921 resultados para cognitive disorder
Objective: The few studies applying single-voxel(1)H spectroscopy in children and adolescents with bipolar disorder (BD) have reported low N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA) levels in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), and high myo-inositol / phosphocreatine plus creatine (PCr+Cr) ratios in the anterior cingulate. The aim of this study was to evaluate NAA, glycerophosphocholine plus phosphocholine (GPC+PC) and PCr+Cr in various frontal cortical areas in children and adolescents with BD. We hypothesized that NAA levels within the prefrontal cortex are lower in BD patients than in healthy controls, indicating neurodevelopmental alterations in the former. Method: We studied 43 pediatric patients with DSM-IV BD (19 female, mean age 13.2 +/- 2.9 years) and 38 healthy controls (79 female, mean age 13.9 +/- 2.7 years). We conducted multivoxel in vivo (1)H spectroscopy measurements at 1.5 Tesla using a long echo time of 272 ms to obtain bilateral metabolite levels from the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC), DLPFC (white and gray matter), cingulate (anterior and posterior), and occipital lobes. We used the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test to compare neurochemical levels between groups. Results: In pediatric BD patients, NAA and GPC+PC levels in the bilateral MPFC, and PCr+Cr levels in the left MPFC were lower than those seen in the controls. In the left DLPFC white matter, levels of NAA and PCr+Cr were also lower in BD patients than in controls. Conclusions: Lower NAA and PCr+Cr levels in the PFC of children and adolescents with BD may be indicative of abnormal dendritic arborization and neuropil, suggesting neurodevelopmental abnormalities. J. Am. Acad. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry, 2011;50(1):85-94.
Objective: To compare the variability of patterns of depressive symptoms between two consecutive depressive episodes in patients with bipolar disorder type I. Methods: Review of prospectively collected data from 136 subjects of an out-patient bipolar unit from 1997 to 2007. Binomial statistics was used for the analysis of Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS)-31 items of the first and second episodes, and the correlation of the HDRS-31 item scores of both episodes was determined using the Spearman coefficient. Results: Ten depressive symptoms showed a significant correlation between index and subsequent episodes: psychological anxiety, somatic anxiety, somatic symptoms, diurnal variation, paranoid symptoms, obsessive and compulsive symptoms, hypersomnia, loss of appetite and helplessness. Only four symptoms were stable in both statistical tests: paranoid symptoms, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, loss of appetite and hypersomnia. Conclusions: Paranoid and obsessive-compulsive symptoms, loss of appetite and hypersomnia tended to be found in successive episodes. However, the moderate correlations of the symptoms across two depressive recurrences suggested that clinical presentations in bipolar depression may not be predicted by symptom profiles presented in previous episodes.
Purpose of review To review neuroimaging findings that have been reported in samples of patients with cardiovascular disorders and their association with the onset of Alzheimer`s disease, vascular dementia, depression and bipolar disorder in the elderly and to highlight the implications of these findings to the knowledge about the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders in old age, as well as their potential clinical implications. Recent findings Vascular risk factors, such as hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, smoking habits and heart failure, have all been associated with signs of cerebrovascular dysfunction, including structural MRI findings of signal hyperintensities, lacunes and stroke and functional imaging findings of brain regional hypoperfusion and hypometabolism. Such brain abnormalities have been found to increase the risk of onset of psychiatric disorder (depression, bipolar and dementia) in old age. Summary As vascular risk factors are potentially modifiable when detected in midlife, the early characterization of brain changes associated with the presence of cardiovascular diseases holds promise to afford clinical applications in psychiatry, providing new perspectives for the prevention of old age psychiatric disorders.
Objective: The etiology of hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) is known to be multifactorial, involving biological, psychosexual, and context-related factors. The objective of the present study was to analyze the factors associated with female HSDD and to stratify these factors according to their importance. Methods: This was a population-based, hierarchical study conducted in Brazil, based on data from previous research on the Brazilian Sexual Life Study, conducted between November 2002 and February 2003 in various Brazilian cities. The primary study consisted of a self-administered and anonymous questionnaire, addressing sociodemographic parameters, general health, life habits, behavior, and complaints related to sexual function. The association between HSDD and various other factors was assessed. The data were evaluated by hierarchical multiple regression analysis. Results: The prevalence of HSDD in this sample was 9.5%. Associations were found with cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, posttraumatic stress, poorer education level, being older, being married, a lack of information on sexuality in childhood/adolescence, and a limited sexual repertoire. Women who consumed moderate amounts of alcohol were found to be less likely to have HSDD. Conclusions: Analysis of the associated factors classified in order of importance and analysis of the characteristics of the sexual relationships provide additional information to currently available data on the traditional concepts of HSDD.
Objectives. The extent to which psychotic disorders fall into distinct diagnostic categories or can be regarded as lying on a single continuum is controversial. We compared lateral ventricle volumes between a large sample of patients with first-episode schizophrenia or bipolar disorder and a healthy control group from the same neighbourhood. Methods. Population-based MRI study with 88 first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients, grouped into those with schizophrenia/schizophreniform disorder (N = 62), bipolar disorder (N = 26) and 94 controls. Results. Right and left lateral ventricular and right temporal horn volumes were larger in FEP subjects than controls. Within the FEP sample, post-hoc tests revealed larger left lateral ventricles and larger right and left temporal horns in schizophrenia subjects relative to controls, while there was no difference between patients with bipolar disorder and controls. None of the findings was attributable to effects of antipsychotics. Conclusions. This large-sample population-based MRI study showed that neuroanatomical abnormalities in subjects with schizophrenia relative to controls from the same neighbourhood are evident at the first episode of illness, but are not detectable in bipolar disorder patients. These data are consistent with a model of psychosis in which early brain insults of neurodevelopmental origin are more relevant to schizophrenia than to bipolar disorder.
Increased pro-inflammatory state has been implicated in the pathophysiology of major depressive disorder. The aim of this study was to determine serum levels of INF-alpha and soluble TNF-alpha receptors 1 and 2 (sTNFR1 and sTNFR2) in anti-depressant free depressed elderly patients as compared to healthy controls. Sixty-seven older adults (28 with major depression and 39 controls) were enrolled to this study. Participants were assessed by the SCID and diagnosis of major depressive episode was made according to the DSM-IV criteria. Serum INF-alpha, 5TNFR1 and sTNFR2 were determined by ELISA. Anti-depressant free patients with late-life depression showed an increased level of the sTNFR2 as compared to controls (p = 0.03). No significant differences were found in serum INF-alpha and sTNFR1 levels (p = 0.1 and p = 0.4, respectively). There was no correlation between serum levels of these inflammatory markers and the severity of depression. Our findings provide additional evidence of the involvement of abnormal pro-inflammatory state in late-life depression. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Substance-dependence is highly associated with executive cognitive function (ECF) impairments. However. considering that it is difficult to assess ECF clinically, the aim of the present study was to examine the feasibility of a brief neuropsychological tool (the Frontal Assessment Battery FAB) to detect specific ECF impairments in a sample of substance-dependent individuals (SDI). Sixty-two subjects participated in this study. Thirty DSM-IV-diagnosed SDI, after 2 weeks of abstinence, and 32 healthy individuals (control group) were evaluated with FAD and other ECF-related tasks: digits forward (DF), digits backward (DB), Stroop Color Word Test (SCWT), and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). SDI did not differ from the control group on sociodemographic variables or IQ. However, SDI performed below the controls in OF, DB, and FAB. The SDI were cognitively impaired in 3 of the 6 cognitive domains assessed by the FAB: abstract reasoning, motor programming, and cognitive flexibility. The FAB correlated with DF, SCWT, and WCST. In addition, some neuropsychological measures were correlated with the amount of alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine use. In conclusion, SDI performed more poorly than the comparison group on the FAB and the FAB`s results were associated with other ECF-related tasks. The results suggested a negative impact of alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine use on the ECF. The FAB may be useful in assisting professionals as an instrument to screen for ECF-related deficits in SDI. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: The Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) assesses everyday memory by means of tasks which mimic daily challenges. The objective was to examine the validity of the Brazilian version of the RBMT to detect cognitive decline. Methods: 195 older adults were diagnosed as normal controls (NC) or with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or Alzheimer`s disease (AD) by a multidisciplinary team, after participants completed clinical and neuropsychological protocols. Results: Cronbach`s alpha was high for the total sample for the RBMT profile (PS) and screening scores (SS) (PS=0.91, SS=0.87) and for the AD group (PS=0.84, SS=0.85), and moderate for the MCI (PS=0.62, SS=0.55)and NC (PS=0.62, SS=0.60) groups. RBMT total scores, Appointment, Pictures, Immediate and Delayed Story, Immediate and Delayed Route, Delayed Message and Date contributed to differentiate NC from MCI. ROC curve analyses indicated high accuracy to differentiate NC from AD patients, and, moderate accuracy to differentiate NC from MCI. Conclusions: The Brazilian version of the RBMT seems to be an appropriate instrument to identify memory decline in Brazilian older adults.
Context: It has been reported that childhood psychotic symptoms are common in the general population and may signal neurodevelopmental processes that lead to schizophrenia. However, it is not clear whether these symptoms are associated with the same extensive risk factors established for adult schizophrenia. Objective: To examine the construct validity of children`s self-reported psychotic symptoms by testing whether these symptoms share the risk factors and clinical features of adult schizophrenia. Design: Prospective, longitudinal cohort study of a nationally representative birth cohort in Great Britain. Participants: A total of 2232 twelve-year-old children followed up since age 5 years ( retention, 96%). Main Outcome Measure: Children`s self-reported hallucinations and delusions. Results: Children`s psychotic symptoms are familial and heritable and are associated with social risk factors (eg, urbanicity); cognitive impairments at age 5; home-rearing risk factors ( eg, maternal expressed emotion); behavioral, emotional, and educational problems at age 5; and comorbid conditions, including self-harm. Conclusions: The results provide a comprehensive picture of the construct validity of children`s self-reported psychotic symptoms. For researchers, the findings indicate that children who have psychotic symptoms can be recruited for neuroscience research to determine the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. For clinicians, the findings indicate that psychotic symptoms in childhood are often a marker of an impaired developmental process and should be actively assessed.
Alcoholism is highly prevalent among bipolar disorder (BD) patients, and its presence is associated with a worse outcome and refractoriness to treatment of the mood disorder. The neurobiological underpinnings that characterize this comorbidity are unknown. We sought to investigate the neurochemical profile of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) of BD patients with comorbid alcoholism. A short-TE, single-voxel (1)H spectroscopy acquisition at 1.5T from the left DLFPC of 22 alcoholic BD patients, 26 non-alcoholic BD patients and 54 healthy comparison subjects (HC) were obtained. Absolute levels of N-acetyl aspartate, phosphocreatine plus creatine, choline-containing compounds, myo-inositol, glutamate plus glutamine (Glu + Gln) and glutamate were obtained using the water signal as an internal reference. Analysis of co-variance was used to compare metabolite levels among the three groups. In the primary comparison, non-alcoholic BD patients had higher glutamate concentrations compared to alcoholic BD patients. In secondary comparisons integrating interactions between gender and alcoholism, non-alcoholic BD patients presented significantly higher glutamate plus glutamine (Glu + Gln) than alcoholic BD patients and HC. These results appeared to be driven by differences in male subjects. Alcoholic BD patients with additional drug use disorders presented significantly lower myo-inositol than BD patients with alcoholism alone. The co-occurrence of BD and alcoholism may be characterized by neurochemical abnormalities related to the glutamatergic system and to the inositol second messenger system and/or in glial pathology. These abnormalities may be the neurochemical correlate of an increased risk to develop alcoholism in BD, or of a persistently worse clinical and functional status in BD patients in remission from alcoholism, supporting the clinical recommendation that efforts should be made to prevent or early diagnose and treat alcoholism in BD patients. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: Although bipolar disorder (BD) with comorbid obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is highly prevalent, few controlled studies have assessed this comorbidity. The objective of this study was to investigate the clinical characteristics and expression of comorbid disorders in female BD patients with OCD. Method: We assessed clinically stable female outpatients with BD: 15 with comorbid OCD (BD+OCD group) and 15 without (BD/no-OCD group). All were submitted to the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV, with additional modules for the diagnosis of kleptomania, trichotillomania, pathological gambling, onychophagia and skin picking. Results: The BD+OCD patients presented more chronic episodes, residual symptoms and previous depressive episodes than the BD/no-OCD patients. Of the BD+OCD patients, 86% had a history of treatment-emergent mania, compared with only 40% of the BD/no-OCD patients. The following were more prevalent in the BD+OCD patients than the BD/no-OCD patients: any anxiety disorder other than OCD; impulse control disorders; eating disorders; and tic disorders. Conclusion: Female BD patients with OCD may represent a more severe form of disorder than those without OCD, having more depressive episodes and residual symptoms, and being at a higher risk for treatment-emergent mania, as well as presenting a greater anxiety and impulse control disorder burden.
Objectives. The aim of the present study is to investigate serum BDNF levels in older depressed patients as compared to healthy elderly controls. Methods. Twenty-nine elderly subjects with major depression and 42 healthy older adults were enrolled to this study. All depressed patients were antidepressant-free for at least 1 month prior clinical and laboratorial assessments. Serum BDNF levels were determined by sandwich ELISA. Results. BDNF levels were lower in elderly depressed patients as compared to controls (P = 0.034). Patients with late-onset depression had the lowest BDNF level (median 478.5, interquartile range 373.5-740.9 pg/l) when compared to early-onset depression (median 620.7, interquartile range 366.1-971.9 pg/l) and healthy controls (median 711.3, interquartile range 534.7-1181.0 pg/l) (P < 0.03). Conclusions. Reduced serum BDNF level may be a state marker of late-life depression in non-medicated elderly patients. Our findings provide further evidences that reduced neurotrophic support may have an important role in the physiopathology of late-life depression.
Objective: To evaluate whether including children with onset of symptoms between ages 7 and 12 years in the ADHD diagnostic category would: (a) increase the prevalence of the disorder at age 12, and (b) change the clinical and cognitive features, impairment profile, and risk factors for ADHD compared with findings in the literature based on the DSM-IV definition of the disorder. Method: A birth cohort of 2,232 British children was prospectively evaluated at ages 7 and 12 years for ADHD using information from mothers and teachers. The prevalence of diagnosed ADHD at age 12 was evaluated with and without the inclusion of individuals who met DSM-IV age-of-onset criterion through mothers` or teachers` reports of symptoms at age 7. Children with onset of ADHD symptoms before versus after age 7 were compared on their clinical and cognitive features, impairment profile, and risk factors for ADHD. Results: Extending the age-of-onset criterion to age 12 resulted in a negligible increase in ADHD prevalence by age 12 years of 0.1%. Children who first manifested ADHD symptoms between ages 7 and 12 did not present correlates or risk factors that were significantly different from children who manifested symptoms before age 7. Conclusions: Results from this prospective birth cohort might suggest that adults who are able to report symptom onset by age 12 also had symptoms by age 7, even if they are not able to report them. The data suggest that the prevalence estimate, correlates and risk factors of ADHD will not be affected if the new diagnostic scheme extends the age-of-onset criterion to age 12. J. Am. Acad. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry, 2010;49(3):210-216.
The magnitude Of functional impairment that may indicate the threshold between MCI and incipient Alzheimer`s disease (AD) has not been clearly defined. The objective was to examine the pattern of functional impairment in the continuum MCI-AD. Eighty-nine older adults (32 cognitively unimpaired, 31 MCI, and 26 AD patients) were examined with the Brazilian version of the Direct Assessment of Functional Status (DAFS-BR) at a University-based memory clinic. MCI patients were sub-divided according to the progression to AD upon follow-up, and had baseline cognitive, functional and biological variables analyzed. MCI patients displayed mild deficits in functional abilities, with intermediate scores as compared to controls and AD. The DAFS-BR items that differentiated MCI from controls involved the ability to deal with finances and shopping skills. At baseline, scores obtained by MCI patients who converted to AD were not significantly different from scores of nonconverters. The magnitude of functional deficits was associated with AD-like pathological findings in the CSF. In conclusion, MCI patients present with early functional changes in complex, instrumental abilities that require the integrity of memory and executive functions. The objective measurement of the functional state may help identify older adults with increased risk of developing dementia in the MCI-AD continuum. (JINS, 2010, 16, 297-305.)
Objective: To assess the rate of comorbidities and the functional impairment associated with the social anxiety disorder (SAD), with an emphasis on the so-called subthreshold clinical signs and symptoms. Method: Psychiatric comorbidities and psychosocial functioning were evaluated in 355 volunteers (college students) who had been diagnosed as SAD (n = 141), Subthreshold SAD (n = 92) or Controls (n = 122). Results: The rate of comorbidities was 71.6% in the SAD group and 50% in subjects with Subthreshold SAD, both significantly greater than Controls (28.7%). Concerning psychosocial functioning, the SAD group had higher impairment than the other two groups in all domains evaluated, and subjects with Subthreshold SAD presented intermediate values. Conclusion: The rates of psychiatric comorbidities and the impairment of psychosocial functioning increase progressively along the spectrum of social anxiety. The fact that Subthreshold SAD causes considerable disability and suffering in comparison with control subjects justifies a review of the validity of the diagnostic criteria.