924 resultados para Teorema de Mayer-Vietoris


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El rol del aprendizaje significativo mediante la utilización de nuevas estrategias de enseñanza. Este aprendizaje involucra un proceso en el que lo que aprendemos es el producto de la información nueva, interpretada a la luz de lo que ya sabemos. Para que haya aprendizaje significativo, es necesario que el alumno pueda relacionar el material de aprendizaje con la estructura de conocimientos de que ya dispone. De esta forma, junto con la motivación favorable para la comprensión, y, los esfuerzos que requiere, una condición esencial del aprendizaje de conceptos será que estos se relacionen con los conocimientos previos de los alumnos. El nuevo conocimiento, que queremos que el alumno aprenda en esta oportunidad, surgirá de un adecuado desarrollo del razonamiento deductivo y manejo de los conocimientos previos. Entendiendo por razonamiento deductivo al proceso de razonamiento en que, para obtener una conclusión lógicamente necesaria a partir de ciertas premisas, los pasos están encadenados siguiendo ciertas reglas lógicas y son justificados rigurosamente. Las justificaciones están basadas en los axiomas y definiciones de la teoría respectiva, en teoremas demostrados con anterioridad y en las premisas o hipótesis del problema o teorema. El docente debe ayudar al estudiante a desarrollar y usar el poder del razonamiento deductivo comprometiéndolo permanentemente a pensar, analizar y deducir conjeturas en clase, además debe crear y seleccionar tareas apropiadas que puedan involucrar la generalización, la organización de datos para validar o refutar una conjetura. Un grupo de bachillerato del último año desarrolló la demostración de un teorema de convergencia de series, con los resultados de un 46% que la realizó exitosamente, versus un 36% que no lo logró. Los alumnos que lograron hacer la demostración, no eran los más estudiosos pero tenían una buena capacidad de razonamiento. En cambio los que generalmente preparan las evaluaciones y que se apoyan mucho en la memoria, no lograron un buen desempeño.


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Se pone de manifiesto la necesidad de que el profesor gestione la construcción de significado en el aula y lo haga a partir de las interpretaciones que pueda inferir de los aportes verbales de los estudiantes durante el proceso. Se muestra que la construcción de significado de una definición que un profesor podría despachar muy rápidamente (señalando un error, repitiendo la definición y pidiendo a los estudiantes que se fijen bien en ella para reformular la representación de la situación en la que el objeto definido se pone en juego), está lejos de ser un asunto baladí. En el segundo ejemplo que se presenta es posible ver cómo la gestión del profesor en pro de la construcción de significado de un objeto geométrico (en este caso, el enunciado del Teorema Localización de Puntos), no se agota en el momento en que se enuncia y demuestra el Teorema sino que se requiere también en momentos en que se usa en el marco de la resolución de un nuevo problema.


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El objetivo de este artículo es presentar varias pruebas visuales sobre la irracionalidad de raíz de 2, las cuales no son muy conocidas comparadas con otras pruebas, como por ejemplo, las demostraciones del teorema de Pitágoras. Además, esas demostraciones pueden ser útiles como una alternativa a la clásica demostración griega y de esta forma se intentará llamar la atención de los alumnos.


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Por quinta vez puso cuatro motas de tinta en el papel, les puso nombres (A, B, C, D) y los unió con segmentos para formar un cuadrilátero. Luego señaló los puntos medios de sus cuatro lados y los conectó formando otro cuadrilátero (P, Q, R, S). Ahí estaba el problema. Ese cuadrilátero interior siempre resultaba ser un paralelogramo pusiera como pusiera los cuatro puntos originales. ¿Acaso había orden en el caos? Por un momento pensó que quizá había truco, que tal vez sucedía así porque la gente ponía los puntos de formas similares. Pero ya había probado configuraciones muy raras, incluso dejó que los segmentos del cuadrilátero ABCD se interceptasen, y siempre obtenía idéntico resultado. No, lo que parece cumplirse para cualquier caso no es ningún truco, sino un teorema que demostrar.


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Se proponen tres demostraciones sobre el valor de la potencia de un punto con respecto a una circunferencia. La primera utiliza el método de la geometría analítica, y las propiedades de las soluciones de la ecuación de segundo grado. La segunda se basa sólo en el Teorema de Pitágoras. Y, la tercera utiliza el álgebra de vectores. Por último, se da el resultado de la potencia de un punto con respecto a una elipse. Con esto se intenta suplir el hueco en los libros de texto, de nivel de Bachillerato, que no recogen una demostración general sobre la constancia de la potencia del punto con respecto a una circunferencia.


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Dr Fuchen Jia, Dr Mayer Patel and Professor Edwin Galea explain how advanced fire models were used to unravel the secrets of Swissair Flight 111, which crashed off the coast of Canada in 1998.


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Trust is a complex concept that has increasingly been debated in academic research (Kramer and Tyler, 1996). Research on 'trust and leadership' (Caldwell and Hayes, 2007) has suggested, unsurprisingly, that leadership behaviours influence 'follower' perceptions of leaders' trustworthiness. The development of 'ethical stewardship' amongst leaders may foster high trust situations (Caldwell, Hayes, Karri and Bernal, 2008), yet studies on the erosion of teacher professionalism in UK post-compulsory education have highlighted the distrust that arguably accompanies 'new managerialism', performativity and surveillance within a climate of economic rationalisation established by recent deterministic skills-focused government agendas for education (Avis, 2003; Codd, 1999, Deem, 2004, DFES, 2006). Given the shift from community to commercialism identified by Collinson and Collinson (2005) in a global economic environment characterised by uncertainty and rapid change, trust is, simultaneously, increasingly important and progressively both more fragile and limited in a post compulsory education sector dominated by skills-based targets and inspection demands. Building on such prior studies, this conference paper reports on the analysis of findings from a 2007-8 funded research study on 'trust and leadership' carried out in post-compulsory education. The research project collected and analysed case study interview and survey data from the lifelong learning sector, including selected tertiary, further and higher education (FE and HE) institutions. We interviewed 18 UK respondents from HE and FE, including principals, middle managers, first line managers, lecturers and researchers, supplementing and cross-checking this with a small number of survey responses (11) on 'trust and leadership' and a larger number (241) of survey responses on more generalised leadership issues in post-compulsory education. A range of facilitators and enablers of trust and their relationship to leadership were identified and investigated. The research analysed the ways in which interviewees defined the concept of 'trust' and the extent to which they identified that trust was a mediating factor affecting leadership and organisational performance. Prior literature indicates that trust involves a psychological state in which, despite dependency, risk and vulnerability, trustors have some degree of confident expectation that trustees will behave in benevolent rather than detrimental ways. The project confirmed the views of prior researchers (Mayer, Davis and Schoorman, 1995) that, since trust inevitably involves potential betrayal, estimations of leadership 'trustworthiness' are based on followers' cognitive and affective perceptions of the reliability, competence, benevolence and reputation of leaders. During the course of the interviews it also became clear that some interviewees were being managed in more or less transaction-focused, performative, audit-dominated cultures in which trust was not regarded as particularly important: while 'cautious trust' existed, collegiality flourished only marginally in small teams. Economic necessity and survival were key factors influencing leadership and employee behaviours, while an increasing distance was reported between senior managers and their staff. The paper reflects on the nature of the public sector leadership and management environment in post-compulsory education reported by interviewees and survey respondents. Leadership behaviours to build trust are recommended, including effective communication, honesty, integrity, authenticity, reliability and openness. It was generally felt that building trust was difficult in an educational environment largely determined by economic necessity and performativity. Yet, despite this, the researchers did identify a number of examples of high trust leadership situations that are worthy of emulation.


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Study Objective: Work-place violence, harassment and abuse is an increasing feature of nurses’ experience of work in many countries. There is some evidence that the experience of workplace violence affects levels of job satisfaction (Hesketh et al 2003) and career decisions (e.g. Mayer et al 1999, Fernandes et al 1999). This paper reports on verbal and physical abuse by patients, relatives and carers, as well as racial and sexual harassment in Acute Hospitals in London and investigates whether workplace violence affects nurses’ intentions to leave either their current job or the nursing profession, controlling for a number of other factors that are known to affect career decisions, such as workload, pay and own health. Method: A questionnaire designed by two of the authors (Reeves and West) to assess many different aspects of nurses work life was used in a postal survey of nurses grades A to I practising in twenty London acute trusts in 2002. A total of 6,160 clinical nurses were mailed the questionnaires and 2,880 returned completed questionnaires, resulting in an overall response rate of 47%, discounting undelivered questionnaires. Respondents worked in a wide variety of clinical settings but mainly in acute medical and surgical wards. In addition to descriptive statistics, results were analysed using logistic regression with robust standard errors: the appropriate test when the dependent variable is dichotomous and the individual respondents clustered within units (nurses working within hospitals are not statistically independent). Results: Our results show high levels of racial (%), sexual (%) and other, unspecified forms of harassment (%), as well as verbal and physical abuse (14% had been physically assaulted with 5% being assaulted more than once), over the previous 6 months. A very small number (1%) reported experiencing all three forms of harassment; 12% two forms and 29% one form. Only 45% of this sample intended to stay in nursing for at least 3 years; 40% were undecided and 15% intended to leave. Logistic regression estimates showed that reported levels of abuse and harassment had a significant impact on respondents’ career intentions, even in models that controlled for known factors affecting career decisions. About 70% of our respondents reported that they had had too little training in dealing with aggressive behaviour—or none at all—but there was no statistical relationship between lack of training and reported assaults. Conclusions: The international shortage of health care workers is due at least in part to low retention rates. It is crucial to investigate nurses’ experiences of work to identify the factors that shape their career decisions. Workplace violence is increasingly acknowledged as an international, service-wide, health care problem. This paper adds to the literature that shows that workplace violence has an impact on nurses’ career decisions. The implications for managers and policy makers are that strengthening systems of security and providing nurses with training in interpersonal relationships including dealing with aggressive patients could slow nurse turnover.


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Transparency in nonprofit sector and foundations, as an element to enhance the confidence of stakeholders in the organization, is a fact shown by several studies in recent decades. Transparency can be considered in various fields and through different channels. In our study we focused on the analysis of the organizational and economic transparency of foundations, shown through the voluntary information on their Website. We review the theoretical previous studies published to put to the foundations within the framework of the social economy. This theoretical framework has focused on accountability that make foundations in relation to its social function and its management, especially since the most recent focus of information transparency across the Website.In this theoretical framework was made an index to quantify the voluntary information which is shown on its website. This index has been developed ad hoc for this study and applied to a group of large corporate foundations.With the application of these data are obtained two kind of results, to a descriptive level and to a inferential level.We analyzed the statistical correlation between economic transparency and organizational transparency offered in the Website through quantified variables by a multiple linear regression. This empirical analysis allows us to draw conclusions about the level of transparency offered by these organizations in relation to their organizational and financial information, as well as explain the relation between them.


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: Static calculation and preliminary kinetic Monte Carlo simulation studies are undertaken for the nucleation and growth on a model system which follows a Frank-van der Merwe mechanism. In the present case, we consider the deposition of Ag on Au(100) and Au(111) surfaces. The interactions were calculated using the embedded atom model. The kinetics of formation and growth of 2D Ag structures on Au(100) and Au(111) is investigated and the influence of surface steps on this phenomenon is studied. Very different time scales are predicted for Ag diffusion on Au(100) and Au(111), thus rendering very different regimes for the nucleation and growth of the related 2D phases. These observations are drawn from the application of a model free of any adjustable parameter.


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One of the most decisive factors in the quality of education and academic performance of students is quality, preparation and dedication of the teachers. The exquisite system of selecting candidates for teacher training programs is one of the fundamentals of success of the Finnish Education System. The responsibility of choosing the best students to convert them into teachers is a challenge that involves a significant reform of university admission. Achieving this goal involves the choice of strategies and educational tools in accordance to the complexity of the demands presented by the teaching profession in the digital age. This study describes, analyzes and compares the admission tests in the University of Spain (PAU) and Finland (VAKAVA), for those who wish to become professional educators, in order to understand the possible influence of these tests to select the most suitable candidates to develop into future teaching professionals. The results showed that in Spain, the entrance test to universities is developed in a general way for all the students that aspire to any field of knowledge, while in Finland, the test is specific and particular for students aspiring to the field of education. The results of this study can guide and encourage the necessary changes that have to be done in the admission tests to Spanish university in general and to teacher education faculties in particular.


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Agricultural soils are the dominant contributor to increases in atmospheric nitrous oxide (N2O). Few studies have investigated the natural N and O isotopic composition of soil N2O. We collected soil gas samples using horizontal sampling tubes installed at successive depths under five contrasting agricultural crops (e.g., unamended alfalfa, fertilized cereal), and tropospheric air samples. Mean d 15N and d 18O values of soil N2O ranged from -28.0 to +8.9‰, and from +29.0 to +53.6‰. The mean d 15N and d 18O values of tropospheric N2O were +4.6 ± 0.7‰ and +48.3 ± 0.2‰, respectively. In general, d values were lowest at depth, they were negatively correlated to soil [N2O], and d 15N was positively correlated to d 18O for every treatment on all sampling dates. N2O from the different agricultural treatments had distinct d 15N and d 18O values that varied among sampling dates. Fertilized treatments had soil N2O with low d values, but the unamended alfalfa yielded N2O with the lowest d values. Diffusion was not the predominant process controlling N2O concentration profiles. Based on isotopic and concentration data, it appears that soil N2O was consumed, as it moved from deeper to shallower soil layers. To better assess the main process(es) controlling N2O within a soil profile, we propose a conceptual model that integrates data on net N2O production or consumption and isotopic data. The direct local impact of agricultural N2O on the isotopic composition of tropospheric N2O was recorded by a shift toward lower d values of locally measured tropospheric N2O on a day with very high soil N2O emissions.


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The partially semi-arid Oldman River basin (OMRB), located in southern Alberta (Canada), has an area of 28 200 km2, is forested in its western headwater part, and is used for agriculture in its eastern part. Hydrometric measurements indicate that flow in the Oldman River has decreased by ~34% between 1913 and 2003, and it is predicted that water withdrawals will increase in the next 20 years. The objective of this study was to determine whether isotope ratio measurements can provide further insight into the water dynamics of the Oldman River and its tributaries. Surface water samples were collected monthly between December 2000 and March 2003. Groundwater samples were taken from 58 wells during one-time sampling trips. Runoff within the OMRB is currently about 70 mm year-1, with a corresponding runoff ratio of 0Ð18. Seasonal flow characteristics are markedly different upstream and downstream of the Oldman River reservoir. Upstream, sharp increases in flow in late spring and early summer are followed by a rapid decrease to base flow levels. Downstream, a prolonged high flow peak is observed due to the storage effect of the Oldman River reservoir. The seasonal variation in the isotopic composition of surface water from upstream sites is small. This suggests that peak runoff is not predominantly generated by melting snow accumulated during the preceding winter, but mainly by relatively well-mixed young groundwater. A significant increase in the d18O and d2H values in the downstream part of the basin was observed. The increase in the isotopic values is partly due to surface water and groundwater influx with progressively higher d18O and d2H values in the eastern part, and partly due to evaporation. Hence, the combination of hydrometric data with isotope measurements yields valuable insights into the water dynamics in the OMRB that may be further refined with more intensive measurement programmes in the future.


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The objective of this paper is to outline how stable isotope techniques can contribute to the elucidation of the sources and the fate of riverine nitrate and sulphate in watershed studies. The example used is the Oldman River Basin (OMRB), located in southern Alberta (Canada). Increasing sulphate concentrations and decreasing d34S values along the flowpath of the Oldman River indicate that oxidation of pyrite in tills is a major source of riverine sulphate in the agriculturally used portion of the OMRB. Chemical and isotopic data showed that manure-derived nitrogen contributes significantly to the increase in nitrate concentrations in the Oldman River and its tributaries draining agricultural land. It is suggested that hydrological conditions control agricultural return flows to the surface water bodies in southern Alberta and impart significant seasonal variations on concentrations and isotopic compositions of riverine nitrate. Combining isotopic, chemical, and hydrometric data permitted us to estimate the relative contribution of major sources to the total solute fluxes. Hence, we submit that isotopic measurements can make an important contribution to the identification of nutrient and pollutant sources and to river basin management.