964 resultados para Theological seminaries.


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A polêmica jornalística que, em 1881, envolveu o então 2º Tenente Lauro Sodré, o bispo D. Macedo Costa e o jornal católico A Boa Nova, ocorreu num momento em que já estavam presentes na sociedade brasileira os fatores da desagregação do Império. O que se pretendeu, com este trabalho, foi estudar o confronto como representação discursiva de um choque de ideias nos quadros sociais e intelectuais do Brasil do final do Oitocentos: com o primeiro, a ciência e o progresso, instrumentos apontados como fundamentais para a república; com o segundo, a fé e a religião, instrumentos essenciais para a monarquia. De acordo com a perspectiva filosófico-histórica do positivismo, essas questões fundamentavam o processo de evolução social do Homem, inclusive politicamente entendida. Note-se, igualmente, que na obra máxima da teoria evolucionista, On the origin of species by means of natural selection (1859) de Darwin, o movimento histórico se subordina decididamente às leis naturais e se insere no processo mais amplo da evolução do universo. A evolução é considerada, efetivamente, não como um simples movimento, mas como melhoramento, um progresso. Aos olhos positivistas de Lauro Sodré, a ideia de uma monarquia atrelada à sobrevivência da origem divina do poder aparecia como uma digna representação dos estados não-epistemológicos da humanidade, o metafísico e o teológico; já a república surgia como a única forma de governo “compatível com a dignidade humana”. Projetada esta polêmica sobre as realidades mentais do próprio tempo, tem-se, em última análise, a revelação de um dos componentes da natureza e das formas que assumiu a problemática relação entre pensamento filosófico e objeto político dominante no movimento de ideias no Brasil ao final do século XIX.


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Foram obtidos perfis tubulares porosos de polietileno (PE) e de polietileno/fibra de açaí (PE/PA) 80/20 extrudados a partir de partículas granuladas de polietileno de alta densidade reciclado de embalagens pós-consumo de 600 μm, e deste com fibra de açaí de 300 μm. Para o processamento das peças foi desenvolvida uma extrusora mono-rosca de bancada, com sistema mecânico acionado por um motor elétrico de ½ CV (0,37 kw) controlado por um inversor de freqüência, com canhões, roscas, matriz e sistema de aquecimento substituíveis. Para permitir uma visualização didática de condições de operação do equipamento de modo simplificado foram realizados testes com parafina em canhão de vidro variando-se a velocidade de rotação do parafuso e perfil de temperatura, ajustando vazão mássica e pressão na saída. Para a extrusão dos perfis porosos foram realizados ensaios reológicos de PE e PE/FA sendo selecionado rosca, barril e matriz de alumínio; rosca com passo de 9 mm e relação comprimento diâmetro (L/D) 22, composta de um elemento misturador e um elemento de flutuação na zona de controle de vazão; ângulo entre o filete e o eixo da rosca 17º, folga entre a rosca e o barril 0,15 mm; rotação de 1,3 rpm; aquecimento ao longo do canhão de 120ºC; matriz tubular com 21 mm de diâmetro interno e mandril de 19 mm de diâmetro externo. Os perfis PE e PE/FA apresentaram poros com diâmetros médios de 0,7 e 0,6 mm; densidade relativa à água a 28ºC de 0,77 e 0,73; módulo de elasticidade de 1,002 e 2,601 GPa e máximo inchamento aparente do extrudado de 100 e 80%.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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This is a reflexive analysis of the Voice Seminaries at PUC SP, realized between 1993 and 2009. The analysis points out to the involvement of the organizers, talkers and participants with the theme “occupational voice”.Each year, the suggestion of subjects occured methodically, conducted by events and by the direction of the late year seminary, or stimulated by a new proposition. During these years, it was observed the effort made towards a social modification, in this case, a government recognition of the vocal disorder as a desease related to working conditions of determined professional categories which use voice intensily.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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In the present study aimed to study the use of radio and television in Brazil by the various Christian aspects rooted in the country. The main objective was to analyze how the churches define the orientation or the use of strategies of both comprehensive and traditional media vehicles, which are still the most popular mass media, both for the formation of culture and national public opinion in both states and municipalities, which demarcate and retain regional traits that differentiate culturally, economically and socially diverse Brazilian populations. Christian churches are increasingly seeking loopholes and legal facilities, public spaces and broadcast media to facilitate the achievement of followers of their theological ideologies. On the radio, on television and also through social networks of the Internet, pastors, priests, bishops and lay Christians to seek their potential both in public space and home individually, using old and new individual devices and portable reception of audiovisual content. All preachers fiercely competing for space leased the open television networks, in national and local radio stations and invest in the organization of broadcasters Community legalized or informal. The work also aims to study the radio and television concessions in Bauru, to show the failures that occur in broadcasting spectrum management by the federal government and also for the reader to understand what the Constitution says about the use of these vehicles public concession by religious institutions


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Within the scope of Literary Studies, theory, criticism, and historiography about the literature produced in the Middle Ages developed considerably from 1940 on, with the works of Ernst Curtius, Mikhail Bakhtin, and Erich Auerbach. In spite of the progress made, some specific aspects remain in the shadow, with incursions which were punctual though meaningful: that is the case of the critic fortunes about women‟s literary production in that period. Rosvita was a canoness and lived in the Benedictine convent of Gandersheim (Germany), in the 10th century A.D. Coming under Terence‟s influence, she wrote theater plays in Latin in which she figuratively presented theological issues in order to spread the Christian doctrine. The martyrdom issue deserved to be put in relief and was the focal point of the play Wisdom, which took place at the time of the Roman emperor Adrian. This paper analyzes that dramatic text discussing, at the end, how the categories of symbol, enigma, allegory, and mystery are organized by the author as expressive resources and structural elements.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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The Marshall Family Papers includes originals and photocopies of two letters written by Fred D. Marshall of Rock Hill. The first is from Camp Thomas in Chickamauga, Georgia and the second was from Camp Cuba Libre in Jacksonville, FL. while he was a soldier during the Spanish American War to his parents, Capt and Mrs. John Wilson Marshall of Rock Hill Also included is a letter by W.W. Byre to Capt. John Wilson Marshall while a missionary in Mexico. Fred D. Marshall served as mayor of Columbia from 1941 to 1946 and W.W. Byre became Dean of Erskine Theological Seminary at Due West, SC.


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This report examines the religious beliefs and practices of American Protestant teenagers using new, nationally representative survey data from the National Study of Youth and Religion (NSYR). The NSYR is a major study of the religious and spiritual lives of contemporary American teens, which recently produced a book on its major findings entitled, Soul Searching: the Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers (by Christian Smith with Melinda Lundquist Denton, Oxford University Press, 2005). In addition to broadly describing the religious outlook of Protestant teenagers today — and as a more detailed, descriptive follow-up to that book — this report highlights several positive and negative experiences and evaluations of teenagers in different Protestant denominations and groupings of denominations. In brief, this report presents the following findings in these areas of interest: ♦ Religious Participation: Protestant teenagers are relatively active in religious organizations and activities, both within and beyond their churches. About one-half of all Protestant teens attend church weekly, participate in Sunday school or in a religious youth group, pray and attend a religious summer camp or retreat, though less than one-third read the Bible each week. This also means, however, that substantial numbers of Protestant teens are not actively participating in their religious traditions. Teens from conservative denominations such as Southern Baptist Convention and Assemblies of God are especially likely to regularly attend church and participate in other religious activities. ♦ Theological Beliefs: Protestant teenagers are likely to hold many traditional Christian religious beliefs. The majority of Protestant teens say they believe in God, the afterlife, angels, demons, miracles, judgment day and they view God as a personal being involved in the lives of people today. Sizable numbers of Protestant teens, on the other hand, do not hold these traditional Christian religious beliefs. Teens from conservative and black Protestant denominations are more likely than mainline Protestant teens to hold these religious beliefs. ♦ Importance of Faith: The majority of Protestant teenagers report that their religious faith is very important in their lives. Most of them also say that their families talk about religion together, that they have shared their faith with someone not of their faith and that they have had a powerful worship experience. A large minority of all Protestant teenagers, and in the case of some denominations a majority of teenagers, do not report that religious faith is very important in their lives. Teens from conservative and black Protestant denominations are particularly likely to report that faith is important in their lives. ♦ Evaluations of Churches: The majority of Protestant teenagers express relatively positive views of their churches and fellow church members. They typically report that they would continue to attend church if it were totally up to them, that they would attend a similar church if given the choice and that their current church is generally warm and welcoming. Protestant adolescents, however, do have some reservations about and problems with their churches and fellow church attendees, as spelled out in the following pages, particularly with other teenage attendees.