998 resultados para disturbed area


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The translation of this section of the larger publication ”Opredelitel' presnovodnykh bespozvonochnykh evropeiskoi chasti SSSR. (Plankton i bentos)” provides identification keys to the larvae and pupae of chironomids that occur in the Soviet Union. The morphology of the larvae of Chironomidae is described in the introductory part.


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The Pacoima area is located on an isolated hill in the northeast section of the San Fernando, the northeast portion of the Pacoima Quadrangle, Los Angeles County, California. Within it are exposed more than 2300 feet of Tertiary rocks, which comprise three units of Middle Miocene (?) age, and approximately 950 feet of Jurassic (?) granite basement. The formations are characterized by their mode of occurrence, marine and terrestial origin, diverse lithology, and structural features.

The basement complex is composed of intrusive granite, small masses of granodiorite and a granodiorite gneiss with the development of schistosity in sections. During the long period of erosion of the metamorphics, the granitic rocks were exposed and may have provided clastic constituents for the overlying formations.

As a result of rapid sedimentation in a transitional environment, the Middle Miocene Twin Peaks formation was laid down unconformably on the granite. This formation is essentially a large thinning bed of gray to buff pebble and cobble conglomerate grading to coarse yellow sandstone. The contact of conglomerate and granite is characterized by its faulted and depositional nature.

Beds of extrusive andesite, basalt porphyry, compact vesicular amygdaloidal basalts, andesite breccia, interbedded feldspathic sands and clays of terrestial origin, and mudflow breccia comprise the Pacoima formation which overlies the Twin Peaks formation unconformably. A transgressing shallow sea accompanied settling of the region and initiated deposition of fine clastic sediments.

The marine Topanga (?) formation is composed of brown to gray coarse sandstone grading into interbedded buff sandstones and gray shales. Intrusions of rhyolitedacite and ash beds mark continued but sporatic volcanism during this period.

The area mapped represents an arch in the Tertiary sediments. Forces that produced the uplift of the granite structural high created stresses that were relieved by jointing and faulting. Vertical and horizontal movement along these faults has displaced beds, offset contacts and complicated their structure. Uplift and erosion have exposed the present sequence of beds which dip gently to the northeast. The isolated hill is believed to be in an early stage of maturity.


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The eastern part of the Ventura Basin contains great thicknesses of non-marine Tertiary sediments. The lower formations of the Tertiary strata outcrop in the Tick Canyon Area and are described in this report. Emphasis is placed on the description of the Vasquez formation which is the lowest Tertiary unit in the Tick Canyon Area and which contains the only Tertiary lavas found in the East Ventura Basin.


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The Pacoima area consists of Miocene (sediments and basalts) rocks underlain by a quartz diorite basement complex of Jurassic age. The stratigranhic units range from 25 feet to more than 600 feet in thickness. The lower sediments are arkosic land- laid deposits while the Modelo formation, shallow marine in origin, consists of thinly bedded sandstones, shales, volcanic ash and calcareous members. An andesitic mass, possibly a volcanic plug, outcrops near the summit of one of the hills.

An anticline, and possibly an associated syncline, has been developed by compressional folding. Small scale contortion is locally exposed. Regional dip is northward, decreasing from south to north in the area. Faulting is common, most faults trending nearly north-south. Movement along these faults ranges from a few feet to several hundred feet.

There are no important mineral deposits in the area. Quarrying of the basement rocks has been abandoned.


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The region treated in the following report is a small area of about one square mile near Pacoima, California. It consists of a group of small hills that that form the western abutment of the Hansen Dam. It is underlain by a section of intrusives, sediments, and extrusives, which may be subdivided into four groups.

The oldest rocks form the Dimebere complex of Jurassic (?) plutonic rocks, pegmatites, and schists. Lying uncomformably on this is a series of alternating terrestrial sandstones and bassalts of Tertiary age. These are unconformably overlain in turn by the Hansen Dam formation, a series of marine shales and sandstone correlated with the Temblor by the fossil contact. Finally into these strata was intruded the Munglish andesite.

These strata form a shallow, plunging anticline, whose axis trends slightly east of north and lies in the center of the hills. The unconformities have been offset in several places by a series of faults apparently related to the anticline.

A complete outline of the geologic history is included in the report.


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To be able to carry out physical, chemical and biological investigations on a lake, one needs a thorough knowledge of the volume of water and the shape of the lake basin. Little is known about the about the morphology of the lakes in Schleswig-Holstein and its ecological consequences. For this research a 30 KHz echo sounder with sediment transceiver was used to carry out profile determinations (echo soundings). This apparatus continuously records on paper the different reflexions and absorptions of the sediment and water body in the corresponding depth. By this, acoustically noticeable layers and different densities in the sediment and 'scattering layers' in the water body due to physical, chemical and biological reasons (e.g. plans and single fish) are made visible. Result are summarised here regarding the echo soundings in Blunker See.


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Extensive Rubidium-Strontium age determinations on both mineral and total rock samples of the crystalline rocks of New Zealand, which almost solely crop out in the South Island, indicate widespread plutonic and metamorphic activity occurred during two periods, one about 100-118 million years ago and the other about 340-370 million years ago. The former results date the Rangitata Orogeny as Cretaceous. They associate extensive plutonic activity with this orogeny which uplifted and metamorphosed the rocks of the New Zealand Geosyncline, although no field association between the metamorphosed geosynclinal rocks and plutonic rocks has been found. The Cretaceous plutonic rocks occur to the west in the Foreland Province in Fiordland, Nelson, and Westland, geographically separated from the Geosynclinal Province. Because of this synchronous timing of plutonic and high pressure metamorphic activity in spatially separated belts, the Rangitata Orogeny in New Zealand is very similar to late Mesozoic orogenic activity in many other areas of the circum-Pacific margin (Miyashiro, 1961).

The 340-370 million year rocks, both plutonic and metamorphic, have been found only in that part of the Foreland Province north of the Alpine Fault. There, they are concentrated along the west coast over a distance of 500 km, and appear scattered inland from the coast. Probably this activity marks the outstanding Phanerozoic stratigraphic gap in New Zealand which occurred after the Lower Devonian.

A few crystalline rocks in the Foreland Province north of the Alpine Fault with measured ages intermediate between 340 and 120 million years have been found. Of these, those with more than one mineral examined give discordant results. All of these rocks are tentatively regarded as 340-370 million year old rocks that have been variously disturbed during the Rangitata Orogeny, 100-120 million years ago.

In addition to these two periods, plutonic activity, dominantly basic and ultrabasic, but including the development of some rocks of intermediate and acidic composition, occurred along the margin of the Geosynclinal Province at its border with the Foreland Province during Permian times about 245 million years ago, and this activity possibly extended into the Mesozoic.

Evidence from rubidium-strontium analyses of minerals and a total rock, and from uranium, thorium, and lead analyses of uniform euhedral zircons from a meta-igneous portion of the Charleston Gneiss, previously mapped as Precambrian, indicate that this rock is a 350-370 million year old plutonic rock metamorphosed 100 million yea rs ago during the Rangitata Orogeny. No crystalline rocks with primary Precambrian ages have been found in New Zealand. However, Pb207/Pb206 ages of 1360 million years and 1370 million years have been determined for rounded detrital zircons separated from each of two hornfels samples of one of New Zealand's olde st sedimentary units, the Greenland Series. These two samples were metamorphosed 345- 370 million years ago. They occur along the west coast, north of the Alpine Fault, at Waitaha River and Moeraki River, separated by 135 km. The Precambrian measured ages are most likely minimum ages for the oldest source area which provided the detrital zircons because the uranium, thorium and lead data are highly discordant. These results are of fundamental importance for the tectonic picture of the Southwest Pacific margin and demonstrate the existence of relatively old continental crust of some lateral extent in the neighborhood of New Zealand.


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A new supervised burned area mapping software named BAMS (Burned Area Mapping Software) is presented in this paper. The tool was built from standard ArcGIS (TM) libraries. It computes several of the spectral indexes most commonly used in burned area detection and implements a two-phase supervised strategy to map areas burned between two Landsat multitemporal images. The only input required from the user is the visual delimitation of a few burned areas, from which burned perimeters are extracted. After the discrimination of burned patches, the user can visually assess the results, and iteratively select additional sampling burned areas to improve the extent of the burned patches. The final result of the BAMS program is a polygon vector layer containing three categories: (a) burned perimeters, (b) unburned areas, and (c) non-observed areas. The latter refer to clouds or sensor observation errors. Outputs of the BAMS code meet the requirements of file formats and structure of standard validation protocols. This paper presents the tool's structure and technical basis. The program has been tested in six areas located in the United States, for various ecosystems and land covers, and then compared against the National Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS) Burned Area Boundaries Dataset.


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An atomic force microscope (AFM) assisted surface plasmons leakage radiation photolithography technique has been numerically demonstrated by using two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain (2D-FDTD) method. With the aid of a metallic AFM tip, particular characteristic of the Kretstchmann configuration to excite surface plasmons (SPs) is utilized to achieve large-area patterns with high spatial resolution and contrast, the photoresist could be exposed with low power laser due to the remarkable local field enhancement at the metal/dielectric interface and the resonant localized SPs modes near the tip. Good tolerance on the film thickness and incident angle has been obtained, which provides a good practicability for experiments. This photolithography technique proposed here can realize large-area, high-resolution, high-contrast, nondestructive, arbitrary-structure fabrication of nanoscale devices. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: to analyze what nursing models and nursing assessment structures have been used in the implementation of the nursing process at the public and private centers in the health area Gipuzkoa (Basque Country). Method: a retrospective study was undertaken, based on the analysis of the nursing records used at the 158 centers studied. Results: the Henderson model, Carpenito's bifocal structure, Gordon's assessment structure and the Resident Assessment Instrument Nursing Home 2.0 have been used as nursing models and assessment structures to implement the nursing process. At some centers, the selected model or assessment structure has varied over time. Conclusion: Henderson's model has been the most used to implement the nursing process. Furthermore, the trend is observed to complement or replace Henderson's model by nursing assessment structures.


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A master-oscillator fiber power amplifier (MOPA) system with a 4-m-long Yb3+-doped homemade large mode area (LMA) double-clad fiber is reported. The system emits up to 133.8 W of amplified radiation at a wavelength of 1064 nm and a repetition rate of 100 kHz, limited only by the available pump power. Peak power of 300 kW at 20 kHz with a pulse duration of 15 ns is obtained. (c) 2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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A master-oscillator fiber power amplifier (MOPA) system with a 4-m-long Yb3+-doped homemade large mode area (LMA) double-clad fiber is reported. The system emits up to 133.8 W of amplified radiation at a wavelength of 1064 nm and a repetition rate of 100 kHz, limited only by the available pump power. Peak power of 300 kW at 20 kHz with a pulse duration of 15 ns is obtained. (c) 2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.