379 resultados para Vuori, Jaana
Tässä diplomityössä käsiteltiin spektrometrisia online-mittausmenetelmiä jätteiden kemiallisten ja fysikaalisten ominaisuuksien määrittämiseksi. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitä ominaisuuksia menetelmillä voidaan mitata ja kuinka luotettavia tuloksia mittauksilla saadaan. Diplomityössä suoritettiin kirjallisuuskatsaus, jossa käsiteltiin kolmen spektrometrisen menetelmän soveltuvuutta reaaliaikaisiin jätemittauksiin. Työn empiirisessä osassa FPXRFanalysaattorilla mitattiin neljän eri jätenäytteen alkuainepitoisuuksia. Mittauksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mitä alkuaineita menetelmällä voidaan mitata. FPXRF-analysaattorilla saatuja tuloksia verrattiin ICP-MS-menetelmällä saatuihin tuloksiin regressioanalyysin avulla. Työssä todettiin, että FPXRF-analysaattori sopii parhaiten kaliumin, kalsiumin, ja raudan pitoisuuksien määrittämiseen. Lisäksi lyijyn, sinkin, kromin, kloorin, kuparin, kadmiumin, arseenin, fosforin, molybdeenin ja vanadiinin määrittäminen on mahdollista, mutta tarkan pitoisuuden saamiseksi laboratoriomenetelmien käyttö voi olla tarpeen. Tutkituista jätenäytteistä menetelmä soveltui parhaiten tuhkalle ja kompostille niiden fyysisten ominaisuuksien, kuten homogeenisuuden ja kosteuspitoisuuden takia. Biojätteelle menetelmä soveltui huonosti. FPXRF-analysaattorin luotettavuuteen vaikuttaa näytteen kosteuspitoisuus, homogeenisuus, partikkelikoko, mittaustapa ja laitteen kalibrointi. Työssä tarkastelluilla menetelmillä ei voida tällä hetkellä täysin korvata laboratorioanalyyseja. FPXRF-analysaattoria voidaan kuitenkin käyttää kvalitatiiviseen tai semikvantitatiiviseen haitta-aineiden analysointiin, millä voidaan vähentää kalliiden laboratorioanalyysien tarvetta.
Tässä diplomityössä selvitetään case-tutkimuksena parhaita käytäntöjä Business Intelligence Competency Centerin (BICC) eli liiketoimintatiedonhallinnan osaamiskeskuksen perustamiseen. Työ tehdään LähiTapiolalle, jossa on haasteita BI-alueen hallinnoinnissa kehittämisen hajaantuessa eri yksiköihin ja yhtiöihin. Myös järjestelmäympäristö on moninainen. BICC:llä tavoitellaan parempaa näkyvyyttä liiketoiminnan tarpeisiin ja toisaalta halutaan tehostaa tiedon hyödyntämistä johtamisessa sekä operatiivisen tason työskentelyssä. Tavoitteena on lisäksi saada kustannuksia pienemmäksi yhtenäistämällä järjestelmäympäristöjä ja BI-työkaluja kuten myös toimintamalleja. Työssä tehdään kirjallisuuskatsaus ja haastatellaan asiantuntijoita kolmessa yrityksessä. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että liiketoiminnan BI-tarpeita kannattaa mahdollistaa eri tasoilla perusraportoinnista Ad-hoc –raportointiin ja edistyneeseen analytiikkaan huomioimalla nämä toimintamalleissa ja järjestelmäarkkitehtuurissa. BICC:n perustamisessa liiketoimintatarpeisiin vastaaminen on etusijalla.
Even though antenatal care is universally regarded as important, determinants of demand for antenatal care have not been widely studied. Evidence concerning which and how socioeconomic conditions influence whether a pregnant woman attends or not at least one antenatal consultation or how these factors affect the absences to antenatal consultations is very limited. In order to generate this evidence, a two-stage analysis was performed with data from the Demographic and Health Survey carried out by Profamilia in Colombia during 2005. The first stage was run as a logit model showing the marginal effects on the probability of attending the first visit and an ordinary least squares model was performed for the second stage. It was found that mothers living in the pacific region as well as young mothers seem to have a lower probability of attending the first visit but these factors are not related to the number of absences to antenatal consultation once the first visit has been achieved. The effect of health insurance was surprising because of the differing effects that the health insurers showed. Some familiar and personal conditions such as willingness to have the last children and number of previous children, demonstrated to be important in the determination of demand. The effect of mother’s educational attainment was proved as important whereas the father’s educational achievement was not. This paper provides some elements for policy making in order to increase the demand inducement of antenatal care, as well as stimulating research on demand for specific issues on health.
Common variants at only two loci, FTO and MC4R, have been reproducibly associated with body mass index (BMI) in humans. To identify additional loci, we conducted meta-analysis of 15 genome-wide association studies for BMI (n > 32,000) and followed up top signals in 14 additional cohorts (n > 59,000). We strongly confirm FTO and MC4R and identify six additional loci (P < 5 x 10(-8)): TMEM18, KCTD15, GNPDA2, SH2B1, MTCH2 and NEGR1 (where a 45-kb deletion polymorphism is a candidate causal variant). Several of the likely causal genes are highly expressed or known to act in the central nervous system (CNS), emphasizing, as in rare monogenic forms of obesity, the role of the CNS in predisposition to obesity.
BACKGROUND: Low plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) concentration is associated with high arterial blood pressure and hypertension risk, but whether this association is causal is unknown. We used a mendelian randomisation approach to test whether 25(OH)D concentration is causally associated with blood pressure and hypertension risk. METHODS: In this mendelian randomisation study, we generated an allele score (25[OH]D synthesis score) based on variants of genes that affect 25(OH)D synthesis or substrate availability (CYP2R1 and DHCR7), which we used as a proxy for 25(OH)D concentration. We meta-analysed data for up to 108 173 individuals from 35 studies in the D-CarDia collaboration to investigate associations between the allele score and blood pressure measurements. We complemented these analyses with previously published summary statistics from the International Consortium on Blood Pressure (ICBP), the Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) consortium, and the Global Blood Pressure Genetics (Global BPGen) consortium. FINDINGS: In phenotypic analyses (up to n=49 363), increased 25(OH)D concentration was associated with decreased systolic blood pressure (β per 10% increase, -0·12 mm Hg, 95% CI -0·20 to -0·04; p=0·003) and reduced odds of hypertension (odds ratio [OR] 0·98, 95% CI 0·97-0·99; p=0·0003), but not with decreased diastolic blood pressure (β per 10% increase, -0·02 mm Hg, -0·08 to 0·03; p=0·37). In meta-analyses in which we combined data from D-CarDia and the ICBP (n=146 581, after exclusion of overlapping studies), each 25(OH)D-increasing allele of the synthesis score was associated with a change of -0·10 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure (-0·21 to -0·0001; p=0·0498) and a change of -0·08 mm Hg in diastolic blood pressure (-0·15 to -0·02; p=0·01). When D-CarDia and consortia data for hypertension were meta-analysed together (n=142 255), the synthesis score was associated with a reduced odds of hypertension (OR per allele, 0·98, 0·96-0·99; p=0·001). In instrumental variable analysis, each 10% increase in genetically instrumented 25(OH)D concentration was associated with a change of -0·29 mm Hg in diastolic blood pressure (-0·52 to -0·07; p=0·01), a change of -0·37 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure (-0·73 to 0·003; p=0·052), and an 8·1% decreased odds of hypertension (OR 0·92, 0·87-0·97; p=0·002). INTERPRETATION: Increased plasma concentrations of 25(OH)D might reduce the risk of hypertension. This finding warrants further investigation in an independent, similarly powered study.
Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) is a collective term used to describe phenotypically diverse forms of defective tooth enamel development. AI has been reported to exhibit a variety of inheritance patterns, and several loci have been identified that are associated with AI. We have performed a genome-wide scan in a large Brazilian family segregating an autosomal dominant form of AI and mapped a novel locus to 8q24.3. A maximum multipoint LOD score of 7.5 was obtained at marker D8S2334 (146,101,309 bp). The disease locus lies in a 1.9 cM (2.1 Mb) region according to the Rutgers Combined Linkage-Physical map, between a VNTR marker (at 143,988,705 bp) and the telomere (146,274,826 bp). Ten candidate genes were identified based on gene ontology and microarray-facilitated gene selection using the expression of murine orthologues in dental tissue, and examined for the presence of a mutation. However, no causative mutation was identified.
Studien undersöker hur klienter och kontaktpersoner upplever motivationsarbetet på Frösö LVM-hem. I studien tillämpades både kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod. I ett första skede genomfördes intervjuer med avdelningsföreståndare på samtliga tre avdelningar på institutionen. Detta intervjumaterial användes för utformandet av enkäter som besvarades separat av klienter och kontaktpersoner. Enkäten mäter upplevelsen av motivationsarbete genom skattning av hur viktiga olika insatser och faktorer är för att klienten skall utveckla motivation till fortsatt frivillig vård, hur dessa insatser och faktorer fungerar på Frösö LVM-hem och i vilken omfattning insatserna tillämpas, samt slutligen klientens egen motivation att fortsätta i frivillig vård. Klientenkäten innehöll dessutom instrumentet SOCRATES, som skattar motivation såsom faser i förändringsprocess. Resultatet visar att båda grupperna är mest tillfredsställda med framtidsplanering och aktiviteter, däremot är de mest otillfredsställda på områdena som handlar om kontaktpersonernas utredningsinsatser och klimatet på avdelningen. Detta kan tyda på att kraftfullare insatser efterfrågas på sistnämnda områden. Den generella värderingen av hela arbetet vid institutionen ges också en positiv bedömning. Studien innehåller också fördjupade analyser t.ex. parvis mellan klient och kontaktperson, och i förhållande till utfallet motivation. Kontaktpersonens förhållningssätt och relationen mellan klient och kontaktperson har det största sambandet med utfallet motivation. Resultaten kan användas i ett pågående utvecklingsarbete vid Frösö LVM-hem om motivationsarbetet.
A gain-of-function R620W polymorphism in the PTPN22 gene, encoding the lymphoid tyrosine phosphatase LYP, has recently emerged as an important risk factor for human autoimmunity. Here we report that another missense substitution (R263Q) within the catalytic domain of LYP leads to reduced phosphatase activity. High-resolution structural analysis revealed the molecular basis for this loss of function. Furthermore, the Q263 variant conferred protection against human systemic lupus erythematosus, reinforcing the proposal that inhibition of LYP activity could be beneficial in human autoimmunity.
Analyzing the type and frequency of patient-specific mutations that give rise to Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an invaluable tool for diagnostics, basic scientific research, trial planning, and improved clinical care. Locus-specific databases allow for the collection, organization, storage, and analysis of genetic variants of disease. Here, we describe the development and analysis of the TREAT-NMD DMD Global database (http://umd.be/TREAT_DMD/). We analyzed genetic data for 7,149 DMD mutations held within the database. A total of 5,682 large mutations were observed (80% of total mutations), of which 4,894 (86%) were deletions (1 exon or larger) and 784 (14%) were duplications (1 exon or larger). There were 1,445 small mutations (smaller than 1 exon, 20% of all mutations), of which 358 (25%) were small deletions and 132 (9%) small insertions and 199 (14%) affected the splice sites. Point mutations totalled 756 (52% of small mutations) with 726 (50%) nonsense mutations and 30 (2%) missense mutations. Finally, 22 (0.3%) mid-intronic mutations were observed. In addition, mutations were identified within the database that would potentially benefit from novel genetic therapies for DMD including stop codon read-through therapies (10% of total mutations) and exon skipping therapy (80% of deletions and 55% of total mutations).
The high levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and DDT in gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) and ringed seal (Phoca hispida botnica) in the Baltic Sea have been associated with pathological disruptions, including bone lesions and reproductive failures. The underlying environmental and toxicological mechanisms leading to these pathological changes are not yet fully understood. The present study investigated the relationship between the individual contaminant load and bone- and thyroid-related effects in adult gray seals (n = 30) and ringed seals (n = 46) in the highly contaminated Baltic Sea and in reference areas (Sable Island, Canada, and Svalbard, Norway). In the gray seals, multivariate and correlation analyses revealed a clear relationship between circulating 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D), calcium, phosphate, and thyroid hormone (TH) levels and hepatic PCB and DDT load, which suggests contaminant-mediated disruption of the bone and thyroid homeostasis. Contaminants may depress 1,25(OH)2D levels or lead to hyperthyroidism, which may cause bone resorption. In the ringed seals, associations between circulating 1,25(OH)2D, THs, and hepatic contaminants were less prominent. These results suggest that bone lesions observed in the Baltic gray seals may be associated with contaminant-mediated vitamin D and thyroid disruption.