to the collective significance of the religion in general.


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Landscape ecology as a discipline in science is rather young. However its principles appear promising in outlining conservation strategies including a wide range of organisms, particularly birds. Birds due to their mobility use a variety of environmental resources, especially habitats. However, currently these habitats are only available in patches over most of the tropical world. Further whatever is left is under constant human pressure. This paper, therefore, addresses this problem and suggests means of dealing with it using the landscape approach as outlined by landscape ecology. The landscape approach starts with the realization that patches of habitats are open and interact with one another. Corridors of trees along roads, hedgerows and canals in a landscape can aid in the movement of species. Hence the landscape approach considers patches of habitats as interacting elements in the large matrix of the landscape. The landscape approach also integrates concepts. It puts together often debated issues such as whether to preserve maximum species diversity, to maximize representativeness, or to preserve only the valuable species. Based on a case study of the Uttara Kannada district in Karnataka, these oft-opposing views and complications can be dealt with practically and synthesized into a conservation strategy far the diverse avifauna of the Western Chats.


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The ability of a population to shift from one adaptive peak to another was examined for a two-locus model with different degrees of assortative mating, selection, and linkage. As expected, if the proportion of the population that mates assortatively increases, so does its ability to shift to a new peak. Assortative mating affects this process by allowing the mean fitness of a population to increase monotonically as it passes through intermediate gene frequencies on the way to a new, higher, homozygotic peak. Similarly, if the height of the new peak increases or selection against intermediates becomes less severe, the population becomes more likely to shift to a new peak. Close linkage also helps the shift to a new adaptive peak and acts similarly to assortative mating, but it is not necessary for such a shift as was previously thought. When a population shifts to a new peak, the number of generations required is significantly less than that needed to return to the original peak when that happens. The short period of time required may be an explanation for rapid changes in the geological record. Under extremely high degrees of assortative mating, the shift takes longer, presumably because of the difficulty of breaking up less favored allelic combinations.


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Co-crystals of 4,4'-bipyridine and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (1 : 2) show synthon polymorphism with the former being more stable. A 2 : 1 co-crystal is pseudopolymorphic within the same structural landscape with the structural roles of the two bipyridine N-atoms being distinct, as evidenced by mimicry by 4-phenylpyridine.


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An extensive search of the structural landscape of orcinol, 5-methyl-1,3-dihydroxybenzene, has been carried out with high throughput techniques. Polymorphs, pseudopolymorphs (solvates), and co-crystals are described. Several packing modes driven by O-H center dot center dot center dot N hydrogen bonds were identified for the orcinol N-base co-crystals and their hydrates. In these several structural variations, the OH group conformations in the orcinol molecule were found to depend on the choice of co-formers and the crystallization conditions employed. The structural landscape of a molecule is properly described by a sufficiently large number of related crystal structures, and high throughput crystallization followed by rapid structure determinations enables one to access these structures efficiently. Any understanding of this landscape would enable the crystal engineer to reasonably anticipate crystal structures of benzene-1,3-diol co-crystals with N-bases.


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Positions of potential energy minima for spherical monatomic sorbates in zeolite NaY have been identified for different sizes of the sorbate. It is found that for small sorbates (sigma less than or equal to 4.96 Angstrom) there are only six adsorption sites per alpha-cage, which are located close to the inner surface of the alpha-cage. For larger sorbates, additional sites of comparable energies appear close to the 12-ring window which forms the bottleneck for intercage diffusion. Minimum energy paths between these sites have been computed. These suggest that the barriers for both intracage and intercage site-to-site migrations are comparable and decrease with increase in sorbate size. Earlier simulation studies on the diffusion of monatomic sorbates in zeolites indicated that there is a dramatic change in the nature of dependence of D on sorbate size around 4.96 Angstrom, for zeolite NaY. Therefore, the present results suggest that the dependence of D on sorbate size and the changes in the potential energy landscape are correlated. The sorbate-zeolite system is characterized by a flatter potential energy landscape when the sorbate size is large. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(99)51110-0].