892 resultados para Universities and colleges -- Nigeria -- Finance


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STEPestudiants és un programa oficial de la UPC que té per objectiu l'impuls i el foment de la Sostenibilitat i el Compromís Social a la universitat. Per fer-ho facilita processos participatius amb tota la comunitat universitària que generin propostes encaminades a complir aquest objectiu; promou la creació de grups locals a cada facultat que treballin entre ells en xarxa; desenvolupa una campanya de difusió intensa per tal de sumar el màxim nombre possible d'agents; i estableix sinergies i connexions entre l'estudiantat, el PDI, el PAS i la institució. Entre altres resultats, en un any i mig de vida es troba present a 14 facultats, s'estan implementant 6 propostes participativament i han participat directament del projecte més de 700 persones


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El autor define y caracteriza el pensamiento des-colonial a la vez que plantea elementos de diferenciación de éste frente a otros pensares disidentes y críticos generados por la modernidad. Finalmente, Mignolo señala como la Universidad debe contribuir con los procesos democráticos en dos sentidos: produciendo pensamiento des-colonizador y trabajando conjuntamente con el pensamiento des-colonizador fuera de la universidad.


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Government and corporate organizations increasingly seek the support of the communities where they operate and represent themselves as good corporate citizens with a sense of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). These organizations seek to create and sustain dialogue with their many and varied ‘stakeholders’ and reject traditional ‘PR’ approaches that regard communication as a way to manipulate ‘target publics’. Some of these organizations use a form of ‘stakeholder software’ to guide and support their efforts to embrace CSR in their operations and this article examines two such software packages. It sets their use and the broader drive for CSR in the context of a diminishing trust in traditional institutions and a rise in new, extra-parliamentary forms of activism (new activism); and it examines stakeholder software’s potential contribution to a values-based approach to PR training in universities and colleges.


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In this article, we focus on the use of Web-based learning environments for university students. We draw on an evaluation of an online environment that was developed to supplement face-to-face components of an undergraduate education unit in an Australian university. We explore learners' affective responses to this environment, finding that students' responses were often related to their familiarity with the learning environment, their skills and confidence with computer technology, and their preferred learning styles. It is not surprising to us that different students experienced the environment differently as this is the foundation of constructivist and socio-cultural understandings of learning. Yet, the models that currently predominate in the provision of online learning environments in universities offer very little in terms of responding and adapting to students' individual needs and preferences. Instead, online Web-based learning environments are most often designed to anticipate an average, or sometimes ideal, learner. We argue that designing for an imagined average or ideal learner does not adequately respond to the challenge of accommodating learner difference. If hopes for student-centred education are to be realised, future technological and pedagogical developments in online course provision need to be sophisticated enough to respond and adapt to individual students' needs and preferences across a wide range of variables.


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Electronic Commerce (EC) / Electronic Business (EB) has been (and is expected to continue to be) a dynamic, rapidly evolving area of technology, requiring skilled people with up-to-date knowledge and skills. The global community has required (and still requires) tertiary academic programs to prepare and train these people quickly. In the late nineties, following a tidal wave of tertiary EC program development in the United States, new tertiary programs began to appear in the Asia-Pacific (AP) region to satisfy this need, over a very short period of time. This research project aims to examine whether the development and effectiveness of tertiary EC/EB educational programs can be enhanced through employing a particular marketing paradigm. Four regions - Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong SAR and the Republic of Singapore — were selected from the AP region, for this study. Based on a review of marketing literature, an inductive approach is adopted to build a model for new educational service product offerings. I also provide a description and comprehensive analysis of EC/EB education, and explore the model empirically, examining how it applies to the way EC education programs have been developed, to date. Essentially, this project consists of two major activities: theory building and theory testing – and is divided into three parts. Part 1: Preliminary study – literature review for theory building. This section of the thesis provides a literature review of the domains of curriculum development, EC/EB program development and management, EC/EB component models and new service product development. Part 2 : Understanding the marketplace – quantitative analysis. This section comprises five major surveys which provide an understanding of EC/EB education. Part 3 : In-depth analysis – qualitative research for theory testing. This section discusses the results of the multiple case studies of EC/EB degree programs undertaken over a five year period. The results of this project highlight both theoretical and practical aspects of the topic. In terms of the theoretical aspect, I provide a contribution to existing theory concerning the planning and development of new tertiary education programs. Research into academic course development in the past has tended to assume that all program development is pedagogically based and influenced. There is an assumption that people only develop academic programs and academic courses for pedagogic reasons. What this research project has done is to suggest that there are, in fact, many possible reasons for developing new programs and that, although these reasons might be pedagogic in nature, they can also be industry-focased, and market-oriented in the following ways: -the university is shaping the way it is perceived by the public – that is, the market; -the university is highlighting where its expertise lies. This led me to a form of new service product development consistent with the new image of the university. There is a clear need for diverse models for program development which accommodate the dynamic roles of modern universities. My research project develops such a model based on conditions in the Asia-Pacific region, and discusses findings arising from the overall project, which can be used to improve new educational program offerings in future, in both the Asia-Pacific and, I suggest, in other regions. This potential use of my findings highlights the practical contribution made by the research Project.


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This thesis examined the adoption of business practices at Deakin University and their impact on academic staff. The investigation used interpretative, qualitative research to investigate what academic staff believe to be the effect of business practice adoption on their teaching, research and service/administration roles.


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This research draws on the theoretical resources of Foucault and Bourdieu to focus on the complex relationship between the introduction of a range of new technologies, the lived experience of being academic and the often contradictory subjectivities within the power relations of the managed university in the 21st Century.


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There are competing discourses within New Zealand higher education on the impact of the converging 'forces' of technology, globalisation and corporatisation. Educational leadership in NZ exhibits a demonstrably weaker response compared with the literature and elsewhere. The current behaviour of media organisations may be indicative of any future educational response.


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Eight case studies of academics at a new multi-campus, multi-state Catholic university form the basis of the research. A particular focus is examining how the academics struggle to construct their work identity against the global higher education background of changing government policies, reduced funding and major shifts in thinking about the functions of universities; and also the background of within-university changes: its new research-orientation, its particular form of corporate managerialist administration.


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The thesis points to the emergence of a series of distinctive tensions which were informed by the author's position as a Western male researcher living in Japan, and the changing perceptions of what occured as notions of 'empowerment' and 'voice' touched the 'grounded' data. It argues that the generative narrative(s) constitutes a form of ongoing 'conversation' which succeed in producing an unstructured reading or pedagogy. Although the research does not achieve tangible liberatory outcomes, the generative narrative(s) provides the lens through which to view the student 'resistance' and, as such, permits the examination of an instance of student 'resistance' in Japan.


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This thesis critically reports on discourses that impact on the role and work practices of a non-Indigenous educator within Indigenous higher education contexts. The study uses autobiography and narrative inquiry as research methods to examine workplace contexts. The findings reveal competing influences that shape the practices of a non-Indigenous educator.


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From its inception the University of Queensland determined the assessment procedures that governed its student selection; while initially this determination was absolute, after 1945 challenges to the university's influence resulted in significant gains in influence by other interested groups.