1000 resultados para UDK:551


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We show that every finite N-player normal form game possesses a correlated equilibrium with a precise lower bound on the number of outcomes to which it assigns zero probability. In particular, the largest games with a unique fully supported correlated equilibrium are two-player games; moreover, the lower bound grows exponentially in the number of players N.


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Kirje 18.2.1967


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O objetivo do presente trabalho é abordar a importância da identificação e conhecimento das causas de patologias tipo fissuras, trincas e rachaduras provocadas por recalque diferencial provenientes de fundação rasas. A pesquisa teve como base, uma revisão bibliográfica completa sobre o aparecimento de fissuras e trincas em edificações, tendo como origem as deformações do solo e indução de tensões de tracção nos componentes da edificação. Nessa revisão são analisadas as principais causas do aparecimento de recalques diferenciais nos solos e como estes recalques induzem o aparecimento de danos nas edificações. Para um melhor entendimento das manifestações patológicas é feito adicionalmente um estudo sobre os principais tipos de fundações presentes na construção civil e a indicação de sua utilização. São estudados ainda, algumas teorias da mecânica dos solos, a sua interacção com a estrutura, destacando a importância do projectista das fundações e a diferença entre ele e o projectista de estrutura. O trabalho apresenta também um estudo de caso, envolvendo dois edifícios, em que o primeiro é denominado de edifício A, portanto o edifício lesado, e o segundo edifício, denominado de B, construído posteriormente tido, como o responsável pelos danos causados em A. Com a comparação da revisão bibliográfica efectuada e o estudo de caso, puderam ser estabelecidas conclusões sobre os danos ocorridos e suas causas. Por fim, o trabalho analisa aimportância do conhecimento das causas dos danos para um correcto apuramento de responsabilidades e, no caso da perícia judicial, ajudar na interpretação dos problemas ocorridos no edifício A, durante a construção do edifício B.


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Understanding factors that shape ranges of species is central in evolutionary biology. Species distribution models have become important tools to test biogeographical, ecological and evolutionary hypotheses. Moreover, from an ecological and evolutionary perspective, these models help to elucidate the spatial strategies of species at a regional scale. We modelled species distributions of two phylogenetically, geographically and ecologically close Tupinambis species (Teiidae) that occupy the southernmost area of the genus distribution in South America. We hypothesized that similarities between these species might have induced spatial strategies at the species level, such as niche differentiation and divergence of distribution patterns at a regional scale. Using logistic regression and MaxEnt we obtained species distribution models that revealed interspecific differences in habitat requirements, such as environmental temperature, precipitation and altitude. Moreover, the models obtained suggest that although the ecological niches of Tupinambis merianae and T. rufescens are different, these species might co-occur in a large contact zone. We propose that niche plasticity could be the mechanism enabling their co-occurrence. Therefore, the approach used here allowed us to understand the spatial strategies of two Tupinambis lizards at a regional scale.


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As características da chuva de uma região podem determinar a maior parte dos efeitos danosos da erosão. A variação da intensidade durante a chuva é uma dessas importantes características. Entretanto, pouco se sabe sobre os padrões de chuva ocorrentes no Brasil. Este trabalho teve como objetivos determinar os padrões das chuvas erosivas naturais verificadas em Santa Maria (RS), e estimar o período de retorno das chuvas em três padrões propostos. Pluviogramas diários foram cedidos pela Estação Central Experimental de Silvicultura e Conservação do Solo de Santa Maria, pertencente à Fepagro, compreendendo o período de 1963 a 1989 e 1991 a 1992. As chuvas foram classificadas em padrão avançado, intermediário e atrasado, de acordo com a posição do pico de máxima intensidade e, posteriormente, foi estimado o período de retorno das chuvas para cada padrão. Algumas características de interesse foram calculadas, como a intensidade média dos picos, duração das chuvas e dos picos com intensidade superior a 100 mm h-1. Das 1.193 chuvas erosivas individuais analisadas, os padrões, avançado, interme-diário e atrasado, corresponderam a 551, 295 e 347 chuvas, perfazendo 46,2; 24,7 e 29,1% do total de chuvas, respectivamente. Isso caracteriza o padrão avançado como o padrão de chuvas mais freqüente em Santa Maria. Das 79 chuvas com picos de intensidade superiores a 100 mm h-1, os padrões analisados (avançado, intermediário e atrasado) corresponderam a 45, 18 e 16 chuvas, perfazendo 8,2; 6,1 e 4,6% do total de chuvas, respectivamente. A duração média das chuvas com picos de intensidade superiores a 100 mm h-1 foi de 8 h, e a duração dos picos foi de seis min. e 50 seg. Foram calculados os períodos de retorno de 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 e 100 anos para as durações estudadas e construídas curvas de intensidade, duração e freqüência para os padrões de chuva supracitados.


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The most widely used formula for estimating glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in children is the Schwartz formula. It was revised in 2009 using iohexol clearances with measured GFR (mGFR) ranging between 15 and 75 ml/min × 1.73 m(2). Here we assessed the accuracy of the Schwartz formula using the inulin clearance (iGFR) method to evaluate its accuracy for children with less renal impairment comparing 551 iGFRs of 392 children with their Schwartz eGFRs. Serum creatinine was measured using the compensated Jaffe method. In order to find the best relationship between iGFR and eGFR, a linear quadratic regression model was fitted and a more accurate formula was derived. This quadratic formula was: 0.68 × (Height (cm)/serum creatinine (mg/dl))-0.0008 × (height (cm)/serum creatinine (mg/dl))(2)+0.48 × age (years)-(21.53 in males or 25.68 in females). This formula was validated using a split-half cross-validation technique and also externally validated with a new cohort of 127 children. Results show that the Schwartz formula is accurate until a height (Ht)/serum creatinine value of 251, corresponding to an iGFR of 103 ml/min × 1.73 m(2), but significantly unreliable for higher values. For an accuracy of 20 percent, the quadratic formula was significantly better than the Schwartz formula for all patients and for patients with a Ht/serum creatinine of 251 or greater. Thus, the new quadratic formula could replace the revised Schwartz formula, which is accurate for children with moderate renal failure but not for those with less renal impairment or hyperfiltration.


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OBJECTIVES: To evaluate whether adult specialists comply with the basic principles for a successful transition of adolescents with chronic disorders, and to determine whether the characteristics of the adult specialists have an influence on applying these principles. METHODS: Out of 299 adult specialists in four French-speaking Swiss cantons, 209 (70%) answered a paper-and-pencil mailed questionnaire between May and July 2007. Only those having received the transfer of at least one adolescent in the previous 2 years (N=102) were included in the analysis. We analyzed four dependent variables: discussing common concerns of adolescent patients, seeing the patient alone, having a transition protocol, and having a previous contact with the pediatric specialist. A logistic regression was performed for each dependent variable controlling for the physicians' characteristics (number of transfers, age, gender, workplace, and perceived experience). RESULTS: Fifty-four percent of the physicians did not spend time alone with their patients, and sensitive issues such as sexuality or substance use were not widely discussed with their young patients. Most respondents (59%) did not have an established protocol, and 54% did not have any contact with the pediatric specialist. In the multivariate analyses, the adult specialists' characteristics had little impact. CONCLUSIONS: For many adolescents with chronic disorders the transition from pediatric to adult healthcare seems to be limited to a simple transfer, often lacking adequate communication between physicians. Applying simple but basic principles such as a good coordination between providers would probably improve the quality of healthcare of adolescents with chronic illness.


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Dans le contexte d'un climat de plus en plus chaud, une étude « géosystémique » de la répartition du pergélisol dans l'ensemble d'un versant périglaciaire alpin, de la paroi rocheuse jusqu'au glacier rocheux, s'avère primordiale. S'insérant dans cette problématique, ce travail de thèse vise comme objectif général l'étude des versants d'éboulis situés à l'intérieur de la ceinture du pergélisol discontinu selon deux volets de recherche différents : une étude de la stratigraphie et de la répartition du pergélisol dans les éboulis de haute altitude et des processus qui lui sont associés ; une reconstitution de l'histoire paléoenvironnementale du domaine périglaciaire alpin pendant le Tardiglaciaire et l'Holocène. La stratigraphie et la répartition spatiale du pergélisol a été étudiée dans cinq éboulis des Alpes Valaisannes (Suisse), dont trois ont fait l'objet de forages profonds, grâce à la prospection géophysique de détail effectuée à l'aide de méthodes thermiques, de résistivité, sismiques et nucléaires. Les mesures effectuées ont permis de mettre en évidence que, dans les cinq éboulis étudiés, la répartition du pergélisol est discontinue et aucun des versants n'est intégralement occupé par du pergélisol. En particulier, il a été possible de prouver de manière directe que, dans un éboulis, le pergélisol est présent dans les parties inférieures du versant et absent dans les parties supérieures. Trois facteurs de contrôle principaux de la répartition du pergélisol déterminée au sein des éboulis étudiés ont été individualisés, pouvant agir seuls ou de manière combinée : la ventilation ascendante, l'augmentation de la granulométrie en direction de l'aval et la redistribution de la neige par le vent et les avalanches. Parmi ceux-ci, la relation ventilation - granulométrie semble être le facteur de contrôle principal permettant d'expliquer la présence de pergélisol dans les parties inférieures d'un éboulis et son absence dans les parties supérieures. Enfin, l'analyse de la structure des éboulis périglaciaires de haute altitude a permis de montrer que la stratigraphie du pergélisol peut être un élément important pour l'interprétation de la signification paléoclimatique de ce type de formes. Pour le deuxième volet de la recherche, grâce aux datations relatives effectuées à l'aide de l'utilisation conjointe de la méthode paléogéographique et du marteau de Schmidt, il a été possible de définir la chrono - stratigraphie du retrait glaciaire et du développement des glaciers rocheux et des versants d'éboulis d es quatre régions des Alpes suisses étudiées (régions du Mont Gelé - Mont Fort, des Fontanesses et de Chamosentse , dans les Alpes Valaisannes, et Massif de la Cima di Gana Bianca , dans les Alpes Tessinoises). La compilation de toutes les datations effectuées a permis de montrer que la plupart des glaciers rocheux actifs étudiés se seraient développés soit juste avant et/ou pendant l'Optimum Climatique Holocène de 9.5 - 6.3 ka cal BP, soit au plus tard juste après cet évènement climatique majeur du dernier interglaciaire. Parmi les glaciers rocheux fossiles datés, la plupart aurait commencé à se former dans la deuxième moitié du Tardiglaciaire et se serait inactivé dans la première partie de l'Optimum Climatique Holocène. Pour les éboulis étudiés, les datations effectuées ont permis d'observer que leur surface date de la période entre le Boréal et l'Atlantique récent, indiquant que les taux d'éboulisation après la fin de l'Optimum Climatique Holocène ont dû être faibles, et que l'intervalle entre l'âge maximal et l'âge minimal est dans la plupart des cas relativement court (4 - 6 millénaires), indiquant que les taux d'éboulisation durant la période de formation des éboulis ont dû être importants. Grâce au calcul des taux d'érosion des parois rocheuses sur la base du volume de matériaux rocheux pour quatre des éboulis étudiés, il a été possible mettre en évidence l'existence d'une « éboulisation parapériglaciaire » liée à la dégradation du pergélisol dans les parois rocheuses, fonctionnant principalement durant les périodes de réchauffement climatique rapide comme cela a été le cas au début du Bølling, du Préboréal à la fin de l'Atlantique récent et, peut-être, à partir des années 1980.


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Visualization of the vascular systems of organs or of small animals is important for an assessment of basic physiological conditions, especially in studies that involve genetically manipulated mice. For a detailed morphological analysis of the vascular tree, it is necessary to demonstrate the system in its entirety. In this study, we present a new lipophilic contrast agent, Angiofil, for performing postmortem microangiography by using microcomputed tomography. The new contrast agent was tested in 10 wild-type mice. Imaging of the vascular system revealed vessels down to the caliber of capillaries, and the digital three-dimensional data obtained from the scans allowed for virtual cutting, amplification, and scaling without destroying the sample. By use of computer software, parameters such as vessel length and caliber could be quantified and remapped by color coding onto the surface of the vascular system. The liquid Angiofil is easy to handle and highly radio-opaque. Because of its lipophilic abilities, it is retained intravascularly, hence it facilitates virtual vessel segmentation, and yields an enduring signal which is advantageous during repetitive investigations, or if samples need to be transported from the site of preparation to the place of actual analysis, respectively. These characteristics make Angiofil a promising novel contrast agent; when combined with microcomputed tomography, it has the potential to turn into a powerful method for rapid vascular phenotyping.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Age is frequently discussed as negative host factor to achieve a sustained virological response (SVR) to antiviral therapy of chronic hepatitis C. However, elderly patients often show advanced fibrosis/cirrhosis as known negative predictive factor. The aim of this study was to assess age as an independent predictive factor during antiviral therapy. METHODS: Overall, 516 hepatitis C patients were treated with pegylated interferon-α and ribavirin, thereof 66 patients ≥60 years. We analysed the impact of host factors (age, gender, fibrosis, haemoglobin, previous hepatitis C treatment) and viral factors (genotype, viral load) on SVR per therapy course by performing a generalized estimating equations (GEE) regression modelling, a matched pair analysis and a classification tree analysis. RESULTS: Overall, SVR per therapy course was 42.9 and 26.1%, respectively, in young and elderly patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes 1/4/6. The corresponding figures for HCV genotypes 2/3 were 74.4 and 84%. In the GEE model, age had no significant influence on achieving SVR. In matched pair analysis, SVR was not different in young and elderly patients (54.2 and 55.9% respectively; P = 0.795 in binominal test). In classification tree analysis, age was not a relevant splitting variable. CONCLUSIONS: Age is not a significant predictive factor for achieving SVR, when relevant confounders are taken into account. As life expectancy in Western Europe at age 60 is more than 20 years, it is reasonable to treat chronic hepatitis C in selected elderly patients with relevant fibrosis or cirrhosis but without major concomitant diseases, as SVR improves survival and reduces carcinogenesis.


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Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 551