917 resultados para Tacit knowledge transfer
The indexing policy establishes the guiding principles and criteria for the indexer when determining the subjects of the documents. This article shows how to capture the indexers' tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge using the group verbal protocol methodology to produce an indexing manual. Continuing professional education results to be a key factor in obtaining good results when formalizing the indexing policy of a library and keeping it up to date.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O presente trabalho buscou fazer uma reflexão sobre o saber-fazer de mulheres que partejam a partir da narrativa de vida de uma parteira da cidade de Bragança-(PA). Para tanto, foi utilizado o conceito de memória e identidade em Halbawchas (2006) e Bosi (1994). Compreendendo esse ofício inserido na lógica da cultura popular, foram utilizados os conceitos de Cultura em Burke (1989) e Cuche (1999) e Cultura Popular em Bosi (1992), sempre na perspectiva da heterogeneidade. A problematização dessa temática só foi possível mediante um olhar mais sensível e aproximado desses sujeitos, assim, a etnografia ofereceu os subsídios necessários nessa relação, apoiado nas fomentações de Clifford (2002) e Laplantine (1995). E por ser um conhecimento tácito a História Oral foi a base metodológica que sustentou toda a pesquisa, sendo constantemente aplicadas as orientações metodológicas proposta por Thompson (1992) e Delgado (2006). A pesquisa possibilitou compreender que existe uma representação feita por essas mulheres e pela sociedade sobre o trabalho de partejar, e que o mesmo se constitui um dom, ou um aprendizado adquirido através do contato com os mais antigos. A importância deste estudo se dá no fato de que existem diversos sujeitos sociais, que cotidianamente constroem seus saberes, mas que em função da forma hierárquica como foi concebida a sociedade, foram deixados de lado. Igualmente, é que em virtude do processo da Política de Humanização do Parto, tem-se percebido que diversos profissionais ligados à saúde da mulher tem se autodenominado parteiras, o que denota uma tentativa de apropriação e homogeneização de um saber que é específico.
Há uma dualidade nos assentamentos agrícolas do Estado do Amapá. De um lado encontram-se assentados com pouca ou nenhuma tradição em agricultura, alocados pelos órgãos públicos em áreas de matas nativa distantes dos centros consumidores regionais. São os assentamentos induzidos por demandas sociais. Do outro lado estão os agricultores familiares tradicionais, cujas famílias vivem em áreas colonizadas desde o período colonial brasileiro. Aqui, as ações do INCRA se resumiram a demarcar terrenos já ocupados. O uso da terra nos assentamentos induzidos segue o modelo vigente no restante do Estado. Após a extração da madeira e produção de lenha, os restos são queimados. Seguem as “roças” de mandioca, base econômica de todas as propriedades. O problema da pesquisa se apresenta como uma necessidade de identificar e compreender os fenômenos sociais e ambientais associados ao fraco desenvolvimento socioeconômico dos assentados induzidos, cuja principal manifestação é a acentuada pauperização e posteriormente a evasão dos lotes. O ponto referencial desta análise são os agricultores familiares dos assentamentos rurais induzidos do Estado do Amapá, suas praticas agrícolas e suas interações com o meio em que estão inseridos, tendo como contraposição os assentamentos tradicionais do Estado do Amapá. O conhecimento tácito adquirido e aprimorado ao longo de sucessivas gerações nos Assentamentos Tradicionais levou à prática de sistemas de produção em harmonia com o meio ambiente local, evitando-se a degradação dos solos e se aproveitando das condições naturais de fertilização dos solos. A carência deste, associada à falta de experiências de aprendizado coletivo, põe em cheque a continuidade da agricultura nos assentamentos induzidos do estado do Amapá.
The indexing policy establishes the guiding principles and criteria for the indexer when determining the subjects of the documents. This article shows how to capture the indexers’ tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge using the group verbal protocol methodology to produce an indexing manual. Continuing professional education results to be a key factor in obtaining good results when formalizing the indexing policy of a library and keeping it up to date.
In search for better competitiveness, the automotive industry has discussed and applied several concepts related to people and processes. However, in many organizations, the adopted concepts are implemented and kept unarticulated. In this context, authors recognize the role of the knowledge as competitive advantage, but it is still dealt in an implicit way with the traditional models of Production Management. Exploring opportunities in this scenario, this Thesis aims to analyse worker knowledge sharing using factors of Knowledge Management, Work Organization and Production Organization. For the realization of the present Thesis, the scope of the research was restricted to be the labour environment of the glass plants shop floor. The choice of the glass sector is justified due to high dependency on the tacit knowledge of blue-collars. The research uses a qualitative-quantitative approach and employs interviews with workers and managers to identify factors. To assess the importance of these factors in the management judgments, is employed the technique Incomplete Pairwise Comparisons based on Analytic Hierarchy Process Saaty (2001). The result indicates integration among factors and highlights the importance of systematic and technical conversation among operators to share better your knowledge. Also, worker knowledge sharing is improved using communication, training and work instruction. This research extends the conceptual frameworks encountered in literature from the factors integration of Knowledge Management with the Organization of Work and the Production and makes explicit use of the theme of knowledge. This contributes to promote of a favourable context for the creation and sharing of knowledge, among the people in the labour environment, and to support incremental innovation
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
This article has the objective to describe the importance of management knowledge. And, for that, we have done a study upon a case, based on the mapping of the process of classes distribution in the Escolas Técnicas do Centro Paula Souza. The management of knowledge is a way to provide it to the people, considering that knowledge becomes a fundamental and necessary resource to the development of the privante or public organizations. The use of knowledge maps becomes a crucial factor in this process of transformation of tacit knowledge into explicit, because having a high knowledge level, and socialize it, is as essential and important as all the other resources that exist within the institutions.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
ABSTRACT: Meta-analyses are an essential tool of clinical research. Meta-analyses of individual randomized controlled trials frequently constitute the highest possible level of scientific evidence for a given research question and allow surgeons to rapidly gain a comprehensive understanding of an important clinical issue. Moreover, meta-analyses often serve as cornerstones for evidence-based surgery, treatment guidelines, and knowledge transfer. Given the importance of meta-analyses to the medical (and surgical) knowledge base, it is of cardinal importance that surgeons have a basic grasp of the principles that guide a high-quality meta-analysis, and be able to weigh objectively the advantages and potential pitfalls of this clinical research tool. Unfortunately, surgeons are often ill-prepared to successfully conduct, critically appraise, and correctly interpret meta-analyses. The objective of this educational review is to provide surgeons with a brief introductory overview of the knowledge and skills required for understanding and critically appraising surgical meta-analyses as well as assessing their implications for their own surgical practice.
A multitude of products, systems, approaches, views and notions characterize the field of e-learning. This article attempts to disentangle the field by using economic and sociological theories, theories of marketing management and strategy as well as practical experience gained by the author while working with leading edge suppliers of e-learning. On this basis, a distinction between knowledge creation e-learning and knowledge transfer e-learning is made. The various views are divided into four different ideal-typical paradigms, each with its own characteristics and limitations. Selecting the right paradigm to use in the development of an e-learning strategy may prove crucial to success. Implications for the development of an e-learning strategy in businesses and educational institutions are outlined.
Lehrvideos erfreuen sich dank aktueller Entwicklungen im Bereich der Online-Lehre (Videoplattformen, MOOCs) auf der einen Seite und einer riesigen Auswahl sowie einer einfachen Produktion und Distribution auf der anderen Seite großer Beliebtheit bei der Wissensvermittlung. Trotzdem bringen Videos einen entscheidenden Nachteil mit sich, welcher in der Natur des Datenformats liegt. So sind die Suche nach konkreten Sachverhalten in einem Video sowie die semantische Aufbereitung zur automatisierten Verknüpfung mit weiteren spezifischen Inhalten mit hohem Aufwand verbunden. Daher werden die lernerfolg-orientierte Selektion von Lehrsegmenten und ihr Arrangement zur auf Lernprozesse abgestimmten Steuerung gehemmt. Beim Betrachten des Videos werden unter Umständen bereits bekannte Sachverhalte wiederholt bzw. können nur durch aufwendiges manuelles Spulen übersprungen werden. Selbiges Problem besteht auch bei der gezielten Wiederholung von Videoabschnitten. Als Lösung dieses Problems wird eine Webapplikation vorgestellt, welche die semantische Aufbereitung von Videos hin zu adaptiven Lehrinhalten ermöglicht: mittels Integration von Selbsttestaufgaben mit definierten Folgeaktionen können auf Basis des aktuellen Nutzerwissens Videoabschnitte automatisiert übersprungen oder wiederholt und externe Inhalte verlinkt werden. Der präsentierte Ansatz basiert somit auf einer Erweiterung der behavioristischen Lerntheorie der Verzweigten Lehrprogramme nach Crowder, die auf den Lernverlauf angepasste Sequenzen von Lerneinheiten beinhaltet. Gleichzeitig werden mittels regelmäßig eingeschobener Selbsttestaufgaben Motivation sowie Aufmerksamkeit des Lernenden nach Regeln der Programmierten Unterweisung nach Skinner und Verstärkungstheorie gefördert. Durch explizite Auszeichnung zusammengehöriger Abschnitte in Videos können zusätzlich die enthaltenden Informationen maschinenlesbar gestaltet werden, sodass weitere Möglichkeiten zum Auffinden und Verknüpfen von Lerninhalten geschaffen werden.
Prior studies suggest that clients need to actively govern knowledge transfer to vendor staff in offshore outsourcing. In this paper, we analyze longitudinal data from four software maintenance offshore out-sourcing projects to explore why governance may be needed for knowledge transfer and how governance and the individual learning of vendor engineers inter-act over time. Our results suggest that self-control is central to learning, but may be hampered by low levels of trust and expertise at the outset of projects. For these foundations to develop, clients initially need to exert high amounts of formal and clan controls to enforce learning activities against barriers to knowledge sharing. Once learning activities occur, trust and expertise increase and control portfolios may show greater emphases on self-control.
Because of increasing bulk milk somatic cell counts and continuous clinical mastitis problems in a substantial number of herds, a national mastitis control program was started in 2005 to improve udder health in the Netherlands. The program started with founding the Dutch Udder Health Centre (UGCN), which had the task to coordinate the program. The program consisted of 2 parts: a research part and a knowledge-transfer part, which were integrated as much as possible. The knowledge-transfer part comprised 2 communication strategies: a central and a peripheral approach. The central approach was based on educating farmers using comprehensive science-based and rational argumentation about mastitis prevention and included on-farm study group meetings. Comprehensive education materials were developed for farmers that were internally motivated to improve udder health. In the peripheral approach it was tried to motivate farmers to implement certain management measures using nontechnical arguments. Mass media campaigns were used that focused on one single aspect of mastitis prevention. These communication strategies, as well as an integrated approach between various stakeholders and different scientific disciplines were used to reach as many farmers as possible. It should be noted that, because this intervention took place at a national level, no control group was available, as it would be impossible to isolate farmers from all forms of communication for 5 years. Based on several studies executed during and after the program, however, the results suggest that udder health seemed to have improved on a national level during the course of the program from 2005 to 2010. Within a cohort of dairy herds monitored during the program, the prevalence of subclinical mastitis did not change significantly (23.0 in 2004 vs. 22.2 in 2009). The incidence rate of clinical mastitis, however, decreased significantly, from 33.5 to 28.1 quarter cases per 100 cow years at risk. The most important elements of the farmers' mindset toward mastitis control also changed favorably. The simulated costs of mastitis per farm were reduced compared with a situation in which the mastitis would not have changed, with € 400 per year. When this amount is extrapolated to all Dutch farms, the sector as a whole reduced the total costs of mastitis by € 8 million per year. It is difficult to assign the improved udder health completely to the efforts of the program due to the lack of a control group. Nevertheless, investing € 8 million by the Dutch dairy industry in a 5-yr national mastitis control program likely improved udder health and seemed to pay for itself financially.