969 resultados para blended learning


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In 2009, Deakin University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong trailed the use of Web 2.0 technologies to enhance learning outcomes in a third year architectural design studio that was modelled on the Virtual Design Studios (VDS) of past decades. The studio developed the VDS further by integrating a social learning environment into the blended learning experience. The Web 2.0 VDS utilised the social networking sites Ning.com, YouTube and Skype; various 3D modelling and video- and/or image-processing software; plus chat-software. These were used in combination to deliver lectures, communicate learning goals, disseminate learning resources, submit work, and provide feedback and comments on various design works in assessing students’ outcomes. This paper centres on issues of learning and teaching associated with the development of a Social Network VDS (SNVDS).


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Many researchers and practitioners currently teaching at Universities use the works of Arakawa and Gins within their courses and some go as far as structuring entire courses on their work. This indcates the value of Arakawa and Gins’ insight which offers many opportunities to intensify the relationship of theory to practice, disciplinary inquiry to knowledge and art to life. Having spent time in each of Arakawa and Gins’ built works, I have experienced and evaluated the benefits of constructing relationships among bodily movement, tactically posed surrounds and the discursive sequences that best constrain them. Based on my experience, I advocate going beyond the study of finished products towards the practice of coordinating history, community, person and body that occurs when inventing and assembling architectural procedures. This paper will outline my efforts over the last eighteen months to produce a feasibility study for building an experimental teaching space at my University (Griffith University, Australia). The experimental teaching space that I am proposing would commission and enact the architectural procedures of Arakawa and Gins in a constantly changing built (in-the-process-of-being-built) environment, where the guided construction of the teaching space is the curriculum. This approach would offer an alternative to the design trend in teaching and learning environments toward technologically driven smart spaces. An experimental space based on “perceptual learning”, “sited awareness” and “daily reserach” would address the disconnection between current research from the life sciences, developmental psychology, rehabilitation science and blended learning—and the enrivonments in which learning occurs. My discussions will address two issues: the link between pedagogical concerns of advanced study with the production of commual space (organism-person-surrounds) and how these goals can be implemented within the institutional planning processes while adhering to new federal funding guidelines, new performance indicatiors, and public tender guidelines. Throughout my paper, I argue that an experimental teaching space would accentuate multidisciplinarity and offer budding teachers, life scientists, sociologists, historians, and artists the enactive tools by which to affect change and provide grounded cultural leadership.


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In 2009, Deakin University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong trailed the use of Web 2.0 technologies to enhance learning outcomes in a third-year architectural design studio that was modelled on the virtual design studios (VDSs) of the past decades. The studio developed the VDS further by integrating a social learning environment into the blended learning experience. The Web 2.0 VDS utilized the social networking site Ning.com, YouTube, Skype and various three-dimensional modelling, video and image processing, and chat software to deliver lectures, communicate learning goals, disseminate learning resources, submitting, providing feedback and comments to various design works, and assessing of students’ outcomes. This research centres on issues of learning and teaching associated with the development of a social network VDS.


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With the advent of social networks, it became apparent that the social aspect of designing and learning plays a crucial role in students’ education. Technologies and skills are the base on which learners interact. The ease of communication, leadership opportunity, democratic interaction, teamwork, and the sense of community are some of the aspects that are now in the centre of design interaction. The paper examines Virtual Design Studios (VDS) that used media-rich platforms and analyses the influence the social aspect plays in solving all problems on the sample of a design studio at Deakin University. It studies the effectiveness of the generated social intelligence and explores the facilitation of students’ self-directed learning. Hereby the paper studies the construction of knowledge via social interaction and how blended learning environments foster motivation and information exchange. It presents its finding based on VDS that were held over the past three years.


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Can E-learning 2.0 provide a platform for improving performance in nonprofit organizations? It is argued that Web 2.0 technologies provide the tools that today’s students rely on in the learning environment. As such they may be the means to attract and retain learners in training and education programs designed to improve performance. E-learning delivered through a blended learning model has proven to be effective in corporate training and higher education. Can the interactive, collaborative model offered in E-learning 2 prove to be as effective? This paper reviews the literature on blended learning and capacity-building as background for a discussion of the potential that e-learning models enhanced by web 2.0 technologies have for expanding access to education and training and facilitating implementation of skills and knowledge gained in the workplace. We suggest that increasing training opportunities for staff and making nonprofit management education more accessible through online programs is not enough to meet the challenge. What is needed at this point is practicable education and training delivered in today’s user’s environment, that is online and “on the go.”


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With the advent of social networks, it became apparent that the social aspect of designing and learning plays a crucial role in students’ education. The ease of communication, leadership opportunity, democratic interaction, teamwork, and the sense of community are some of the aspects that are now in the centre of design interaction. Online interactions, multimedia, mobile computing and face-to-face learning create blended learning environments to which some Virtual Design Studios (VDS) have reacted. On the sample of a design studio at Deakin University the paper discusses details of the Social Network VDS, its pedagogical implications to PBL, and presents how it is successful in empowering architectural students to collaborate and communicate design proposals that integrate a variety of skills, deep learning, and construction of knowledge. It studies the effectiveness of the generated social intelligence and explores the facilitation of students’ self-directed learning. Hereby the paper studies the construction of knowledge via social interaction and how blended learning environments foster motivation and information exchange.


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Students engage in Social Networks (SN) as a form of interaction with friends and tutors, as news or learning resource, to make their voices heard or to listen to other views and many more. Online SN work in close association with offline SN to form a blended social environment that greatly enables and enhances students' learning. Some Schools of Architecture have struggled or failed to engage in the potential of SN or their respective University's online Learning Management Systems (LMS). Despite efforts to facilitate blended learning environments or to engage students in problem-based learning activities architectural education often fails to tap into the rich resources that online social learning environments offers through their collective and social intelligence of its users. This paper proposes a framework for SN architectural education that provides opportunities for linking the academic LMS with private or professional SN such that it enhances the learning experience and deepens the knowledge of the students. The paper proposes ways of utilising SN supported learning environments in other areas of the curriculum and concludes with directions of how this framework can be employed in professional settings.


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The summer trimester system provides students with greater flexibility to plan their study around work or lifestyle commitments, create options for students to commence a degree sooner or at a more convenient time of the year and enable students to fast track their study. There is increasing number of students enrolled in summer trimester. However, it was found that student engagement during summer is less than when those same subjects are delivered during other trimesters. This research investigates the using the "Sandwiches" delivery approach to improve the learning relationship with students. This innovative approach includes the first three weeks intensive oncampus delivery with a range of lectures and tutorials. This is followed by six weeks of on-line discussions, quizzes and self-assessment activities to strengthen the students' knowledge and reinforce learning. The last week of summer trimester is revision to confirm theory prior to an examination. Positive responses from student reflected that this approach can be used for other subjects not only in summer trimester but also applicable in other trimesters. In fact, In order to improve course delivery, higher education providers always collect feedback and comment from students and previous research studies have used various methodologies. This paper demonstrates how to use survey plus case study to analysis student satisfaction.


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A educação a distância vem ganhando destaque nos últimos anos em função da capacidade de expansão do ensino superior e também por incluir um grupo de pessoas que, de outra forma, não poderia realizar uma graduação. O objetivo dessa pesquisa é identificar as variáveis que influenciam o processo de permanência dos alunos de Administração, comparando resultados das modalidades presencial e a distância, tomando como caso a Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (Uema). Como principal referencial teórico do presente estudo, escolheu-se o Modelo de Integração do Estudante de Tinto (1975), considerado como a primeira proposta academicamente reconhecida de determinação das variáveis que intervém no processo de evasão e permanência de alunos em um curso de graduação. Um dos componentes do modelo despertou o interesse de comparação entre as duas modalidades (presencial e a distância) de forma especial, qual seja: a integração social, decorrente das interações discentes e docentes, que em geral são pouco exploradas nos estudos empíricos. O método definido para o estudo foi de caráter descritivo e base qualitativa. A submissão do conjunto de variáveis observadas na literatura a uma análise de juízes resultou na definição de três principais Dimensões e 60 Componentes, a saber: (1) Perfil do aluno; (2) Estar-em-rede; e (3) Condições para a permanência. Essas variáveis compuseram o quadro de análise de conteúdo categorial, resultante da aplicação de múltiplos instrumentos de coleta de dados (dois questionários e uma entrevista em profundidade), que foram utilizados na triangulação com dados secundários obtidos no próprio Enade (2009). Como contribuição teórica da presente tese, aponta-se a possibilidade de integração das três visões filosóficas: Cognitivismo, Construtivismo e Conectivismo que se interrelacionam na gestão acadêmica de cursos superiores pela unicidade da educação vislumbrada pelo blended learning como tendência futura para a educação superior. Outras contribuições são apresentadas em relação aos componentes: atributos individuais, trabalho e estágio, contexto familiar, escolaridade anterior, uso das TICs, interação docente e discente, compromisso pessoal e institucional e integração acadêmica.


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This paper discuss possibilities of use of 3D animation as a tool for teaching Chemistry support. The research proposes to investigate the conception process and development of educational animations to use in a Blended Learning environment in undergraduate chemistry. Associated with general chemistry teachers, were raised the demands and difficulties on the content transmission, and the most relevant topics, about "Atomic Theory" with propose to create appropriate animations to meeting needs of themes. Thinking about offering more dynamic materials, we elaborate animations in a format of "micro-documentary", with a length between 4 and 7 minutes. We use the narration aloud to the subject-matter understanding, leaving the external text as a complement of the animation. The conclusions are positives, students accepted well the format and they proved are able to remember, organize and systematize several information presented in animations. These skills don't ensure knowledge acquisition, but may be considered prerequisites to learning occur.


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Anerkannte Wissenschaftler und Praktiker untersuchen moderne Formen und Perspektiven der Personalentwicklung. Fragen zu Performance Managements, Feedbacksystemen, Coaching, Mentoring, E-Learning und Blended Learning, alternativen Laufbahnmodellen und vielen weiteren Aspekten der modernen Personalentwicklung werden fundiert und praxisorientiert beantwortet.


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