945 resultados para advanced rural transportation systems.
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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
This study fits into the context of activities aim at waste bioremediation and valorization through the production of energy according to principles of environmental sustainability. The experimental work was carried out at the laboratories of the Department of Civil Engineering, Environmental and Materials (DICAM) of the Faculty of Engineering. The main objective was to enhance the treatment of high organic loading waste, such as manure and cheese whey, through advanced anaerobic digestion systems in order to obtain biogas rich in methane. On the basis of the premise that the environmental conditions pertaining in most anaerobic wastewater digesters are not optimal for both fermentative and methanogenic microorganisms, the research was particularly focused on the implementation of two-phase anaerobic digesters. In fact a two-phase process permits selection and enrichment of different bacteria in each digester by independently controlling the digester operating conditions. Thus, the first phase (acidogenesis) can be operated to optimize acidogenic growth and the second phase (methanogenesis) to optimize methanogenic growth. (Ince O. , 1998). Before reactors’ set up, , some lab scale experiments were carried out to identify the best manure and whey ratio and the best conditions of temperature, pH, hydraulic retention time of acidogenesis an methanogenic phases.
Recently in most of the industrial automation process an ever increasing degree of automation has been observed. This increasing is motivated by the higher requirement of systems with great performance in terms of quality of products/services generated, productivity, efficiency and low costs in the design, realization and maintenance. This trend in the growth of complex automation systems is rapidly spreading over automated manufacturing systems (AMS), where the integration of the mechanical and electronic technology, typical of the Mechatronics, is merging with other technologies such as Informatics and the communication networks. An AMS is a very complex system that can be thought constituted by a set of flexible working stations, one or more transportation systems. To understand how this machine are important in our society let considerate that every day most of us use bottles of water or soda, buy product in box like food or cigarets and so on. Another important consideration from its complexity derive from the fact that the the consortium of machine producers has estimated around 350 types of manufacturing machine. A large number of manufacturing machine industry are presented in Italy and notably packaging machine industry,in particular a great concentration of this kind of industry is located in Bologna area; for this reason the Bologna area is called “packaging valley”. Usually, the various parts of the AMS interact among them in a concurrent and asynchronous way, and coordinate the parts of the machine to obtain a desiderated overall behaviour is an hard task. Often, this is the case in large scale systems, organized in a modular and distributed manner. Even if the success of a modern AMS from a functional and behavioural point of view is still to attribute to the design choices operated in the definition of the mechanical structure and electrical electronic architecture, the system that governs the control of the plant is becoming crucial, because of the large number of duties associated to it. Apart from the activity inherent to the automation of themachine cycles, the supervisory system is called to perform other main functions such as: emulating the behaviour of traditional mechanical members thus allowing a drastic constructive simplification of the machine and a crucial functional flexibility; dynamically adapting the control strategies according to the different productive needs and to the different operational scenarios; obtaining a high quality of the final product through the verification of the correctness of the processing; addressing the operator devoted to themachine to promptly and carefully take the actions devoted to establish or restore the optimal operating conditions; managing in real time information on diagnostics, as a support of the maintenance operations of the machine. The kind of facilities that designers can directly find on themarket, in terms of software component libraries provides in fact an adequate support as regard the implementation of either top-level or bottom-level functionalities, typically pertaining to the domains of user-friendly HMIs, closed-loop regulation and motion control, fieldbus-based interconnection of remote smart devices. What is still lacking is a reference framework comprising a comprehensive set of highly reusable logic control components that, focussing on the cross-cutting functionalities characterizing the automation domain, may help the designers in the process of modelling and structuring their applications according to the specific needs. Historically, the design and verification process for complex automated industrial systems is performed in empirical way, without a clear distinction between functional and technological-implementation concepts and without a systematic method to organically deal with the complete system. Traditionally, in the field of analog and digital control design and verification through formal and simulation tools have been adopted since a long time ago, at least for multivariable and/or nonlinear controllers for complex time-driven dynamics as in the fields of vehicles, aircrafts, robots, electric drives and complex power electronics equipments. Moving to the field of logic control, typical for industrial manufacturing automation, the design and verification process is approached in a completely different way, usually very “unstructured”. No clear distinction between functions and implementations, between functional architectures and technological architectures and platforms is considered. Probably this difference is due to the different “dynamical framework”of logic control with respect to analog/digital control. As a matter of facts, in logic control discrete-events dynamics replace time-driven dynamics; hence most of the formal and mathematical tools of analog/digital control cannot be directly migrated to logic control to enlighten the distinction between functions and implementations. In addition, in the common view of application technicians, logic control design is strictly connected to the adopted implementation technology (relays in the past, software nowadays), leading again to a deep confusion among functional view and technological view. In Industrial automation software engineering, concepts as modularity, encapsulation, composability and reusability are strongly emphasized and profitably realized in the so-calledobject-oriented methodologies. Industrial automation is receiving lately this approach, as testified by some IEC standards IEC 611313, IEC 61499 which have been considered in commercial products only recently. On the other hand, in the scientific and technical literature many contributions have been already proposed to establish a suitable modelling framework for industrial automation. During last years it was possible to note a considerable growth in the exploitation of innovative concepts and technologies from ICT world in industrial automation systems. For what concerns the logic control design, Model Based Design (MBD) is being imported in industrial automation from software engineering field. Another key-point in industrial automated systems is the growth of requirements in terms of availability, reliability and safety for technological systems. In other words, the control system should not only deal with the nominal behaviour, but should also deal with other important duties, such as diagnosis and faults isolations, recovery and safety management. Indeed, together with high performance, in complex systems fault occurrences increase. This is a consequence of the fact that, as it typically occurs in reliable mechatronic systems, in complex systems such as AMS, together with reliable mechanical elements, an increasing number of electronic devices are also present, that are more vulnerable by their own nature. The diagnosis problem and the faults isolation in a generic dynamical system consists in the design of an elaboration unit that, appropriately processing the inputs and outputs of the dynamical system, is also capable of detecting incipient faults on the plant devices, reconfiguring the control system so as to guarantee satisfactory performance. The designer should be able to formally verify the product, certifying that, in its final implementation, it will perform itsrequired function guarantying the desired level of reliability and safety; the next step is that of preventing faults and eventually reconfiguring the control system so that faults are tolerated. On this topic an important improvement to formal verification of logic control, fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control results derive from Discrete Event Systems theory. The aimof this work is to define a design pattern and a control architecture to help the designer of control logic in industrial automated systems. The work starts with a brief discussion on main characteristics and description of industrial automated systems on Chapter 1. In Chapter 2 a survey on the state of the software engineering paradigm applied to industrial automation is discussed. Chapter 3 presentes a architecture for industrial automated systems based on the new concept of Generalized Actuator showing its benefits, while in Chapter 4 this architecture is refined using a novel entity, the Generalized Device in order to have a better reusability and modularity of the control logic. In Chapter 5 a new approach will be present based on Discrete Event Systems for the problemof software formal verification and an active fault tolerant control architecture using online diagnostic. Finally conclusive remarks and some ideas on new directions to explore are given. In Appendix A are briefly reported some concepts and results about Discrete Event Systems which should help the reader in understanding some crucial points in chapter 5; while in Appendix B an overview on the experimental testbed of the Laboratory of Automation of University of Bologna, is reported to validated the approach presented in chapter 3, chapter 4 and chapter 5. In Appendix C some components model used in chapter 5 for formal verification are reported.
Decomposition based approaches are recalled from primal and dual point of view. The possibility of building partially disaggregated reduced master problems is investigated. This extends the idea of aggregated-versus-disaggregated formulation to a gradual choice of alternative level of aggregation. Partial aggregation is applied to the linear multicommodity minimum cost flow problem. The possibility of having only partially aggregated bundles opens a wide range of alternatives with different trade-offs between the number of iterations and the required computation for solving it. This trade-off is explored for several sets of instances and the results are compared with the ones obtained by directly solving the natural node-arc formulation. An iterative solution process to the route assignment problem is proposed, based on the well-known Frank Wolfe algorithm. In order to provide a first feasible solution to the Frank Wolfe algorithm, a linear multicommodity min-cost flow problem is solved to optimality by using the decomposition techniques mentioned above. Solutions of this problem are useful for network orientation and design, especially in relation with public transportation systems as the Personal Rapid Transit. A single-commodity robust network design problem is addressed. In this, an undirected graph with edge costs is given together with a discrete set of balance matrices, representing different supply/demand scenarios. The goal is to determine the minimum cost installation of capacities on the edges such that the flow exchange is feasible for every scenario. A set of new instances that are computationally hard for the natural flow formulation are solved by means of a new heuristic algorithm. Finally, an efficient decomposition-based heuristic approach for a large scale stochastic unit commitment problem is presented. The addressed real-world stochastic problem employs at its core a deterministic unit commitment planning model developed by the California Independent System Operator (ISO).
Highway infrastructure plays a significant role in society. The building and upkeep of America’s highways provide society the necessary means of transportation for goods and services needed to develop as a nation. However, as a result of economic and social development, vast amounts of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) are emitted into the atmosphere contributing to global climate change. In recognizing this, future policies may mandate the monitoring of GHG emissions from public agencies and private industries in order to reduce the effects of global climate change. To effectively reduce these emissions, there must be methods that agencies can use to quantify the GHG emissions associated with constructing and maintaining the nation’s highway infrastructure. Current methods for assessing the impacts of highway infrastructure include methodologies that look at the economic impacts (costs) of constructing and maintaining highway infrastructure over its life cycle. This is known as Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA). With the recognition of global climate change, transportation agencies and contractors are also investigating the environmental impacts that are associated with highway infrastructure construction and rehabilitation. A common tool in doing so is the use of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Traditionally, LCA is used to assess the environmental impacts of products or processes. LCA is an emerging concept in highway infrastructure assessment and is now being implemented and applied to transportation systems. This research focuses on life cycle GHG emissions associated with the construction and rehabilitation of highway infrastructure using a LCA approach. Life cycle phases of the highway section include; the material acquisition and extraction, construction and rehabilitation, and service phases. Departing from traditional approaches that tend to use LCA as a way to compare alternative pavement materials or designs based on estimated inventories, this research proposes a shift to a context sensitive process-based approach that uses actual observed construction and performance data to calculate greenhouse gas emissions associated with highway construction and rehabilitation. The goal is to support strategies that reduce long-term environmental impacts. Ultimately, this thesis outlines techniques that can be used to assess GHG emissions associated with construction and rehabilitation operations to support the overall pavement LCA.
Page 2 The Vice Provost for University Libraries reflects on Google’s recent experience in China. • A new digital collection of 19th-century Spanish women’s magazines is now available to researchers. Page 3 Collector Gary Wait donates a treasure trove of juvenile literature from the 19th century to the Northeast Children’s Literature Collection at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center. Page 4 The Map and Geographic Information Center offers a new internship program, where students earn three academic credits and work eight hours a week while developing advanced Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and digitization skills. Page 5 Associate Professor of Anthropology Kevin McBride describes his work in having an important site in the Pequot War declared an historic battlefield. Page 6 Staff members celebrate anniversaries of library service. Page 7 The Libraries’ art exhibits program is celebrated in photos.
La modernización e incorporación de nuevas técnicas, está atada a la renovación de los objetos técnicos y las acciones que con los mismos se realizan, y en función de esto como se dinamiza, cambia y transforma el territorio. El presente trabajo se centra en el análisis y estudio de la realidad rural presente en Argentina, más aún en la región pampeana y dentro de ella en el sudeste bonaerense, partido de San Cayetano, haciendo especial hincapié en la producción agrícola y la sostenibilidad ambiental en los sistemas productivos rurales. Seguido de este primer objetivo se pretende analizar la escala de incorporación de dichas tecnologías, para considerar las estrategias adaptativas de los productores y como su puesta en práctica modifican el uso del territorio. En el universo de análisis propuesto (partido de San Cayetano) se toman como muestra un conjunto de unidades de producción agrícola, y actúan como unidades de observación los productores agropecuarios responsables de dichas unidades. A los efectos de abordar la problemática planteada se utiliza una metodología en la cual se combinan técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas. El análisis cualitativo, se efectúa en base a información recabada mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas a informantes calificados y agentes productivos directamente vinculados a las unidades de análisis. Respecto al análisis cuantitativo, se consideraron datos aportados por la Sociedad Rural de San Cayetano y la Chacra Experimental Barrow, el censo agropecuario 1988, la Encuesta Nacional Agropecuaria 1999 del INDEC, cartas temáticas y mapas del partido.
La modernización e incorporación de nuevas técnicas, está atada a la renovación de los objetos técnicos y las acciones que con los mismos se realizan, y en función de esto como se dinamiza, cambia y transforma el territorio. El presente trabajo se centra en el análisis y estudio de la realidad rural presente en Argentina, más aún en la región pampeana y dentro de ella en el sudeste bonaerense, partido de San Cayetano, haciendo especial hincapié en la producción agrícola y la sostenibilidad ambiental en los sistemas productivos rurales. Seguido de este primer objetivo se pretende analizar la escala de incorporación de dichas tecnologías, para considerar las estrategias adaptativas de los productores y como su puesta en práctica modifican el uso del territorio. En el universo de análisis propuesto (partido de San Cayetano) se toman como muestra un conjunto de unidades de producción agrícola, y actúan como unidades de observación los productores agropecuarios responsables de dichas unidades. A los efectos de abordar la problemática planteada se utiliza una metodología en la cual se combinan técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas. El análisis cualitativo, se efectúa en base a información recabada mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas a informantes calificados y agentes productivos directamente vinculados a las unidades de análisis. Respecto al análisis cuantitativo, se consideraron datos aportados por la Sociedad Rural de San Cayetano y la Chacra Experimental Barrow, el censo agropecuario 1988, la Encuesta Nacional Agropecuaria 1999 del INDEC, cartas temáticas y mapas del partido.
La modernización e incorporación de nuevas técnicas, está atada a la renovación de los objetos técnicos y las acciones que con los mismos se realizan, y en función de esto como se dinamiza, cambia y transforma el territorio. El presente trabajo se centra en el análisis y estudio de la realidad rural presente en Argentina, más aún en la región pampeana y dentro de ella en el sudeste bonaerense, partido de San Cayetano, haciendo especial hincapié en la producción agrícola y la sostenibilidad ambiental en los sistemas productivos rurales. Seguido de este primer objetivo se pretende analizar la escala de incorporación de dichas tecnologías, para considerar las estrategias adaptativas de los productores y como su puesta en práctica modifican el uso del territorio. En el universo de análisis propuesto (partido de San Cayetano) se toman como muestra un conjunto de unidades de producción agrícola, y actúan como unidades de observación los productores agropecuarios responsables de dichas unidades. A los efectos de abordar la problemática planteada se utiliza una metodología en la cual se combinan técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas. El análisis cualitativo, se efectúa en base a información recabada mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas a informantes calificados y agentes productivos directamente vinculados a las unidades de análisis. Respecto al análisis cuantitativo, se consideraron datos aportados por la Sociedad Rural de San Cayetano y la Chacra Experimental Barrow, el censo agropecuario 1988, la Encuesta Nacional Agropecuaria 1999 del INDEC, cartas temáticas y mapas del partido.
Recently, vision-based advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) have received a new increased interest to enhance driving safety. In particular, due to its high performance–cost ratio, mono-camera systems are arising as the main focus of this field of work. In this paper we present a novel on-board road modeling and vehicle detection system, which is a part of the result of the European I-WAY project. The system relies on a robust estimation of the perspective of the scene, which adapts to the dynamics of the vehicle and generates a stabilized rectified image of the road plane. This rectified plane is used by a recursive Bayesian classi- fier, which classifies pixels as belonging to different classes corresponding to the elements of interest of the scenario. This stage works as an intermediate layer that isolates subsequent modules since it absorbs the inherent variability of the scene. The system has been tested on-road, in different scenarios, including varied illumination and adverse weather conditions, and the results have been proved to be remarkable even for such complex scenarios.
In this paper we propose a new method for the automatic detection and tracking of road traffic signs using an on-board single camera. This method aims to increase the reliability of the detections such that it can boost the performance of any traffic sign recognition scheme. The proposed approach exploits a combination of different features, such as color, appearance, and tracking information. This information is introduced into a recursive Bayesian decision framework, in which prior probabilities are dynamically adapted to tracking results. This decision scheme obtains a number of candidate regions in the image, according to their HS (Hue-Saturation). Finally, a Kalman filter with an adaptive noise tuning provides the required time and spatial coherence to the estimates. Results have shown that the proposed method achieves high detection rates in challenging scenarios, including illumination changes, rapid motion and significant perspective distortion
Decreasing the accidents on highway and urban environments is the main motivation for the research and developing of driving assistance systems, also called ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems). In recent years, there are many applications of these systems in commercial vehicles: ABS systems, Cruise Control (CC), parking assistance and warning systems (including GPS), among others. However, the implementation of driving assistance systems on the steering wheel is more limited, because of their complexity and sensitivity. This paper is focused in the development, test and implementation of a driver assistance system for controlling the steering wheel in curve zones. This system is divided in two levels: an inner control loop which permits to execute the position and speed target, softening the action over the steering wheel, and a second control outer loop (controlling for fuzzy logic) that sends the reference to the inner loop according the environment and vehicle conditions. The tests have been done in different curves and speeds. The system has been proved in a commercial vehicle with satisfactory results.