934 resultados para UPSTREAM


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Asparagine N-Glycosylation is one of the most important forms of protein post-translational modification in eukaryotes. This metabolic pathway can be subdivided into two parts: an upstream sub-pathway required for achieving proper folding for most of the proteins synthesized in the secretory pathway, and a downstream sub-pathway required to give variability to trans-membrane proteins, and involved in adaptation to the environment and innate immunity. Here we analyze the nucleotide variability of the genes of this pathway in human populations, identifying which genes show greater population differentiation and which genes show signatures of recent positive selection. We also compare how these signals are distributed between the upstream and the downstream parts of the pathway, with the aim of exploring how forces of population differentiation and positive selection vary among genes involved in the same metabolic pathway but subject to different functional constraints. Our results show that genes in the downstream part of the pathway are more likely to show a signature of population differentiation, while events of positive selection are equally distributed among the two parts of the pathway. Moreover, events of positive selection are frequent on genes that are known to be at bifurcation points, and that are identified as being in key position by a network-level analysis such as MGAT3 and GCS1. These findings indicate that the upstream part of the Asparagine N-Glycosylation pathway has lower diversity among populations, while the downstream part is freer to tolerate diversity among populations. Moreover, the distribution of signatures of population differentiation and positive selection can change between parts of a pathway, especially between parts that are exposed to different functional constraints. Our results support the hypothesis that genes involved in constitutive processes can be expected to show lower population differentiation, while genes involved in traits related to the environment should show higher variability. Taken together, this work broadens our knowledge on how events of population differentiation and of positive selection are distributed among different parts of a metabolic pathway.


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The Internet is becoming more and more popular among drug users. The use of websites and forums to obtain illicit drugs and relevant information about the means of consumption is a growing phenomenon mainly for new synthetic drugs. Gamma Butyrolactone (GBL), a chemical precursor of Gamma Hydroxy Butyric acid (GHB), is used as a "club drug" and also in drug facilitated sexual assaults. Its market takes place mainly on the Internet through online websites but the structure of the market remains unknown. This research aims to combine digital, physical and chemical information to help understand the distribution routes and the structure of the GBL market. Based on an Internet monitoring process, thirty-nine websites selling GBL, mainly in the Netherlands, were detected between January 2010 and December 2011. Seventeen websites were categorized into six groups based on digital traces (e.g. IP addresses and contact information). In parallel, twenty-five bulk GBL specimens were purchased from sixteen websites for packaging comparisons and carbon isotopic measurements. Packaging information showed a high correlation with digital data confirming the links previously established whereas chemical information revealed undetected links and provided complementary information. Indeed, while digital and packaging data give relevant information about the retailers, the supply routes and the distribution close to the consumer, the carbon isotopic data provides upstream information about the production level and in particular the synthesis pathways and the chemical precursors. A three-level structured market has been thereby identified with a production level mainly located in China and in Germany, an online distribution level mainly hosted in the Netherlands and the customers who order on the Internet.


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Expression of tissue-specific homing molecules directs antigen-experienced T cells to particular peripheral tissues. In studies using soluble antigens that focused on skin and gut, antigen-presenting cells (APCs) within regional lymphoid tissues were proposed to be responsible for imprinting homing phenotypes. Whether this occurs in other sites and after physiologic antigen processing and presentation is unknown. We define in vivo imprinting of distinct homing phenotypes on monospecific T cells responding to antigens expressed by tumors in intracerebral, subcutaneous, and intraperitoneal sites with efficient brain-tropism of CD8 T cells crossprimed in the cervical lymph nodes (LNs). Multiple imprinting programs could occur simultaneously in the same LN when tumors were present in more than one site. Thus, the identity of the LN is not paramount in determining the homing phenotype; this critical functional parameter is dictated upstream at the site of antigen capture by crosspresenting APCs.


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The estrogen-dependent and tissue-specific regulation of the Xenopus laevis vitellogenin gene B1 promoter has been studied by lipid-mediated DNA transfer into Xenopus hepatocytes in primary culture. Hepatocytes achieve an efficient hormonal control of this promoter through a functional interaction between the estrogen responsive elements and a promoter proximal region upstream of the TATA box, which is characterized by a high density of binding sites for the transcription factors CTF/NF-1, C/EBP and HNF3. DNA accessibility to restriction enzymes within the chromosomal copy of the vitellogenin gene B1 promoter shows that the estrogen responsive unit and the promoter proximal region are sensitive to digestion in uninduced and estrogen-induced hepatocytes but not in erythrocyte nuclei. Together, these findings support the notion that chromatin configuration as well as the interplay of promoter elements mediate proper hormone-dependent and tissue-specific expression of the B1 vitellogenin gene.


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We have previously shown that transcription from the vaccinia virus 7.5K early promoter is reactivated late in infection (J. Garcés, K. Masternak, B. Kunz, and R. Wittek, J. Virol. 67:5394-5401, 1993). To identify the sequence elements mediating reactivation, we constructed recombinant viruses harboring deletions, substitutions, or insertions in the 7.5K promoter or its flanking regions. The analysis of these viruses showed that sequences both upstream as well as downstream of the transcription initiation site contribute to reactivation of the 7.5K promoter. We tested whether reactivation could be explained by a high affinity of vaccinia virus early transcription factor to reactivated promoters. Bandshift experiments using purified protein showed that promoters which bind the factor with high affinity in general also have high early transcriptional activity. However, no correlation was found between affinity of the factor and reactivation. Interestingly, overexpression of recombinant early transcription factor in vaccinia virus-infected cells resulted in a shutdown of late transcription and in reactivation of promoters, which are normally not reactivated.


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A variant upstream of human leukocyte antigen C (HLA-C) shows the most significant genome-wide effect on HIV control in European Americans and is also associated with the level of HLA-C expression. We characterized the differential cell surface expression levels of all common HLA-C allotypes and tested directly for effects of HLA-C expression on outcomes of HIV infection in 5243 individuals. Increasing HLA-C expression was associated with protection against multiple outcomes independently of individual HLA allelic effects in both African and European Americans, regardless of their distinct HLA-C frequencies and linkage relationships with HLA-B and HLA-A. Higher HLA-C expression was correlated with increased likelihood of cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses and frequency of viral escape mutation. In contrast, high HLA-C expression had a deleterious effect in Crohn's disease, suggesting a broader influence of HLA expression levels in human disease.


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Tässä tutkimuksessa on keskitytty tutkimaan kuparituotetehtaan tuoterakennetta ja tilausten kohdistumispisteitä sekä esittämäänparannusehdotuksia näiden suhteen. Valssaamon prosessivarasto on kokenut huomattavan pienennyksen ja tavoitteena on, että tästä huolimatta tuotantoa pystyttäisiin ohjaamaan vähemmin resurssein, materiaalipulasta kärsimättä ja nopeammin läpimenoajoin. Lisäksi työssä esitetään muita tuotantoprosessiin liittyviä kehitysehdotuksia, jotka tukevat tuotannon virtaviivaistamista ja varastosaldojen vähentämistä. Teoriaosuudessa selitetään Lean-tuotannon toimivuuttavalssaamon kaltaisessa toimintaympäristössä. Teoriaosuudessa on käsitelty Lean-tuotannon lisäksi myös Agile- ja Leagile-teorioita, koska myös näiden teorioidenyhteensopivuus valssaamon tuotantoon on merkittävä. Empiirisessä osassa on kuvattu tuotantoprosessin ja tuoterakenteen nykytila sekä esitetty kehitysehdotuksianäiden kehittämiseen esiteltyjen teorioiden pohjalta. Tutkimuksen perusteella esitetään muutoksia tämänhetkiseen tuoterakenteeseen, koska nykyisen kaltainen tuoterakenne on jäänyt osittain turhaksi varastojen siirryttyä tuotannon alkupäähän. Lisäksi ehdotetaan kuumavalssaussuunnitelmasta luopumista ja kuumavalssaimen ohjaussyklin lyhentämistä vuorokauden mittaiseksi, sekä esitetään, miten tuotantoon tulisi välittää nykyistä tarkempaa tietoa tilauksien valmistumisajankohdista.


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Alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins (ACD/MPV) is a rare and lethal developmental disorder of the lung defined by a constellation of characteristic histopathological features. Nonpulmonary anomalies involving organs of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and genitourinary systems have been identified in approximately 80% of patients with ACD/MPV. We have collected DNA and pathological samples from more than 90 infants with ACD/MPV and their family members. Since the publication of our initial report of four point mutations and 10 deletions, we have identified an additional 38 novel nonsynonymous mutations of FOXF1 (nine nonsense, seven frameshift, one inframe deletion, 20 missense, and one no stop). This report represents an up to date list of all known FOXF1 mutations to the best of our knowledge. Majority of the cases are sporadic. We report four familial cases of which three show maternal inheritance, consistent with paternal imprinting of the gene. Twenty five mutations (60%) are located within the putative DNA-binding domain, indicating its plausible role in FOXF1 function. Five mutations map to the second exon. We identified two additional genic and eight genomic deletions upstream to FOXF1. These results corroborate and extend our previous observations and further establish involvement of FOXF1 in ACD/MPV and lung organogenesis.


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General Introduction These three chapters, while fairly independent from each other, study economic situations in incomplete contract settings. They are the product of both the academic freedom my advisors granted me, and in this sense reflect my personal interests, and of their interested feedback. The content of each chapter can be summarized as follows: Chapter 1: Inefficient durable-goods monopolies In this chapter we study the efficiency of an infinite-horizon durable-goods monopoly model with a fmite number of buyers. We find that, while all pure-strategy Markov Perfect Equilibria (MPE) are efficient, there also exist previously unstudied inefficient MPE where high valuation buyers randomize their purchase decision while trying to benefit from low prices which are offered once a critical mass has purchased. Real time delay, an unusual monopoly distortion, is the result of this attrition behavior. We conclude that neither technological constraints nor concern for reputation are necessary to explain inefficiency in monopolized durable-goods markets. Chapter 2: Downstream mergers and producer's capacity choice: why bake a larger pie when getting a smaller slice? In this chapter we study the effect of downstream horizontal mergers on the upstream producer's capacity choice. Contrary to conventional wisdom, we find anon-monotonic relationship: horizontal mergers induce a higher upstream capacity if the cost of capacity is low, and a lower upstream capacity if this cost is high. We explain this result by decomposing the total effect into two competing effects: a change in hold-up and a change in bargaining erosion. Chapter 3: Contract bargaining with multiple agents In this chapter we study a bargaining game between a principal and N agents when the utility of each agent depends on all agents' trades with the principal. We show, using the Potential, that equilibria payoffs coincide with the Shapley value of the underlying coalitional game with an appropriately defined characteristic function, which under common assumptions coincides with the principal's equilibrium profit in the offer game. Since the problem accounts for differences in information and agents' conjectures, the outcome can be either efficient (e.g. public contracting) or inefficient (e.g. passive beliefs).


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Vitellogenin genes are expressed under strict estrogen control in the liver of female oviparous vertebrates. Gene transfer experiments using estrogen-responsive cells have shown that the 13 bp perfect palindromic element GGTCACTGTGACC found upstream of the Xenopus laevis vitellogenin gene A2 promoter mediates hormonal stimulation and thus, was called the estrogen-responsive element (ERE). In the Xenopus vitellogenin genes B1 and B2 there are two closely adjacent EREs with one or more base substitutions when compared to the consensus ERE GGTCANNNTGACC. On their own, these degenerated elements have only a low or no regulatory capacity at all but act together synergistically to form an estrogen-responsive unit (ERU) with the same strength as the perfect palindromic 13 bp element. Analysis of estrogen receptor binding to the gene B1 ERU revealed a cooperative interaction of receptor dimers to the two adjacent imperfect EREs which most likely explains the synergistic stimulation observed in vivo. Furthermore, a promoter activator element located between positions --113 and --42 of the gene B1 and functional in the human MCF-7 and the Xenopus B3.2 cells has been identified and shown to be involved in the high level of induced transcription activity when the ERE is placed at a distance from the promoter. Finally, a hormone-controlled in vitro transcription system derived from Xenopus liver nuclear extracts was exploited to characterize two additional novel cis-acting elements within the vitellogenin gene B1 promoter. One of them, a negative regulatory element (NRE), is responsible for repression of promoter activity in the absence of hormone. The second is related to the NF-I binding site and is required, together with the ERE, to mediate hormonal induction. Moreover, we detected three trans-acting activities in Xenopus liver nuclear extracts that interact with these regions and demonstrated that they participate in the regulation of the expression of the vitellogenin promoter in vitro.


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This paper presents the first results of the INTERNORM pilot project funded by the University of Lausanne (2010 - 2014) to support the involvement of civil society organisations (CSO) in two ISO technical committees (TC), the ISO TC 228 on "tourism and related services" and the ISO TC 229 on "nanotechnologies". It analyses how a distinct participatory mechanism can influence the institutional environment of technical diplomacy in which standards are shaped. The project is an attempt to respond to the democratic deficit attested in the field of international standardisation, formally open to civil society participation, but still largely dominated by expert knowledge and market players. Many international standards have direct implications on society as a whole, but CSOs (consumers and environmental associations, trade unions) are largely under-represented in negotiation arenas. The paper draws upon international relations literature on new institutional forms in global governance and studies of participation in science and technology to address three questions: to which extent do CSOs identify participation in standardisation as worth of their mobilisation? How is the pluralisation of knowledge and expertise supporting CSO position during the deliberation? To which extent can CSO access and influence standardisation beyond their consultative role? It argues that there are significant limitations to the rise of civil society participation in such global governance mechanisms. Despite high entry costs into technical diplomacy, participation is not so much a matter of upstream engagement, or of procedure and resources only, than of opportunistic CSOs mobilization, of distinct thematic incentives and concrete outcomes to be expected in standardisation arenas or in the broader use of international standards.


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Résumé Durant le développement embryonnaire, les cellules pigmentaires des mammifères se développent à partir de deux origines différentes : les melanocytes se développent à partir de la crête neurale alors que les cellules de la rétine pigmentaire (RP) ont une origine neuronale. Un grand nombre de gènes sont impliqués dans la pigmentation dont les gènes de la famille tyrosinase à savoir Tyr, Tyrp1 et Dct. Certaines études ont suggéré que les gènes de la pigmentation sont régulés de manière différentielle dans les mélanocytes et dans la RP. Dans ce travail, les gènes de la famille tyrosinase ont été étudiés comme modèle de la régulation des gènes de la pigmentation par des éléments régulateurs agissant à distance. II a été montré que le promoteur du gène Tyrp1pouvait induire l'expression d'un transgène uniquement dans la RP alors que ce gène est aussi exprimé dans les mélanocytes comme le montre le phénotype des souris mutantes pour Tyrp1. Ce résultat suggère que les éléments régulateurs du promoteur sont suffisants pour l'expression dans la RP mais pas pour l'expression dans les mélanocytes. J'ai donc cherché à identifier la séquence qui régule l'expression dans les mélanocytes. Un chromosome artificiel bactérien (CAB) contenant le gène Tyrp1 s'est avéré suffisant pour induire l'expression dans les mélanocytes, comme démontré par la correction du phénotype mutant. La séquence de ce CAB contient plusieurs régions très conservées qui pourraient représenter de nouveaux éléments régulateurs. Par la suite, j'ai focalisé mon analyse sur une séquence située à -I5 kb qui s'est révélée être un amplificateur spécifique aux mélanocytes comme démontré par des expériences de cultures cellulaire et de transgenèse. De plus, une analyse poussée de cet élément a révélé que le facteur de transcription Sox 10 représentait un transactivateur de cet amplificateur. Comme pour Tyrp1, la régulation du gène tyrosinase est contrôlée par différents éléments régulateurs dans les mélanocytes et la RP. Il a été montré que le promoteur de tyrosinase n'était pas suffisant pour une forte expression dans les mélanocytes et la RP. De plus, l'analyse de la région située en amont a révélé la présence d'un amplificateur nécessaire à l'expression dans les mélanocytes à la position -15 kb. Cet amplificateur n'est toutefois pas actif dans la RP mais agit comme un répresseur dans ces cellules. Ces résultats indiquent que certains éléments nécessaires à l'expression dans les deux types de cellules pigmentaires sont absents de ces constructions. Comme pour Tyrp1, j'ai en premier lieu démontré qu'un CAB était capable de corriger le phénotype albinique, puis ai inséré un gène reporter (lacZ) dans le CAB par recombinaison homologue et ai finalement analysé l'expression du reporter en transgenèse. Ces souris ont montré une expression forte du lacZ dans les mélanocytes et la RP, ce qui indique que le CAB contient les séquences régulatrices nécessaires à l'expression correcte de tyrosinase. Afin de localiser plus précisément les éléments régulateurs, j'ai ensuite généré des délétions dans le CAB et analysé l'expression du lacZ en transgenèse. La comparaison de séquences génomiques provenant de différentes espèces a permis par la suite d'identifier des régions représentant de nouveaux éléments régulateurs potentiels. En utilisant cette approche, j'ai identifié une région qui se comporte comme un amplificateur dans la RP et qui est nécessaire à l'expression de tyrosinase dans ce tissu. De plus, j'ai identifié les facteurs de transcription Mitf et Sox10 comme transactivateurs de l'amplificateur spécifique aux mélanocytes situé à -15 kb. L'identification et la caractérisation des ces éléments régulateurs des gènes tyrosinase et Tyrp1confirme donc que la régulation différentielle des gènes dans les mélanocytes et la RP est liée à des éléments régulateurs séparés. Summary Pigment cells of mammals originate from two different lineages: melanocytes arise from the neural crest, whereas cells of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) originate from the optic cup of the developing forebrain. A large set of genes are involved in pigmentation, including the members of the tyrosinase gene family, namely tyrosinase, Tyrp1 and Dct. Previous studies have suggested that pigmentation genes are differentially regulated in melanocytes and RPE. In this work, the tyrosinase gene family was used as a model for studying the involvement of distal regulatory elements in pigment cell-specific gene expression. The promoter of the Tyrp1 gene has been shown to drive detectable transgene expression only to the RPE, even though the gene is also expressed in melanocytes as evident from Tyrp1-mutant mice. This indicates that the regulatory elements responsible for Tyrp1 gene expression in the RPE are not sufficient for expression in melanocytes. I thus searched for a putative melanocyte-specific regulatory sequence and demonstrate that a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) containing the Tyrp1 gene and surrounding sequences is able to target transgenic expression to melanocytes and to rescue the Tyrp1 b (brown) phenotype. This BAC contains several highly conserved non-coding sequences that might represent novel regulatory elements. I further focused on a sequence located at -15 kb which I identified as amelanocyte-specific enhancer as shown by cell culture and transgenic mice. In addition, further functional analysis identified the transcription factor Sox10 as being able to bind and transactivate this enhancer. As for Tyrp1, tyrosinase gene regulation is mediated by different cis-regulatory elements in melanocytes and RPE. It was shown that the tyrosinase promoter was not sufficient to confer strong and specific expression in melanocytes and RPE. Moreover, analysis of tyrosinase upstream sequence, revealed the presence of a specific enhancer at position -15 kb which was necessary to confer strong expression in melanocytes. This enhancer element however failed to act as an enhancer in the RPE, but rather repressed expression. This indicates that some regulatory elements required for tyrosinase expression in both RPE and melanocytes are still missing from these constructs. As for Tyrp1, I first demonstrated that a BAC containing the Tyr gene is able to rescue the Tyr c (albino) phenotype in mice, then I inserted a lacZ reporter gene in the BAC by homologous recombination, and finally analysed the pattern of lacZ expression in transgenic mice. These mice showed strong lacZ expression in both RPE and melanocytes, indicating that the BAC contains the regulatory sequences required for proper tyrosinase expression. In order to localize more precisely these regulatory elements, I have then generated several deletions in the BAC and analysed lacZ expression in transgenic mice. Multi-species comparative genomic analysis then allowed identifying conserved sequences that potentially represent novel regulatory elements. Using this experimental approach, I identified a region that behaves as a RPE-specific enhancer and that is required for tyrosinase expression in the retina] pigment epithelium. In addition, I identified the transcription factors Mitf and Sox l0 as being transactivators of the melanocyte-specific enhancer located at -l5 kb. The identification and characterization of these tyrosinase and Tyrp1 distal regulatory element supports the idea that separate regulatory sequences mediate differential gene expression in melanocytes and RPE.


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This study explored the evolutionary mechanism by which the clinical isolate PA110514 yields the imipenemresistant derivative PA116136. Both isolates were examined by PFGE and SDS-PAGE, which led to the identification of a new insertion sequence, ISPa133. This element was shown to have distinct chromosomal locations in each of the original isolates that appeared to explain the differences in imipenem susceptibilty. In strain PA110514, ISPa133 is located 56 nucleotides upstream of the translational start codon, which has no effect on expression of the porin OprD. However, in strain PA116136 ISPa133 it is located in front of nucleotide 696 and, by interrupting the coding region, causes a loss of OprD expression, thus conferring imipenem resistance. In vitro experiments mimicking the natural conditions of selective pressure yielded imipenem-resistant strains in which ISPa133 similarly interrupted oprD. A mechanism is proposed whereby ISPa133 acts as a mobile switch, with its position in oprD depending on the degree of selective pressure exerted by imipenem


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This study explored the evolutionary mechanism by which the clinical isolate PA110514 yields the imipenemresistant derivative PA116136. Both isolates were examined by PFGE and SDS-PAGE, which led to the identification of a new insertion sequence, ISPa133. This element was shown to have distinct chromosomal locations in each of the original isolates that appeared to explain the differences in imipenem susceptibilty. In strain PA110514, ISPa133 is located 56 nucleotides upstream of the translational start codon, which has no effect on expression of the porin OprD. However, in strain PA116136 ISPa133 it is located in front of nucleotide 696 and, by interrupting the coding region, causes a loss of OprD expression, thus conferring imipenem resistance. In vitro experiments mimicking the natural conditions of selective pressure yielded imipenem-resistant strains in which ISPa133 similarly interrupted oprD. A mechanism is proposed whereby ISPa133 acts as a mobile switch, with its position in oprD depending on the degree of selective pressure exerted by imipenem


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This study explored the evolutionary mechanism by which the clinical isolate PA110514 yields the imipenemresistant derivative PA116136. Both isolates were examined by PFGE and SDS-PAGE, which led to the identification of a new insertion sequence, ISPa133. This element was shown to have distinct chromosomal locations in each of the original isolates that appeared to explain the differences in imipenem susceptibilty. In strain PA110514, ISPa133 is located 56 nucleotides upstream of the translational start codon, which has no effect on expression of the porin OprD. However, in strain PA116136 ISPa133 it is located in front of nucleotide 696 and, by interrupting the coding region, causes a loss of OprD expression, thus conferring imipenem resistance. In vitro experiments mimicking the natural conditions of selective pressure yielded imipenem-resistant strains in which ISPa133 similarly interrupted oprD. A mechanism is proposed whereby ISPa133 acts as a mobile switch, with its position in oprD depending on the degree of selective pressure exerted by imipenem